In this section you take the written statements and find what the hidden meaning to the message is. You may answer in the comment block or forward your answer for any code to The aim is not to answer all but any that you managed to get right.
dp.Paint the door you walk into: handles are same, but handlers not.
dp.A wrong bean swallowed by the butler economy a convert peasant: no good being will rise out of that bettered an affluent.
dp.If the friended familiarity emerges boldly stemmed from the other side against you, he is automatically a foe that qualifies a dose of hatred: raise your standard to shield any that's such.
dp.A rolling dice for win knows no hand: only a stone straightened heart powers the arm that collects.
dp.Freedom is temporary, being kept rewards: strip not your bearer's value for the ungrateful receiver's pocket worth.
dp.Pain from grief a private peace in hidden public outcome: colour your tear with meaning to the affair.
dp.Pray for the long play: circles to reflect from, never repeat lies if there is a tail of truth in its day.
dp.Love a quick takeover to not notice: hate a swift overtaker where room is given.
dp.A long queue a short cut for a no way out: if tomorrow not a future but a certainty.
dp.By the time your shine knows: your day in it would be already late to the drama of your becoming.
dp.Even if the mark isn't there as given: park your promise on the unmarked with your unknown own.
dp.Wrap the shame drape: liquid hype knows no state.
dp.Bad blood a wrong blow of vibes: isolate courage to avenge, and win is a revealed union.
dp.When life gives up on red in a rose, love takes leave: no heart knows its shape until reminded by lack of filling.
dp.Wet souls don't weep: cut the pain and water the suffering sobbed.
dp.Build a brand and morph egos: destroy emerged repute and imaged monster comes to live.
dp.Glory in the hole a peep for the eyeing soul: giving adulting a little chorus to the desire hanged on the pole.
dp.Be wakeful of your sleeps: good nights never come with days dreamt.
dp.Dark skies knows no shadows of clouds: only night surfers traverse the hinds of light's obverse.
dp.Cry in a say another way to a try: chance, your only change that may come with positives.
dp.Whoever carries the winds of lie to the fountains a hero to the gullible: obvious enemy is the one dissecting the journey.
dp.The greater the promise: the quieter the noise on the fat risk.
dp.Scrape the soul with oval swipes and clean the mind never over forgiveness: do forgetfulness but in full blown reminders.
dp.When you teach, learn: a less knowledge populated vessel almost all the time a giver of room to read.
dp.If you know the obverse to the flip: cut the mid-prop and ink the inverse.
dp.Power over circumstance is the ultimate theory to condition your practice of thought: dive into your purpose to reveal the veal of confidence.
dp.A dirty shirt a clean clothe dependent on the filth of subject worn: making bad a decent decision gone blind.
dp.Into the light comes alive and showy: into the thick of dim it actively disappears.
dp.The ruins of mind were the quarters to her soul disturbed: imagined sorrows a cue blur to the wishful hurt.
dp.Politics ran off with the show: hyphens left to public a bracket to shine in.
dp.Fight a winnable battle, like risking to join the Israelites: life on the edge of scriptures.
dp.On the front of her back idled a rogue facsimile to browse: happy ending a glaze of future to command passed trial ups.
dp.The beat was never only of the heart I now am sure: how his steps tapped, got me counting runs to ruins of my mellows.
dp.Show me the worst in your arrogance and I'll point out your good side: pour out your goodness and the rest will punch holes to your fall in tact.
dp.Told never about the sold gold: heard only of the rush raced for after my value a condolence consolation.
dp.567 is power less to the masses if powered by the call out of a powerless informed figure: if mischecked, e.f.g accords power to the figure that gels yet discord in earnings.
dp.Peppered minerals prepped miners to pepped diners: peddled esteems pedaled steamed egos below teams' tables. Now, who's the patted pet licking the tastiest mineral from the padded floors?
dp.Having fun alone a sign towards that: leaving it not a straight display of one's yearn.
dp.Should it turn out to be a lie to your hope, list it in your mind: should you breathe it again, the heart a reminder to your breeze.
dp.If it hides around you, hide with it, but allow it never to go in: the moment it wakes to your wit, it'll see itself away.
dp.Rome caught on quicker: but failed then the earlier courting of courtesy.
