Anybody familiar with the umbrella story? It is a story of patience, opportunity and redressal. It's about a man who had ordered many umbrellas by mistake and struggled to sell them. Instead of returning them for a fraction of their cost, opted to keeping them.
Rainy season came and out he went with his umbrella and living his life normally. Every day reports came in about the rains not going to break soon, and the solution was for everyone to have an umbrella, and up went his sales and when the season came to pass was a happier business person.
Success is not always about you, it somewhere needs luck and favour, and sometimes a result of a mis-check. The golden ingredients of success to date remain still in approach, people, patience, product, positioning, and redressal. What i want to emphasize is the importance of redressal. We never factor that whenever we talk about elements of success, and that is wrong.
We daily make mistakes and constantly rectify them. It doesn't matter in which side of your life that mistake is made but fact is after its commission there's a rectification. In business, the mistake we keep making is failing to call a mistake as a mistake and opt calling it by many nice names to make it light and acceptable, but truth is we only kill our chance at redressal.
What we lack is honesty in pointing at selves and allow being pointed by others for our mis-checks. We instead blame those below us, to make selves feel better. Why don't we visit the truth room in our minds during such times? Why don't we navigate our souls for answers in isolation? Reality is we won't because it'll only make us realize we are nothing different from the next below us and we too should be told how wrong we are.
How many truth telling advisors do you know who are rich? Reason is, the bosses don't keep the type too long on their payrolls. Bosses want those who make them look good and take their falls so they experience no stoppage to their earnings streams. Bosses want no person who reduces them to their level or below, it's called disrespect not advisement. This tells you one thing and that's that those we call leaders aren't ready for redressal.
Redressal is about self knowing of errors made, self admission to role of self in the erring, concurring with the next's blame on us and their solution for amendment, saying it out where you erred and apologize, and being active from the front in rectification thereof. Redressal is not about damage control but rather reputation protection, not about shifting accountability but rather individual and collective responsibility, it's not about cost cutting but about looking beyond numbers, not bullying the victims but being human enough to engage the wronged and restore their dignity before your image restoration. It's about you humbling self and being given a second chance before you forgive yourself. It's about a healing process of both you and the next involved.
Let's learn to schedule sessions with our egos, learn to stand afore our achievements in acknowledgement of others' roles in making us, learn to be more patient with others' mistakes same way we expect them with ours, learn to take heed of our past miscalculations as lessons into our future, learn to be honest in being open about our wrongful convictions, learn to want those seeing us for persons we are around us to aid our groundedness, let's learn to allow for us to be shaped as we forge ahead and shaping others for our growth and theirs, let's learn the value of redressal because it's a good basis for our success as leaders.
In conclusion: business is personal, and needing the courtesy you expect unto your person equalled to it, reason enough you need your all before it gets your all in redressal in order to beat any hurdles in your way of success. Patience a vital virtue to your entrepreneurial spirit that but without redressal like adding water into a dried paint container and expect it to be revived,,,useless...
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