Mental notes

Mental notes are pointers on a host of common issues related to business and life in general. I hope that you will learn from them and give feedback thereafter so we together grow. Thanks for your constant visits and comments. Enjoy,,,and oh, and please don't mind the flow of the writing style...

_vision execution; if effort machinery doesn't understand the vision even after your given clarity, discard the vision or simplify it. the challenge with undertaking what they don't understand is a futile exercise. as a leading candidate for that vision, you ought to be the first in line to enliven it. your associates and peers should learn from you on how to sell, live and grow into that vision. it but at times mean you have to test your TEAM to see if they are a fit in that oftentimes you find that they aren't. a vision if misaligned can easily be a good tool to derail an entity's objective. its execution needs constant attention to monitor its implementation coarse, and in making sure it's done right, none other than you should do it. be that leader, captain your ship...dp

_lead from your follow; maybe it's time now we advow that there's also leadership in patronage. with tiers layering forth on types of leadership, one finds self behind forefront warriors of innovation, bravery, academia, artistry, and other sorts, but free to forge a path in followership. leadership is a blurred line in superiority and a fine line in seniority, a mirage mirrored for the popularity test takers. same as with money, if you force it to beline your pockets it never oblige, but volunteering to swell en masse the pockets of the attraction attentives. lead from where you are to hoard attention and attraction will soon follow and you too will be a leader of something to someone. just believe in what you cheer for and build a niche of, and you'll master soon the cult leadership is, to open the lid on the status forge in allegiance thereof. it takes not much but less effort on pro-popularity to propriet eliticism felt by those aligned with your course to gazette a proprio agenda of monetization out of. purpose your following for a reason...dp

_family vision; many a businessperson have been in touch with many families in their journeys as friends or associates or partners, and some of the lessons learnt being the collection of personal choices locked in a union of akin vision to compound on existent and non-existent social debt depending on their value systems. when doing business with a family you need to adjust so you match the dynamism that comes with it. key binds with that such setup is secrecy, common love, shared growth, and ethicality propositions. the fabric of social conduct is of high demand in that you build everything with family vision as the central focus point. to deviate from common philosophy of common love and family vision focus have a potential of undesirable outcomes. learn and stick to theirs, with your approach being of strategic mating to their value system. every head of an entity has a vision of what they lead, and anyone who tows the line, left to happily benefit forever, and so, be likewise for the sake of your entity growth from your collective growth...dp

_participation and contribution ratio; if you have been observing the agendas of our governments in terms of education, you're to agree with me that it ain't about collaboration but rather competition amongst scholars. the legacy damage our education does, especially in developing economies, is a near impossible to rectify. not so long ago i came across a clip on Tiktok about that, and it took me to the topic of participation and contribution ratio. if you can check how contribution isn't validated in many entities is shocking, they take it that it's covered by salary as its virtue. a lot of high performing employees are found in TEAMs but wrongly be praised alone in exclusion of those who made the final stage be a success. we tend to not care about the whole contribution chain. many award winners don't deserve the glory anointed upon them, as the most deserving being the very quiet entry point employees who never wet their prides for their hard work. the quick solution to this is deployment of the PnC ratio. while in some industries and entities it's used to secretly punish high valued contributors to hype up the favorites who mostly non-performing, this will help measure the true potential and contribute in real of every player in the TEAM if used intuitively in promoting meritocracy and equitability. it's imperative to gauge to the latter the real economy of your workspace, and by implementing that a good way to analyze the true value creators in the value chain and be better positioned to reward those accordingly. get down and dirty to unlock that value blocked by disgruntlement so you can add more to your bottomline. encourage TEAM spirit and silently applying strategic individualistic performance indicators...dp

_signs of bad leadership; as a leader you're by default expected to behave in a certain way normalized. true tell, we aren't dieted to the unusual type, thus we treat the quirked extra-ordinaires in an extraneous manner. but that a highlight not making the bunch we are congressing over now, so, let's set aside the good ones and cast our corneas on these ones, the bad leaders and the signs of bad leadership. we are being led by a lot of characters with varied personas but then there be those who just don't fit the plit of the leadership par excellence. a leader has to be someone who can sustain relations, be appreciative of others' effort, be a captionate embracer of failure, a charismatic sample being, a patriot spirit, a firm self-believer in all situations, and an impartial meritorious practitioner, and any one that doesn't display any of such a possessor of bad leadering traits. there's a reason they say a leader ain't cut from a normal cloth, and why not every of them can lead successfully. invest in consistent self-development and you'll gradually climb the ladder of propitiousness for there's no short cut to headship maturity and grandeur of being sans hard work on your person. take your time on self and patiently deal with any major soft and hard skills hurdles that you eminently need attention of for your success as a leader. good signs of leadership aren't make believe but rather of genuine intent through and through, so, be careful of signs of rogue leaders who are after quick glory with not care of damage their constant misimpressions cause...dp

_plan with binary results in sight; I often hear people who tend to mistaken 360 planning as a negative thinking. if you are about to embark on a project, it's best you go in with prior readiness of positive and negative outcomes to avoid time loss or opportunity loss. with a 360 plan you approach an activity with practicality. this is through a look into all angles to the opportunity. we all want positive results from anything we invest our resources into, and but at times leaving behind a room for a negative lesson out of it. remember to factor in a host of possibilities both good and bad and weave counter solutions with room for disappointment in place mated with way out next therefrom. listen to voices of reason if you are not planning to fail. be open minded and your approach will check out always...dp

_sync updates for uniform stakeholder engagement; moving office, changing systems, switching model, or any other upgrading or degrading in the company, there is a need for it to be communicated to all stakeholders. any information that will result with inconvenience to the stakeholders is vital to be put out there for them to be in light of it. to ensure that everyone got the message, you must publish the change in all platforms possible to reach everyone. failure to do so can distort confidence in those connected to it. however small the change may seem, it but remains significant to be known in time to allow for interaction with relevant guides for implementation. avoid confusion in all dealings with the publics, no matter the significance of it. this also in improving the perception of transparency and efficiency of an entity, a positive for any success wanting concern...dp 

_doff price off the product; whether it is a service or a product, start to no longer use the price when selling to your prospects. in your pitch you may do away with mentioning price directly as a word. saying "for a once off investment of" rather will work wonders if tried. mating value to the commitment left in their hands for choice, a good strategy that shows you trust them more with the responsibility of delivering you a sale. using the keyword 'investment' means you offer value and return on sale than it be seen as an expense on purchase. the sales psychology is about such maneuvers. the trick is to make a purchase feel like a wise decision ever and secondly making the consumer treasure the acquired product or service. be cautious but firmly sensitive where amount is involved...dp

_return on debt; it never gets talked about much as it should and but is so important to anyone in business. oftentimes you hear some successful business figures mention how they make money out of debt and wonder how. me too are still doing my homework on the subject and now sharing the least I know of it. in debt taken out there should be some return on the risk and it's called return on debt. its ratio is one of the profitability measures to work out the net profit generated by the entity relative to the debt. at the end of the day you must determine the contribution of the borrowed resources to the overall growth of the entity. this metric is unfamiliar to most in that it's unpopular to investors as they prefer return on equity or return on capital deployed because both includes debt instead of return on debt. how to calculate it is by required rate of return = weighted debt + weighted equity x cost of equity...dp

_own your future; what is future to you? it's a question we don't ask selves quite often enough with that much deserved conviction it befits given how many ways we talk it cheap. my contention is in the limitedness of us in viewing it. you talk future they talk tomorrow, but is future only about that? how about we imagine it differently? future is a mainstay topic of focus in the daily vocabulary of successful people, yet we still afford to take it for granted. future is an occurrence of certainty that needs planning for, at any given point in one's life. what I'm trying to highlight here is the significance of lessening upcoming failure if not cheat comeuppance, in so to say. anything that's got to do with the next moment occurrence needs accountability and responsibility from one, and in line with making things happen, should prioritize time in it. future holds a lot for us, and that alone is big yet not respected. we dream, wish, plan, promise and risk, all with hope lied on future, but now, why are we still not fearful of our actions to our deeds connected to our tomorrow's tie ups? we must be cautious of that all the time in that future is like a shadow, it never leaves you. how you think about yours is important as well and also dependent on your willingness to see it bright with your shine. what's not emphasized broadly though is in how future shapes us and events via its hidden circumstances, and as such dictational to our sold mold. it reeks of moral code in opting for life or death of soul's. one thing you must make sure of is that you protect and own the future you hope for with thy vision of self. be wise to be smart enough about living in full the choices you make in your pursuit to be successful. start first by choosing to own your future, to have your life...dp

_fight for your flag personally; the trend of fielding foreign participants in sporting squads a norm nowadays. it gets justified by use of quota and other fancy terms to hide admission of wrongdoing. truth is, if a country is represented by foreign nationals, it ain't heading anywhere to plainly put it. you can't expect an outsider to fight against their fellow countrymen for your win. they'll any day choose their flag glory before any that's foreign to them no matter what the reward is. go in selves onto the field and fight for your country's flag, there is true honor and pride in that. the same is with biznes. you need to practice to prioritize fielding your fellow countrymen in any and all key strategic positions when you go out to fight and see your country emerge victorious. nepotism or not, let them name it however they may for at the start of it it's your risked investment on your vision for which when gone south none will be there to compensate you for, except gossip endlessly about you labeled another failure. multinational entity leaders do that all the time, they play anti to what's right by the book for what is just for their risk. how it's always been done from ever since then was by first to start with deployment of tried and trusted incumbents and to then merit appointments thereafter. trying to go about it your way might win but many a times not worked. have your support pillars in first to secure your brand and logo, and have the lot of strangers come in as agents of loyalty and growth...dp

_doing biznes in bad faith; everyday we encounter a lot of people in a lot of dealings in the world of business. sometimes we encounter good ones and at times bad ones, but then we also meet up with the clueless and the gullible. it might present to you a temptation to hit the score and go the other way, but, it's doing that is wrong. doing business in bad faith is uncalled for. some of the acts of such includes charging fees per one's status and appearance, taking money under false pretext, etc. treat everyone alike as you never know where your luck is. it may take you long for your startup to make it but with a reputation that is solid, you're sure to rake it in forever once you strike that chord with your target audience...dp

_choice vs option; a lot of people struggle with this. some even use them interchangeably but they are actually not similar. option is a thing or someone put up as available for a selection or decision on. there may be 1 option, or 2 or many depending on the subject. with choice, it's what you decide on. you have a choice to make over which option you feel is best given the circumstances. choice is based on a decision made on options one have. so, as a player in the world of business, you ought to be in the best ever position and it goes with you on how you see it but, fight to beat being an option and be the best and first choice to almost every service seeker. easier said than done, but with determination it's doable...dp

_know your biznes neighbors; many a times it may be viewed as being too nosy but knowing your biznes neighbors is one of the big steps to take in taking care of your biznes. this starts from when going into the premises, you ought to be having a clue whom you are next to as it's important to you. one may ask how? the biznes neighbor is your ticket to your both failure or success, this in how they treat their environment, their clientele target, their traffic leads, their market reputation, their brand perception, and its owners and their associates. you ought to be aware of the reasons why the previous tenants moved out, how long they've been there, their relationship with the biznes neighbors and the location crime stats are important as well. building a successful biznes is riddled with a host of factors, and one of those are these ones. if you are to find out that you are trading next to a group of druglords, what are you to do if already having had invested your all in the space? again, understanding your biznes neighbor's biznes model might come in handy as it'll tell you if you are well positioned or not. knowing that type of neighbors you're trading next to is of utmost importance, and reasons advanced already are just part of it, and but if care to take your time to research success factors for any biznes, are to sure uncover a lot more I assure you, but the bottom line is to know your biznes neighbors before committing to the location...dp

_LTM/TTM vs YTD; Last 12 Months or Trailing 12 Months, both used interchangeably, simply refer to the yield percentage that investors receive from the company's turnover for the past 12 months invested in. this does not factor the year but rather the period in consecution of months thereof. this in a nutshell meaning that if we were to calculate from June 2023, we will go back in count and stop at May 2022. what gets analyzed is the total revenues for the trailing 12 months divided by the average total assets. with the YTD or Year To Date yield, analysis only focus on the current calendar year's performance of the company. these 2 gets confused at times and cause wrong results due to that in determining the TTM P/E ratio...dp

_treat your relations accordingly; ignorance a stupid reason to any 'why' from a reasonable person I'd like to believe, but not taking away your right to exercise yours, though yet not right. how you relate with others is a tool of sale that is often underrated but in fact shouldn't be. we meet through others and connect, and as such, how we carry on after introduction very crucial to our future with those people. given how you meet, doesn't say it'll end there or as that way, as it has the potential to develop into something more. the relationship can either be circumstancial, conditional or opportunistic, and no matter what its nature is, has but the chance to grow. nurturing relationships is one of the core traits of a leader, that you too should have...dp

_call taking and contact change; the world is evolving at the speed of light and so is the world of biznes. in so saying, meaning there's a lot of new that keeps kicking out the old in the game as we know them, but with some remaining as the main stayers like contacts and call taking. it should be known as not-to-dos to any new entrants into the game that not answering your fone calls and constantly changing your both contact number and contact details as an alarm to those who may have to do biznes with you. none has any confidence in any person who from time to time comes with a new fone number or address and also at times not answering their calls, especially if they don't know the number of the caller. keeping the same contact details and picking up calls in spite of not knowing whom the caller is, is an attractive conduct in doing biznes. in biznes, we may meet this year and but need your services the following year, and what will it say if you are no longer using that number? warning signs are from anything off the norm and spotted everywhere. people in biznes tend to be cautious of such things. word of mouth a danger to brand repute, and worse to personal brand. don't do what'll damage your career. in a case of having your fone lost or due to crime stolen, replacing the fone together with your number is the wisest thing to do. it's questionable to see or hear of any person who is in the habit of changing numbers and addresses in today's standards in that we link everything personal of ours to our fone number and in some cases our address, this includes email address as well. be what's good for your growth by doing things right, starting today as we at times complain about things not going right without looking at what we do wrong in the process. now, go out and play on the fields and see its imperfections from the point of things done to the latter, good luck with your biznes...dp

_be duty bound to honor; it goes without saying that any person who honors not their word isn't worth the effort to impress. this especially in the case of a leader. in every seal of promise you make, be sure that you fulfill the promise. there's nothing as painful as being held ransom by someone with a promise that to later be broken. learn to be bound by your word. the return on a fulfilled promise might not be vivid at face value but one that goes a long way unimaginable. how people wish good over evil on you a blessing we at times ignore or downplay, but very much impactful. it's a cost to make someone smile or be happy, though it's widely spread as of no cost to make one smile but not factoring the degrees of that. it may be of insignificant cost to one but to another be, and but of value to the recipient. what is but is of utmost importance is being duty bound to honoring whatever that you have promised to someone, however insignificant it may be coz your integrity intactness is far important at the end of the day, so, do what's of build to your character and personal repute. one thing to mention is that even if you don't get a win from your promise fulfiment, it's honorable to go back to the one you promised and inform them with reasons thereto if necessary to, and see how appreciative they'll be just for that coz it shows quality of your character and that alone enough to make one hppy in spite of the negative outcomes therefrom...dp

_be clear on targets; one of the big fails that strangulate startups and small entities is not being clear on communicating their targets. when you brief your TEAM on targets you expect from them, state set figures and fight for adherence to them by consistently monitoring outcomes for comparison recordal. while it may be viewed as being dictational in approach, but, being there each step of the way with them is the best move to make. for those who are direct it's easier to them to get better outcomes as their ability to guide people allowing them to hold their teams liable for their return on expectation or RoX...dp

_connected office loophole; with tech-savvy being one of the buzz words of the century I'd like to believe, comes next connectedness and mobility. it started with vehicles then to public use spaces like malls, hotels, schools and homes, and just recently to bizneses. as much as we can applaud that, there remains a challenge to that though. how safe is your data in that? old lock up and go is slowly becoming replaced by the detect n lock/unlock technology or sense n lock/unlock for instance. connectedness of late jumped into also the space of energy share in the form of V2H and V2G charging tech whereby a vehicle can turn into a power backup for your home or an office. good as it sounds, thieves do advance with tech and can breach your security same way as it's done with vehicles. the shared data may be compromised and a lot can be in danger of tampering. thing is, how protected is your connectivity? some of you have devices and gadgets paired to your homes and vehicles, and now to office, and now, think of the loss you may encounter should that info be attacked by cyberpunks. you may be insured for such but not to cover your data back at times even with sophisticated data recovery softwares and systems I heard, so, be safe with your personals and corporate classifieds...dp

_a leader of type; with so many trait types of personality, you tend to ask oneself which is best suited to being a people's leader. the secret to good leadership isn't a definitive one. our personalities stem out of characters that we are, meaning what you are is a result of who you are. but then, there're other factors that contribute influence on the being as a leader of your type, and that being the zodiac sign, totem symbol and the archetype one is. when you lead, it tests all of those in you. a leader is many things to those whom are in experience of them. whom you get to experience in any can never be the same person everytime yet same individual. external factors aren't in our control and how they get dealt with when received not asame, and that is when the line between the two gets to come out. how an individual in lead responds or reacts, will write to you itself out. there're leaders who prefer shielding their true being by a persona deployed. thus done not by choice at times, but because of a lot of reasons that meets more than an ordinary eye's reach and an average mind's comprehension, in that those in lead mold their beings in some cases in answer to how people are to them for professionality, civility or relatability sake. we all know to what length we can go to protect our images, and same is with a leader, they shield their individuality. being a leader translates to being a representative of something, and as that, screaming a figure of authority. so, dependent on the side of flection you find self placed, judge not afore exploring the type of person whom is in lead. truth occasionally is, we at most likely miss the obvious for the unobvious, simply because of maybe misalignment with their reflection or their person at state. and, to be able to be connecter friendly with anyone in lead, arm yourself with tools of readiness to learn, share self and collaborate sans any limits but drawing boundaries, and the leader of their type will eventually present itself to you. don't judge, just apply yourself to the course...dp

_know whom you deal with; it might cast a shadow of doubt on your duty to believe, but, where you're a client you ought to be and behave as one. if you may not be getting it right, do simply create the culture of getting attended to by particular persons at each service center that you're used to receiving assistance from. this is good for you in times of complaints and complex queries, and the good relations you build over time comes in handy for you in terms of various privileges like direct escalations, speedy resolutions, timeliness, and many other protocol and procedure bending ways that are not afforded just about everyone. when we talk about family in organizations, we do actually mean such relationship types as well. if you want to stay an irrelevant regular at any service center, allow self to be serviced by everyone and but day will come that you will see when you struggle with track of your account details and history, enquiry, etc. that you're to see the important aspects of the difference. be wise, do your things same your agents and consultants do. it's not shady but effective...dp

