
The quotes contained herein are free for anyone to use, but with one condition attached and that being that the user should cite the owner of the original material, unless where specified that the copyright owner is unknown. Thank you for your visits to my blog, yours, KgeleLeso. 

_Stifled aspiration a vision progress delay...dp

_If it doesn't fit your reality, make it be tailor-made for your mind and live it out later...dp

_Be incomplete to the too much, useless to the users, and unkind to the bad...dp

_Don't be dictated to by your past, it's merely a precedence of where you've passed to your new being...dp

_You can't be important everyday. You can't be remembered by everyone. But, you can be known for choosing self to be you...dp

_Contain your madness and let others deal with its cradle of uniqueness...dp

_Your every high is someone's low. (unknown)

_Invade truth with fiction for motivation in reality conversations...dp

_Pregnancy molds a man, and marriage shapes him, while partnership directs his path of formulation...dp

_Life prepares you not if are not ready to live...dp

_My way into supporting your beliefs doesn't necessarily mean it's my way of life...dp

_Exclusion oftentimes the best gift life livers can give to you if be real to your true self...dp

_Lie, honestly...dp

_Stop acting being you. Be you,,normal...dp

_Care more about time usage than its gains of burning it...dp

_Teach them what they want to hear, and the rest of the lesson they will learn it on their own...dp

_People come late into your life and want to earn through your hard work sans paying a levy for their free hangout in your glory...dp

_There's been an era when nations were judged by the strength and character of their men. And now, came a day we do through the behaviour of its women...dp

_If you are to fit self into the portrait of future, fear the rephrase of power misunderstood in the actrospection pary, for its position a picture not to place in your framed mental bandwidth...dp

_Worry about what you not said in your moment of still mode. Saying less grows not any leader...dp

_The minute power gets trapped in your philia, catch your attention freeze and fashion frame it...dp

_Reality of air in balloon remains true to itself in spite of shape given in capture...dp

_In justice, fear the respect that the gavel has unto the moneyed over the moon-eyed. Poor man, know your place in the face of fame...dp

_Interpret silence. Curate quietly its whispering vocabulary...dp

_Pay your consistency enough and see what it does to your repute and credibility...dp

_Chase not after hype by fanatics and but follow up on traces of supporters...dp

_Freedom is temporary. Being kept rewards...dp

_Serve with your power, but don't serve that power...dp

_Talk you, but not do you solely...dp

_To gauge your person, say what pain isn't to you...dp

_Invest not in hardships, but learn from not investing in lessons that put you there in the first place...dp

_Like Jesus, pray alone, and silently convert your problems to blessings...dp

_Thoughts rung late better not run at all...dp

_Every word by dictum is neutral until you put meaning in context...dp

_If your circle is too cold for you, don't use yourself to warm it...(unknown)

_Don't you ever forget how it matters to be you, however it feels, wherever you are all the time...dp

_Determined dedication makes no room for delegation...dp

_If you aren't ready to sacrifice your own, be ready for no gains to collect...dp

_Anything free becomes expensive over time...dp

_Passion knew no bounds, until the vision bearer came with limits...dp

_Availability sans valuable contribution maketh for a lesser man to draw from...dp

_Giving up on your idea is nonsensical, and giving up on yourself a genetic curse...dp

_Thinking that you're good isn't good enough, you gotta know how good enough you are to not take on everything that passes by for anything doable...dp

_Success is that state when you've outrun all your fantasies and have self become the fantasy of many's aspired frame...dp

_Sell me your vision and I'll predict your pocket...dp

_In failure, state not ever your purest of reason, but rather your sincerest that appeals...dp 

_Write the characters out beforehand, let them learn you their true roles, and then, act in attendance to what they role you in as...dp 

_Consistency does not say you are going right about it, but rather that you are good at sticking to what you do...dp

_Friends are real, but not all are true...dp

_Fail not to look back otherwise you'll still make same mistakes. You need a reminder now and then...dp

_The greatest fight a man should be in is for unencumbered liberty, economic power, bold frame, deeper knowledge, and self retention; so as to be respected...dp

_When making noise becomes fashionable, sense dives for shelter, and that's then a nation is lost...dp

_Blame not what you know not of...dp 

_Show none the door solely as exit. Simply remind them of its uses, and let them choose one...dp 

_Greatness is never found near us. The challenge with those in our circles...dp 

_Lose rather yourself than your life, for you can still rediscover self...dp

_Hope comes with tools. Be fooled not into disregarding them in creating your own luck...

