An interview feature page that cover a lot of topics that involve both personal and business life of the blog founder, with the hope of interviewing executives in future and publish their interviews here. Hope you grow from this page, thank you...
¦ Haha, yes I unfortunately see you as one. I do. And, early retirement plans in sight?
P: 07.07.23
¦ What was your last chat on social media before coming in here?
- know love from lust. It might be the one last difference your heart needs to separate from the mind...dp
¦ Why's that so?
- Everybody longs to belong to someone they love and so is anyone in business, yearning for a partner whom is good faithed, thoughtful, resourceful, considerate, and honorable. In daily dealings we get to meet devoted devils pretending to be good personalities to partner in business with and end up regretting because of their true colors showing later on their characters. So, it's good to know how to sift bad from the good same as in a romantic relationship. Check the tell tales and compromise not on what you want and not want...dp
¦ Your feeling on compromise?
- I just don't do it coz I know that I deserve better in my life, whether socially or otherwise. Compromise is doing that which you're against for the joy and benefit of another over your own. I do what goes with my principles, that is it. If you want to do your happiness, cut compromise in your life, done...dp
¦ Do you care to worry about what people's perceptions are about you?
- Where I are agewise yes I shouldn't as advised, but livelihoodwise I should, otherwise my bitterness will be a sweetener for my nemeses. The world of business is a different type of beast to just take its bite for a play lick, it'll put you down flat if you don't respect your public conduct. A lot have been through that before, so, have to be cautious. There's no due rehearsal for downfall, it seriously happens...dp
¦ What makes life easier in the life of a businessperson?
- Having a firm grip on the fact that you aren't a celebrity but a career person just like any other in theirs. Doing business is a long time commitment that's full of sacrifices. There is pressure from within and outside of it, so, soldier on with your head held high regardless of what may be said and done to you. Also, family support and financing life with a life partner that bought into your dream for your vision. If the sole you chose to burn your sleeps beside opts for east whilst you west, know that you are doomed for good...dp
¦ Whom do you turn to in down times?
- Definitely not your omni one, but my Consultry. They keep me going in times of darkness, gives me ground to surface my re-emergence, say all the right sweet dream nothings that you can never of me, show me ups in the eye of downs, and best of all, they take their time to make their mosts make the best of me you all love to look at admirably and listen to. I am no man fuller sans them and also not a man comfortable in worry about me unfortunately, I'm that typa man if you know what I mean. I do the solo caring for others and the Consultry does the minding of my back as a collective. Any economic hero should have one...dp
¦ Are you egoistic?
- Every man as far as I know should be, as yes I am. It's my ego that brought me this far and am proud of how much I had done through my ego...dp
¦ In relations, are you the quitter or the quitted?
- 90% of my life have been spent as a leader and 10% as a follower, as such, most of the time I'm being the 1 quitted on and under abnormal circumstances quitting on people. As a leader, to quit is publicly depicted as though a sign of weakness shown by such leader, but in essence a sign of self-care. There're several reasons why I quit and are personal, like my ego tramping, me deroled, dealing with a promise breaker, distrust, lack of parity in giving-off 1self, among others. In short, I rarely quit but I do...dp
¦ Ego tramping and deroling. Can you quickly unpack them for me?
- With ego, not much really to say as already indicated that any person and a leader especially, needs that and unapologetically so. Derole is a space or state rather where you feel the character you are is diluted by various languorous elements like emotional attachment, success despondency, and situational belonging. Some of us don't want to be cared for as it's anomalous, as by nature been used to caring for other people before even being in position of leadership. Thus but not implying that it's burdensome being a leader. Being vulnerable and too carelessly open to others, personally a heavy undertaking that scares the best of me, that in the long run to have me undergo convalescence that requires personality patching to fully regain character intactness. So, anything that's too good for ones like me is hard to harbor and fully embrace. It's a conditional disorder I must say, which I have observed and picked up common a pattern in a lot of a few leaders I interact with and those also with I've encountered, more so those who've been trained to lead. By virtue, most are locked in a cautious spirit mode, with unsafe visiting as a guilt trip reminder every time we try to let go of our imperfections guard. I, myself, don't enjoy it but gradually becoming more me outside of safe, though got to admit, a long day still to pass...dp
¦ Last question. How do you sell yourself?