_monetization priming; what's priming? and what's monetization? priming in biznes terms is the peak of one's stound in their thrive, while monetization (not to be confused with monetarisms) is the utility of something that's of value for profit, mostly associated with knowledge. the two concepts when interfused an intefadah takeover of the sole. it but not say it's an obvious case where timing prevails not, as you need that to break through. it's no secret that we're in that age of knowledge mining, and therefore money is made differently. the challenge now that's seen being experienced by the targeted monetees is a voluminous myriad of unusable half cooked content by monetizers who comes into the fold with perceptions of easy money to make online with nothing new or repeated other contributors' work. look at motivational phrases for instance, almost all of the content is similar, pushing good vibes and positivity. but, why can't we find a site dedicated to vitiation phrases for once? by that, I don't mean negative motivation, but dark, sad stuff that lifts the spirits of the odd pack. if you are to monetize, be liberated from the norm. but, before I deviate from the topic, most of the stuff we come across is of people who are still too crude to sell content, or too early for cashing in on their knowledge or content while they're still at their level of offering value to build their credibility. deploy the modicum content strategy as bait than to start with expectation of subscription earnings with nothing for people to feed on. to start monetizing, you ought to be sure of what you're populating, mindful of the fact that with monetization, you aren't selling content only, but are selling also you as a personal brand if not doing it for an entity, as with an entity it's a corporate brand. think about that reputation always. there're but other avenues outside of the usual norm of online monetization like consulting and packaging yourself for availability on company boards or for partnerships. to be a partner in a biznes no longer require monetary capital, but also knowledge capital or intellectual resourcing. this should make you look at investment in a new way with relation to monetization. offline monetization can be less appealing to some but rewarding in that it's engaging personally on a physical level, even if it be virtual, you get to be there in person to do your thing. when you're at your career prime it's good to monetize much as you can...dp

_appropriate after work call times; this's one silent family killer of note that many are comfortable shielding for the sake of keeping their jobs. a big percentage of us do know that late night calls from work have a bearing on relationship tiffs, and at times lead to even separations or worse divorce. you need to set ground rules pertaining to such when you start out at work to avoid future misunderstandings resultant from failure to attend to such issues. have a clear rule on time to contact you at home during work days and off workdays like weekend and holiday. this though, should be in line with one's job nature and title, and should be straight at home about your scope and its responsibility demands on your side from the beginning. use your interview to sift through such thorny afterthoughts that're swept under the carpet during then and be hoping to later on deal with them as they have the tendency to see you part ways with your meal ticket. talk out smallies more than biggies like the kind of shoes to wear at work, your being left-handed, the type of chairs your back only allow, atop call times as it's vital to start a relationship with openness. leave it in their hands for them to decide on you for their fit or not, but honesty is key in situations as that. many disputes crept out of such smallies that got promoted quickly by tensions brewed from lack of openness. say it, however awkward to the next, it doesn't matter what they make of it, but it'll be out in the open and free you from future unnecessary tensions...dp

_meeting participatory; when you are in a space of engagement, be involved. there's a general rule about meetings that you don't stay quiet for too long in a meeting unless you're the decider, so, be a valued participant. to participate though, doesn't mean you're supposed to just stay in each raised point for the sake of saying something, no, say out things that are of relevance, factual and practical. it's a welcome thing to have a voice added but let it not be for show or sake of just saying. doing either or both will be a waste of other attendees' valuable time and effort on their side. be mindful of time on a topic when voicing a suggestion or solution or anything related to respect such, and then be respected in return. a sad reality about a meeting is the fact that you'd end up losing respect at times for certain individuals, especially ones who engage less, as we expect to be wowed by such but only to shamefully hear your brouhaha. when you're a less sayer in meetings, please think more before you raise your hand as you tend to be listened to more than it is with others, but that not saying refrain from saying. do note that nodding and throwing in fillers forms part of engagement in participation, and but, when you say out your thought in the most less active way of it, do so, with but your tiny input as well as it could prove to be fruitful than having said nothing at all...dp

_imposing your faith on others; it may to some be heard and taken otherwise, but the truth is, you can't enforce your beliefs and customs on others in the workspace, it's uncalled for. issues of faith, tradition, religion and spirituality, ought to be central in the process of shaping company culture with relation to practices in aspects of operations of the business, unless there be a compromise of bind or civility to help establish the common basis of such amongst the TEAM. bear in mind that not everyone says hallelujah or amen in their family or individually, and as such should refrain from applying a one-size-fits-all approach in the space of work. it extends to even politics and any other form that's expecting allegiance of another. for the sake of harmony in the workspace, each should be engaged on that and if not then have a uniform company culture that'll blanket all. in actual fact, the culture of an entity saves a lot of troubles in that it dwells in none's practice unless the core of its establishment was based on such, but other than that it's a neutral practice of uniform behaviour and mindset shaping. learn to be accommodating of others sans tolerance but empathy and liking, as love in the workspace a hard ask universally, so, cut denominatory thinking and adopt practicality and neutrality for harmony in your commonality. push for common motivation than religion based quotations, and harmony will prevail in the workspace...dp

_expectation management; it doesn't have to matter where it's based on, but expectation gets expected all the time at the end where delivery or performance is promised. but then, there be another kind of expectation, good behaviour. the issue of mannerisms is one that's touted last yet in the forefront of relations. then, if it doesn't receive the attention it deserves, thence be trouble ahead. when you live with people there's automatically that expectation of good conduct from you all the time, but then at time be failure to have room reserved for disappointment with that regard. expectation carries a lot of disappointing results that as a reasonable being should prep for always. to do that best, you have to manage your expectation out of everything that's hope laced, otherwise you won't emerge still in pristine shape. know that people change thoughts, are easily influenced to switch, or anything certain to go wrong, and as such actions then be different from then. a classic example of expectation management is in sales, moreover those banking on presumptive sales. it almost all the time end in tears for those, so, cast your net with knowledge it may go either way, and you'll be alright...dp

_safety on call outs; the safety aspect of going to other people's spaces of work and comfort is one that's at the back of the mind for many of us. when you do a call out job you need to first be aware of the location and its inhabitants behaviour before going there. be it a work space for someone or at home, you have to be safely prepped for anything there. the crime levels are up and stats are ever on the rise. call outs should be properly recorded and have constant monitoring to have track of everyone's safety and those of the people attended to. it should register to even someone who has a bad mind to be cautioned that the person/s out there are under surveillance watch and deter them. that also boosts the confidence of the field jobber. there must also be a cover for call outs to encourage jobbers and an added benefit of call out allowance will do the trick. take care of your staff and they in turn will take care of your livelihood for its sustainability...dp

_starting over after a fallout; it's one of the results of human relations, and having pitfalls from life's hecks now and then is a big roler as such in the village of co-existence. if you aren't ready for your relationships to realize ups and downs, you just need to know it's only possible if you plan on living alone. fact is, life with others will always throw at you challenge after the other for you to learn from, grow from, and strengthen your character from, whilst also building your capacity to deal with decisions on what to compromise on, whom to discard, where to forgive, why it's important to think the way you do according to how you feel from the fussy situation or experience. you ought to bear in mind that you have to always pull up from your falls and seek means for your stability in such challenges. it however one may look at it, be what makes life interesting after all. but then, there's big 2 questions now that arise out of this which is how to repair the damage, and where to after then? with a recess and a refined mentality, remorse may be the only plan of action for a retake. it also remains not a farfetched corrective action for one to either self elect to running the polls of their apology campaign and tally not their times of attempts but keep apologizing profusely if valuing the relationship by countlessly sitting on the door of the wronged and humbly read them a rhetorical apology speech which tailors the way forward manifesto, or simply say your sorries through a delegation. writing your wrongs is crucial, as is retracting for a rightful take, it helps in guiding you to the best way out most of the time. and but, always remember that if it ain't allowing for mend, honorably walk away and see what happens after to show both respect for them and of self. leave it as your sole remedial action for sake also of peace, with a clear conscience to your starting over after a fallout...dp

_invest in yourself;  word out there says that tire never doing more for your image and its personal brand. it's not a secret that you are the capital hoarder of your love, attention, time, knowledge, and investment, and none should have more than your own allocation if you're to see yourself happy and progressive in life. it ain't rocket science how others got it right with themselves on their images and personal brands. it's a replicable step that you too advisably can favour self with. do you to the point of others getting envious with your organic growth. feed yourself unconditionally and continuously coz none think of doing so with you, except your bearer. prioritize your project of self-capitalization and settle in the joy of it. the reflection of self-capitalization shines fashionably to the scrutiny eyes of opportunity bringers and opportunity seekers alike for your inclusion in the kraals of the success compound. it starts hard but in time becomes first nature and then rewards kick in. so, invest in yourself, it's what attracts...dp

_pitch correction; there're times when you find yourself in the middle of a pitch that is losing its plot. it's a phenomenon that is know yet not normalized as it ain't a way to go, no. if, for some reason you're well aware that it's offramping, be open to the panel for a different verse you intend indulging them on sans critiquing your team's plot. rectifying a pitch require a good practice of etiquette for courtesy advanced your way. deliver a classed decorum that lets the core decoct to salivate recipients to want to devour your edible sellables with a diplomacy afined to executive appeal. mindful you be that a pitch isn't long by nature, and should be as precise and eloquent about it in brief. it's not easy as said, but with repetition a recurrent marlier...dp

_draws earnings; same way there's difference between argument, disagreements and dispute, draws slots in the space of emoluments. Different to salary and wage, draws are but earned income from your business. Draws are a lumpsum withdrawal from the profit in the business, and having the knock off consequence to the value of profit log of the company. Draws are a direct to dividend withdrawal and have no limit to the number of times you may have them in a fiscal year. The draws do not replace salary but can by choice of arrangement do. Draws are a direct value extraction by virtue of their transaction type...dp

_salary cap; this is a subject reserved for sports biznes only, but in essence a topic of interest to the entire biz world. a salary cap has been slept upon in the corporate environment but had suddenly caught a wake-up call from corridor protesters on the high street figures earned by most of our company executives, especially those in incumbency. not to be treated same as a lagniappe, a salary is a constant month to month income and if it's not regulated could end up with disgruntled employees once declared. to be honest, capping salaries and creating a ceiling for them a good commitment by the company to its employees and board in that it assures them sensibility and future thinking of the company. executive personnel earn astronomical figures that many can't even justify but compensated for. with salary cap will surely emerge the issue of C-suite shelf life...dp

_team confidence building; this has for long been one of the dominant topics in leadership and team building activities. it has no format but a formula there is for those practicing in those fields. a team that lacks confidence is unattractive to a potential opportunity and its prospective bringer. there're numerous tools that any team leader may make use of to build the team they're in lead of. team exercises are a good start. to bombard a team with many motivational speeches won't help, motivation is a deceptive, and but individual attention to team and ideal place to draw the line for your success from. the confidence in any team stems from its members' individual confidence, so, as a leader you ought to dig up for SWOTs from that point on and build team players that're worthy to instil your company culture in...dp

_business is for firm sissies; hahaha,,,I knew it's going to be you in the frontline of the protest as usual. but, in essence, biznes isn't for only the rugged hearted, but is for all who passionately want to be in it. for those of you who want in, it's for the best to know beforehand that it burnt others fingers who took it for granted in that it knows of its perfect kind to favour. replace never any of the core essentials inter alia people, system, ideate, adequate capital, knowledge, courage, courtesy, and empathy, as some of many in the mixed bag of requirements. to some, empathy, same as 'sorry' and 'thank you' are a sign of weakness whilst 'I don't know' as clear admission to stupidity and nothingness, but a rare welcome sign of humility, an element that lacks in biznes, hence it's not for sissies by others' standards. but then again, it's for sissies who are prepared to be firm...dp 

_community projects; the source of many headaches if can ask a lot of consultants. when you are a part of a panel or a team member of those helping out in a project that involves a community, go in with a clear mind that you are going to work on a slowed pace than is usual. community projects many a times involve lengthy engagements that to communicate even a slow step to take taking 3 to 4 times it's normal period. with projects of that nature, you ought to be accommodating of many headaches on constant basis, as such ought to be patient. good thing is, community projects are fruitful in terms of earnings from the consultancy service provision perspective, an upside that's so rewarding. it takes time to start similarly to end, but if done right, spreading your good name faster than it does with doing individuals' projects. the openly known danger to such projects is being dishonest, it destroys repute quicker and longer, and may end with criminal charges laid against you that easily. when working with community projects, inform members accordingly, timely, with each afforded an input for mass satisfaction. do it with diligence and courtesy it so deserves, you will reap worthy rewards...dp

_reset cycles; there comes a time in your life where you find self back to the default mode by which point you review and compare individuals and their purposes to your life and those not making the cut facing a discard. a reset is just that. as you grow older there're not everyone and everything that's useful to your growth direction, and by virtue have to clear them out of your system for only those who're useful and resourceful. your criterion may be of your life pace or be of set achievements, in terms of your basis for the reset. others have minor resets of which may be monthly, quarterly or annually, and have major resets timed to medium and long-term achievements. to what you base them on entirely up to you. a reset can be tricky at times in that it has to be firmly rooted on a specific theme, for example; on the life cycles or on decades or on landmark events or even on anchor numbers to set new rules and targets for your self-remodeling on for your vision. one may base aspirations on reset reviews per rounds of world cup tournaments, thus a landmark event, or the other be review set on the turn of each decade, or be that you base yours on life cycles of growth like every 7 years you review, redraw goals, up the vision, discard certain habits, strategies, assets, and people, etcetera for new ones in your life, or be on a specific lucky number or numbers as some puts it, like say having that sentimental number in a year and base your reset on and await its turn on something else other than a year. looking at it, a reset is a bore for many in that it's time consuming and unpopular in terms of decisions, refocus settings, weighing relations, and so forth. what brings about a reset is growth, therefore age is of significance in all the modes, thus saying you're influenced by time and worth. you base your reset on cycles and material, but not on quality of life for many as their principal mode. most people don't care about their health when still in their prime of their earlier days than when in later days of careers or age. this is not to blame but rather to point out the single most important aspect of your reset, your health condition is of utmost importance and as such invest in your lifestyle factoring in your reset atop of time and worth. hope can get killed by your death which was eventualized by your way of living, so do arise from fear of that and acquire bonus time in your life via vitality. be benign to your levity...dp

_plan for your failure; eyebrows raised I see, heads shaking against my nodding, but truth is I am yes hearing myself in case you were wondering. fly away from the negative zone if you're to be successful in life and business, but what about when negative chooses to fly next to your positive zone? the daily occurrences aren't in favour to us always and best way to respond better is learn to be ready for them with positivity in check. The eventuality of success has naturally the eventuality of failure, and if you're not in the mood for that tough luck. you can't go up without thinking of going back down. the laws of nature needs apply to our planning in our lives. in business, it's not a secret that we plan to succeed but so should we do to fail. it seem omenish but suffocating our potential entities as it never was chosen to be put side by side to our planning for success. do plan for failure. what should be highlighted though is that you must structure an execution strategy that isn't against failure but rather for its probability. remember that as bad as failure is made to sound and look, it but used by some as a tool of motivation as you end up with buffers, realistic benchmarking, safety cushions, alternative income streams, all of which are geared towards counterattacking that unwanted result. better growth prepared than not and start forcing people to think outside the box when pressure makes them scatter. don't contribute to escalating leadership vacuum thriving of late, burst its bubble by simply planning positively as well negatively ahead for a balanced plan of execution and growth thereof...dp

_feeling unattractive to appreciation; life in career is a hot and cold fair, and time to time you need to pause and check how you're doing. with so many career paths to follow, one of the hardest being business, one must definitely look out for some of the important factors of success in that sphere. you function better when you're sound and proper, and by that it means that your health mentally, physically, emotionally are good, before we skip to other factors. to be healthy you need support from your self, family, friends, partners and associates, then the locals. then, there's something that we at times take for granted in our career lives and that's being appreciated. nothing beats that, and we tend to turn a blind eye to that. if you're ever made to feel your efforts are going to waste there's no way you'll still perform at the rate you did prior to such realization. if you're in a career that puts you in charge of teams of staff or a group of individuals, please do sure with your might to make them feel appreciated all the time for both your health and theirs. reality is, if a subordinate is made to feel unattractive to appreciation, they start to underperform, and when they do that start to affect productivity outcomes that in turn will affect your happiness of which if sustained results in health issues. as a leader you've got a task of chief which is keeping your subordinates happy. for you to be attentive to praise, lead a path of making others feel same and your tenure will be one to go down history as one of the most important in the success story of your entity. be the match, lit positively through your attitude and growth will fill your envisioned footprint spaces fully...dp

_bound opportunity; there're times when we do find that an opportunity is in our vicinity but us because of not having the right attitude, then be keeping it at bay. it remains a big challenge for some to keep an opportunity that they've attracted. you need to get aligned with the opportunity for it to be materialized otherwise it'll remain bound to where it came from. one thing certain about opportunity is that should it be open to you for too long without you availing yourself, it surely pass on to the next one with room for it, same as what happens with an idea. opportunity is won and kept most by you through your attitude. in order for you to be ready for opportunity you must be prepared to learn to earn. it may not be clear enough but do what's to you likable by any opportunity bringer in their book of 'positive to possibly position' and you won't encounter a bound opportunity. don't short live the thrill, live it to the fullest by being attractive to the opportunity...dp

_selling self; it might sound easy until you have to do it. it's true when they say: "you can cross a river through with words, but fail your words when time comes to cross" and that's exactly the case with this topic. selling yourself ain't simple as with another person, and so, the best way to selling yourself is by doing good all the time. there are those who can sell their selves but not all can sell selves best than they'd do others or vice versa. much as it is though, you can't always be waiting on another to sell you. you need to have an approach on how you sell the who or what you are, that's first and key. at times, selling self is a choice that some captionate 'opt in' or 'opt out' sadly, but choose to represent yourself better. To sell you is big a deal to favour self with, do that since none'll do it best...dp

_deal sealing dynamics; the topic of deal making is one that's filled to brims with fascinating technicalities that are never ending. the thrill it presents, a honable rarity only a sponge squeeze gets honor masters of titlement to. when you venture into an onslaught of deal making you need to know that it's not about the hard skills only, if not coupled with soft skills, but also about sterlingly polished switch skills. switch skills are comprised of power effectuation and duende depth. switch skills are crucial in the process of sealing the deal, with what is termed an appetizer. to have an open deal that has no proper closing is not a perfect one. a deal has some elements of cementing to it fashioned in tulip wraps of bonding and pacts, where you have to just have a specialist in your corner specifically for that as you may in the short run still be finding yourselves in the battlefield for the very same deal. there's no other way to it, and that's what you'll never get in school (chasing seals in deals), a secret for your long-term keeping of contracts and guaranteed high client retention. and if you're lucky to be favoured by fortunes of the school of life through scoring self a mentor, know it for sure that you're one highly secured tyke if they're to trust you enough to let your earlobe have a brush with such sensitive truths to realities of business in terms of deal making. if you aren't yet favoured with such delicacies of the crop cores, may shake the branch first to test if the stalk may allow a swing. mind you, it's an artistic affair hence sifts are in place in that there're surtopics that are only shared to you per your maturity levels displayed with regards to your capacity of knowledge advanced, attitude towards ethics and morality, and constant approach towards social issues collage. it's always about how you create your own luck when it comes to the rack of dynamics array of deal making and sealing...dp