_It gets better when worse falls after you, not before you. Once you hit the right note, all those past out of tunes are no longer associated with you...dp

_In people, waste never your time on ruined characters, since their restoration a far bigger cost to your kind personality...dp

_Sanity a satiable normality that's taught to be a generally accepted standard of conformity. Be knowledge appetent and witness the vignette they're to portray for your insatiability; be not limited...dp

_Fantasy a reality theft wrapped up in fascination, rely never on it...dp

_Time taken to make time, that's the time we waste...dp

_As a story, success is a scene infested with risks, losses, pains, betrayal, before time for breakthrough...dp

_A game has a player, but every player needs a game maker. And, lest we get it wrong, not every beginner a starter...dp

_Align never your vision with a promise breaker, for their aims at gains are on your reversals...dp

_If you find yourself in fight for a find of a good night's sleep in another man's comfort, then retire not in loving living in theirs, and if not, strive then on creating of self so you can get to love living in yours...dp

_Patience in business, with right information, is what drives the result forward...dp

_For a wrong, apologize, but for an allegation, justify. That's the way of the capitalist...dp

_Care only if they care for themselves first...dp

_Comfort is what you know, for luxury, is what you're introduced to...dp

_Even if can grow self by talk, deeds will do the difference...dp

_Where reigns meet a dangerous slide show, only the power repellent navigates the spoils unscathed...

_Freedom is cheap, vastness is in the expense of power...dp

_Be the fool of your mastery. It'll be easier for you to be taught...dp

_You aren't made, until you make another...dp

_Love bought, never stays for last...dp

_Wish, a limbo to humankind's hope...dp

_Trust none and let none feel liberated enough to free their spirit in your presence...dp

_In word, write your heart out; in say, utter your mental tattoo and, people’s respect unto you a tart seasonal taboo…dp

_If it’s curved, don’t bend it, find rather its gentle kerb and stay thereon…dp 

_Dream the dream of grey beams, to see your exposed bad wishers' dusk behinds as your dawn rise...dp

_For a man to honorably fear you, don't conquer but defeat him in front of his family, for he'll tolerantly hate you. Deal him damage in camera and he'll know how to respect you...

_Be in it with people who are in it not for you but for the course, out of their choice...dp

_We all start the journey on zero, but if it squanders your mileage traveled, not worth still pursuing in exhausted spirits...dp

_Self-importance a disease that derives from self-entitlement. Love yourself enough and you'll break out of those enslaving shackles...dp

_In business, it's better to have fallen chips than fall from grace, and when you fall, let it be from your mistakes not out of fun...

_The best way to enjoy your knowledge is sharing it with those who tender in render their resourcefulness to your helpfulness to them...dp

_Ways of life and success differ. Ways of life are a system whilst ways of success are an order...

_Make mistakes, not out of affirmation that you're human, but rather out of your quest for learning...dp

_A leader doesn't become good for show offs, but for rewards, respect and growth...dp

_Urge a liar until their edge of confession, for truth knows no colour of danger...dp

_Fear that which is advanced in absentia of payment advised, for its pay back expectation a drowning post-take that'll deep the art of heart's function...

_Be the next sole to frame your family name in a state of honor, and fight if you have to, to serve in lead your purpose to position them higher...dp

_If there's nothing that pushes you and those around you out of your collectively manageable challenges, create problems that comes with pressure...dp

_To get a good glimpse into your future self, toe your now with the heel of then, and you'll know in prints where you're headed...dp

_Disagreements aren't meant for hate and break of bonds, but for strengthening of ties that binds, as long as you learn to forgive first...dp

_The moment right defies left, know that wrong is written allover its truth...dp

_An active listener hears attentively what's unsaid, so, be the first best person you trail words of for a better follow...

_Peel your emotions not thoughts about your emotions, it's the best way to selling yourself the benefits of longevity in your commitment to your mental health...dp

_Craving peace in a boasted tortfeasance is like waking a dead person for their death...dp

_Bark the wrong tree if you may, your effort at least shows your attempt...dp

_Make a turn without prediction for once, tempt your luck with thrill to see which works overtime for you...dp

_Dream big, but be responsible for the hard work...dp

_I believe that everyone is perfect, just that it takes imperfections to make one do better to arrive at their best...dp

_Imagine your future in smaller happenings 'cause that's where progress is found...dp

_Readiness will never know the head of a nation that recognize not their scent in him...dp

_Learn to fear different". (Boitumelo Madisha)

_Feelings are best kept bottled. Open that bottle only if are ready to live outside those feelings…dp

_If you get relief from escaping it on your wake up, know then it’s not your dream to live…dp

_Give no foe a lemonade of the squeezed lemons from lemons they've thrown you with, grow more trees to sell them doses of sourness to their bitterness...dp

_Warming another cold blooded man's bed a sign of your weakness...dp

_After teaching yourself to be good, learn to tell yourself to be great...

_In justice delivered, it's no longer your money that'll give you immunity against its cause on you but connection...dp

_No matter how you love business, love yours right, the people's loyalty to it comes after you knowing to appreciate that...dp

_As much as it is praised as a big part of civil progression, but education is actually the biggest systematic slowing mechanism to the black nation...dp

_Getting lost is an opportunity to learn new and to discover then unknowns, so, there's a gain to benefit from in it...dp

_The best you can be, is the better self you've never been...dp

_In a man as an island we look for signs of life, in an opportunity for income we interrogate the sustainability...dp

_A lie without purpose is evil, and truth with no fact is baseless. Utter what's fruitful...dp

_Speak with silence, see how powerful it makes you in noise...