- An easy question that's but tough to answer. I guess I sell myself sans a marketing strategy. Being me less than too much I am, does the good for me...dp
P: 27.05.23
¦ What do you aspire for in your career life?
-success in my business ventures, to make me a billionaire...dp
¦ When did it all start?
-from high school I always wanted to be that one. I learnt from then that in order for me to make it, I have to be useful to the believers and useless to the users, and, to date, have been though my wrong tendencies of kindness derailed my course. But, what my derailleurs don't know is that I now see through them better and now stronger for my vision, so, reset is where I am after my restoration to where it all started...dp
¦ How many enemies do you have?
-enemies, none I recall, but rivals. What is the use of enemies? I always ask myself. I hear they're good for keeping you on your toes, but can't procrastination be that to you? A weirdo I am I know, but to ascribe to formulated natures ain't in my being, I do me and push me to those who are my surrounders. Having another project in life called enemy, is a waste of your precious time. Creators who set pace and trends, and visionary leaders don't make provision for space for such, they're more concerned about their next big thing for the rest to follow, not follow up on what others do. If there is any, then I feel for their wasted energy on negative effort that pays not...dp
¦ Why see enemies like that?
-trust me, enmity is a concerted con brio congress of divisions in human relations, that is designed as a con crud to any union of soles. As such, doing you in your lane lets that bad energy pass you by, so, be that strong for self and yours. Again, enemies are found where weaklings are made to feel your character is too expensive for their easily intimidated cheap selves. Be aware of such patterns in your path...dp
¦ What are your famous words for the day?
-fear the taint of freedom for your liberty...dp
P: 18.04.23
¦ In concepts of life. How many philosophies do you have that you live by?
- I have more than a sponge squeeze in fact. My psychology revolves around 7 philosophies to be exact, and my prime one is; live to learn, and let live off your learned value...dp
¦ To many concepts of life, which stands out more for you?
- the elements of life. There's a vast array of intellection on the topical concept, and that, makes it most interesting for my intuition, thinking how each concept that you may recall stemming from them...dp
¦ What do you respect about researches?
- nothing much except the fact that they're used by master manipulators to lie about almost anything and shift the statistical pace of truth shaping as it was known before and instil in the mind of the target a designed thinking that's in line of support of their latest narrative direction. The fertile propaganda infestation laced in compiled research reports, makes me not heed to anything of them as almost all of them are carried out under strategic banners of agenda nudging sponsors, and thus making them channel tailored for raking in the end of populating any that's released. They are an infective and intentional tools of fear, control, division, perception, dissuasion, and any many other means of confusion that's aimed at disempowering the already less powered and disenfranchised masses through disinformation and misinformation for gains of a select few...dp
¦ The 10% of the 1%. Your take on that?
- those are the ultra supreme of the elites as far as I understand it. They're the real problem of world peace order in that they are the ones responsible for 99% of all the crises in the world. Trouble is, they're organized and are families, using popular figures as their faces for the invisible rule of power they are. That makes me care less about the representatives' faces and more worried about the invisible omni-hegemon powers behind their influence, that commits all the atrocities against human kind beyond race dynamics. A myth by the theorists I heard it said, but I say; each one to their own set of knowledge base...dp
¦ Who's your source of intellection?
- it's not about who, but rather what. The thing about me is, there's no point you'll find me idle. It's either I'm reading, pyra-surfing the web, writing, watching certain programs, listening to something, talking to someone, observing specific situation; and yaah, those are my sources. I now join discussion groups after cutting self off book clubs as tired motivational and fictional reviews aren't for me honestly. Basically, those literally are what I call my infinitesimal knowledge sourcing...dp
¦ To you, are role models vital?
- that depends on where the person is headed in life. If your progress to growth in success is an ongoing project, yes. But, in business, you need more than that in order to make it through, and that's a life coach and mentor...dp
¦ What's most profound to this day to you?