_every job is serious; there's a norm in our society to belittle other jobs. to some extent, others don't even associate with certain individuals because of their jobs or their job titles as they're inferior to their standards. trust me, every job title is important and deserving respect in spite of its earning potential. whether it be a direct or indirect job, formal or informal, it's worth pointing out that it gives dignity and brings peace to a household, though there're some elements in certain homes that don't value that and at the end have no peace because of the jobs others do. what we need to accept is that we can't do same things in life and we can't be of same in talent, and as such everyone has their path to follow and should support in respect unconditionally what they do and love being. we should endorse each's job and ride the pride wave with them at that. at times you hear people say there're non essential jobs, but then which are those and which aren't. each job though not critical is but essential, so, let's learn to appreciate everyone's and focus on doing ours better...dp

_growth in partnerships; the myth about failure of partnerships should be quashed already. there're people who are busy putting doubts into minds of others with the aim of discouraging them, and to some extent it does work as there're those who decided against their ideas. to be honest, there's no better way to grow your entity without others. it may be in any form but partnership starts with your stakeholders and with exposure and time get together with other players whom you share a common vision, to create a plied synergy. with a partnership you get better reach as you tap into each other's pool of consumer base and save in resource sharing, and many other great and boundless positives that come with joint campaigns and co-ownerships. what i can say to you is, go ahead if you were thinking of partnership and if you've dropped the idea, to go back to it and review it. trust me, there're big gains than there're losses in partnering with another entity, just that it should be with the right partners and with the rightful intentions for it to work. show the nay sayers that it's possible if done right because there's growth in partnerships...dp

_timing on celebration; we all know how good it feels to close a deal, but knowing the timing thereof is crucial for your success. it's important to celebrate a deal when you have the ink dotted lines endorsed in initials and cursives. the same could be said again about a sale, it is done when money is received and the product issued. to be found with a deal or sale celebrated prematurely happens in the world of business, but can be avoided by sticking to those two simple principles of trade. what you need to know is what it means for the next to say "it's a deal" or "I'll take it" all the time. deals differ and so are the deal makers in that there're terms of reference and conditions to be met in many a deal, so, be clear about what you negotiate on and agree on. the damage that may arise from your failure to do so may prove to be tantamount in some cases, so be clear on such. when all check out, get your first foot in before publicizing it to the world that you have a deal done, say so only after you're sure. this is most important when in your first ever deal to broker as it's your make or break. take your time, do it right, and say it out late for celebration if needs be. be thoughtful always that walls have ears and hush hushes have a way of creeping out if not keep the silent mode on mute before it goes on vibration auction. truth is, the very deal you struck in daylight may get a twist in nighttime to no deal in the morning for you, so be on alert all the time...dp

_presentation prepping; this goes to what you're going to present for and whom you're to present to. presentations differ and but one thing that's common about them is the format. you have to know your content in detail and lay it out not in full as that'll leave you with nothing to present. present less and explain more to give a picture of your vision, or idea, or product, with clear tailored info on subjects like ownership structure, demographics, benefit model, timelines, etc. have someone prior for a test with you for a demo presentation to gauge your readiness to engage and interrogate the presentation for possible questions that may be questioned. search the internet for tips on how to tackle presentations of your line for more guides. presentations are a make or break of your success, and should therefore think of anything and everything to put in your pitch for a good impression. also, what's important is to never pretend to be knowing what you do not, and again, should never hesitate to ask for repeat of questions where you had not hear it, that is because it's commendable to. go out and represent. good luck...dp

_unilateral partnership vs bilateral partnership; we go into business relationships all the time with many ways to how we are to make it work. one of the ways to making it work should be by questions around the type of relationship you're going to form, whom you're into it with and which is safe for you. if you want a utilitarian business relationship you will go for a unilateral business relationship while if it's the functional business relationship you are to then go for the latter. which is better than the other or meaningful over the other, a classic case of you "remain the judge of it". with a unilateral business relationship you connect solely on business relations and on both social and business relations in the bilateral partnership setup. each has its own upsides and downsides, but both work, just that it depends on who you are and whom they are, and whichever makes sense to you, good luck...dp

_unruly staff; what to do with the staff that doesn't warm up to you after buying in? in many cases it's a behaviour that is synonymous with long-termers in a said entity. when you get in you need to gather intel on such and deal with them quickly before they influence the rest. chances are they are testing your mettle and if let them have their room for that showing off, are then in trouble. at times it's better they start off with uncertainty about your future with them before building any relations with them. good thing is, when going in you have the upper hand and can in the early stages share your distaste for certain soles and your wish would be the command sadly for them, and you won't be the one having to deal with them directly fortunately. if not go for that route, can always make them work double the normal way to make them feel no longer wanting to work there. never let an employee have a field trip any day ever in your business, they should know their place if they weren't taught that at first...dp

_stability in behaviour; learn to be stable in your behaviour. nothing is as boring as a person who has a fluctuating behaviour. when you like a person, you get attracted to them through their behaviour amongst their other qualities, and when you find yourself struggling to relate to that in a person at other times becoming a deal of a challenge. to be stable is important for your many things in your life like success, relations, happiness and favour for you. some people who're behaving strange sometimes finds it hard to keep friends and associates. let people know that you and identify with your realness because if they don't, it's easy for them not to trust you anymore or at all. truth is that, being unstable is suspicious to others at times, while a straight discard from some. work enough on your stability, it's good for your trustworthiness...dp

_brandtapping; the world of business doesn't cease evolving and pushing forth new trends into the space. one of the new branding trends is brandtapping. this is when a new entrant brand mirrors an established brand's awareness strategy but not match it. what the entrant brand does is do what the established brand does but with a twist being that it's in a way different sector. for instance, a new cellphone entrant brand mirrors a campaign of an established car brand, or a new milk producing brand mirrors an established apparel brand. it may cause many rifts but if understood, not a bad potential phenomenon as the sectors are not same...dp

_capital protection; your call account has a reason for its existence. when you invest you do it with the expectation that what you put in will have returns yielded on each capital amount called out. but, what you at times need to be explicitly honest unto self about is, your mandatory duty in the market is not about making money per se, but rather to protect your capital. value shouldn't be extracted from your capital but rather extracted from the material you are in the market space for value add thereto. the expected capital returns on your investment should be from your activity duties towards risk aversion on it. your manner of protection does however dependent on your chosen path into the market, whether it be forex, stocks, LBO, etc. you have to check your leverage limits and liquidity. for you to win in the market you just need that. build self a crown through knowledge that you apply yourself to, in the quest to protect your capital...dp

_incomplete job; it happens a lot in the world of business. what to do when you're not done with the client's order or job? the first things to look into are: the point of completion, the reason for failure to finish, the required extended period needed, and what to report on in terms of progress thus far. any client who with to cancel should be discouraged by gentle persuasion tactics like discount on their bill and any other trick that'll have them off the thought trail of cancellation. it should also be not made a habit to be late on deliveries of your jobs as it's costly on the entity's repute. to avoid future delivery setbacks, your entity should look into setting reasonable target lines that are in check with your workforce scale, project length and type, project leaders, resource allocation be adequate, and any other aspect that may aid smooth delivery to the client...dp  

_alternate for the day; this is a person who can fill the key position of any person and act for the day. the person may be the company's public officer or be any capable member of the board. to be an alternate for the day doesn't equate to a proxy, or a replacement signatory as it isn't one. an alternate acts in role performance but not in vote. anything done on the day by such a person is binding on the position holder...dp

_acceptable and set time for lateness; what constitutes lateness? this is a very valuable question in that it forms part of the meeting proceedings, operations and time management in whole, and in dealing with it penalties, cancellations, and other related forms of discouraging it are put in place. but then, what is acceptable as lateness and what constitutes it is vital. a company policy, or an organisation's constitution should be used to explain that in detail. what can be acceptable in late coming should be 5 minutes, and set as nonpunishable. then if be over that warranting a penalty. a sounding and reasonable apology should be given to lateness of a person. thing is, in some cases late coming is dealt with harshly to an extent of lost opportunity. be mindful of the consequences that may arise from that bad conduct in future...dp 

_in phase vision; when you have a vision, be sure to make it spread in phases. the importance of doing so is for the purpose of tracking your progress in stages. the first phase of the vision is to its operation and timelines be set to start up thereof. the second phase should be dedicated to development and growth. the spread of timelines should be in vision steps that're set with tie to events that aren't local only but rather with geography per the sights set on the phase of the business. the vision should be named, for instance, Vision 2025, Vision 2030 and Vision 2035, and so forth. vision phases should inform the investors of how your expansion plan is laid out. the strategies can be with them included. use phases and your vision won't be scattered...dp

_corrections n additions before adoption of minutes; we all convene a meeting at some point in our lives, and during those meetings there's minutes of the previous meeting if in an on-going concern. there're important parts of a meeting that needs to be attended to prior to getting into the agenda, and one of those items is the additions and corrections of the previous minutes before adoption. minutes are important and therefore should be read out and be added if any other attendee feels a point left out or a certain issue wasn't recorded properly per the discussion, and needs rectified. the same could be said about additions to the meeting agenda...dp

_same table solution approach; any entity that takes its stakeholders to heart when making and taking decisions finds it easy to navigate through issues quicker. the key factor here is thinking with the staff involved as opposed to thinking for staff in absentia. nothing is as fulfilling as being valued and trusted by the employer to the level of being listened to in some key decisions in the operations of the entity. don't cut others out because of the level they're at, the input they can make may bring you to a grand position never imagined before. thought leadership isn't in shiny corporate regalia alone, but does come also in work suits. we all know that incorporating all thoughts a recipe to your failure, but important for you to have a broad array of thought palette to choose from...dp

_mourning in a business; how long can it be possible for a company to mourn its staff, partners and owners? this is one of the most important issues to look into as it has many casualties of hatred under its belt. the mourning of staff is a virtual exercise to the deceased's colleagues in many companies. to jump into the hall of executive suitors is a different course to track. for a company to mourn its staff member is a powerful message to any family member of the deceased to say the least. if a family member is mourned at that level it means that their contribution was valued by the employer before the colleagues and consumers. to any stakeholder it puts a good memory of the company. some things aren't about image but rather about the experience of those the gesture touches, and a move as such a strong statement. it to many won't care how long they may close shop, but what matters is acknowledgement of their lost or departed loved one. for me, a day off with a message put out for all to know that you're closed for the day to mourn an employee is everything. that one day is enough, and also a message throughout the week of 'serving you in honour of' a world to anyone's family. we all know it is a loss to close for the day, but a seed into the consumer you serve. nothing beats conformed humanity to humility no matter the race you are. go on, practice good relations and harvest happiness...dp

_refer to notes religiously; it is worth expressing that going back to your notes is a move that should be encouraged. notes differ, and but are there for a reason. the invaluable tons of stuff you may have can be in the form of an express summary of a textbook, or key pointers from a report, or scribbled mental notes on various topics, but as a body of work that collectively be called notes, and worth going back to them from time to time to tap into refresher information. one thing good about notes is that they're never out of date or irrelevant, so, form a good referral relationship with them...dp

_partners personalities; working around your partners' personalities isn't a bad idea, but a challenge at times for your business growth. we all know about how difficult it is for any leader to navigate through the issue of individual personalities of both partners and staff. it remains still as one of the key differentiators in a leader's style of lead. to manage personalities a tough exercise and a critical skill you need to develop as a leader. the formula for that i don't have, but all there is to it is its impact on them for your accommodation of their strengths and weaknesses, and being able to work with them harmoniously. it ain't easy but an opportunity you can be to the course of its action...dp 

_circle prep for your career success; we all want a life of progress, and we all want our families to be proud of us, and we also want respect and dignity for what we are. but then, there's one question I have for you in line with your aspirations, which is: "how prepared is your family for your future success?" i ask this because it's a serious distortion factor in most of those who have made it. the family puts you under pressure unnecessarily because of their expectations or pride or competition. you should right from the onset of your pursuing of your studies be on a journey with them on how things will be post graduation, what other avenues are there for you should you not make it to the wished for level, in that managing the outcome important as well. prepping isn't an exclusive affair with your family only, it does overlap to friends and key relatives and that's how inclusive it can get. in some cases others do go to the extent of involving their neighbours as well, something that is advisable given your career. for someone's career to work best, they need a broad array of role players in their support shelf. circle prep is a valuable relation exercise that a lot of times gets discarded by ignorance of the role of others that we need for our success. one thing we ought to remind selves of is that success is a hybrid plus phenomenon. what you're to become should be introduced timely prior to its manifestation. whether it be politics, sports and entertainment, business, or any other career path you embark on, it's important you carry your extended's along with you...dp

_the value of choice in consumer's decision; nothing beats the value of a consumer's made to feel ownership in their choice on their decision over a purchase, it's the ultimate empowerment any brand could ever give. for your brand to turn high volumes of consumer retention, one of the factors to that happening should be enabled choice exercise by them on purchasing decision on your products. none'll ever dispute the fact that having a brand that puts their consumer's wallet vote in the consumers' hands is the one to stick with. your consumer wants power to choose and giving that to them a positive feel to them. consumers want that freedom to be, let them enjoy it with your brand. the power of consumer's choice shouldn't be limited to purchase only, but also in their playing with the brand. it doesn't say allow infringement of copyright but rather freedom to engage others in experience and selling of the brand, and reward them for their efforts. sell your brand like a country flag. let everyone have choice of access and ownership of it. it may sound like a small thing but a key factor to the purchaser that shouldn't be taken for granted...dp

_board alignment; when in your entity you have a string of boards and committees as per your business streamlining, what you need to do is align them with your entity's goals. there are entities that have chosen meeting quorum make up over corporate goals and objectives. to have any and all structures of a company pulling in unison is a powerful message to all publics. the boards should also have a link to each other that is in line with the company's executive vision. it is of great importance for any member of any structure of the company to abide by and live by those set regulatory guidelines. truth is, when the high ranking officials of an entity are seen to be the ones walking the lane in right then none in follow will serve walking in left. be the example you set by being self aligned with whatever that it is in place that is meant for others too to do, but first deal with that from the board level, bearing in mind that people are watching and once seen never forgotten even if be forgiven...dp

_the corporate diplomacy policy; it might receive cold calling's anti-love sentiment, just know that, 'cause it ain't easy to approach yet not easy for others to understand. it but is important for a company to have its corporate diplomacy plan developed. also, is the need to have a diplomatic relations officer in place to take charge of all related affairs that are of that nature. such an appointee would be instrumental in undertaking sequential negotiations and linked parallel negotiations head-on. the world of business is moving rapidly towards the globalist approach in almost all spheres, and what best way to navigate through diplomatic conflicts and crises than by a blanketing response thereof via a corporate figure in that familiar territory? the company may, given its size, appoint two cadres in that space in the guise of a Corporate Diplomatic Officer for both internal affairs and national agendas, and with a Diplomatic Relations Officer overseeing international agendas. but then, smaller ones may crawl first with the CDO and to advance in time to DRO if expansion does push it there. it's no secret that the world of politics is the lifeline receiver of the business world's life because of it being its orgone. let not your entity be left out of the neo par status quo, appoint a CDO and develop your corporate diplomacy policy. having such a policy doesn't work on addressing external sources only but also your tone of addressing your staff and other stakeholders, it's a cognitive approach tool for application of human relations for both commercial and social modes...dp

_emotional intelligence and emotional strength; as people we almost on a daily basis find ourselves being caught up in momentous disagreements with others we co-exist with. the truth of the matter is that nerve-racking as they are, arguments and disagreements can be good for your balance in both your emotional intelligence and emotional strength. thing is, with emotional intelligence you deal with your inner feelings on issues either arising from you internally or from an external source, whilst with emotional strength you're repelling against external sources that are inflicting pain or harm to you either emotionally or intellectually. everybody does get hurt and how they react or respond informed by their level of strength and intelligence in their emotions...dp

_have hiccups budgeted for in your working capital; when planning your working capital do have a room for your deadline penalties, retakes to mistakes, variable disbursements, and any unforeseeable circumstances that may be a hiccup to the operation of the business. the wrong take a lot make is that of closing room for error when in plan of their budgets and also when preparing financial statements for financial aid. the thing is those who are in position of reviewing the applications finds it difficult to approve your request and as such as it becomes one of the key aspects of your failure to receive any assistance. ringfencing your hiccups a very big part of financials that never gets pointed out yet working against you. do incorporate it in your business's operational capital planning for it's vital to...dp

_rules of plugging; let the history behind the term be a topic to dig into some other time. but then, when it comes to human conduct we know there're rules involved, and there's a particular manner in which you should act throughout. the fact of the matter is that you have the lighter rules and the darker rules of engagement. to be plugged differs, and that's brought by what you want to be plugged for and also dependent on how in you want into it. to someone it may be to get access only whilst to the other be to get access and being a part. when you plug a seeker you probe their plea and assess them for the desire they wish for in utter. truth is, not everyone is fit for the opportunity they wish for. you choose to be honest with them or deny technically, to avoid future pains as with some you'll regret. if you feel the person is of fit and proper character and of sound behaviour can therefore introduce them to the process of the darker plugging. lighter plugging is always the default but there're those who just make the cut from the onset. but still if that be the case, start with lighter plugging to be safe and sure first. let them sell self to you and have you attend to them in how they're to you. plugging is a gamble that may put you out of contact or out of the circuit circle, so, guard the conduct of the seeker all the time. employ test methodology of test series to have them betray their cover if aren't of good faith to you. plugging ain't easy that's why others just don't do it to evade the risk of losing...dp

_uniform change; a question I had just a week ago, "when should an entity change its uniform?" and my answer was simple: "at any point you see the need to." when you change your entity's uniform it should be for a reason, not randomly, unless you want to run a cycle programme as it'll push for change when the cycle dims.  but, if it's not then it's recommended you tie your uniform change with a refresher exercise. what this mean is that you do a review of your brand and see what you can do different or introduce along with the new uniform, like say a new menu to compliment the uniform usher. uniform is important and shouldn't be taken lightly when doing away with the old one. it may be a simple thing to you but to the brand a move to big or too harsh at that point in its position and risk losing position or worse, your customer base. know what your uniform mean to your stakeholders and you'll be better informed on how to communicate your shifts in a measured and managed manner that won't instead bring a negative sentiment. have reasons for that exercise...dp

_dinosaur laws; the need for laws of the entity to be reviewed from time to time for them to be in line with the market trends and the environment is key. how a company is ran may be on a similar trail of legislation, but there're by-laws and policies in place that differentiates one company from the other, and those needs to be visited for dusting every second or third year of running. it's important for the company to do that as the world of tech is evolutionising the way we live, work, do business, think, etc, and as such should be on the move constantly with that array of new things. if you're hard to adapt you will stifle your business growth. in these times, collaboration with a collection of skippy thoughts to pick from presents a fountain for you to harvest abundantly so from. keep abreast with legislation amendments and enactments to reinforce your corporate governance side. laws should be relevant and in line with the current affairs of the economy, and so should your entity's. make time to check those policy handbooks, MoIs, and any other working document that's of importance for the running of the business. we both know it's boring to do so but bless that bore with cool and get busy with it...