_Calm sees no fail where it enters, it chooses to prevail...dp

_It shouldn't cost you sleep if it's below your vision, it should only if it's bigger than your vision's growth...

_Politics is a fraternity and sorority of loyal genuflactors and bowers to the supreme minority...dp

_Listen to reason, for it's fact...dp

_Focusing on positive things only in life is hiding from the reality that truth has in store for your growth...dp

_If reality still hurts your comfort, know that you're not good enough for it...dp

_Burial attendees a sure way to getting the answer for the quality you were in your prime, not your obituary...dp

_Remember to remember that people remember about people who tend to make it a habit of remembering to show up in their space. It's not that you're forgotten...dp

_Copy the sun if the shadow follows never in shape of your form...dp

_Believe in yourself, but don't fall in love with the expectation of your vision...dp

_When small no longer fit the scale of your dream, scale up to big...dp

_Being responsible is self-care, being accountable is respect for others, and being in your self a rig of your inner peace...dp

_Love enough where you are with life, and you'll appreciate where you are in life...dp

_A mirror reflects only that which is in its  framed border, what it is only named by the owner or the seer of the next looking. What's reflected of your imagery?...dp

_If you're ever to enjoy your life, cease living it in your own terms, but rather by terms that riles the enemy...dp

_Tomorrow isn't a given guarantee to a mortal. Live today with a warranty of tomorrow...dp

_While handsome and beautiful are gold, ugly and bitter are cold; but, put truth to both and see the reaction you receive back, and say which is bold...dp

_Trust never a wound on you that carries no history of you or its reminder to you...dp

_Appearance always a deceiver to the mind that idolize the habit of painting its pictures of everything...dp

_The only best thing to do when going into any form of union, is to condition your mind to we, then be the rest in follow...dp

_Lost to us today is the soul of the true compass to leadership...

_Without death, life is fear unto creation...dp

_A talent that missed its prime to spark, is like a bile expected to give fiber to a dead elephant...dp 

_Put yourself in the middle as the center of attraction, but without avoiding attention...dp  

_There's no good in hate if made permanent, even if be for a genuine reason, blame just and sanction the move...dp 

_Accommodate but associate never with anyone who has only an idea of what they are than knowledge of what they are, for such have no sense of their purpose...dp

_Be the resolution to your evolution, that's how the revelation of your revolution will reflect...dp

_Knowing right doesn't normally say knowing wrong. Only history in write or utter, can paint it better...dp

_You are the reflection of your choices and decisions...dp
_Unlearn unattainable goals, aspiration isn't a seed for mental aches but rather heart's desired targets to achieve...dp
_Be careful in your attentiveness! Underestimate never a threat by a fool, for in them lies more your weapon to use against them than they against you...dp 

_Build no wall around you and know the harshness of human nature, and build a wall around you then know the wreath of mother nature. Life is about how you respond to acts of nature...dp

_Poverty strikes with aim at the sole that opens a door for its inning, shut your door today starting with the mind you have to control what good you can produce with not only your hands, but with the whole you are...dp

_Better a silent fool than a loud clueless moron...dp

_At times it's not about patience but rather knowing the dynamics thereof...dp

_What you don't feel another feels, and how you see it rarely asame as the next, for what you think not the way they do; that's why in life it's senseless to argue one's experience that excludes your presence, hence we'll never be treated alike. Notice the highlighted difference underlined...

_Go forth with people who not only believe in you and your dream, but also understand fully in support the reasons for all mistakes in your vision...dp
_For as long as there's a writer, there's no chance of us running out of words to read and no knowledge to take in...dp

_There's a reason to everyone's mistake, we just need to find purpose in the retake...dp

_Live the lies you tell, leave the shadow of truth; life doesn't know right from wrong, only the new reality out of the true reality people make...dp

_Give them you to know, and let them show you how to treat them...dp

_The same energy you give in cry, should carry the very same grunt in strength to fight for your happiness against the perpetrator...dp

_Life’s rights are wrongs of wrongs learned to be unwronged...dp 

_Be the difference to what the opportunity is, you owe self that for the success you can be if be in it fully...dp

_Build yourself a world for others, it's the greatest future reference you'll ever have to your name...dp

_Leadership is a struggle of equitable balance, and wherever you are planted, the leader in you will show...dp

_If they want a leader, be the class of a leader they deserve; if they demand a commander, be that kind of a commander it befits...dp

_It hardly takes a group, but you alone to lead the group. You don't need affirmation, you give it decisively, because you're a leader; but if you look back, it's your miss...dp

_Those who make early promises, barely keep them...dp 

_Position yourself before possessions else leadership can lead to crisis if lead with chaos...dp

_Leadership is not about second in lead, but rather second in command, so, take your place...dp

_Love is affection, if be affliction, know it's a cue to exit...dp

_Stop spending your days, and start living them; that’s then you’ll serve your purpose. Instead of wasting your time, burn it rather...dp