- baseless factuality and no comment. You can't shake me away from that. If you here such, just know there's trouble from the corner any is milled. I have come to realize how outselling both statements are to truth in the question than the lie protected in the utterer's answer...dp
P: 07.03.23
¦ Do you believe in a plan or prayer and why?
-In fact, in both. Simply because of my belief system which stems from my roots and culture instilled in me...dp
¦ Whom do you praise for your achievements when alone?
-My self, in how I listened to my inner voice and resolved to responding and at times reacting to situations of difficulties in my life. The choices I made thus far in spirituality, traditionalism, legality, academics and socially to many factors that life puts us through in shaping the characters we end up being with matched personalities per the personage one is...dp
¦ What's your solacer when you're down?
-I'd rather not say in answering that as it naturally bears the potential to open up a dialogue that'll be hard for me to have control over or worse, lack the strength to deal with and cause more unnecessary spirit exhausting speculations about me because people have their opinions over the context of the content they consume...dp
¦ Whom do you plan around?
-Myself, my family and my tiny circle, for the greater good of others coz at the end of it all it's not for me and them alone but by me with them for others...dp
¦ Does marriage have a bearing on success in business life?
-That's a subjective one. By contrast it does. There're opportunities that're tailored specifically for the married and reasons entailed thereto pegged to many fragments that's to one simply exclusion for persuasion to be, but then again, not a topic of now to fault as it's part of the system, something the 4%ers can't win over with the 95%ers and the 1%ers are sure of, so, unworthy of dignifying its day's significance...dp
¦ What's your take on faking it till you make it?
-It works, therefore no objection to it as today fake is the norm of note for just about anyone that gets celebrated. Society cares less as long as it entertains or appeal to their taste. The only time we take note is when the fake aspect comes to light after there been an eventuality that exposed the reality against the purported assertion. But for me personally, I don't ascribe to the notion...dp
¦ Do you believe life has a design and how if yes?
-Yes, it is, it has a design hence there're stats, ID systems, etc. the reason there're many religions that cause conflicts which are beneficial to the arms manufacturers and churches, the reason there's rhetoric in politics is due to that, the financial redlining that's slowly suffocating a specific demographic a result of that, the pattern is just everywhere you turn your head around. Look at the ideal concept conjugal union has turned out to be, a commercialized mammoth institution that's easy to bind self in but costly and tiringly messed up for unbind, life's periodic coffers raising scams like pandemics and economic crises, there're lots to tap into that makes life a design altered from one era to the next. Me here with you another classic example of life's design of modern times model; content creation for a specific agenda that I don't even know if I am it's item or just an almost of it, but have to do in the name of profiling we're bombarded with even though we never care to interrogate. I can take the whole day going on about it and but yes again...dp
P: 06.02.23
¦ What is life according to you?
- To another it might be defined otherwise, but to me life is a status of existence in an organism as a spirited entity which with there's an aspect of social, career, private and public to its being as a human to fulfil its mandate to the fullest by serving its purpose...dp
¦ Are you in control or in charge of your life?
-Subjectively divisive yet remarkably important to discuss, but then, being in control is ultimate for any living entity though not entirely possible and being in charge saying one is under placement. As such, I'm still on the mode of being in charge and so hard miling the dominion hierarchy for a better rank of control...dp
¦ How addictive is it living your life?
- Yoh! It ain't tough but not easy being me that's for sure. And addictive, yes it is, got to admit, seeing how a figure of interest I am to others. You have to start hard in life so that halfway through you inspire onlookers as a target of aspiration by how forged your way of life is. Having me in another's life a spark drug I can extend my assurance to you. I am in love with what I have turned out to be and grateful for who I chose for myself to be, that's today so addictive to live as. And true, it's indeed addictive being genuinely me and living my life authentically...dp
¦ How do you describe your life?
- Boring at first but interestingly addictive in the end.
- Full of mystery yet simplest for many.
- Curiosity filled, knowledge based, and full of love...dp
¦ Your ingredients of life as a leader?
-First, leaders are in honest fact above all else, initiators. Fulfill your purpose and greater shall be your chances of accomplishing your vision, however uneasy it may. Best you know yet that, and this you can even look around for results of what I'm to say, coz business leadership's attraction is overwhelmingly breathtaking but its taste an avalanche of bitterness not even the highest paid M.B.A. program may prep you for. It's tough out there. Initiate.
