[Reality is bold and actual]

There's nothing as real about reality than it's realness. When you touch yourself and things, what you feel is tangible and then be those intangible stuffs that you feel and sense yet can't touch. The world of business and career is leaned on both, and same goes for life.

Now, to you: what's your harshest reality? To some of you, reality comes from that view in your mirror, some from every wake, some from looking at peers, but the realness of whatever you see and feel only a result of your comparison and self-judgment. Sometimes it's good to judge yourself before any person does. To others it's a negative thing to your esteem but still done unto you by others, so why not just do it to self then? Unfortunately, the reality you run away from of criticizing self will be met with harsh statements by others to you about you at times, and that's more hurtful than it is unto self.

People live by different standards; some by their own, some by their parents, some by society, others by social class, and however you see it everyone fits in somewhere. So, when you lead, who's standard are you conforming to? Which side are you finding comfort in during your deepest challenges? Gender does also come into play when confronted with tough situational dealings. How one fares pretty much reliant on the behavior and shaped by the gender and standards.

Reality uncovers a lot of clothed flaws. It is only the fabric of that cover that will be the center of attention when the subject is brought to light. It doesn't matter what is underneath, it will definitely meet its reality when time comes, be it its try out, or implementation or conceptualizing process. Those standards will be your own critic before anyone else utters any word about that.

One of the toughest parts to master and conquer is mating of thought and reality. Truth is, you may dream anyhow you may but what rules is the reality to your pursuit of wanting to make it live.

In conclusion: reality is bold and actual, and anything in between hanging on fact or fiction...dp

[Failure an experience to success]

Success a challenge to a failed thought. The only remedy for such a damaged mind is settling doubt that roams free in question how you didn't see it that way or done it the other way. Giving up is the capital builder of non-progression in any situation, as it breeds the culture of surrender to negativity.

When someone fail, we need to look into what they lacked to be successful, or what they didn't do or say, anything that gives an answer to what actually caused the failure. We don't have to judge and but be instead supportive of their courage to do it once again, or teach them how to be better in it come next attempt. Something good out of failure is the lesson learned from that experience, none can take that away from you.

One thing that everyone needs to avoid is reside in their zone of failure in their mental state. Don't give failure that satisfaction, take over its power and assume your position. Let neither a friend, family, partner or anyone have shine on your failure. You should be also understanding of what you've actually failed in, in the process. Is it your dream and vision, is it your family and friends, is it your clients and the general public, or it's just you that you've let down? It matters to your mental balance and courage to do it again.

The danger sometimes some fall into is being hard on self and end up failing to forgive themselves. Don't shed your self-love and esteem because of a mistake, and remember always that there's a reason why we have a retake. Learn to be gentle to your flaws and be understanding of your shortcomings. After your shutter comes your rebuild; a perfect chance to reconstruct, reconcile, and reinvent oneself so you re-emerge a remodeled and better version of self.

In conclusion: we all fail at some point in our lives, but that not saying it's the end of the line. Failure is an important hurdle to factor in our outlook for outcomes. It thus not but mean it should dominate the thought process. To win failure, laugh at its eventuality and voice it out that it ain't over for it as you might not succeed second time around.

Your surest asset in beating failure is your attitude towards life and your dream. If only realize that success has no small in it but rather delivery of the result desired of an achieved goal. In short, failing to be satisfied will not make you be close to attaining your happiness. Set your bar high and net satisfaction that'll feed your soul with fulfillment that will in the end see you content, which is the highest form of happiness. So, fail them all but not your happiness. But, what remains is, failure an experience to your success...dp

[Returning the favour]

Life an entity on its own, and you living it, have to respond to its tendencies in order for you to make it yours and have control over it. Waking up every morning is a renewed chance to do good by your life. How you expand in it a case only you can deliver on.

When life gives you blessings, you ought to be responsive in a way that shows you are grateful unto it. And when it throws at you difficulties, have to emerge out of adversity stronger to show it your capabilities in dealing with anything that challenges others differently. Proving your mettle a direct invite that dares mother nature to reward you for your courage.

We at times do good by others with no expectations of anything in return and but at times with a bit of gratitude expected. What we need to recognize is the natural rewards that mother nature has in store for us. By merely retaining your breath a sign of those rewards, and often not knocking sense to us when we get get lucky with some things in life sans asking. If only we can understand that we live through blessings, conquer through them and under the protection of mother nature's incredible woven web of invincible protective aids.

Just like death and future, what's hidden from us a result of what to excite any mortal as it does frighten. But whatever it is we see it for, life a favour and equally a blessing to the one in receive of, and keeping it longer a favour that one ought to be thankful for.

In conclusion: after life, comes voice, words and numbers, and how we use them determines the amount of favour that mother nature shall bless us with. So, we should in turn return that favour by doing what's good unto the next and to mother nature, and we'll attract the same good advanced. Be good to others...dp

[A content weak leader]

I grew up knowing that as a man I should learn to know as much as I can, so I will in future have answers to as many as possible questions there are to me. As a man, learned to have at least 5 trades that I can survive with, same as now I learned must be the case  with earning potential, that a man of this age should secure multiple income streams. That made me be the person I am today; a weak man who forces his way in through his bit of knowledge.

Being a man is hard yet a blessing at the same time. The most difficult part of it being to lead. A man is by default a leader while a woman by virtue a leader. But then, if you are a default leader, won't your quality be questioned? By quality I include psychological strength, image, values, passion and drive, knowledge base, and relationships handling.

I was taught that a man leader change personalities not characters, in that he has to be mutable so as to suit any situation and condition he's faced up with. I got made aware that there are two vision types for leaders, namely the tunnel vision, which is for puppet leaders and free range vision, which is for vision bearing leaders. Tunnel vision is limiting while free range, well,,speaks for itself.

I from the onset chose freedom over anything and to date leading the pack of vision carrier leaders in exploration of a range of complementary visions within the principal vision. From earlier on I was introduced to the power of TEAM and its benefits, hence I've never done anything alone that had the potential of growing big. As a man, before being anything, you have to be a self-leader as you lead your own life program before leading anyone's. Thus blame self first before the next.

I learned that a human being develops in prime cycles of 7 years, that's why we started schooling at 7, reach puberty at 14, get the keys to life at 21, self-realization stage where you explore opportunities and possibilities until age 28, then to self-actualization until 35, and to 42 be in our defining moment, then to 49, 56, 63, 70, and so forth. Atop that, was the horoscopes and cosmology, all about quality learning out of quantity lessons for your knowledge depth. That's being a man, you need to learn much as you can in building self for whichever career path you're to pursue.

In conclusion: my secret was learning my cradle character, knowing my strengths and leaning on my weaknesses in trying out opportunities and challenging my threats. I never front my strengths as they expose vulnerabilities I won't protect should they be attacked. I learned to rest comfortably in my flaws so I work in them while working on my leadership style. I was told on different occasions how different I are. Why? Still don't know. The best thing about it all is the joy of being in the forefront.

What I grew up sharing is that weak doesn't mean fragile, but simply the state of nature that screams you're the hub of legerity, humanity, certainty, equality, accountability, reliability, tolerance, etc. Being a man means you have to keep working on your individual and collective passion, vision selling, family dream, knowledge spread, and leadership skills, in the quest to be a mature, approachable and reasonable sole, a content weak leader...dp