_In business, what’s vital is not the number of hours not slept, but what you do before and after sleep…dp

_What matters before results, is that spark of fulfillment for just knowing you're being in the right space...dp

_If your life runs out of breath, go live where you're alive; replant your existence...dp

_Mid-life crisis a God given gift for one to remodel their next life cycle pattern…dp

_Sometimes distraction the only way out to win a situation…dp

_In time, perfected, sorry will be those who wasted their opportunity to catch a glimpse of greatness; so, mind never your invidious detractors for disgrace awaits their exact of being...dp

_Mystery a success that spit blessings in silence until blow up time unleashes a trail of bits and pieces in collectables, and that's the value to any personal brand. Let them clock verbal mileage to your lyrically waxed earlobes with guesstimate apologiae...dp

_A common enemy makes for an alliance formation that weakens immediately after vanquish materialized...dp

_For any truthful answer to surface, there need to be an honest question...dp

_Disdain the one who wants to be like you, and cheer the one who wants to be better than you...dp

_At the end of a bitter regret lies the beginning on a better regret to commence...dp

_The hardest sell about the brain is its contents of the mind...dp

_Vision doesn’t put bread on the table but graced hope to a dried dream...dp

_Ignorance is more expensive than education. (Lebogang Sello)

_Go topa ka tsebe ga se borara efela go ikhola...dp

_The best romantic gesture that supercedes a bunch of flowers for your loved one, is a basket full of edible goodies to feed the family. (Patrick M Kgaphola, 10/21)  

_Rise up only after you've wisened up. There's no time for many false starts in any revolution...dp

_Nothing compares to the impact of the simplicity of wisdom unpacked by a seasoned grey haired sole. [Selah]

_Value knows no lesser respect but humbling appreciation from a grounded sole...dp

_If flavour is the secret, taste is the spy...dp

_Growing out of love is residing inside one’s soul...dp

_Your happiness is an asset of productivity that you shouldn’t let everyone have control over...dp

_Don’t punish when you avenge. Simply give the humiliation dish back to the sender with a smile; he’ll feel if better, bitter...dp

_If it’s from the heart, it’ll touch other hearts...dp

_Be worth the dream you live...dp

_If people say bad about you behind your back, listen not of their negativity and rather uproot that which is of positivity about you and build self of, and grow on. That's how you pat their backs for their motivation on you...dp

_Love money for what it can do for you, not for what it can do with you...dp

_Have I been the greatest person, good person or ideal person to those I shared my space with? Ask that to yourself at the end of each day…dp

_Having a dream with nothing in hand a better stroke to having no dream and nothing in hand...dp

_If the hole keeps filling back after every dig, have the soil contained...dp
_Simplicity isn't key but rather primary...dp

_Taking giant steps a counter to doubt, every move a bold one by your action to deed...dp

_One of the most empowering things you could ever do is give the next sole its worth quantified...dp

_Dependence on you doesn't mean desperation, but a reliable source of any feed to my insufficiency...dp

_Seeing a man's tear isn't good but necessary for his tomorrow deeds, for he will be avoiding same pain amore...dp

_Your haircut is just a hairdo until someone spots a flaw in your hairline...

_Success is a game. You play it with appointments it'll give off appointments in results, and play it in show ups it'll give off fulltime results...dp

_When enough starts to be little, question your heart to invite the stillness that calm stimulates in you...

_Leadership is a way of life for the humble and a way into life for the opportunist...dp

_What's in a day if it ain't a time for me to be in use of?...dp

_Take time learning to love your flaws, it's how you'll become self-contained in the love others give to you regardless...dp

_Go as far as you can see, when you get there, you'll be able to see further...dp

_Good, better, best. Never let it rest 'til your good is better than the better best...dp

_Dig deeper into the personality to zero in on the elements hidden below the layers of character to know the person, for we fall in like with the personality that in the end of our passioned admiration fall out of love with the character...dp

_Be easy to calculate so you fit into any formation because a player that doesn't isn't worth the kit permanently pressed their name but rather just the number they be temporarily assigned to...dp

_Mistakes maketh you and but not all mistakes will build your person...dp

_A promise maker who forgets to promise, breaks no promise...dp

_Where the head is at, the heart is overrated...dp

_There's a powerful driving force inside every being, that once unleashed, can make any vision, dream or desire a reality...dp

_What you do today is a continuation of what's to be done tomorrow...dp

_If a person despises you, don't give them more reason to dislike you...dp

_Make your run and uncap your mind if you find yourself ruminating a lot about problems you're on turn about. So be smart and start out. (Reuben 'Laruh' Mphelane)

_Let go of what you were and start the journey of what you can be. Remember, your time is limited. (Reuben'Laruh' Mphelane)

_Fear the intent of a sole that doesn't trust you with its motivation, surround never yourself with its web of pretense...dp

_Whatever the person is, when all regalia gets undressed, we be uniquely same as just but whoever you are...dp

