With death a secret, life to live, love to share, and pain to experience, what's more left of one to add? I hear from your side nothing! Oh,,,wait for it, yeah she's right, to seek knowledge.
Everything we know came to us through learning about it or from it. If we can do that continuously sans breaking, chances are we are going to be in the habit of learning, and that meaning growth. What I love about learning is that it doesn't matter how you approach it but in how you capture the information and apply it in the future.
Knowledge is a neutral word that is neither deep nor shallow, but rather a base of one's reserve capacity. It takes time and effort to be in possession of and a reward to have as a result. As a by-product of education, it encompasses a lot in it like attention, curiosity, attitude, positioning, relations, mental strength, and other factors both internal and external. These factors are influenced by what interest us individually given our environmental impact on our upbringing and the soles associated with us in kindredship or otherwise that we draw from.
We grew up with the notion that you learn through a child's behavior what kind of family they're from, but later discovered it's not a sure case as we all have two sides to us; personality and character, of which are further controlled by our alter ego that adheres to the archetype you are, introvert, extrovert or ambivert. The other connecting factor is the astrological sign that one falls into, hence the fall of the child's family notion. Thing is, everyone is a product of their family before being the result of their selves. To some degree, social issues do change the course of a child's behavior like domestic violence, teachers' hatred, etc, and can't run away from that.
So, with knowledge, one may be able to know more about selves and be empowered to do in build of aspirations of what we are to be with a reflection of who we are. It doesn't matter where you are but learning should be open to you if you allow yourself to be open to it regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, or social standing.
Learning should be fun, just that you need to find your own fun in it. Also, cut specificity out of the equation and you'll see how adapting you'll be. Thing is your level of consciousness will filter what you absorb and that which you're not to. But lest of all, never miss the point of your learning, for there'll be no reason for doing that. Know always why you're learning before what you learn.
In conclusion: education is basic though not free, but the freedom that comes with knowledge so powerful if be forever topping it up. Learning should not be for your academic purposes only as such robs you the wealth of insights that others are dipping into.
Be curious about just anything. Be it a sanitizer you use to disinfect yourself with, know about how it's made, where, and for how long. I know it's too much to process at the beginning, so is the pain of being excluded from a topic you're clueless about in a meeting or a group discussion. But then again, it goes with the gauge you value self by.
Knowledge gives you confidence, dignity, and connections to relevant people and key opportunities you wish to exploit. We fail not because of fear and lack of funds alone but of also closing ourselves out by our culture of non-learning. We are aiding our poverty by wanting to be spoon fed and only until we study selves will we know what we need to do in order to be where we should be with our unlocked potentials.
You're here for a purpose, give it life in learn of the secret of death, and the only pain you'll experience will be of wanting more time to gather more to leave for those loved ones whom you're soon to leave behind. Let's live our true selves, love whom we almost lost, cast the pain of being standstill, and death will find us still full of vigor to go into secret with it. Let's be, so we belong...dp
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