dp.The very monkey that saw the light, became the very one to point the ones in its shadow darketh: fear the trickery of discovery, for it sparks in breadths the echo that blinds.
dp.Curtains close after the call not a clap: how many tales shouldn't there be to give ring on the signal, a game only a few plays.
dp.If you paint it up, pay it low: let the tip rip the carer.
dp.Lunch if not free: give self free time on their lunch.
dp.Listen to the scales of skies if you are to skin the surface: forget about the true sounds of birds, for their melodies a try for your ear.
dp.When calamity looms, break for the tallest tree: where heads are not found, there'll be none to roll.
dp.Scratch deeper for what's underneath louder: make noise on the false obvious to let the true obvious rest in vivid hide.
dp.Grading a yoke is scheming a shell: scrapes of suint from a seasoned yolk a brailled understanding.
dp.Piece together with pace: leave more base.
dp.Never be afraid of being messed up: your good will be, come the reversal of that state wrap.
dp.Fight for the throne and the queen comes for you, but reject the throne you'll be in the company of a princess: risk loses in the eye of danger and gains loss when harm betrays itself.
dp.Giving up to desire a design by description: stand up and be counted beside the weak if you are to win the graced mock.
dp.Determination a must, hope a plus: with charisma, affirm dilution of confidence, and you've got self a commendable personality to frame your character in.
dp.Cut the tree to less the shade: trim the shadow to the shape you wish of your excess hade.
dp.Failing to fit in with the crowd yet in tune with the surrounding: it never been, as your will registered neither.
dp.The fire gutters not the spirit: passion conditions the way of the heart's blow.
dp.From inside is for the outsider to see: but with the pane, verse the difference to the pain of being nowhere yet witnessing the truth through explicit glass.
dp.Never go beyond your mark: in the beginning, it's the end to your start in the meantime.
dp.It said 1 but screamed in 7s: the walk made turns of 3s to end in the line with 1 by 21 bits.
dp.Rest ambition to reign of aspiration and limit those goals of temptation: having it all never been in it all.
dp.Lift your thumb for time in the market: when you get out, what you think you saw becomes what you don't mind to know.
dp.The candle tent was lit but light heavier to darkness: with dim view a true friend will still know your heart by the shape of your mental physique.
dp.You infest, you're unwelcome: you manifest, you're invited.
dp.Buttons of temptation never switch off where there's a face of pleasure distress: stand tall even if your beg is down loud.
with emotion: claim not the spirit already caged and bruised.
dp.It’s no break if go into it with no catch of breath: boot your body to the Virgo state.
dp.Even if can grow self by talk: deeds will tell the variance.
dp.Where reigns meet a dangerous slide show: only the power repellent navigates the spoils unscathed.
dp.Live inside your head, life cease being fun: move outside your life, practicality a serious relation of whom you shape self as.
dp.Strip him privacy and leave her covering his shame: put a man on the arch to ride on his back.
dp.When conflict is just in the name: verbalize the noun and see what it gives in return.
dp.Into this ad libitum the facia is same as the rear: fatiloquent a gilded dress code for the parlance occasion.
dp.Fear the crippling excitement: the flood coming awash a cold shoulder to the hot shower invite.
dp.If the first falls three times and give seven pieces, a power break: any other that follows a no backer for peering falls.
dp.It rocks the soul in good spirits; higher but it goes, the lower best of days to record.
dp.Speed rush the kill to speedy recovery: if only the overtaking was meant for purpose of absolve.
dp.In its middle only falls in the theorist head: and in action fuel a practical sole.
dp.He came a man wearing bravery: but a pimple drop of sweat blood proved a day to leaf his tracing of the back of his head.
dp.Fame frustrates a divided tamed sole: loud stillness met never a quiet limelight hogger in her.
dp.I'm yet to go to the South to ask for some Eastern salt.
dp.Sidestep the shades: snakes are about to fall.
dp.True: your revelation a wound to my stab from yesterhey.
dp.Look into your own eye if you don't find mine.
dp.She's a peer polished in halves: she's no better than a snow promise after the settled dust storm.
dp.Living in the mock up of your life an easy ride into the park of autopilot pickings: how long the sleeve of your short life is, a secret only your shadow should question to your true life.
dp.His finger connected with many recipes: taste, an element we wish from those licking his finger.
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