_Unity acquired a cheap thrill that'll only sow a solid unintended result...dp

_If what you do is easy, your life will be hard...dp

_Let money set the pace for your momentum, and should you overtake that pace, you risk losing part of it or in whole...dp

_If you leave a mark for long without any challenge, be worried for it either is insignificant or pointless to achieve anyway...dp

_A man who chooses to forget about his past is dangerous not only unto his future, but also of those framed in his past to their future with him...dp

_Freedom is an evil force of self-destruction. And one thing about freedom is that it is not free to gain yet free to express.(unknown)

_A baboon never listens when hungry and only hears the mention of food. Whom do you think the baboon hears?(unknown)

_Don't plan on seeing the future, bless rather the thought of envisioning your deeds being talked about in the future...dp

_If rules are meant to be broken, be the new law to judge that...dp

_Understanding the dynamics at times the suffice element to surface out of timing...dp

_Don't hang a slave that's still of rotational use to you. Loan it freedom once its sentimental value is reduced only to the level of a hyped bloke's worth, to allow it share its self-destructive ways that'll make your tenure with them shine...dp

_The shifting of ears a usual feast for the shadow of an anarchist...dp

_Even if it's usual, it but won't be familiar to the uncommon sighter...dp

_Remembering to reminisce, a therapy to the mind full of faded memories...dp

_Where backup is a two palms apart scene, a troubled background is a usable way in. Challenge is, only an enlightened material knows how to surfeit even the worst of an insatiable master keyholder...dp

_Pure merged souls never made a successful run, but a good match for a unison gallop...dp

_To be in demand shouldn't shape the ideology of your need, but rather a supply quotient for your curved availability...dp

_In lead lies a follow...dp

_There's no way without direction; even the wrong way...dp

_Give an ear to the one whose deaf, for the blind will see your intention. (Patrick M Kgaphola, 07/2021)

_Living a fantasy sweeter than living in a fantasy world. Imagine yours and live it starting today, for your dream is there for you alone to live...dp

_Inner joy dances mostly to your rhythmic volume of projected outer joy. It seeks no attention nor loudness but rather a cheer of your contentment...dp

_Success by opportunity is about not you being who you are, but rather what they want you to be...dp

_Gratitude is a builder of soles, a solidifier of purpose for the grounded, a feature that attracts more unto one and, a gift to possess...dp

_Change is what you are to your life, proud is how you are digging deep into the heart of your bearer. Reason is which you give to me for this chance with you...dp

_Brand new self, new storyline to jot, new experience to amass, new thoughts to colour, new people to make happy and proud. Happy new day...dp

_Being useful is useless if not take useful self to a useless space and make it work. Know how to make the most of your self in your any given day...dp

_Age, friendship and mistakes are part and puzzle of leading our lives, thanks to life I now know that better...dp

_Worship never that is of material worth, but idolize that which is of material growth unto your being; that's how you'll attain all that you aspire to...dp

_Your dull moments are your true self-reflections. (Patrick M Kgaphola, 07/2021)

_Feeling alone is a mystified sensation only the feelings can call out in muted emptiness. Blame not self or the situation but rather the circumstance...dp

_Rare a find only the scarce possess. Holding dear to what you can't have a capture of thick air in a hollow vessel...dp

_Anger a momentous emotion that fails sense...dp

_Be content with your weakness. (Patrick M Kgaphola, 06/2021)

_Along everyone's life journey there're pillars of strength, voices of reason and confidants. Wonder what am I in yours?...dp

_Nothing  can  come  into  your  experience  unless  you  summon  it through  persistent  thoughts. (Boitumelo Madisha)

_When one is inspired, one will aspire. (Patrick M Kgaphola, 06/2021)

_In order for greatness to befall your being, align your purpose with your boldness...dp

_If imagined, prosperity isn't enough, figure out what your lucid dreams are about; for in them lies your vivid path to follow to your success...dp

_Vision is a blinding phenomenon if you mistaken it for hallucination. But if realized soon, a retake will amass your opportune livity...dp

_There's a reason we met, a reason we gelled, a reason we became friends and a reason we are to grow together, and that's sharing of a vision...dp

_Wishful thinking the first key to plenitude of wisdom...dp

_Happyness is a factor of truth, sadness an element of forced outcome; live your purpose and you'll be free from choice of regret...dp

_It's not a competition if there is no challenger and it's not a game if it has no players and, it's not worth playing if you are not going to loose. (Boitumelo Madisha)

_Quiet people don't make history. (Patrick M Kgaphola, 05/2021)

_Happyness is what you believe is; nobody will define it better for your feel...dp

_As the day falls, another rises the following. What we ought to ask ourselves is what we've done in it to elevate our profiles. Live purposely...dp

_It's only through thoughts and actions to thoughts that deeds give shape to destinies...dp

_The day you become random in the eyes of ones close to you is the day you should start re-evaluating your importance to them...dp

_We all start off nowhere as nobodies until someone unearthes us and place us somewhere to be somebodies. Me and you are like that, favoured...dp

_It takes simple people not simple times to make simple memories in hard times worth revisiting...dp