- Different similarities a commonal track. What makes you makes me, as a leader. Differ, being same.
- Learn to respect the fact that morality a killer of reality in sincerity, hence my arch-animal spirit is the elephant. I never forget to mourn each and every passing situation no matter how good or bad, for the lesson it gave for growth. Cage morality.
- And lastly, let your leadership trail be free of bind campaigns. Be the reason the slave master's bond with the debt master is weakened. Own yourself by freeing your name from debt trap by waking up with the purpose of solidifying your liberty position. Live never like a king in your castle's foundation with an exposed bed. Build walls up first then live in it as your fortress. No indebted leader gets respected as they have no control. Be debt free...dp
¦ Does flexibility relate to your life?
- To some degree it does in that I never stay on one subject for long, never do a single task at once, and never rejected diversity...dp
¦ Your black book advise on anything in life?
- It has to be to never invest in a sole proprietor or even a company with a sole incorporator in it, such a business a cost should you wake with them no more...dp
¦ What's that question that's to you never answered?
- What is the true essence of leadership? An answer to that will clear the air on its significance. The bloated fuss around it makes me feel there's a social ellipsoid reaping rewards from the public's perturbation...dp
¦What's that one thing you feel the world should know about life?
- For me, the world needs to be reminded that;
_ life is there to be lived.
_ life can never be replaced.
_ life gives second and third take going forth without reversal.
_ life is never short or long but instead naturally neutrally timed.
_ life can never be lived for you, live yours...dp
¦ Lastly,,,your view on one's self ending of life?
- A creation gifted to the liver life is, but a burden to manage and responsibly sustain for others, as such, pointing a finger not a profitable feeling to the reward it is to one due in virtue of what the choice they made with theirs. In so saying, meaning that, blame neither in how they decide with theirs so given. Lest we celebrate one's demise with it, best we observe the reflection of what's afforded to sight in learn for the betterment of ours in manage. Thank you...dp
P: 16.12.22
¦ What is a team to you?
- TEAM is a group of unified diversity of soles that through their knowledge, skills, or set criterion conforth, share the same vision and values, and are on a mission to create an aspiration to those who're onlooking...dp
¦ How do you keep a team together?
- That though tough is done by consistent capacitation, common effort contribution, alignment monitoring, leadership and support resources availing, and open recognition, with no separatist criticism or tendencies, ageism tactics, sexism narrative, but fair opportunity presenting with merit mated to aspiration versed...dp
¦ What qualities are a top must in your team?
- honesty over loyalty.
- promise centric over target focused.
- global localization over regional. localization thinking.
- depth with logic over opinion with sense in solution to challenge factoring.
- material fit for purpose and vision over fit and proper for position.
- employer mindset over employee mindset.
- risk conscious and cost aversion over time efficiency and results driven.
- TEAM oriented over individual oriented, and
- balance in fact over fact in check...dp
¦ What interests you in a team?
- 1 problem_multiple approach solutions.
- spirited bonds layered, and
- hard to quit if load easier to carry...dp
¦ What kind of a team do you respect?
_prays the same dedicated prayer.
_is there to protect one another, and
_is patriotic...dp
¦ What is most important to a team?
- vision is prior to everyone's importance.
- be there with them first for yourself, and
- nothing beats showing up and partaking...dp
P: 27.09.22
¦ What are the things that I am grateful for in my life?
- I am grateful for the following things;
_for waking up everyday healthy for a new start.
_for a loving and ever caring mother that has an unshakable spirit and unwavering commitment to me and my siblings alike.
_for all the opportunities that I keep getting in my life to renew my interest in loving living my life and the support I keep receiving from all role players in all my endeavors.
_for this voice that earns me a living and extending my reach through the media platforms availed to me.
_for having a family that keeps seeing the good in me and allowing me to continue being myself, and the large extended family that keeps me in their hearts and minds each step of the way.
_for the team that I am addressed as its leader today because of.
_for hate I have for mediocrity and unreasonable failure, and
_for the wisdom in self to realize what's good for my growth...dp
¦ What are my affirmations for my daily life?