_people clouting your vision; if there's something you're gunning for, simply go after it. even if it means going against currents in your family setup let it be as they'll only get it one day after your persistence. giving up on what you strongly believe in only vindicates those currents against you while you left with a dream or vision unfulfilled. let people who clout your vision be out of your set, to create space for those who add value...dp

_sell big of your small; when you sell any item or object, sell it big. a majority of us believe in anything that's big. some things are small to one and but the use of theirs be big, and when you sell such should sell that big use of theirs with disregard to its size. the same should be done also with yourself. adjust to selling your big out of the small there is in you. to sell big doesn't mean to lie but rather to sell your potential. do that and you'll love the positive effect on your value...dp

_hype up for drop; the sad thing about hype is it's drop. a lot of times people get put into spaces that they aren't ready yet for, and be that after being found to be not fitting the bill be dropped off guard by those who hyped them. it again in some cases be that one is stringed along then later be dropped. the first thought to come to mind is shame, embarassment and anger that being dropped from hype brings to one. life is a twisted game full of gripping gambles, and if you're that interested in pursuing something with others, should understand what they are upto before committing. some people will have you praised wherever they go and at times be promising manna to you or promoting you only to later leave you in a bloated gloat balloon embarrassed. so, the best remedy is to never let self be attached to before-your-time attractions as they have potential for your dream crush. nothing is as painful as a drop from your hype because it happens when you least expect it or in your moment of getting settled. so, to be safe, do what won't kill your spirit, do things with decent and empathetic people. but the question i can't seem to move past is why invest in my hype then drop me later sans alarming me? even if be that I'm at your mercy, it's decent for your big self to still afford me a chance to redeem myself from my wrong. if it be punishment, let me be in the know beforehand...dp

_bring not the opportunity, be one; this is a topic blowing whistles in the ear of a peer cheerer, for they know not their value in the space. Be key and interesting, that's the opportunity you should colour yourself with so as to be an opportunity to the other. This will make you whole, and not be a divided house. Your flock should be not of the different feather. Be the experience in every instance of their encounter with your person. Don't wait for an idea to be sold to the nexts but rather you sell you. An idea or thought is hard to get across with uniform relativity, so, best you focus on self as the subject of real interest. Selling yourself is easy and fun, as you bring out your being to the palm of the party you interest. Selling yourself is more authentic and natural in that you're your own resident and none knows your corners more than you do. Bringing the opportunity is a usual thing, but you coming with you as the opportunity takes all of you to normalise. You need to be the one, the opportunity, an asset to the subject of interest. It's about you being the idea to bank on, and but for you to be that you must work on your image, know-where-to-be, deep know-how, rare skills set, and flexibility. Be the opportunity to their plans, growth and worth, that's how your value will increase. Be the difference to what the opportunity is, you owe self that for the success you can be if be in it fully. So, do yourself a favour and keep working on your self, but first, affirm that you're the one...dp

_emotions taking over or controlling; at times people say things to themselves and others for too long that they end up seeing, hearing and feeling them right, and but along comes someone who'll show them to you in a lighter shade to the one you're used to and it starts making sense. just yesterday i met with this person who did that to me. she was telling me about emotional intelligence. she said i should stop saying emotions aren't controlling me. said, the thing about emotions is that they are resultants of feelings and as such are meant to either take over or control you in any circumstance of temper or jubilation. what i must do is to choose responding or reacting to those feelings, and to her that's what's fundamental about emotional intelligence. to her, there's just no way emotions won't control you, and it made sense. the balance between anger management and happiness management is important in that you should learn to suppress extremeness of anger and excessiveness of happiness, that's key to calm and sanity that you forever need in all situations you encounter daily. so, try striking its chord...dp  

_solid belief; for anyone who finds selves in a position of leadership, nothing breaks them more than having a team that doesn’t have belief in itself as a unit. when you have a strong bond that’s based on the availability and belief in abilities of each member in the team, you already have done a bit to winning the battle. a team is meant to think, plan, attack and fail or win as one else there’s no success to draw out of it. to any leader, their reliance is on togetherness of their team, and that is only found where there’s solid belief. build that in your team as growth of both you and them stems from that, for the benefit of progression for your entity. for any team to achieve more there need to be that solid belief first, for a shared belief system and common vision are what peddles a unified ensemble...dp

_trusted referees; the practise of referral system is one that isn’t about to go away any time soon. if you get serviced well you praise the provider of service whenever anyone approves or asks who did it for you. then what to do when the referred person gets directed to be attended by another person instead of the one whom they were referred to? should they trust the person or not? for me is simple, yet complicated. when you direct someone in your place to provide a service to a referred consumer, the one thing you should do is iterate to them how you trust the attendant for their capabilities. also assure them that when you appoint or redirect someone on your behalf to attend to them it means you’re giving them an extension of you, thus saying the person is equally good as you and trust the person with handling them satisfactorily or even more. you can’t risk your repute with someone incapable, they should know that. referral system is a sub-culture in the world of business and none will risk their reputation with people they don’t trust. credibility is everything in this game, protect yours with credible people. bear in mind that someone gave their assurance that you’ll service their referred prospect same as you did them and if the treatment be different they too lose credibility, so respect the referent as they’ll be encouraged to refer more should referents come back with smiles to them. do that for your growth...dp

_run a business not a hustle; start small not little, little is for hand to mouth. people often talk of side hustles but what does it refer to, i keep asking myself, or maybe you know. in my understanding a side hustle is an activity that is for someone who’s already doing something full-time or earning an income regularly. a side hustle in short is a booster income. but then, what i can safely say is if you’re into business seriously, stop the hustles route and work your dream to turn into reality, run a business. it ain’t easy but in time you get the hang of things and know how to go around red tapes and other hurdles with ease. running your business has benefits like owning your ideas, time and your being. and so you know, it doesn’t hurt to have a side hustle in-between your build up as long as it doesn’t take up most of the time needed for your business...dp

_stigma gains; it won’t make sense to others i know but to some on the same page. stigma is a tact that’s used to make money. it used to be HIV/AIDS and now it’s Covid, and with both there’s a lot of revenue generated. a planned stigma comes with its avenues for creative extraction of value out of its confusion. there’s sensationalism that anthemize the scare and spread awareness to peddle the seriousness of the stigma and show example of first case victim to entrench divisions via separation by isolation of those who victims and let them succumb to the stigma. the reports of the devastating news creates a market on its own as adverts becomes gets flighted more as people follow current affairs in droves and post updates randomly to boost TSL and TSV. the researches makes money as governments wants quick solutions and fees are not on watch because of rising fatalities pressure they race to kerb. for instance with Covid, you now because of fear don’t view the deceased and it’s easy to bury a wrong body which in turn if discovered leads to application for exhuming of the remains, thus meaning paying for that procedure. solutions even when found are designed in a way that force the hand of governments, corporates and citizens to procure them for prevention and cure. it may not be only with the examples used, but any stigma has a means of gain for a connected few who have controlled management of containment of that particular form of stigma. a stigma is like a rumour, its fabrication, spread and quelling makes some people richer irrespective of how small or big it may be. the sad thing about this market maker is the impact it has on the lives of the masses as they create many new normals, but then, why lament the domino effect plan?...dp

_read for comprehension; this is a common problem in people, especially those whom we deem well learned. there’s understanding and there’s comprehending, and when reading we do so with those as outcomes, the same could be said about hearing and listening. people who read faster at most fail to get the message as they tend to miss the true and or full meaning of the text read as they skip some words and sometimes leaving them out of sync with the conveyed content in context. reading is about absorption of the lay information delivered, hence it’s vital you be thorough in going through it. when reading, there’s a set tone that you need to observe in order to clear get the message in the same complexion the deliverer intended for it to be received. so, by reading slow you do yourself a favour of being on the same page as them. reading slow saves time and confusion as a fats reader can go through the same text twice and come out with two different interpretations whilst a slow reader almost always arrives at same on reread. reduce your reading speed and you’ll comprehend the conveyed message...dp

_failure defines you; as much as we may shy away from it, our levels of failure defines who we are and how we are. one should never try be what they aren’t. trust me, the seasoned moneyed are after failures, reason being simply for their burnt fingers. the times of their trials are stripes earned as signs of experience in pursuit of their dreams, something you just can’t buy anywhere. it but not say that you automatically become investable because of your failed attempts. what gets the nod though is the quality of your fails and the number of attempts. each round gives off lessons of build-up for the attemptor, and that’s what’s key. don’t try to hide how many times you fell off the trailer of attempts, be proud of your rises per those falls. it’s a grey denominator i know, that but you need to blow off for your chance at being heard as it carries a lot of weight in your favour. everyone up there has their own story and wanting to hear yours if it resonates with theirs for easy pickings. keep writing yours for soon enough it’ll find a director who’ll fly it to real time success. remember that it doesn’t say you need to fabricate failures in order to attract investment as it’ll in the end catch up with you during that minute of take off. what this means, is that you shouldn’t cease putting in that plug for your passion spark, and but then; remember, the definition of you in failure defines either you at worst or best of you unrefined. so, afine never your explanations but instead the excuse you were to your failure, for bare criticism of self a better analysis of kind to any passed failure with an opportunity in hand...dp

_probe pacing on first consultation; when in your first consultation with a client, let it be more about what they want, why that, their background on their desired result and how much can they afford in their expectation and the budget stretch they can allow. let  your line of questioning be open ended for a follow up consultation. don't fight to give out too much but take in enough on the first encounter. on the second encounter you introduce a client to your ideas and their suggested inputs for a better delivery of their expectations. your probe pace during the first meeting with a client is crucial in that it's at that very period that they make up their minds about you, whether they want you or not at their service. so, make it be more about them than it does about you, unless they are asking for your services or about you. and, be sure to probe for lead up to no choice but you as the one. consulting is tough but exciting at the same time, yet challenging in the vast knowledge it requires of one to have. know your pace and you're sure to securing many appointments with clients...dp

_don't make a 180° turn, make a 360°; in life we tend to pause, retrace and move again, and in moving again meaning we have to decide whether it's going forward or backward. in making a 180° you're turning back and move facing where you came from, which translates to one going back to their start for a retake. with a 360° turn you're making a full check of your moves and choosing a way forward after looking at all angles. how we deal with challenges differs, and our outlook on life shaping the next outcome in how we decide to learn in correction of our past steps, thus moving backward or forward. with but a 180° turn you're delaying your future by going back into the then moments whilst with a 360° turn you're acknowledging your past and stepping out of the wrongs into the future...dp

_exthurgence in parrhesia; a well-known secret to managing people as a politician is rhetoric, and the secret to winning your wrongs as a leader is parrhesia. your tailored message of apology should be exthurgic in that none should question you thereafter each extension of same from last. being in lead a caption of its own on your image and in protecting the brand you are, should firmly remind them what you are. leaders that are exthurgent tend to look and sound weak, but feeling their ire when things go wrong because of their utterances. appeal to the follower with that and they approach you with caution and respect, not fear. apply a bit of exthurgence in your parrhesia and you'll experience a rise in your power...dp

_web browser glitch bypass; don't ever operate your business systems on single browser mode, it's like using a multitasking tool. use at least two and a maximum of 3 on your systems. when in case there's a glitch in one browser then can switch to the other and your web browsing won't stop. issues of network downtimes shouldn't affect your business by guarding against that via standby browser or browsers for smooth running of your business. to other businesses it's considered a crisis when there's browser downtime. never pause as a result of that by simply switching to the other and be online non-stop. truth is, web browsing is one of the culprit blamed for loss of revenue in many entities while the solution is there at their disposal...dp

_to lead leaders; when this is tasked upon you, know that you're faced with dealing with talent and, how you manage that, a huge undertaking. leaders are a different breed especially when coming from leading their own entities. you'll be guiding people who needs no motivation, inspiration and information. what you'll need to do first is group them to their disciplines and from there regroup them on their archetypes. truth is, leaders aren't dealt with like other people, they're fragile yet with morphed egos. it's hard in that they're ever competing, gloating, bad tempered, and you leading them means there's pressure to suppress all those tendencies to their minimum. to do good by them is by simply balancing their negatives and turn them to positives. they need to believe in your ability to contain them first before they can follow any of your instructions and directions. leaders want reason in everything they're directed to do and if you ain't got any, shouldn't be forcing them to do anything. to lead leaders you should be a quick thinker and mover on topics. you have to be a different breed compared to them to show your superiority to them sans being showy. what you have to do is remind them whom they're, what they're capable of, realign their brands with new world economic opportunities, re-profile their aspirations, redefine their purposes, and most importantly reaffirm their choruses of life. leaders are forerunners and they should be treated with balance of their dissimilar paces. with them it's not about how fast they can get to their goal but rather about how long it'll take to reach their goal. you can't influence them if you don't recognize their difference from one another to others and make them experience that from you, because great isn't handled via blanket approach. and but above all,,,one thing for sure to tell is that it's a blast and a privilege being an agog centerpiece of focus to the pathfinders...dp

_giving an opportunity you can't have; it's inconceivable i know but possible for one  to give someone an opportunity that they too can't give to self. a lot of business owners give opportunities to their business managers to shine because they can't give themselves that. they do afford the opportunity but can't afford to be. i know of one businessperson who had an amalgam startup entity with divisions instead of departments and did the unfathomable by giving the whole entity to a young director for ownership, thus leaving him with only hope in him to do as he wished to. the risk was a once in a lifetime opportunity to experience for the young director but due to failure to knowing his value to the idea and the opportunity, ended up losing it when the opportunity bringer took back the reigns and ran the entity self, and leaving him out in the cold learning the magnitude of what he missed out on because of being ignorantly unavailable for the opportunity. the honour we get gratified with at times overwhelms if you don't recognize the future value to unlock out of it. know the reason you're wanted in another's plate when they plan, reason with your own plan in line with whatever is brought to the table, and factor the value of you with your plan and with the value of you and your plan in the other's planned opportunity. at times someone gives you what they can't be but with you in mind being the perfect fit. a lot of vision bearers are owners who but have managers as runners because they can't be yet can do, just that they can't do it like you do better. truth is, you may own but not have the quality, and once you're chosen, grasp the opportunity and make a run that assures them they just couldn't even if they liked. there're many reasons for opportunities that we're passed on to, and should we learn to embrace them, could go farther in life. unless you're too big for the opportunity presented, honour it by giving it your honourable best...dp

_position your brand to history; timing is golden in personal and corporate brands. a brand must be profiled in a way that'll position it in a better light. of those many avenues to achieving that is make your brand be aligned with history by placing it where big moments are happening or about to. when we talk of snapped pics we reflect on the framed contents in it and that remains forever and takes good timing to be found captured in moment therein. putting your ear to the ground for groundbreaking ceremonies and events is a good source of getting cover if made the cut to be a partner in some way or score an appearance. your brand getting frame time means a better chance at dominating timelines on social media platforms, and that's the mileage any entity prays for as it's not paid for. think novation to brandfluencing in your brandcasting if you ain't got deep pockets for that route. have a nose for game changers and position your brand close, and you're sure one or two events may prove to be history bound and via their profiling thereof could then be the break that matters for your brand's success...dp

_finding the right material; every industry has its own standards and norms that each entity in it conform to and that evidenced by their corporate culture. from time to time we hear of grey denomination factors that we're subjected to so as to be legitimized for industry material eligibility that depends on the industry type. the stressful part about that is in how the criterion is applied yet you the subject of interest clueless in that whole process. it's like competing with a ghost. but what's common in every industry has so far been behaviour, knowledge & skill, sexuality, family background, archetype, field entry readiness and physical structure, to determine the quality one is. it entirely depend on the gatekeepers for your nearness to the key holders. the key is in knowing what the masters want out of any entrant into the industry to make your presence be a welcome fair...dp

_use different signatures; this is a topic of utmost importance these days. with fraudulent activities in droves of late, one can't do without proactive measures that counter against self being reduced to a victim of such. one of the measures that doesn't get talked about that's effective and suo to spot is signature. by using two  different ones you're starting off on a good note to fighting that eventuality that others experience of forgery. have a pvt and a public signature. having a signature for your commercial purposes and the other for public purposes. using both makes it easy to catch anyone who tries to defraud you in that you populate the public signature on everything and but the pvt signature on all your important documents, and that to remain a secret and limiting those who gets to know it. it's for your own safety. this not only for businesspersons but for any person who wants to protect their confidential information and dealings. the measure doesn't exclude your family members. your privacy, your prerogative...dp

_name drops and brand drops devalues you; when you do your creative work please do yourself a favour and not make it a habit of name dropping or brand dropping. this is a new disturbing culture in the creative industries, especially in music production and visual arts as evidenced in their recent projects. learn to make a mention of famous people and other people's brands if only there's a commission or arrangement of such in the first place. thing is, when such work reaches publishers it becomes a stress for them to monetize as it's already blocked for potential licensees to freely commercialize in exploitation for both parties' sides to benefit. most of our artists miss out on cashing in on their craft by failure to do work that isn't of self-defeat unto them by foregoing the urge to name drop or brand drop. trust me, your work will still sell if it's catchy even sans another's name or brand dropped in it, and the best part is that drama free content sells better for a better pay. i don't dispute the fact that it sounds better weighted and looks cool to be using other brands but then think of the pockets emptied by the coolness that comes with associating self unofficially via endorsing them in uncommissioned brandcastings. you anthemizing their brands makes for zero budget awareness and a boost for their businesses' bottom lines. in short, you're buying your own cooked meal in another's plate and claim it's yours, forgetting it was never yours and only the food and pots are yours plus electricity costs and other related expenses involved. don't be enslaved by coolness over another's brand except yours. work hard to make yours be cool too. just know that promoting other brands via your craft for nil is a counter against self that devaluates your own brand in that you lose a potential to earn yet publicly praised for being cool. the truth you don't want to know is that other artists sign deals prior to execution thereof, so, be conscious of the value-added benefit you can get out of your brand when pegged to others. don't dilute your brand, affirm your openness to working with others on a professional level. do proposals during the conceptual phase of your projects and send teasers for showcasing. having said this though doesn't rule out slim chances of success on a piece of work already pegged to another's brand uncommissioned in that it may with luck be that the mentioned brand propose to work with you as history has proved otherwise in some cases, and that's the "if be" upside to it. it but not encourage doing this to score slim chances as it may not happen at all that the brand involved feel amused or flattered to an extant of entertaining you. the downside may be a legal action for apportionment of royalties or fee settlement for usage of their brand sans consent, or be for forced removal of their brand from your work, or even sue for their brand disrepute. learn to do you and put yours forward, and rewards will vindicate your efforts. an open secret now is that clean unpegged work is the true disruption that's lacking of late in the creative industries space, be that pathfinder and claim the sport. hit an industry norm reset button with an all-clear content to license and inundated appreciation will bear testimony to that...dp