Privacy is power because what people don't know can't ruin. Keep well in that power. (Boitumelo Madisha)

_To live the life of impact, you need to tone the make-up of your cost specificity...dp

_Don't only dress for success. Wear your confidence and good self-being to impress the opportunity itself...dp

_It doesn't matter the experience you've injected in someone's life, as long as you've had a dominance to their day's activities, the start's right there to effecting shift in their lives...dp

_If you want it, don't go after it desperately, just express your interest in it...dp

_Rent by the sea depends on what you pay for, water or sand, one has to just be...dp

_A leader who doesn't blame with reason isn't doing themselves any favour but booking selves the back seat in the bus of success...dp

_Death, the overt spy of death...dp

_Winning is losing the battle of show off first...dp

_Don't wear many caps, choose the biggest of them to accommodate all the sizes comfortably...dp

_If you stand for nothing, step on nothing. And if it's because you're nothing, then be nowhere, for somewhere is for somebodies...dp

_In young you vie for curiosity, in old you seek depth...dp

_Faded memory a blessing to a mind that fantasize never of the past to revisit...dp

_Tolerate a fool and it thinks you're lesser degree of a man, be firm when dealing with such...dp

_Before you be there for the next, start shaping your shadow to be...dp

_Best decisions made always bring the best in people. Be that best part in their best...dp

_Share your wisdom with everybody, and spare but your intellect for a specific cult...dp

_Don't act big, act as befit...dp

_Don't aim to be, just be...dp

_In the end, you start thinking about the beginning...dp

_Follow your passion for that's where your heart's at...dp

_Live inside your head before you go outside...dp

_Wealth generation is a game of numbers. Either you punch or crunch them, and if you ain't doing any of those, are just like me; a dreamer reciting figures for bean counters...dp

_Work for your family dream through God. Let your vision be put before Him so he push it for you and your family...dp
_Power acquired before authority and influence will forever feel shaky, thus such kinds shielding their self uncertainty through divisive decisiveness to those clouded by their fogged mirage...dp

_When it's impossible, just do if's possible...dp

_Better a has-been than a has-not...dp

_Undersell that which is attached to your name through acquisition, and but oversell that which is by your own hands and mind...dp

_On its own time is essential, and what's vital is how precious you use it...dp

_Teach people positive limits. (unknown)

_That which doesn't hurt the mind a far cry from the heart...dp

_A path gives you life lessons while routine gives you experience...dp

_Success is a picture built first in mind, that you then work hard to make a reality of. If you don't dream it, it's easy you won't live it ever...dp
_Occupy your mind with people whom you occupy their hearts...dp

_It being profound doesn't mean it's extraordinary, but just that it's not yet thought of...dp

_Know how to learn, that's then you'll learn to know...dp

_Learn hard to work smart...dp

Developing a nerve for greed worse than a pathologically crooked mind for capitalism...dp

_Nothing is as powerful as words for they can take any form and shape it with tone, expression or style to deliver the thoughts thought...dp

_Teach your family the value of life, love, time, intradependence and interdependence, financial intelligence, and empathy, for in them is the glorious miracle of responsibility in power to share...dp

_If your heart is being challenged on purpose, assess the opponent and forward the kind of heart he expects of yours to be; reroute your path from the shape of your heart and leave him confused in conform to the shape of your mind...dp

_The only ever thing to exist between birth and death is a number...dp

_Taking time easier than making time...dp

_There's no love without help. (Mahlatse 'Sojourner' Modise) 

_Sleep a tunnel not just for dreams, but visions, depending on how you look into your life...dp

_It takes a hoe to spot who works his land better...dp

_Pain of sole sacrificing not success, makes people change after making it...dp

_If it's your life to live you'll own it, and if it's not yours you'll owe it; and but only results will show...dp

_It takes a birthday's sunrise to remind you how far you've got, and its sunset to make you appreciate how in age you've advanced...dp

_Blame never the music player but rather the music creator for the type of audience he cast out of the listener...dp

_The capital stress of any businessperson is giving people freedom to be and do on their behalf...dp

_Worship of fortunes amassed a sinew soul malady...dp

_Capacitation an explicate core of facilitation...dp

_Cost a coded corollary of cast miscalculation...dp

_Fail as an outcome a better result of try, than failure brought by fear to try...dp

_Never work another man's shift if you're in the course of working on yours...dp

_Your profile stops elevating the day you sleep forever. So, keep on pushing...dp

_Anything without memories isn't worth sentimentality, same as truth that has no lie; not to be trusted...dp

_It's better defending an unsaid thought than it is for an unthought thought that's wrongfully uttered...dp

_Bow with a heavy face, they doubt you; bow with a happy smile, they trust you...dp

_Never upstage your enemy, downgrade him with your loud absence from his spotlight...dp

_Opportunity will remain a dream if you aren't awake in it...dp

_Easy mistakes are seen by any eye and significant mistakes are seen by a critical eye...dp