_to learn another one big new today.
_to listen to my inner voice more, for its counsel.
_to use my voice as an instrument of help not to ruin another's life.
_to be the smaller man to can walk beneath all big hurdles set to limit me in my attempts.
_to make quality and ethically sound decisions.
_to shy away from excuses for reasons in my errors,
_to encourage myself to see beyond my predictions.
_to stay calm throughout all the storms with a potential to rock the gentle breeze of tranquility stock in my success inventory, and
_to be part of the few winners team in the world...dp
and further affirm that;
_I will go back to playing in the space of black excellence.
_I will be the best boutique blogger readers enjoy their content.
_I will close the door on yesterday's wrongs for today's rights.
_I will be gentle on myself on this journey as a life liver, blogger and a business person.
_I will challenge my potential for better and growth forth, and
_I will be tolerant of all the wrongful intentions that went wrong in my planning of my daily executions...dp
¦ What is my intention for the moment?
-To keep trying and making my show ups worthy...dp
¦ What do I want for myself?
-What I want for me is to have someone who'll be comfortable in being in me for me to be in them...dp
¦ My 2 quotes for the moment-
_High grade comes with low grade in reserve, choose your mode right...dp
_Nothing beats favoring your start with a great ending...dp
¦ My mantra for my life-
_Be never after YOU, be in YOU...dp
¦ My secret fact about self is-
-What people don't know about me is the fact that;
_I was never the last nor never the best, and also that I always get worried if I'm the best for too long in the room...dp
P: 30.08.22
¦ What does showing up mean to you?
- I don't know if it applies solely to me but is about being there all the time whether it's happening or not. It goes into the way one looks at themselves and the world in terms of direction in life, in opportunity towards their hope for progress, in their will to be found at the key position at the right moment, in them availing selves to the entities that they chose to dedicate their all to, in them standing up for their growth for others to learn and earn success through them; showing up is a true commitment to your vision and life story...dp
¦ Why is it important to show up?
- Showing up is a forth bringing of your mettle, it says a lot about ones character than meets the eye...dp
¦ Does it make part of one's culture?
- It sure does, and very much so. If you're the type that goes out to learn out of every encounter it's a culture possibility...dp
¦ What shouldn't be confused with showing up?
¦ Are there any rules of showing up?
- Either than being there yourself with a purpose, I don't know of any rules to you showing up...dp
¦ Upsides and downsides to showing up?
P: 05.07.22
¦ What can you tell the next person about a dream?
¦ What is a perfect person to you?
¦ What's your advice on investment?
¦ Your golden gate rule on competition?
P: 18.06.22
¦ What do you know of an enemy?
-An enemy is anyone who fits the description of a person who is against your life, will, progress, joy, thoughts, and anything by hostility towards you or harm to you. Such a person or group or unit will not rest until they see their set mission through...dp
¦ What do you do to an enemy?
¦ Of what use can an enemy be to you?
¦ Can you grow without one?
¦ Is it safe to work with an enemy?
¦ Are enemies important or not?
¦ Do you create enemies or you wait for them?
¦ What's your warning about enmity?
¦ How can you defer enmity?
P: 05.05.22
¦ Ever heard of loud leadership?
-Yes, I do. It's about being in every space of the entity and having a say in almost every move to each aspect thereof...dp
¦ Are you naturally a loud person?
-Audibly no, but in presence yes...dp
¦ What can't you do in loud leadership?
-You can't force yourself on employees or partners...dp
-You can't be right all the time, listen to others...dp
¦ How effective can loud leadership be?
-In an entity where you deal with many new comers, or where you have employees who have a challenge with accepting you, any environment where extreme presence or supervision and force is needed, etc, that's where it'll be effective. My problem with it however, is the presence vs visibility with it. When you monitor, you don't need any of the two but rather needing them both plus supervision for it to be effective...dp
¦ Who's best to implement loud leadership?
-Leaders in spaces like correctional facilities and learning institutions...dp
¦ Is there a need for it in today's world of a leader?
-Yes, dependent on the sector you're in, but in many circles not necessary...dp
¦ The danger of this leadership style?