_cease never to learn; when you're in your drive for achievement you learn, and many stop learning. the key to keep expanding your horizon is by learning new things still. the truth about growth is that it's unlocked by learning and maintained through learning, and for anyone to grow selves and things, they should learn. find education in everything that you come across, that's where your growth lies. and remember that you're the product of the knowledge you consume, so, learn to learn what's good and unlearn what's bad for your growth...dp

_be part of the game and its plan; it's a daily stock to laugh about foul game moves almost everyday in the world of business, how others take it that they're in while being in it for use as hype preps for the mainstay acts. there're some of you whose roles are curtain raisers and when the main act arrives then find self tossed out of the game in a blink of an eye. it's a sad story to tell that but is a reality that's necessitated by the opportunity finder's behaviour towards their opportunity availed. everything about one's nature's revealed in the start of things, and thus when decisions key to any role player gets made. being a role player in either a game plan or in the plan only is an important step on the part of the opportunity bringer unfortunately and sadly enough you're the choice maker in that. when you're in the plan setup it means your placement is for temporary use only while in the latter for a longer haul because if you're not found in either or both then are just in the game and, to put you in the know, being only in the game translates to you being a roamer. a roamer is a kept player whom's in just for their shine not for purpose, as they're the enabling reason most aspirants want to be in the game, they're the bait and it ends there for them. they make the game but can't shape it. how it always plays out is that you because of your placement be put in the front to hype the settings by warming the bench and when it's warm enough then point you to the back benches to sit so the main act be able to stay in the warm seat sans you busking under his gloried shine. so, for you to be part of the game and its plan depends on your carrying of self and so is with being part of the plan only, just that all of us want to be part of the game and its plan though not that possible. be religiously useful and resourceful to the masterplanner for you'll be special like a rare tool to open a very bespoke accessorized item in his collection, and he won't lose your sight. be easy to calculate so you fit into any formation because a player that doesn't isn't worth the kit permanently pressed their name but rather just the number they be temporarily given to, 'cause to its finality only the masterplanner not the masterminded player gives off their game placement...dp

_be straight to the point; when you're in a conversation about anything no matter its relevancy, try to be clear by being short and expressive. in so saying meaning you have to be straight to the point of what you're rallying across. if you're not, then be beneficial to the recipient of your message by adding more meat to your offering. a lengthy explanation requires depth and if you ain't got it just drop out quick and hop in again where you have an input. one fact is, sweet and short will never run out of style, so don't break the code unnecessarily. just follow suit...dp

_build a dative of purpose; i think we all are on the same position as me on the emphasis that branding is a dative of purpose for existence to a brand. further, branding is the amplifying bregma of your business' worth because you can't evaluate a brand sans alpha factoring of its value, else you'll be immolating self. enshrined in it is a tricyclic decalogue of ritual, cult and ethic, which are wrapped up by identity and heritage. your brand  should be structured in a manner that contradistinct it in the market array of same via an architecture of brand linkage resulting from brand avatar, brandcasting and positioning, with the primary aim of faring better in brand parity. build a brand that questions its oppone, evoke intuit curiosity, obligate engagement with it, and retain converts. to achieve that you'll need a holistic seriesing of quantitative and qualitative analyses to arrive at your true North quantifiable conflagration of your brand in the market...dp

_posh artillery yields; it usually divides opinions but sadly the rarest truth you'll ever find out there. if you want to make it in the world of business, don't be lied to, be sure to invest in a bigger environmentally sensitive car and a plushy energy efficient office then later a house. a car is a sign of your muscle ability that you can take to anywhere whereas your house can't be, and when they want to ascertain your worth investors and prospective clients will set an appointment to come to your office. your office is an extended solidifier to your ability to deliver as per expectations of a client or investor. it's a pieced statement of conjoined invite on your proposed conforth with them. a secret to making it is always showing up and what you come dressed in or driving or hosting at doesn't get questioned if be with consistency and familiarity. in a nutshell, set statements that're in tune with your standard. people do business with you on basis of their admiration of you, their trust in you and the level you've sold to them, and whether your office and car are yours or not doesn't matter if you deliver, though in case of investors that does come secondary. and again, with an office it's also a way many clients assure themselves of your realness. though not a permanent place of one's conducting of business in some cases, but keeping same address longer a boost to your repute as an entity or as a bona fide businessperson. your home is important as well but shouldn't be invested into before those two first, unless your office is set up there. do that and you'll thank yourself later...dp

_discussion groups; as a leader of your life before others, you need platforms for personal growth and one of it is via a discussion group. the setup is informal and so are the topics. a lot of issues cracked in the process are thorny subjects at times that can help you see them differently after. it builds and reconfigures your being. should you find self in more circles of that type then know you're lucky. a lot fail because of lacking such groups in their immediacy. help others help you by being open to shared thoughts on topics that are to you of challenge in nature and interest, together with those affecting your surrounding. even if it's for listening first, show up and judge not, you won't regret for it counts a whole lot more than it may feel in real time as results come in backpacks. contribute in topics, it heals your mind and soul, grows your network and betters your capacity...dp

_the benefit of being managed; i know it may not apply to anyone as it doesn't appeal to everyone, but having an agent or manager is beneficial in some way. the role of both is not about controlling your life or business, and rather there for your win in realizing your goal and vision, just that it's done in a manner that is of inputs from others. with a manager or agent you get access to markets quicker and easier, be instantly connected to decision makers, bypass trials and errors, improve your image, and most importantly, build your profile. when you want people to be in touch with you and you drop the line "please talk to my manager/agent" they take you seriously. also, investors believe in people who are guided, and you having a manager or agent plus a consultory is a good place to risk because it says you're open to listening to others and will surely want to collaborate with you. make yourself attractive and but not for showing as it'll wear off soonest, appoint fit and proper professionals. respect your craft or your business, allow yourself to be run on your career front for it's for your own good...dp

_departing with a management team; the topic may not seem important to others for various reasons but to those whose careers are managed, meaning a great deal. it's not a must for a person or brand to stick with a management team for the entire span of a brand's existence. there's going to be a time to move on to newer teams and that translating to the reality of you parting ways. it may be for failure to meet expectations that may lead to termination of a contract, or term expiration, but whatever the reason behind the move, it but shouldn't be a scene. when you part ways ensure at all costs that you make it less messy and less noisy to let it be drama free, or conclude amicably and mutually; thus to allow for your future options 'cause you just never know. leaving a manager or agent, in some industries like entertainment and sports business often means a lot can literally take a turn for the worse if not handled well. your manager or agent is your connection and they make you, so tread carefully when you're about to exit. you need to understand that for some being a manager meant investing in you and just after making it you want to fly away forgetting about his loss of earnings potential risked on you. i know of managers who sacrifice for success of their clients and tomorrow you want to catch another's flight, no, it doesn't hurt them more than it damage you. don't risk your taps running dry because a manager or agent are angered by you. it's best you communicate your feelings with them for a strengthened relationship between your selves than burning bridges. don't be a firmaling and be pointing fingers in blame after your mute treatment to your silencing, understand that your business dealings aren't same as of the next and when someone is getting something out not meaning same case as yours, so stay in tune to your chorus. when you're being managed, stick to your given script and you'll thank yourself because peers in your field are doing same but when with you saying otherwise to fool you. it's a simple thing; if you don't want to be told a thing by anyone it means you aren't the material to be run, be on your own and be listed as an independent or freelancer or any other term you may satisfy self as. but fact remains that if you're managed, choose to part ways not cut ties, for the blow is softer and open ended, and that's safer for you...dp

_argument flow; an argument is there for a reason, and is also another means of your opinion getting heard. as such, it is a platform to use for learning as well as it's where perspectives are shared at length on various topics, therefore, should have a flow of how topics gets discussed. you treat points raised with examples that are in line with what's been argued and jump into another when conclusion is met on the topic at hand. as a platform for discussion of various topics, it's a vital and integral building tool for anyone who's in their quest for growth. it's worth noting its importance to anyone in that it creates a base for launching careers, solving a host of challenges, selling products, introducing ideas, doing research, clarity seeking, and any other reason of value to your being. through engagement of such a network is built and so is confidence and reputation. it's for reasons as such that next time you're in that platform learn to assess the level of opinions given beforehand and go in well adjusted to the level to not risk embarrassing oneself. key takeaways from an argument I heard a lot mention is the background knowledge on a host of facts, information gathering, and new ways to relevance, positioning of self (profiling), engagement etiquette like agreeing and disagreeing, and many others I can't recall, but the important thing here is the making part of you. from an argument emerges a lethal dose of one's failure to assert self with direction. don't want to be popular for no reason, mind you, it has the dangerous dynamic of leaving you notorious, and that's a worrying outcome. always say that which you know, think and believe, it will make your presence valuable and longer lasting, for it's a game of impressions; don't try too much, it's risky. go with the flow and your argument will be interesting to follow and have others engage in it...dp

_control of creative enhancements; the issue of creative process is one that will keep dividing opinions. it's a case of either you like them or not, and not about what they do but rather how they are when they do. in every sphere where creativity is sought, you need to be in the same space as creatives in order to understand in appreciation their luminant reverberance so as to catch their wave, and but at most raises the challenge of being in the same frame as them. this is brought by how different they are to other people, in that creatives have their own abnormal nature that makes them be; creatives. in dealing with them you should be very aware of their abnormalities first before skipping to other things. some are plainly natural in their process while others need to take in something to aid their process, but that needs to be controlled. creatives that use enhancements far outnumber those who don't and as such should be very ready for their tendencies. one thing that's common about them is that they're addicts, some can't do without certain foods, some needs smoke, others drink, whilst there're those who're extreme, like some beat maker whom we once worked with who wouldn't create dope beats without two or three belles surrounding and massaging his important self. this is something you should be ready for. the space creatives perform best in is where their connection with self and spirit aren't disturbed. one thing for sure though is that working with them they too need someone to have control over the end result without meddling in their creative process. if you're in multimedia and entertainment you'll know what it's meant by that, you stick to the brief and ensure they deliver as per its expected outcome...dp

_market block products; some of the new products that are put into the market aren't for winning awards or anything in particular, but for the sole purpose of blocking entry for new entrants. big players have budgets for that. if there's a product that's doing well in a certain field they plan for its safeguard by creating another that's poorly produced and be shadow marketed to make the hey product grab more market share. the block products can also be used where they want more exposure by creating a complimentary product or a couple of for market population. populating the market with market fillers is a strategy that proves positive almost all the time it's deployed. in both instances, the company gains in that the products are theirs and at most inexpensive to produce yet a hit to those choosing it as an alternative. this form of scalability though low cost is but again time consuming and proving to be a cost of time and resources...dp

_accommodative name; when you name your business you need to be in check of vital external factors that play a role in the long run. your business name should be constructed in a way that can include other people should there ever be a need for that. personal names at times aren't for some reasons investor friendly, and that's a valid point when you seek capital injection. but a name that is creatively generated a welcome to many for their relation with your business. people with capital don't want to invest in what doesn't sound sellable and scalable at all, and something simple as a non-accommodative name may prove to be a challenge that leads to a deal breaker. the question will then be: "how can i put my money into someone else's personal project?" come to me with a proposition that says to me that we're in together. though one may argue that a name goes with the industry type, but for that still, investors go for a name that is inclusive (i.e. Dent Props Gmbh not Stewart Elner Real Estate LLC), scalable (i.e. Dent Props, Dent Plumbing, in cases either for group building or expansion) and sellable (personal name attractive only if your brand has massive traction). from an investor perspective there's merit and but to some business owners may not, but what one should know is a name for your business says many things to many people as per their way of looking at it from where they're placed. but remember that ownership of your corporate name should be easier for the next for their endorsement of it, and that's the wish for any business owner. think it through and you'll see logic in this...dp

_creating a brand story; this topic reminds me of Birth Empire's director and strategic branding specialist, Mr Mahlatse Sojourner Modise, whom i met through a friend, Lepulana Ledwaba, who was the first to introduce me and my team to the brand story. every brand needs a story to uniquely position itself, emotionally connect with its target audience and instil its purpose for existence and that of its products, in order to differentiate it in the market. the story matters not as real or made up, but should have authenticated isometry of its clear message, brand vision and brand purpose. with a brand story you pick up a lot about the brand's archetype and promise congruity with its target audience, corporate identity, originary and the team behind, and what the brand is to the market. creating a brand story takes time but worth every minute spent and penny put into it. the audience responds to what speaks to them about their needs, hopes, fears and aspirations, and it's through a brand story that they should find answers to those challenges. sell empathetic solutions by telling a compelling story of impact. let your story leave them empowered and assured of their invested relationship with your brand. this is a powerful tool others treat as an afterthought which turns out to be a costly misundertaking...dp

_content creation benefit; the mind that is ever thinking creatively is the mind that knows no limits. one thing good about non-stop thinking is the storage and usage of that information, and that's what content is and about. what's important about content is its generation and usability, and what comes after a question of how it's shared and understood upon access thereof. to many, the first benefit to their sharing of content is its income derivation without really trying to look into other sides of benefit. content isn't a one sided phenomenon of benefit in that it starts with the recipient first getting the benefit and thereafter be unto you when the recipient feels its benefit is worth or not paying for. so, this brings us to the monetization of it. but then again, when you talk of monetizing from your content, think also of what it is about as in some instances the benefit of your content still again starts with the recipient gaining a reward first before paying for it. when you're embarking on that journey of creating content, don't think of yourself before the true beneficiary, of which is the content consumer and their market segment. start with what you as the content benefactor are giving then you won't be as easily discouraged like it's been evidenced in others. create information that's not only accessible, useful, usable, and understandable for end user experience, but is fresh, relevant and rare. should you get that right you'll sure be on your way to knowing that not all content is for profit and not all content is worth sharing, something you ought to learn about publicly shared information or publishing, its responsibilities and repercussions thereto. the secret you need to know is that you the content creator must find pleasure, satisfaction and growth out of your own content before the next find that benefit from it. know also that it takes time before you earn from your content, which medium pays better and how it pays, so that you have an informed model of your content monetization. and lastly, yes, there's benefit in content  creation as long as you do it right...dp

_instilling depth in self; i know it smacks of business only, but nope it's not, this is a subject that applies across. whether you're in writing, singing, manufacturing, presenting, learning, servicing, or any case may be, you can't excel in it sans a deeper level of its knowledge. the topic of depth is in itself deep to start with in that it factors a diverse range of explanatory subject matters to field prior to dealing with that which is at hand. to be simple, depth is many things to many in different faculties but in this case it's in reference to knowledge. for either career prospection or business growth, you can successfully make it sans reading, researching, team engaging, watching or viewing, and listening before doing, but to be truthful it's rare. as a person you are free to choose from a variety of avenues available for information sourcing, and but what's important is that you must do at least some of those ways if not all in order for you to be able to know as much as possible for your success in any endeavor you pursue. the content we consume shape the material one ends up as being, so best you know what you want first. work constantly at self-bettering as it's for your own personal benefit and enjoyment. in life, those who do and be figures of aspiration and admiration are products of depth, something you too are to be should you choose what fits your type 'cause at source the onus of foundation undoubtedly bathossed in your nadir or not...dp

_staff age in business buy-out; this topic reminds me of someone who once acquired a company via the buy-out deal. he was left alone to take care of aged staff pension fund benefits in his first 3 years of operating. the previous owner sold to avoid being liable for those payouts in that almost 38% of their staff were retirement bound. sadly, legally he had no leg to stand on but just pay them what's due to them for their service to his new company. many business agents and brokers missed that in many buy-out deals and cause heartaches for their clients, so, during due diligence find out the real reason they sell or avail offers of partnerships to be safely sure. also, request for their payroll details and personnel personal files to ascertain the staff dynamics. in future if you find yourself in the same position of an acquisition or merger or buy-in, insert the personnel age check in the upper tier of boxes to tick in your due diligence. be a step ahead of nasty surprises by such tricks as its just but one of many played during such transactions...dp

_using slang in product anthemising; this is a similar case to writing lyrics, using cliches and some places gives off expiration too quickly or makes a song be outdated quickly. when also doing campaigns you need to factor that all the time. some expressions are good for instant or short-term campaigns as it makes the campaign relevant and fresh sounding. use slang that has long been there for the sake of your long term relevance. better still, coin your own slang and push it for that stands a better chance than cliches and place names or events. for argument sake, a song is recorded in 2021 and has the year called in it and a specific club and that song gets released in 2022 and with the club taken over by another tenant who chose to change its name; see now how irrelevant that new song will be? these examples should inform the mindsets of those working on campaigns. make your product look, feel and sound fresh all the time...dp

_business with a duressor; when you go into business you want liberty, growth, happiness and fulfillment, and so, when doing that you want people who'll be with you out of their free will. the same should be with you. going into business with someone and doing business with someone aren't same but it's recommended you be very selective when choosing to engage in both with any party. never do business under duress. if you ever feel there's any likelihood of such in a relationship with anyone you best pull out and gain your liberty back for there's no good that'll come out of an association of that type. when you fear someone, refrain from committing self in a relationship with them. do business with anyone you are free with to be...dp

_read into your being; whether it be your character or personality, that's being you, and personally how you interact with others is key in shaping their thoughts of you before they think about you. the onus lies with us to make others conform to our standards and levels since that is informed by how they feel about us. most of times we act out ourselves too much, which is good by the way though not fine always, and be expecting for people to support what we do. if we can learn to take care to read deeper into who we are will we be able to make better acquaintants, friends, partners, and public figures. if do that, one will know when to wear off all restraint and reserve, as it's important in dealing with others. being good in reading self improves your accuracy at reading into others better sans imposing vague familiarities. know yourself and it'll be far easier spotting your kind and establishing good formed relationships...dp