_Economy a riddled pulley only the well-heeled affords to run with...dp

_Best they remember you for what you did for them than how you died...dp

_If bathing from the same water source doesn't catch you the same value wave as his, then know his importance is of no use to you...dp

_Taking your time should not be forever. Act in time to have no time lost to make up for...dp

_To realize your age, look at the things you now prioritize. And, to realize your growth, look at how and whom you make your living with of late...dp
_Genius is nothing but a demon wearing intelligence in a quotient manner, joying a stay in many few brains...dp

_A man's spirit dies many times, and the one time he gets revived is through an opportunity he can't pass...dp

_Blackness will soon be defined by our boldness over our skin colour. (Mahlatse 'Sojourner' Modise)

_I won't die until I have to die. (Gaongalelwe Mathatho)

_Before you spread yourself, share what you're about...dp

_What you're not doesn't define the lateness of what you could've become earlier on...dp

_There's no age in young, no old in numbers; the only truth lies in the falls of time...dp

_A plan gone wrong does not constitute a life gone wrong...dp

_If love doesn't settle where the heart wants it to be, build the desired destination in mind and live there...dp

_The only official threat to a hopeful man's value is oxygen leaving his flesh in a heartbeat...dp

_The general rule on loose ends is to tie them yourself...dp

_What's more dangerous to a man with resources than a rugged man with nothing to lose. (unknown)

_Nothing is as cold as truth and as cool as lies...dp

_Temporary an almost permanent if put not a deadline to it...dp

_Pretense an option to ignore the opportunity of settling a denuded apology you're aware is due...dp

_Never overuse your disdain for just any random space filler; choose enemies for beneficial outcome to you. Don't fight the petty, fight the worthy...dp

_Nothing in life is that interesting if it doesn't match the headlines, so, do what's newsworthy for only newsmakers are worth staring at and listened to...dp

_Bad people are good for our lessons, and how we learn from their bad up to us...dp

_It's rare an occurence and a wonder to step in unison with an epitome of your future...dp

_Feeling about pain easier than knowing it...dp

_Nightmares makes sleeping worth having dreams...dp

_What the level of muted accountability from people you trust but them not trusting you same as you them will do to you, is leave you scarred with pain felt that knows no tearless eye...dp

_A weak man an asset to a powerful man in that through his fear of him shall he be seen and known...dp

_It takes not only the leadership, but also the quality of those led to make success of an organization...dp

_Difference in opinion strikes out any view of a fight as but just a civil tug of thought...dp

_Opportunity your way shouldn't come by chance or favour, it should come because you deserve it, for only then will you know what to do with it...dp

_If you don't make sense to them, it's either you're too ahead of them or could simply be that you're losing it...dp

_Apologize never for digging out love your way whenever you sense dense uncertainty from the one you strongly believe should be leading the pack in your corner...dp

Never be too much of your self but settle deep within you...dp

_Naturally, power repels the meek...dp

_Envy a passage that leads to hatred in a naive competitor's heart...dp

_To build wealth you need to be of high worth, so start with your value first...dp

_In your quest for content creation, nothing beats who you are, what you're about, why that, whom it's for, and whom with you're doing it...dp

_Rephrasing befits only a wrongful answer or a question for clarification, not silence...dp

_Mahogany a dead lump wood until it's carved into a Venetian red cabinet...dp

_Insanity a partial remedy to restore one's slay battered soul, for only kindredship a default consignment of convenience familiarized...dp

_Never buy success. Buy into it...dp

_Transformation a welcome agent if shaping the empowered carrier for the better...dp

_Poor but mentally rich, my wealth is in my knowledge. (Boitumelo Madisha)

_The best of life is timed by the primer applied to the surface of your apothegm in delivering the message of tainted ivy poison pill...dp

_Best results do not always result from what you love to do or be, but instead out of what you chose to focus wholly on. (Heniel Ngwako Rakgwale)

_Work on what's possible first, then do what you love later 'cause not everyone gets paid much enough doing that which they love...dp

_A rich man is a poor man for sleep...dp

_Only you can carry your weight. Manage your mass so that you can carry your value. (Boitumelo Madisha)

_Compromise is not an asset, put no quality to it...dp

_An epitome of greatness started from being a symbol of progress...dp

_Experience an irreplaceable acquisition over time that you can procure but never fit to wear...dp

_Wisdom is noticing your difference, valuing it, and planning around it...dp

_An aura of success is audibly sophisticated, wrap your simple self with it...dp

_Best you start small for almost anything that starts big has a potential of ending small...dp

_A lesser mean sole a non-fit in commercial world's independent soul...dp

_Every self-made millionaire started with their first 100 going to their first 1000, then multiplicating that to a whistling magical number...dp

_Getting really rich a very good reminder why you started it all. So, don't stop, keep pushing...dp

_If it's your life you'll own, and if not yours you'll owe it, but only results will tell...dp

_When it's possible, do it if it's possible...dp

_The public buys what you show to them, not what you hide from them. (Boitumelo Madisha)

_Pain of sole sacrificing, not success, makes people change after making it...dp

_If he's an enemy, treat his advise as a warning that warrants your glory of silence...dp