-Fierce resistance to its implementor...dp
P: 13.04.22
¦ How do you learn?
¦ Whom do you learn from?
-I learn from anyone and anything...dp
¦ What for you, is the biggest of all mistakes about learning?
¦ What do you look for in learning?
P: 24.03.22
¦ To lead or to follow?
¦ What is your definition of leadership?
¦ What has leadership taught you?
¦ What can be your shocking statement about leadership?
¦ Anything to say out of turn on leadership?
-Monkey see, monkey do...dp
¦ What qualifies you as a leader?
¦ What's there hidden about leadership?
¦ Your take on leadership sell-by date?
P: 17.12.21
¦ What’re
my 5 best advises to any aspirant biz starter?
Never read many for-believe books by already successful entrepreneurs in that
whatever they share is overdone and late for your market and, as such are
misleading. Simply look at the market you want in or you’re in and liaise with
its players, and from there navigate your own path to your win...dp
Never downplay the role of your ancestors in your luck. It may be shaming to
those westernised ways of yours for show but everyone has their ancestors whom
they turn to when times are rough as they’re watching over us. Acknowledge your
ancestors for they are your protectors...dp
Never lose yourself in your quest for your breakthrough. It’s obvious you’ll be
forced to behave in a certain manner in order to belong, but not saying the
doctrine should change who you are, rather have a shift without faking it till
you make it mentality because in there intact reputation is everything...dp
Never sell anyone for your advancement, use them for there’s recourse in
apology. Make it a habit of retracing your treatment of others and gauge self
on how you fare. Again, play away from erasers and write none off, else you’ll
have no steps to cling onto the corporate ladder in setbacks because of being erased,
and none to catch you in your missteps as they’ll be no longer in your success
script. Make people want you not only in your ups, but also in your downs by
being there with them for them before you’re there for self...dp
Big qualifications aren’t for business owners but rather for incumbents to
compete for a position in your establishment. Your qualification is seeing your
vision realized...dp
- Have
your own signature look and style, and maintain it...dp
- Image
embodies a lot, hence it’s everything. How you wear your perfume or cologne and
keeping the same smell is important, using certain pose angles for stills and
clips for your appearance a key aspect of your image, your voice should be in
line with what your personal brand image is about...dp
- Always
be in check of where you are and with whom when doing certain things. Your
choice of friends and hangers on you keep your potential for growth and
downfall. Be it family or anyone, how they relate with you should dictate to
you if it’s right or wrong for your career, and you should know...dp
- Keep
creating content so that you remain fresh and relevant in the public domain.
People wants to constantly be reading about what’s new in your world and any
other information about you. Remember, once the spotlight hits you, you attract
a following and that on its own a responsibility to keep as they are ever
feeding on your latests. So, don’t disappoint, deliver by working hard to be
churning out new content about you. The secret is, endorsements don’t rely on
your commercial sales success only but in how your score is in engagement with
your followers...dp
- Know
what you sell of self. As a person of interest you should know that in the
industry you sell everything of you. What this means is that you ought to be
protective of your voice, appearance, social and career skills, and your skin.
As for all listed afore you know or heard about but not about your skin. A skin
with many scars doesn’t appeal to a lot of people due to many perceptions, and
therefore a must to keep it nourished and radiant so you attract opportunities
for ads, guest appearances, collabos and other opportunities that comes with
your skin...dp
- Position
your endorsed brand right. In order to keep your endorsement deals for longer
you need to sell it right. For instance in sports, say for argument sake, an
athlete is live on tv, they should at any given chance when aware the cam is on
them, make it a point to make the image of the brand they endorse be visible. Giving your
endorsed brand mileage a sure way to keeping it for longer...dp
- Always
know what to answer in interviews and also when engaging with publics. You never know whom you engage
with when out there, so, be aware of what you get asked and what you say back
all the time as you might regret that after. Also, when in an interview, think
first your statement before you utter to avoid implications of your sayings.
Better they say you’re slow, but being cautious a ticket you’re responsible
solely for i.t.o your career and your livelihood. Never answer for the sake of
answering, say it right all the time. Steer clear off controversy...dp
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