_fee cost schedule; more an epanalepsis lodge than is a lie diptera (insertion) in that it's rather about the schedule than it does a matter of model. the fee cost schedule is an index of items, descriptions and fees for better understanding of the recipient or user of the guide diagram. prospects and clients alike want eased use of your solutions or services provided, and with this product info model both the agent of solution and the user don't struggle with the products offered. it may sound tedious for administration but very important if look at it with an eye for easier mode of concise info pack for quick and easier access to information without any hassle. this forms part of the sales strategy as that gives the prospects or clients an idea of what they're paying for and when the statement of account reaches them, they already know what they're billed for. it cuts many explanatory sessions, and as such it's effective and efficient. make your life and those of your agents and clients/prospects easier for your benefit, simplify your systems...dp

_never invest in a firmaling; at times one commits a blunder by giving chance to ones not deserving it and end up with loss on their side. when investing, be very selective for it's your money and it should return you yields. what to watch out for is the tendencies of those we intend on investing in. things like how they address their seniors, how they talk of money, how willing are they to further learning, how they responds to their immediacy, if that person isn't ready to bend then make a pass because the worst part about loss from someone is by overlooking at their quality flaws and believe they'll get better in time. if a person wants to be too much of themselves before anything to back their rigidity, best you cut them as you'll be dealing with a firmaling. such are the pure breed that investors lose on, so don't be another on the list. ignore the idea or whatever they present to you for it may blow up and leave you with torn pieces. the rule is simple; "if you don't like them, move on from them"...dp

_don't give a flat out NO; unless you have nothing that will make you ever need someone in your future, you can flat out say no to them. trust me on this, as long as we're living, never write off anyone's try with you and but rather decline their offer, or suggestion, or proposition with a reason or with the promise that they go work more on that or themselves before returning to you. truth is you never know what they may turn out to be tomorrow. and if you decline an offer or request of any sort don't ever go back later to that person or persons as you'll be giving away your power in that when you're the chooser you hold position of power and the one requesting, like a beggar, being at your mercy, and so if you go back to them are turning tables against yourself. learn to stick to your decisions and stay firm on them. if you give a flat out NO you close chances to engage or do anything in future with the one turned down. do it sensibly. don't create unnecessary enemy out of nothing. in business it's advisable to give open ended declinations to allow reconsideration at a later stage in all the engagements with others on the other side. keep your power intact, leave them with you in mind as a possibility...dp

_paying the cost for favours; being in business isn't a rosy affair if you go deeper in detail. businesspersons cut deals and ask for favours almost all the time to get ahead or maintain the status quo. but then, favours comes with a latent cost, just that their cost differs and sadly that cost sometimes found to be too costly than the cost of that favour. favours are costlier and that's their nature. doing business solely on favours isn't doing you any good at all. if you don't have money, try getting a loan or advance from creditors and pay back on set terms than asked favours. i do know that there are some situations whereby you don't have a choice, but let a favour be your last option not the first on your list as repaying it more expensive than the favour itself. do ask for favours, but don't build your business on a pile of favours...dp

_sensetrium; what changes a good person? how does generosity feel when returned? why feel bad when bad gets returned to you? sensetrium is the gauge of the felt result of the energy thrown to others when reflected back to you directly. it's not a case of mirroring and matching, but rather about the poison you give to others administered back to you. for instance, take a boss and subject it to the same treatment they give to their subordinates and gauge their reaction thereof. after that devoid experience of good, how would they treat others again when back to their position? sensetrium is about instilling empathy, sensibility, nobiliary, and generosity in leaders mostly, so those who follow and serve under them could harness those qualities from them. remember: 'leadership isn't about doing good alone, but about living the good you are; for - hone forges the enseamed cast of enseit qualities to facund a model of ensembled character'. that's why it ain't easy being a good leader...dp

_branding vs marketing vs sales; first things first, the message to a prospect and a client differ. it is an open secret that the two aren't same and so same applies to how you engage with them. in this case the fine line is on retention, enticement and promise. the salesperson sells the product with affirmation of what the brand promises and keep that experience with the after sale support in retaining the consumer, whilst in marketing the aim is to create an enticing aura that'll drive the target to wanting the product via awareness thereof, and the branding part instilling the affectionate element to the brand and assert the product position in the market. now when sending out messages to each category of market it becomes clear you're not talking to same people and as such will be the tailored communication. the consumer who is a repeat purchaser isn't new to the brand and the product and so will the communication as the engagement will be around feedback on their experience as opposed to a new purchaser who'll be sold the expectation of the promised experience. this also meaning that the teams conveying these messages won't be same. at times the entity miss that opportunity of separated gains for growth of not only their revenue, but also the brand value and sales progression via continued new consumers atop repeat consumers...dp

_secret to a lasting marriage or relationship; if you marry someone, marry his/her soul; because the outer person is always exposed to danger, e.g. disfigurement, paralysis, etc. so, if you love the soul and not the flesh, you'll still love your partner even if she/he is on a wheelchair. let God be the driver of your marriage, never overtake Him in your union as you will reach a stage where there is a Y-junction and be hard for you to choose the right path to follow in your lives as he'll be left behind. seek God in your life in marriage and business and, you will not be lost. (Apostle. Simon Magwai)...dp

_growth calculation; this is a serious headache for many a business manager or executive. how growth of a business is calculated is a mountain to climb with a bike pushed instead of it ridden. there're different formulae to calculation of a business's growth but at times there's no mention of some other aspects of their growth unfortunately. those are sadly contributing to the bulk of missing links when trying to find solutions for loss or stability. those are awareness ratio (which guarantees future sales by either window shoppers or pop-inners like people who from time to time comes in to view goods but not buying as they bring other prospects most of times and create in-store movement that's inviting for passersby), period sales support (loyalty strengthening by giving parity care and support for older products without scare tactics into pushing for newer products), online subscriptions and views (though not revenue but are vital for the relevance of the brand in the viral space to prospects), among others. to only be setting eyes on revenue turnovers isn't helping as there're ways to growing or stabilizing a business if know where to tap into. potential lies everywhere, you just have to nurture it...dp

_market share myth; this is a murk patterned subject to start with I must say. the subject fails to find residence in many heads it tried for seek space in. in essence, market share is the size in proportion to the players number in a particular field of the economy. but then trouble comes to dissection of earnings in relation to the numbers in the pie chart or market space. the myth is mostly found in the sales revenues when comparing market share participants. one example given was that of two similar businesses that but are far stretched apart in market share, i.e, entity A holds 90% of the market whilst entity B 10%, but entity B make more than A when revenues are compared. the core of the myth being the astronomical gaps between them that but saying nothing when looking at the positions of each in their market. Say entity A sells houses at an average of $ 365K each and entity B at $ 4 million each, and A sells 1 000 homes whilst B only 100. this will put A at $ 365 million and B at $ 400 million. The other factor will be costs of sales (thus meaning lower wages on the part of B than higher at A). this still to not make sense to some i know. the other example can be of entity A getting a short-term contract to build a mall and entity B a longer term to build townhouses. entity B may be given more money than A but still not earnings be equal to or higher than that of A, reason being the same as past example. decoding this will remain a subject that is hard to get others to be on the same page with as its trick is a numbers gap...dp

_scalability vs capacity; investors for most of their business decision making,  consider scalability and capacity in their deal checklist, and so does financiers. if they fail to be sure of that, they won't invest or finance you. the reason for that is that chances are they might not succeed at getting their money back with expectations promised during initial seating with the borrower or equity availer. what they look for in scalability is how much can the business grow. it is a growth ratio to measure the business's elasticity in terms of product price point, product ranging, expansion parameters, business model and the brand value, while with capacity it's about resource quality and ability of its containment. the business's resources doesn't end with assets and staff, but more focus is on the directors thereof, how good are they, how available are they for the business, and how their operations are set (space size, production equipment, etc). when you sell your business idea you ought to be in thought of the two as they are critical for any investor or financier, and so is with the agent you may appoint to sell you and your business...dp

_touchpoint markets; how to use them a question still undefined by some. touchpoint markets (TPMs) are those spaces where sales are made, information given, or service offered. this very spaces are instrumental in introduction of new products and services, or pushing out messages to the masses. TPMs have become significant these days after there being a need to send out a message that speaks in fuller detail directly to the masses about Covid-19 and its impact on consumer experience and expectation pertaining to the brand, products/goods and relationship management in this new norm. these frontline markets are relevant more than ever as the interaction between consumers and attendants is on real time, at language of consumer, reassuring and controlled...dp

_ineptocracy against meritocracy; today's leaders aren't of good quality when looking at the level of politics, business and academia. leadership is throttled by ineptitude that's infiltrated in all spheres of society. leaders aren't any longer chosen on merit but by popularity and the beneficiation of a select few attached to it. if you're not offering donations, sponsorships or any support structure that protects or aid those too exposed it's guaranteed you're not going to bag any opportunity. allegiance pledged to the main names and faces of the day your best chance at making it. should it be that we practice the norm of selecting leaders for their ability to deliver, then shall we start seeing our hopes' worth for their bang. in business it's better as there's a sound and transparent criterion that's at times not fair though but bits at most of meritocracy do apply. for good governance to be realized, we need adept leaders...dp

_learn from negatives; to many who listen to motivational speakers you're going to differ with this but crucial for your growth. normalize dwelling in your negative deeds so you won't repeat them. the positives are safe and but with your wrong takes aren't safe, so, never justify or defend self when being pointed out your fouls. in business you don't lose because of your positives but negatives, and as such one ought to learn from those bads and rectify them first with apologies accompanying their retake. to err is expected at times and but good if you show regret and making means for those amends to show you learn and also that you're embracing the process of your maturity. in future focus on what you do wrong and correct self before any voice call it out, that'll shout your sincerity...dp

_solo struggle in turbulence; sometimes it's assuring and comforting to be a leader who's surrounded by their team when an entity's facing hardships. if you're left to captain the entity alone sans your crew it frustrates. what any leader needs in an eventuality of a nose dive is presence of their companions in the form of partners, associates, staff, friends and family. at times it's not about their financial contributions but rather their presence and holding your hand saying it'll be okay that you can push further, but alone so depressing. as the carer for the entity you must know and be prepared for such instances as they occur many a times and that there'll be those who'll be with you unconditionally and those who'll be on touch lines showing up now and then for updates. truth is, it's tough being a leader, and no matter who you are and what you're you'll need others around you from time to time...dp

_listening is a craft; they say to listen is a skill, but someone i know said to me that listening is a craft. i didn't get it at the beginning and after a brief experience of him i ended up thanking him for having bumped into me once again. listening as a skill is good but not good enough. when you listen, how you interpret the message and implement it is in itself a display of art that depicts your creativity in thought and application process. it's about how you hear the message at first hand. people don't understand asame and don't hear the same message alike and as such won't react same. how we receive information is shaped by our level of knowledge and logic, and how we respond depends on our analytics. what people should do is enhance their thinking capacity in order to tap into their art of intuition and intelligence...dp

_refocus strategy vs turnaround strategy; this areas of management don't get the right attention they deserve and at times be wrongly implemented. many don't even know about refocus strategy as opposed to turnaround strategy, reason being that a lot of practitioners and high ranking officials like drastic changes yet failing to manage them. turnaround strategy is by nature aggressive and intimidating, and but not all situational circumstances requiring that aggression in rectifying or reversing them. a turnaround strategy should be deployed where the entity is badly shaped in all aspects of it operations. with a refocus strategy, the entity requires a review and return to the basics of its operational model and retrace its growth plan. refocus strategy is a softer blow approach to a drift from the onset plan and strategy. so, in future, when dealing with restructuring of an entity, do ask selves what the point of harm is at and the answer will dictate which strategy to implement instead of assumptions that miss the mark of rectification...dp

_which diplomacy to adopt; to adopt one, you don't need to be a diplomate or be a diplomat or speak diplomatese, but simply by your manner of dealing with people, thus everyone has their own. diplomacy goes with your character and personality type. we all know that you either are loud or quiet by nature, and by type whether you're an introvert, extrovert or ambivert. one's diplomacy type comes to the fore at most during crises, negotiations, debates, discussions, when they're charged with a role. how they tackle challenges will tell you which diplomacy they adopt. it comes naturally, and if not, whichever you choose is a reflection of you. also, if not, how long can you keep up with faking it as such diplomacy a sciolto sold to your counterpart, and that's treating them as opponent. as such, diplomacy needs your genuity. it's a game, that but require tact and decisive mode shift from character to personality switch and back...dp

_defects before commencement (DBC); the DBC is handy for project based operations. it cuts off arguments on what was wrong before the job and who wronged where, also shortening the long list of snags. the DBC prevents headaches by putting down defects before commencing with the new project, and where necessary do take still clips or video to keep as record in case a dispute arise out of that defect in future. it doesn't matter what size the project is, the defects list is of importance. once done with, the original copy should be handed to the client and the duplicate be kept by you the contractor for filing together with the project agreement, and revisited during project completion purposes...dp

_what's key to investors?; when it comes to investors, there's no telling what they will all want from the funds applicant. but what is certain to be requested is the following; beneficiation structure or model (equity staked, equity spread, entity evaluation, evaluation basis [current value vs future value]), product (quality, product presentation, product purpose, product range, product knowledge), market dynamics (USP, price point, target audience, patents, competitors, market penetration, market share), financials (how much you invested yourself, product cost and yield return, sales projections, overall margins from previous year, current year n next 3 years projection, how much you need for start or operations or expansion), operational details (your location, biz model, accessibility, logistics, safety, staff information), you (your behavior, your line of answering, involvement level, vitality check, individual background) and any pending issues (legal disputes, liabilities, compliance issues, pending copyright issues, etc). these aren't the only ones that they look at but at most do lead their hitlist. what pisses every investor off is failure to give answers and or fail to be honest about not knowing answers to some questions, also not shy away from the fact that you want help not only financially but also mentoring and access to markets. don't be too ambitious as it scares the socks out of any investor, so, be moderate to display your will to work with them. again, what do you want out of them? is it their money only, or is it their involvement and what it converts to, or want them to take control. truth again is, investors are well read, informed and research on a lot before meeting up with you, so you ought to level up with them on anything with regards to your pitch. one other key pointer to take away is that not all investors are same, hence they don't look for the same things in investment seekers, and if you failed to meet their criterion not saying you'll fail to meet every other investor's. but what is certain though, is that you need to work on your level to meet expectations of their standards. to be honest, it's not easy but doable should you work hard at attracting opportunity, favour and luck your way...dp

_modes of apology; don't force for spoken apology always, allow any form expression of it. at times you need to understand the type of person who wronged you. some people don't express their sorry by words and but through actions. allow for people to apologize in a way that is them, that is comfortable and satisfying to them. and, when it's you who has wronged another, you must show remorse and apologize in unifying terms. it's not necessary to want your way all the time even if you're right, you need to understand when someone apologizes to you. remember that you too are human and doing wrong a step in close to you...dp

_a sure bet; close your eyes when you make wishes not investment decisions. it's only if you believe throwing money into a wishing well is good luck that you'll invest sans any due diligence. before you throw your hard earned money into a black hole, you may need to base your decision on something more definitive than just luck, like say, a strategy and certainty...dp

_effective date vs transaction date; there's a bit of confusion on bank statements for some sometimes. when you peruse your bank account statement in some territories you find that for all the POS purchases the date of the actual banking day isn't similar to the date of swiping or tapping...dp

_importance of others; there's nothing beautiful than hearing a partner say what their partner means to them. this shouldn't be to partners alone but to staff, shareholders, service providers and consumers, this has a lasting impact especially when said with sincerity and as often as possible...dp

_give yourself experiences; for you to be exciting, you need your life to be exciting and rewarding to live, so, give yourself all that. in order to have a say in a lot of subjects you must be well read, travelled and having had participated in a lot of activities. thing is, if you are to lead you must be an all-rounded person. so, for you to be knowledgeable, you must participate in any and all aspects of activities as an individual or a group for anything that'd add more to your knowledge bank. truth is, there's no charm beating that of a leader who's clued up in almost any subject. in all true sense, any executive leader should be well versed in current affairs, literature and activities. give yourself as much exposure as possible for experiences as it's worth your future weight in life in career or anything. experience doesn't have to be a one sided trail of knowledge or thought but a cognitive way of your looking at anything that gives you something new to do and learn from, that results in you having future reference to, whether done once or repeatedly, but the bottom line is; give yourself experiences, you owe your growth that...dp

_be free to be liberated; freedom is a feeling while liberty is an expression, but both offer experience. the trouble that's out there is their challenge on perceptions of their bearers. people make a mistake of wanting freedom alone sans mating it with liberty. for instance, you can find someone who's got financial freedom but be lacking financial independence and have on the other hand a liberated one sans financial freedom but having independence. in many instances freedom is loaned thus its limitations attached at times whilst liberty is boundless. freedom is controlled unlike liberty, hence some say freedom is a rehearsal for liberty, in that you ain't going to attain contentment but rather happiness with it but sure as hell fulfilled yet left you forever wanting more of it. learn to live a life that's in your control than that of ones living with permissions, don't wait for no one's permission. freedom affords you choice and right, and liberty gives you enabled capacity. freedom is light, liberty is hefty; so, live in ultimacy, be free to be liberated...dp

_employment memo; the workplace dynamics are shifting gears and job placement a different beast compared to what it was formerly, given how moving forward things are turning out to be in terms of employment and recruitment processes. as such, new ways and forms of employment are busy gathering momentum by the day. operations are of late the spectacular centrepiece of every unit, department or division of any entity. having these all come into play, those in recruitment are exploring flexible ways of controlling the workflow match with job doers, thus scores of weight being put  behind multiple forms of managing their ties with the workforce. one of the new ways is using an employment memo to bind workflow participants. it's not far from an ICA or Independent Contractor Agreement. the difference here is that the workflow participant signs as an external employee whom is on probation and should he/she make the cut be part of the team. it's interesting again to even put it out there that not only the employee gets to be at the mercy of the employer, but rather both at the mercy of one another as the employee may feel the job isn't for them and walk away at any point they wish. some may think of it as internship contender but not in that in this case you come in with experience and in to see if can either be an omnifit or not in check of company culture and other related issues. look at it as a mutually beneficial model. its no strings attached nature a relief to many as they can try a hand at something new or different before they dive in...dp

_recognition; if you want to gain a good profile through your work never serve under someone who is self still craving recognition and attention. truth is that they will never let you shine, and instead will try hard to block you as they view you as a rival. the secret about shine is that if you direct it to ones below you it always reflect back to you in that they return the favour through praise of you. the very attention you diverted their way will come back more times than it did for them. if you're having someone or people serving under you, be the master and none'll challenge you should you resist being framed in by framing them in rather. be there in visible absentia and your presence will morph up. if you want to lead an effective team, regulate your urge for hogging limelight and awash your team with it. go on, preach the right gospel about your team, and live it through them...dp