_Success remains a utopia resident if access to markets a sustained dalliance...dp

_Every society deserves the criminal it courts. (unknown)

_Age not a mystery overburdened by trial and error but simply a humbling number pointing out where you've been to where going from where you're now...dp

_Blessing is an intangible element that enables the reward as a result. (Mahlatse 'Sojourner' Modise)

_The day I got to know how bitter the truth is, was the day I saw a leader cry in public...dp

_If it has cues and features that are designed to hurt you, step aside swiftly and attentively observe its ending. Be wise; know and fear your downfall...dp

_Vanity a good starting place for a squanderer but an ideal hiding space for a wealth beginner...dp

_Excellence doesn't buy you category but gives you status in a particular class...dp

_Sometimes it's good to affirm who you are, for your worth at times dependent on that...dp

_What's fair if what's duly fair isn't fair to the risk taker?...dp

_Daytime is not for working on your plan but rather implementation, for nighttime reserved for planning. (Mahlatse 'Sojourner' Modise)

_Lie is what you know the truth of not what you know not the truth of...  dp
_Freedom a loaned permanent word for one's feeling...dp

_If you can't reason with one's soul and fill its capacity with depth, cast them a weave of wisdom to make the best they can be when not only with you...dp

_Nothing is as stupid as the mind, for it grasps what the environment feeds to it...dp

_Mistakes are a sure sign of you heading towards your maturity, hence second chance for a second try a necessity at times...dp

_People may question your status, decisions, and personality but, do never allow for them to question your character for that's where your reputation lies at core...dp

_Invest in people who sings the chorus of you than they verse you in...dp

_Disappointment is nothing but a reminder of all things gone wrong that you need not forget in your planning...dp

_Never let dust settle once you start with the battle, that's how you get judged; by the amount of dust you keep making in the battlefield...dp

_If you are to send a vulgar message to someone, write it first to yourself and feel the feedback self beforehand...dp

_Finding true dimension to exist in a bond never to revolve in...dp

_Reality a soft infliction of raw truth that leaves no pain but only an inducement for positivity...dp

_Readiness a dying breed to the aging preparedness convict...dp

_If he is your pillar, align yourself not with his actions, but resonate in acquaintance with his deeds for it'll point to him that you're of same kind in mind...dp

_Whoever said passion dies with age was wrong. Some achievements are a distinct definer of experience...dp

_Getting it perfect every time doesn't mean doing it best all the time...dp

_Mention never your enemy by name in your victory statement, for doing so, a boost that leaves them powered still...dp

_Learn to say and do 'cause if you say it lot chances are you ain't going to do a thing at all...dp

_Give yourself some time to be in a relationship with your business than obsession with profit making...dp

_When you partner with anyone in life, make never a mistake of doing so with a wishful dreamer. Rest your options on an active dreamer for they get things done according to their dream plan. Active dreamers build in mind and move on to devising means on execution...dp

_Success goes to the heart that believes in its mind's ability to envision beyond the ordinary horizon...dp

_A mind that delivers only when under extreme pressure a one-time solution that's not worth procuring, for such a liability to you for the long-term...dp

_Promise is nothing but a lie until it is fulfilled...dp

_There's a moment for every song, and there's a song for every moment, so, dance a mile in my song and soon you'll realize how tough it is in my world. (Boitumelo Madisha)

_Post-depression an ocean to a drowsy eye, but an untapered perennial stream to a wakeful eye...dp

_Little less known strangely safer to too known for nothing...dp

_Sacrifice is a quandary foregoing in whole of that which is of value to you sentimentally or economically, and not that which you give away in part, as that just but a benevolent act...dp

_Garnered success before achievement i like a smog in a long winding tunnel...dp

_Nobody cares about the genre of your sincerity, as long as your apology atones your regret...dp

_You don't know a person fully until you've laid your eyes on them in their wholly bare natural form...dp 

_Being down and broke doesn't say you're out, it simply mean you're in your downside of the cycle and crushing marbles to another upside of the cycle...dp

_What any old voice pray for is a young voice to find and tone their face with enough grace to last them another run as their dab duad before they dock...dp

_You mostly recall about favours when your precious gift is about to be devoured by shame...dp

_Success is ephemeral, hence failure a celebrity of note in many hearts...dp

_Play your game left and let never your right left unattended for too long...dp

_Freedom an empty yet empowering state to be in...dp

_Happiness a praline if your desired destination be met where there's no tomorrow but just a litany of past with errors encrypted to create a picture-perfect era to period in...dp

_Fulfilment doesn't add time taken to attain it, rather the enjoyed momentum in it...dp

_Future a lavage development only the lavish time earners can afford in currency we occupy...dp

_Our value is created by the things we feed our minds with. (Boitumelo Madisha)

_Measurement to a person's maturity is by their action. (Vincent Ledwaba) 

_Wealth can be from anything your eyes shows to your informed mind...dp

_The aim of success is to be, not to show...dp


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