_kingmaker strategy; it sounds political but not to be politicised at all. as a leader you get to that point where you have to choose a crown cleaner and it can't be just anyone, so what you should do is test who's ready to further your cause and put them close with the intent of investing in them. the person you choose should be easy to work with, and having had allowed you to unconditionally alter their course of their life and pursue that which is your dream you sold to them as your executive vision for the entity and, with no stone in hide to throw at your back in their shadowing of you. for this, it's not about taking time to learn someone but rather about trying out someone and entrust your dream's future on. be ever mindful always that loyalty is a  commodity, don't blow any horn over it, so discard it in your equation. this is a pleasantly cruel process to find selves in but worth the trouble. for this formula to yield good results, you will need to reward proven mettle not impression purveyors if are serious about forging beyond strategically. the worst way of going about it is by being a crown clinger yourself when time comes for you to pass on the crown. the aim of the kingmaker strategy is to put in charge someone who'll adopt your leadership style and merge with theirs, be a clique solidifier, and a non-firmaling, as they learn the ropes. succession is about continuum not change as it rocks the boat, go for that shift peddler who blows in a new breeze in gentle strokes familiar to the usual manner yet distant in comparison...dp

_private space invites; it is one of the crucial executives' grey denomination exercise that a lot out there fail dismally at. when you invite a top somebody at a place you tell to them as yours, chances are they may show up at that very place of yours unannounced early in the morning or very late to ascertain if whether the place is truly yours or not. if an opportunity bringer takes their time on you to ensure if you're really the owner of your space or any possession you claim as yours, know they truly consider your proposal to them and but just wanting to be sure of you. state your status of ownership from the onset on whatever they need assurance of so as to earn their trust and confidence in you for their commitment to your dream. never impress with what is not yours...dp

_gender confrontation; to avoid gender confrontation in the workplace, try practicing and normalizing talking side by side than face to face whenever there's a difference between opposite genders. thing is, even in a relationship the same applies. looking into each other's eyes creates animosity and bad vibes as the differing genders read each's moves and at times conclude wrongly about the other. this also the case with same gender confrontations...dp

_following from the front vs leading from behind; it makes no sense to some at first until it's spread out. when you lead from behind, you put people in charge and let them be the front runners of operations whilst with following from the front referring to ones who are posing as leaders yet not knowing what to do or how to do or run the show through them (danger is in them not learning as fast as needed or be not carrying out instructions as they should due to their crudeness). some are there because of being incorporators and others because of their shareholding, but the damage realized by the entity in a long stroke erodes value. the trick is to never relax when you follow from the front, keep learning and work well with others. when you lead from behind, be sure that you put right candidates in key positions so they keep alignment of the vision. as a vision bearer you don't need to wait for 35 years of service for a person to be installed as a lead vision carrier, thus you can have someone new in business lead from the front. no matter how you look at it, listen to your heart and opt as it dictates with reason...dp

_live for impact; in doing anything in life, be sure that it has a lasting impact in the lives of those you share your space with, because making impressions is unsustainable. let your vision be the success of others too, let your miracle of responsibility unto them be the seed you plant of purpose in them, be the pathfinder to their destinations. leading is about management of people's skills, performance outcomes, resource planning and placements, and processes control, and as such, make people experience your impact as they receive guidance from your empowering of theirs...dp

_grief over a business partner; acting all tough in the name of being the boss isn't anyhow a solution. if you're hurting you need to let that pain out. grieving for a late business partner a healing step on your part. mourning is not a privilege but a right for your pain, do yourself a favour and seek an outlet channel where you'll be free to offload that pain sans being judged for weakness or otherwise. just mourn, find your healing, for it's good for your sanity...dp

_being selfish; don't be shy to be selfish. it gets a negative view but reality is not a case same. being selfish is about thinking for and doing for self first before the next. if you're ever to survive, grow up and succeed, you have to pass through that. truth is, we fail because of putting others first whilst they don't even have our best interests at heart. good as it is and look, but sadly, your future rests solely in your own hands not of another's as we initially thought. this but not taking away the fact that there're those who are reliant and truthful to our dreams and hopes, and delivering on their promises. this just a reminder that do put yourself first in some instances if you're to succeed. this applies in both collective individuals and lone individual fronts. reality is that at times doing and thinking for the next an uncompensated delay on your part that none even care in factor of unfortunately...dp

_manager vs agent; whether you're in sports or showbiz, having a manager or an agent is crucial for your success. but then, in most cases there seem to be a bit of confusion on distinguishing  between the two. a manager does most of things in running the career of their clients like (calender running) organizing appearances, handling bookings, care for your health, insurance, financial aspects and family needs, do PR, etc, while an agent does less by running your calendar, negotiate deals and do part-PR. managers work with teams and agents at most solo operators. both are there for your success, but just that the other is also there for your dream, security and long-term prosperity, and only you have to figure it out...dp

_how genuine are you?; this is a topic we often see in essence being played down in replacement by authenticity. how many times do you gauge self in terms of how genuine you are? it doesn't matter in what specifically but just generally in how you interact with others, make choices and decisions, be honest about yourself to self before others, etc? being genuine is a character element that lives in everyone that reflects in both character and personality of a person. it's about how truthful you are innate more than it is projected outward in that it lies in one's interests, intentions (actions, utterances and expressions), and behavior to situations alone or in group. however the list may be, the final resting place of genuineness is in the sole's mind...dp

_hypnotic rhythm; everything done repeatedly for 21 days can turn into a hypnotic rhythm that can easily be an addiction, so they say. in business you need only 7 times of doing something to get into the routine and if not then know you're late or failed; it's different to the normal pattern of everyday life. so, in whatever you do, you need to find your hypnotic rhythm quicker than that of 21 days if you're to survive for your success in business. oftentimes you get just one chance to do it right else you'd be out, as such proving that the corporate world is a stiff necked beast that's very bullish and stubborn. this but not taking away the culture factor of the particular field or industry you venture into...dp

_intentional imperfection; when entering into the market start with a less perfect product to allow growth that'll be in the guise of future perfection. it's illogical, but practical and effective for those doing the trick. when you start, intentionally put out a product that will be critiqued by many and play a stunt of paying attention to people so you build solid following through a predecessor that'll be a result of your listening to  critics. that doesn't say you produce a mediocre product, but simply a strategy to say you listen, and with such an angle easy to build repute and following that attracts brand loyalty. it's an open secret that people associate with a brand that is different but that lends them an ear in the process of developing the product as it's in a way showing that they matter and that they do have ownership of the brand. the truth is, you won't be implementing their ideas but your initial ones and but in some cases with public inputs factored in through mention. to consumers it's that you co-develop with them for them (there's no better hook than that for more involvement and brand interest from the market). use the human element to sell your product, brand attachment is built in that way...dp

_partnership between young and old; it doesn't sound ideal at the first instance of hearing of it, but a perfect combination if both know what each want out of the other. the bottom line is that they both work with guidelines for their set objectives. there's a great deal of learning from both fronts in that their generational gap offers opportunity for retro vs modern thinking and doing of things, which creates a formidable synergy. if understanding prevail, the end result of their goal will be a remarkable subject of admiration...dp

_pride, the enamel of self-being; if you do it with love and all of you, it'll show, and all will love what you do. there's nothing as admirable as seeing someone get on with what they do and joying it. you need to own what you do, and take pride in it. be proud of what you are and you'll find peace with where you are in growth of who you are. serve with love and pride for there are rewards for your kind...dp

_grow your specialization; there's a myth in specialization that it limits you. to some it makes sense but it's not. if you're to specialize in something or in some particular field, you need to give self time to step up through stages of that field. say you want to do two things, you start off with one and be good at it then later go to the next and do it too. after some time, before you get bored, be after new ways of doing it and that will help you grow as a specialist. one other thing can be to grow your specialization scope and but not deviating from the core service or product you offer. it ain't a bad thing to at times take up refresher courses in between to catch up with the times and stay relevant to newer targets. being a specialist is rewarding if you don't stay put. another avenue for growth as a specialist is collaborating with others, it'll give you access into new markets and new prospects and that's where lies your new potential. there's growth in being a specialist, you just need to be creative about it...dp

_show up for your success; if you want rare, go after success. this is because it's not a so common thing as opportunity. many of us have a chance at opportunity but a lot of times fail to convert it to success, hence there are more opportunities than there are success stories. something that doesn't get said at most about success is that it's there and what you need to do is show up for it by playing your part. you know what you want and you know who your target market is, align yourself with them and your success will meet you. place yourself accordingly and do what's needed by yourself...dp

_visibility analytics; rather odd to ear i must say, but a very important gauge that any entity should have a report on as it aids market penetration. while it's common for law enforcement personnel to be visible in all spheres for public compliance and safety, so is the case with business via visibility impact assessment. a research needs be conducted on how to position your deployees and also on where and how an entity can be more visible to everyone before and after it identifies its suitable prospects. truth is, there are consumers who categorically not make the fit to be ideal converts but in essence do, and when busy with feasibility and viability studies to have such in mind. same as product placement, visibility study focus on the blind spots in the market. market blind spots are those non-key areas that at most not make obvious case during the process of marketing mix. the visibility study draws mostly from the awareness strategy and adds here and there through branding. but then, new trade resourcing has shown that market trends lead the way in which direction the awareness strategy is to take, hence the visibility study comes in as the non-core progressive strategy filler. it is more centered around new spaces to be seen at, in short it ensures further reachability and accessibility in the new markets conundrum. it is about increase of awareness of the brand and its products or services, through indirect sales plan. this phenomenon offers an infra element that encompasses psycho analysis, foot trafficking, odd placement dynamics; basically provides stats and further hidden potential spots for minor and odd placements...dp

_research and applied development; currently called RTD in the European markets, and as RAD in ddwebb terms. R&D no longer fit the day's dynamics. in today's world we decide on practical methodologies and applicable standards and formulations, and anything that sounds good but in practical terms unusable not worthy to work on, thus the retweak to RAD. with RAD you are very much focused on linear conceptual frameworks that enables the development to be quicker, easier and adoptable. it's about scenario playouts, real time market trends analytics, de-validation techniques of what failed before vs the existent product/service vs the future product/service, and the product/service vision splits (aesthetics, durability, longevity, categorics [end-user experience and expectation, analogics, socio-economics, group dynamics, after-sales quality standards, fabrication cycles, activity logics]) before prototyping. the ultimate upside of RAD is its cost-effective nature, rapidity, simplicity and sustainability of solutions in innovation. as a discipline it's divided into research, development and knowledge management...dp

_work your field; when you go into business you must have the understanding that the results of your relationship with it reflects in you. when people measure success, they do it in two ways, first is by its reflection and secondly is by the owner's reflection. in short, it takes you to work your field in prune of your dream. your success gets nurtured by you the vision bearer and but if you fail at working on it a chance for that opportunity to walk away from you...dp

_enemy lines; never treat an enemy with respect, show your stance and distance yourself. when in the same space make them feel you care less about them and be showing no regret, and unsettle them whenever in the presence of those who matter the most by choosing to be the better sole to go for. know that there's no time to impress your enemy once battle lines are drawn. further, compromise never on your arsenal yet being gentle to the enemy's close ties, for it breaks them as you appear harmless and that a confusion. the aim is to slowly win over his supporters to your side and have them question him, it splits his focus. the secret to winning enemy battle is through making the enemy abandon whatever gives them progress in life in pursuit of what you do, it gives you power over them. and lastly, show your class to the level of the enemy...dp

_study your opponent; at times you need to get the facts right when dealing with opponents. you must know what kind of an opponent you're against by analyzing their behavior towards you. once you established that can then put on your shield that's suitable. the key is to allow for your opponent to define themselves to you, whether they are a business rival or an enemy, and if an enemy it means it dips into the personal side of your life. the approach in response won't be same as such...dp

_the general rule of authority; submitting and serving your purpose for a cause. imagine a leader sans authority wanting to receive authority from those submitting to them. let authority deal with you first before you apply it to others. simply put, you need to be under the authority of someone yourself so you stay on course as a leader...dp

_stick to the set standard; when you set the standard of your processes and systems, settle never for anything less if you expect a certain level of outcome. at times we compromise our standard and end up losing credibility to those whom we task with holding us accountable with the service provision we promise to deliver consistently. this starts with being constant with internal processes for it's suicidal for any brand to not be strict in adhering to its set standards at any level and on any stage of formulation right to delivering of its end process result. so, if you have the standard that is set for anything in your business, stick to it in order for you to achieve a uniform standard; something that you need as your building blocks for the foundation, growth and solidity of your brand...dp

_dreaming of business partners; does it occur to you? it does to a lot of you but can't say because it translates to something else, more so in the case of males. if you are asked in confidence, will you be honest and truthfully say yes if you do? know this, any person who does business with you and declare they never dreamt of you should be a sign that it might not be the right person, business or time for you, and but should it be told that the person does of you then go in unconditionally so. if you are to partner with someone and they don't feature in your dreams, let it pass. this but not applying to everyone but to most of us, just that we never get to say that as it may sound strange to the next receiving it. as for me, i can confidently say that i'm fortunate to have a TEAM that was brave enough to disclose some of such with comfort. men in business ought to learn the meaning of intimate anew as it to them spell out cosy, as it doesn't. if i do business with you we're bound to be intimate with one another and that's the nature of relations, no wrong in that. we need to stop reading too much into what isn't the matter and make issue out of. but reality is, those who are intimate, are sure to build solid relations that result in mutual respect and unlocked holistic understanding of each, that see them grow into each other to their success. go on, be free with your partner or partners, you'll regret for years you held back on that rewarding aspect of emotional intelligence. your growth will then be in your missed vital non-tangible asset which is mental strength not the toxic counter-intuitive rigid mentality, just that we need to prep selfs for such bold undertakings. truth is, for your growth for success, you need to seal the lid of your stereotyping and open that cork to receive the message from inside the bottle. then after that, ask yourself this: "is the partner putting you in their plans or squeezing you in, and in their dreams what are you?"...dp

_the importance of a confidant or confidante; having a confidant or confidante is important for a businessperson's self leveling habit. though the person needs to be a trustworthy somebody, you will benefit immensely from such a figure in your life affairs. he/she is your living diary of all matters relating to you and yours. it is good to have someone who's clued up in some cases of your territorial spheres of your being. the secrets you tell them will never be lost to them, they don't judge you but rather guide and advice where necessary. if there's something you plan on doing and tell it to another they give you pressure of making them happen, and that's the same with them, they push you. a confidant/confidante shouldn't be only a friend, most of friends tend to sell you out unlike a professional who's bound by ethical codes and standards of practice, they are trustworthy and sure to keep your affairs sealed in wraps with straps. some go for a stranger and build a relation with and place them there. truth is, trust me, if be a priest you're sure on a path to serious growth and assurance that you are safe. also, if hard to find commitment from anyone, have someone whom you'll have a hold over you equally as they on you, tell each everything and advice each on matters of private and public life on a personal level. in business you need that person, not a mentor or business consultant or advisor, but a confidant/confidante...dp

_discount cost; this is not said most. in business you don't start with discount, you earn the privilege for it, and many jump that process and dictate it. truth be told, you're doing yourself no favour doing that. thing is, any forced discount comes bearing discounted service or quality. for example, if you go to procure services of a digital marketing expert and start off with discount talk, chances are they will do for you but the time put in it will be discounted and so will be the result. instead of adding this and that to your package find that they chose to keep the goodies for only their best paying clients. the understanding should be simple; don't negotiate unless they open the window of opportunity for it. to pay what's quoted to you is rewarding in many ways that you just need to be the type to make them give you the experience. in business we're about loyalty and should you be down with the program are sure to win in that in future there'll be added benefits that includes unnegotiated discounts and stuff. discount buys discount for a discounted experience...dp

_consistency an amasser of success; in everything that you do you need to be on it consistently if you want to make an impact. should consistency be an afterthought, know success will be same. it but not say that not knowing what you're doing and doing it consistently will turn into success in replacement of depth, no, it's a must to know first before going all out with high hopes, that's key. working on your depth will make you avoid the case of being busy but not productive. know your story then sell it with knowledge...dp

_registration of a business as a group; it's a shame stating that at most people want to consult only after their mess erupted and want professional practitioners perform miracles to undo those wrong doings. but the first thing to know is that true ownership of a business is not by a registration certificate but rather through RoD and shareholder certificate. if there been any capital advanced, should draw up a share sale agreement and a shareholders agreement. the name on that certificate of registration only serve to notify who the incorporator of the company is, not the ownership as per se all the time. there're many companies that you never find out who real owners are until you see their RoD. also, should you split, what happens. atop the MoI you'll need a company policy to address some issues of that nature. some of those issues may be included in the shareholders agreement. if only we learn to consult before taking some major steps in business to avoid pitfalls that had cost others dearly. but then again, it's your choice and trust you have in you partners that matters, good luck...dp

_partner up or flat not down; this is the most common mistake that we commit to our fall. the damage control after the mistake of partnering down costs almost same as starting up. when you go into partnership, what are your genuine reasons, intent, expectations, and mutuality? just because a person has the needed capital doesn't say they are suitable to make a partner, there're options to look into the relationship with them like being a financier and give your business a loan or be an investor with a term attached. what may seem ideal in the currency can turn out to be an illogical disaster come the next moment. so, be careful and partner with tried and tested people who won't pull you down. partner at your level or above you, and accommodate those below you if only are proving to be usable and constantly showing consistency in their information uptake. if give self reasons for their mediocrity against the banner of what their backdrop tells you of them, your demise will be of your own making not of theirs...dp

_learn to be usable; being usable is hard and but rewarding. a lot of information about making it in business is essential and welcome, just that you the recipient are the material or not. each industry has its own pickings and not everyone will make it, though not the truth we get told at school. success is about a whole lot of things that needs you to prepare for in so as to be the material. the trouble with being the material is that it's not written anywhere but teachable to those who are promising to be the material. what to know is that in business it doesn't matter what you want and qualified to be or do, what matters is how  usable are you proving to be. also, the rules of engagement per levels of business aren't same and not applying to all, hence people in the same industry not treated asame and not rated alikewhat you ought to know is the type of voice, face and attitude they want to empower and position yourself in line with. in short, not everyone will make it to the level of their dream, unless they be conditioned for their success, and that's if they allow for their selves to be usable because going in you do as a sole enterprise that but will be co-existent alongside others found therein...dp

_your PA isn't your right hand man; that'll be your worse made ever committed. the understanding here should be of separation of mandate and placement points. a personal assistant is a sole attendant to your work space and whose purpose is to organize your work for your image, while a right hand man is a sworn pledgor to your private life. the PA deals with the front end and the right hand man working behind-the-scenes from the back. the mistake others with RHMs do is not set the laws when entering into their pledge of secrecy, thereby treating that space same as the rules governing the relationship between you and your PA, it's different. your PA doesn't have to know where you slept and with whom yesternight and but can organize your sleep over accommodation, and but the RHM will organize whom you'll spend the night with and ensure they be taken care of on your behalf sans telling a sole. an RHM as your life assistant, should be very knowledgeable and clued up in security detailing, economic affairs, sensual matters, light medical conditions treatments, defensive driving, and mostly know what to say, when to say it, how to say it, why say it, to whom they say it, and also know you. it's useless to have a RHM who doesn't know you. just that it'll probably depend on you what you want of them to know of you, and you too should know him as that is more important than them knowing you...dp

_the tie of partnership; this a tough one i must confess. going into business is a good thing we all know and going into partnership had been part of the journey for most of us. but then, if opt the route of partnership, what do you do to stick as one? or how do you maintain your togetherness? though not at liberty to say, any partnership or union must have its tie of bind. in essence, it's a secret that'll help keep you together same as with marriage. it's up to you which route you'll take in pleating your bind, but vital for your success of that collective dream and vision. how you release a tied partner from the bonded union also left to you. just that the bottom line above all remains as what binds you...dp

_have people you trust; with this, forget everything you've been told about trust in people. sad thing is that some of the people you listen to don't practice what they preach to you. one of the secrets of success is trust circle. you need that for you to navigate through to your breakthrough. you can succeed alone but you won't grow sans a team. everyone believes in a business that has a team, and you coming alone spelling out limitations of your relation with them. you need associates if not co-founders and joint-incorporators to see you through. just shift your thinking and see how open the window of opportunity will be for...dp

_celebrate yourself; if you are doing good in something about your life, don't shy away from celebrating yourself before others do. truth is, your achievements are mattering first to you before the next and as such who best to celebrate you than you selfly. crazy as it sounds but something we all should be doing for ourselves. self-love and self-belief gets nurtured that way...dp

_image of success; the mistake that many make is that of image. what image is, is not status, but will ultimately lead to status in time. image starts with who you are, how you are, where you are, and where you're heading. it's about positioning, background, vision, and what you have to offer. i often hear people say that image is what you wear, what you have materially, how many charities you helped, and where you hang out. truthfully, such do say something about you but not meaning a lot when we talk of image. for your success, dressing the part sans bringing your part is useless, and should rather know how to present yourself and your business. image is about the presence and the experience after you left. bear in mind that everyone can know how to wear nice, but not everyone knows about the history and purpose of events they attend, taking interest in everybody they interact with, say something nice about another's offer than theirs, have a signature to set them apart, etc, and if you take your time investing in those, are sure to leave a mark that everyone will be referring to you about. with success, the image doesn't want you to be specific but rather all rounded...dp

_franchise vs multi-branch enterprise; we often hear people say things about franchising but be that they don't really know what they're talking about. there's a difference in business ownership and running models, and one of the two confused models is that of franchise and a multi-branch. with a multi-branch model you open branches in every province and or district where there's a chance of your entity making it. a simple example of the multi-branch model is that of banks, they are fully owned and but selling shares both on retail investment structure and direct equity shareholders structure, meaning no particular person can buy and open a bank branch as their own. with the franchise, you can have sole ownership of an outlet as yours. franchising can be owned individually or as a group, and but its true and first owners being the founders of that brand. a franchise ownership can be in the form of 1: owner manager, 2: wholly self-owned, or 3: investor type ownership. since the first and true ownership is in the hands of the franchise founders, you as the franchise outlet buyer you are the franchisee and you'll be required to pay royalty to the franchise founders and owners who are then your franchisers. the benefits of franchising includes zero marketing efforts by you, logistics non-involvement, operational support, and quick returns on investment capital. the biggest downside is that you don't own the brand, in some cases royalty may be too high to keep up, and also the franchiser taking over should you fail to run it effectively...dp

_merger vs acquisition; this is another side of business that a lot don't get right. in simplistic terms, a business acquisition is the buying of another's company in whole or most of its shares for you to own, and the rights of ownership transferred to you for keeps; whereas with a merger, the transaction is that of two companies getting together to form one big company. the ownership of the new business will be 50% each side or 51/49 to have the major and the minor owner in it. in this type of deals there're many nitty gritty details that accompanies the agreement as addenda for expository purposes thereto. in a nutshell, acquisition is total buyout transaction and merger is split ownership of two companies in formation of a new one...dp

_TEAM discussion; it's advisable to at times do TEAM discussion on theme. the discussion be based on any subject of choice that but is from a member. the subject may be a music video, a song, a poem, a movie, drama series, sport, column article, quote, etc, that carries a message for the TEAM, for there's a lesson to take away from each of them that requires us to decode and learn from. it doesn't matter what category the message is, as long as it's a warning, celebration, heads up, that the TEAM will grow selves from in life and business. the member who chose the theme will start off by explaining why they loved it in conjunction with business after a day or two of having recommended it to others. this can be done once a week and be a 15 minute exercise. building a TEAM comes in many forms and ways, and this is one of them. it may not be effective in other parts of the world but proved otherwise positive in others. remember, growth comes from learning, and how we learn shouldn't be a mammoth task but rather fun and cool...dp

_message delivery style; write or talk in a way that'll make a reader or audience be in conversation of own through your message. a lot of speakers lose their rhythm and end up disconnected from their audience due to their style of message delivery. when you write or record your message, ensure that it flows so it connects with the one you intend to engage with, so set your tone and stick to it. your tonal objectification should trigger your intended reaction. content is there for consumers' consumption, and for consumers to keep going back to it is because of how engaged they're with it. resonance is the new relevance that ought to be nudged towards each prospect and regular consumer. given that, meaning the style of message delivery should be instantly suo, constantly consistent and without losing form in its evolution. content consumers are creatures of expectation of experience and when they don't find that quickly revolting by moving on to the next spot of their accommodation, so make sure your style is audience specific and tailored to grow with them. this days consumers don't want captivation but liberation, and so should be your message. give out what makes a person think different, be different, and act better going forth, and should you manage that, be it known then to thyself how enriching you empower others...dp

_delivering a presentation; deliver your presentation in a way that will ensure that the people you deliver it to be not left still wanting. thing is, the first aspect to get right is what you are conveying. also, is it a presentation or a pitch that they want of you to deliver? the difference is that with a presentation you are giving information and at times include selling in it, while with a pitch you are selling product or service or a certain brand. and but, when presenting you should wisely include the sales element in that with sales the number you get together and giving you time to say something is an opportunity to do your small pitch in the mix. then, if are giving a presentation, deliver it in stages: introduction and background, the pitch, question and answer session, and wrap up. the wrap up brings them back to where you're from, who you are and the product, service or brand you sold to them...dp

_investment wing; it is a necessity for any business to have an investment wing within its operations. a division or unit as such will be tasked with growth and stability of the business in that it'll put something into other people's businesses in the form of equity or stock market. another controversial mode of investment is gambling, of which other companies don't think of whilst others just don't want anything to do with that form of investment. gambling is legal and needing responsible heads doing it on behalf of the business, and that the executive be willing to risk and be prepped for outright loss if not strings of luck. it's a heart stopping thrill that is same as forex trading. losses are devastating in gambling and so are with forex trading. having said that doesn't mean that people should be thinking that the investment wing is a risk, no, but simply that it is a nest for rainy days. a good start could be opening a notice account, or an endowment fund. it also doesn't include pyramid schemes, void anything with promises of astronomical returns, invest in solid risk...dp

_company policy; your entity should have a policy in place to govern the business of company, operations, investments, and opportunities handling. there're lots of things that if not properly dealt with can cost a company dearly and in some instances bring it to its knees like fleet management, projects selection, pricing, banking, etc, that needs tight governance. a company policy is an open-ended working documents that will be morphed up over time through numerous discussion documents, thus making it a subject to befriend...dp

_create own job; it's no secret that job security a stress only for the middle-class, the missing-middle, the poor, and the destitute. so, for those who affords school fees, can opt to going in direct and learn on the go or still risk it by going to school and see how it pans out. reality is we're having a large excess of graduates who are faced with bleak prospects of finding a job. personally, i know of a sponge squeeze of head starters who are now employers of the graduates who were stranded with qualifications in hand. it's not the safest or quickest route to guarantee your making it in life but just a route one can look into with available funds for tuition...dp

_hatred for a partner; there's nothing personal as your possessions, and that's why business is so personal. a rift caused by business is mostly an irreparable damage because of the intensity found in business. if there comes a point where you feel strongly about your hatred for the other who's a business partner, best you let the most senior of you to guide the process of resolution or dissolution of the partnership or alliance of the partners. whatever the solution it'll be, will be informed by the bone of contention for the storm that bred your hatred unto the other. In most cases it'll be that you're to no longer share the same space, be made to be left alone for long, be made to see and deal with each other mostly, etc, to maintain a civil stance between you. again, reasons for the hatred will be weighed in the process of solving your matter and but know that it's not always a sure thing that the verdict will be in favour of you. as such, try dealing with it selfly before escalating it to avoid bitter pills to swallow at the end of it all. the other thing to do is build a case of conviction to evidence that your hatred is not a mere pittance by making sure you have witnesses at most if not in all occasions to strengthen your case. but remember the aim is not to win or push others out but to find ways to protecting self from harm or harming others...dp

_never fear being wrong; what maketh a man who wrongs not? human beings aren't robots, so making errs is part of their daily lives. being afraid of mistaking is the primary source of denying self growth. how's one to be in know of anything if in fear of being wrong? anything of magnitude went through a path of trials and errors to get to the caliber of its measure, of which had they bowed to fear and doubt couldn't have gotten to those results, so fear nothing. also to note is that to err is natural and good for your success in future when embarking on same. almost all people who made it in life have a full story bag or two of their regrets, wrong turns, false starts, and unsuccessful recoupals, inter alia. tell yourself you're not immune to mishaps and but shall prosper regardless. forge ahead knowing that it's no shame getting it wrong the first time sometimes, and that second chances are meant for such instances...dp

_experiences in life; as a person you need to have at least 5 trades you can survive with. life is there for not only to live, but also to explore, experiment, and experience. learn endlessly, be fascinated by anything that makes moves, try something new all the time. sometimes you wish you could go back and start over again; why not go there now and see what'll happen. those whom are like me stress less about such as we never abandoned our inner child hence we remain youthful. learn to do what you're feeling by then and move on to other stuff. conform to your inner voice and allay the noises of their outer voices. the secret ingredient in business is to never be lost to your inner voice for that's what brings to us you. different or similar to others, it all depends on your own voice inside, and what it tells of you a tale only the immortal can hear and share. give yourself the privilege of experience, it's how the unthinkables are borne...dp

_loosen up in your planning; don't tighten your grip on details of your plans for allowance of spontaneity in crisis resolution. when you plan any of your business aspects it's good to plan down to the last latter but it'll serve you good to allow space for the unthought-of occurrences. doing so encourages your team to be creative and empowered to act swiftly without constrictions of bureaucracy attached to their supposed solution. people at most are afraid to do what's right in crises because of fearing consequences to follow thereafter...dp

_building a businessperson; this is a tough one. if assigned with the task of building another person to being a businessperson, you need to analyze them closely to understand the type they are. the world of business is not comprising of a single type of individuals in it, there are intrapreneurs, entrepreneurs, business executives, and investors, of which is subsumed of incumbents and equity holders. as a result, you ought to take your time with the person in order to find what makes them tick so you direct them to the right path. many people want to go in business but not be sure of what they can be or want to do, and this happens a lot. alternatively, anyone wanting to embark on a career in business should go out and explore each path with players in each so they be sure. it is better to always go for the first-hand experience prior to declaring your love for whatever path you want to pursue. any informed decision is made with knowledge, so go after that so your decisions are likewise...dp

_the will to serve others; being willing to serve others increases chances of them and others doing asame for you. doing good is not a waste and fulfilling, to say the least. this also applies in business, in that if you go the extra mile for your customers and clients what you do doesn't go unnoticed and in turn they'll reward you in the form of repeat business, referrals, and growing sales, thus giving you growth mileage. don't get tired, and should encourage your staffers to replicate that which you're doing and then they too will see for themselves how people love and support an attendant who cares, smiles, and ever ready to serve them...dp 

_information absorption; there's nothing turning many leaders off than an aspirant who goes to a meeting or a session without a notebook and pen in their hand to make notes. i know some of you may say you will record the session with your fancy smartphone or dictaphone, but technology however we embrace it sometimes has a funny way of showing us how wrong we are at trusting it wholly. with that said, meaning that it doesn't hurt your nerdy ego to write lessons learned in your notebook as a back-up should you lose that smart device or malfunction in future. also, worth noting is the fact that in the beginning of your journey in your career in business you're going to be overwhelmed by the amount of information your way, good thing is that as time goes you'll be receiving it at a better rate. just that it can be too much to absorb and but once you get a hang of the jargon and settled into the scene will start receiving it in controllable quantities. and back to the notebook and pen issue, it tremendously drive the conveyer of information to churn out more if they see your preparedness for their seating with you. doing that a benefit your way that may see you having created your own luck of sort with them that'll last you a whole season long...dp   

_role of a consultory; unlike with a mentor, a consultory will do research and consulting for you and recommend to you what best suits your situation. it's made up of different backgrounds and none has an interest in cloning you into their character. a consultory is a team of experts who work together for the greater good of growing you and your business for a minimal fee. they do not advise or consult for you, no. the role of a consultory is to research where they lack information or clarity and pass the information to you for your decision to take though informed. the team can also recommend where necessary and requested to by you the business face. their use can also be in the form of equipping your board and advisors or shadow them when such a need should arise but that will be a rare occasion. this team is ideal for an entity that is still trying to get its place in the industry they are penetrating. they are your back-up for strategy and planning. a new breed of leaders have them to lean on should they hit the wall for tools to break through sans much hassle...dp  

_psychology in your dealings; understanding of brain activity and mental processing power is of utmost importance to any businessperson. some behavioral patterns in consumers, staff, partners, family and friends are rooted in a myriad of social ills like upbringing, shady past, bad history with a similar product, or anything that may have left a bitter taste in their mouths. your thoughts should be on that mode to enable you to deal with just about any character and personality alike. being clued up in psychology can prove vital in navigating through episodes unscathed. the main aim of your image as a leader in your business should center around your favourability both internally and externally in making you achieve success with the business. if you invest in mastering commercial psychology, you'll be on your sure way to mastering pricing points, winning targets, keeping business hobnobs with ease, swaying publics, and being a name, face, and a voice of reason...dp

_bad traits in character are also important in business; this are for balance i must say. it doesn't mean i'm cutting the debate short or otherwise, just stating a fact. no bribe sans a solicitor, no song sans a composer, so is the case with business. we need a mix of players within the business fraternity. if all business persons were to be the same there would've been a huge imbalance as there won't be a need for contracts and many strategy sessions held to counter each. in fact, it was going to bore and be unexciting, to say the least. bad guys are part of the business world's ecosystem. sans them, there won't be anti-virus softwares, no corporate lawyers and consultants, no personal security guards, etc, they very much peddle industries growth. on the other side, as partners we aren't the same and that also creating a balance in the working relationship...dp

_find balance in your life stages; today celebrating. in your grind, learn to remind yourself that you still have a life outside of business that needs you to live fully one stage after the other. life goes in cycles of 7s (7-14-21-28-35-42-49, and so forth) and in each cycle should do what nature requires of us to do and be because these cycles are there for a reason. so, if you are 26, do what they do but doing it less as you have another life on the side to service. it's not a bad thing to go out for the night to relax and party all night long, as long as it's not frequent. to you it should be a detox (you know what i mean) and therapy. too much business activity sans a break not good for any sole's health and growth. at times, as one got to always learn in staying abreast, where you learn and how you learn doesn't matter as long as there's a lesson in what you did or had there. as such, one may go to a party but spot an opportunity none did, or learn about the industry yet having fun, hence it's encouraged to have an element of fun in your learning...dp

_don't follow people first, follow content rather; it is something profound for others i know but you will not regret should you do that. people are interesting we all know that but what are we learning from them? a lot can be learned from them or about them, but is the case with information about things. in order for you to be interesting to others you ought to be giving something off and unfortunately it most of the time not about gossip or basic stuff about people. in people, go after what is factual and can be of value to your standing as a person. things like where the person was born, matriculated and graduated in, did what before being known for what they are presently known for, things like that. also information on where the person hangs out most of their time, though, for what? this may not be sounding but important for your own creation of luck (a topic for another day). when you are in the presence of those we admire and aspire to be, what one must know is that they will not shun you if you show that you did take your time knowing about them. but what you should not do is be on and on about the tabloid stuff about them. the other truth is that in business information is crucial and by that is where personal insights are sought about a specific person, and when that is welcome is when somebody is about to be blackmailed. again, what makes you interesting is how informative are you about a host of subjects. people in business want people who are resourceful around them not redundant ones, so, arming yourself with knowledge in general and academically makes you an all-rounded player of interest that they just might love to have hanging around them. so, equip yourself first with the know-how and the know-what before going after people, it'll pay you...dp

_how to relax your mind; business at times is stressing and one needs to get a break away from it. this doesn't mean you have to travel all the time to relax your mind. just taking your time out and reading a novel or a general periodical, play games, take a walk or jog, be with family, do your hobbies, or anything that is far from business. in doing so you'll be learning something new that you otherwise wouldn't have had you been busy with your business...dp

_confusing musts with sacrifices; in life, there're things that we make and be successful at that we longed for to achieve. but then again, what needs to be highlighted is the fact that things you do for your own headway are nothing but musts, though not all of them, but mostly musts. things like giving up time with friends for extra classes, stop partying to watch certain programs, reading business periodicals instead of gossip magazines, are not sacrifices but merely your musts to get ahead. sacrifice is giving up that which is dear to you for someone to either gain from or survive through. people need to get that right...dp

_a loyalist to bank on; on this one it's about fanatic vs supporter. the parties both are loyalists that but differ in their devotion to the subject their loyalty is aimed at. both are creatures of habit. the difference between the two is that one is a staunch believer and backer of the subject, while the other is swayed by perception. a supporter will never turn a back on you because of hearsay or because of something better on the market as he/she knows you'll too improve to the levels of those trending or even be better, they're there for better or worse unlike with a fanatic whom will ditch you the minute they see something that is perceived better or after hearing something bad yet untested about you. loyalty can be bought, a classic case with the fanatic. fanatics offer blinding numbers that are in large volumes while supporters hold value for you in lower numbers. it very much depends on what the subject wants, value or fillers?...dp

_never be too much in circulation; anything that's too much in your face isn't worth your attention, same with you. be a rare sight unless you're the face of your business. they say it's good to be out there, that not disputing that, but make sure that you are cautious at that in that people get tired too quickly if you are constantly in their faces with the same message. what you should do if are a face of any movement or cause, choose mediums that are directly positioning you with your target to avoid being all over the place. people pay attention and respect that which is fed to them with timing. limit your face out there and see how valuable you'll become as it'll be a good thing sighting you publicly. this is the same with those in lead, remember that be in public on a low key and be loud when only is relevant. attention is always given to a rare sight figure, so be that...dp 


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