:1 min coach

<function under the clout of umbrellas>

"Okay, I see YOU are better than I today after just a scream of luck, and got YOU thinking YOU are that witty. I have this to say to YOU dear aspirant,,function under the clout of umbrellas and witness YOUR shaded blossom, none made the OPM cut unscathed. At the foremost, I feel YOU have yet to learn to comprehend a question and same applies in the line of answering. Learning ought to be enough and not too much. I hope YOU get the shape of that cap mentality. Know the seams so YOU start applying that which YOU believe to know. Worry not though. Just that YOU are going to learn to shift from mindset pattern to thought set. As a bizperson YOU will be encountering hobnobs who'll be reading a lot from how YOU reason, function and carry YOUR self in every error YOU omit flaws or commit. It's very crucial to be critical in how YOU approach YOUR application of self going forward from this day, unlike how YOU morphed from owning a mistakened oiled skidpad for an ice rink, haha. Here, the start point is asking self questions that YOU never did before after reading or hearing or seeing something. Ask YOUR inner self who he is after having been exposed to such just learned. Talking to YOUR self is a good kickstarter. The same should be the case after YOU shared a piece of information to any next. What quality did YOU believe YOU have imparted? What do YOU expect they do afterwards? How many times can YOU repeat YOUR self to the person or persons? It's important to be an overtime analyst or an overthinker if YOU may. Those will conform to YOUR thinking as YOU will be critical in how YOU shape YOUR path into whom YOU want to be in YOUR dominance. The legendary path is borne out of work on self and it is from there that YOU will be different in do, say and being. Commit to YOUR building blocks to YOUR greatness from now trotting forth. Thing is, ever since I got introduced to my greatness I see myself in a different light and I want same for YOU. Success is not available in money hoarding unfortunately, but rested in the solid character YOU are coz out of that will come behavioural sciences that commands every great dream of a person YOU become. Dream of becoming another person's dream. Money will be the by-product of the star quality YOU manifested as. I know YOU are interested in making money given your pressures of parenting,,but treat the setback as a life proof path YOU just can't avoid, and continue doing the most for YOUR best of self. YOU aren't the best and not the last promising to be someone great that history will thank in vibratos, but, if only can climb the camel before the elephant; else,,,,YOUR end is a nigh qualm, lock that. Now go"...dp

<wounding burdens>

"Remind me in future to show YOU my fresh wounds from their inflictions again when YOU are done with YOUR course. Blood relations will hurt YOU deeply but not calling for future revenge to justify their past of wrongs to YOU. Be still, calm YOUR pain and remind YOUR heart that YOUR head will carry YOU through via brains wired in it. People who help others during their tough seasons at times are just that, role players who fade as new dawn breaks. YOU'll soon be forgotten as new others make way in and it's normal. Once YOU played YOUR part and it's done YOU become useless to the fruits YOU seeded, and that's just that, it's life. Be at peace with that fact and start expecting no returns everytime. I respect that YOU do wish to single out in acknowledgement those who are in YOUR corner now in YOUR future, though reality easily wipes some memories for a reason and YOU shouldn't fight that by hating self for it. We all are victims of family use and dump, so, worry not for they'll get it in time like we all do I guess. Status attained calls for a certain life type to suit the lifestyle, remember that. Be grateful YOU are helped with love and that's enough for the moment yet fully knowing that YOU too will have to help after YOUR breakthrough, but not as a forced gesture but rather by choice. Spread for now YOUR wings and fly, go well"...dp

<power relates to bloodline>

"When last have YOU remembered that YOU too are a person? Let not the power of doubt hold YOUR spirit down. Make the anecdote of YOUR lineage be the perpetual rigmarole to YOUR dream by YOUR cheat code. It's no secret that 40% of those in executive suits are there through their right bloodline, yet hear them tell YOU about hard work. Time is now YOU wake up to the fact that YOU stand no chance against them. Their tentacles are deeper than YOU could ever imagine, and that the mass media is on their side since even the law favours them for their pockets. It's no use picketing against power, and day is now YOU come to YOUR senses and seek those connected in YOUR family. Luck holds tight the hands of the highly connected and deliver them to the others like them, so, those in YOUR tier can't withstand the pressure coz the real luck lies in bloodline. There's a plan behind every reason, and if YOU are to succeed with YOUR vision know that the law of attraction works best if align self with blood relations. Go into YOUR roots and YOU'll find someone to open doors for YOU with YOUR surname. No worry about their level of connection, as long as they can introduce YOU to what YOU want and the rest is history as they say. Good luck"...dp

 <high valued power man>

"Ever considered the phase in which YOU are  in life and the level at which YOU are financially, and factor our collective aid to YOU? I do acknowledge that it's tough on a man, but so is for a woman. How now as things stand, YOU come here telling us how a high valued power man YOU are. Men of power knows no grumble of a stomach ever, unlike with YOU, to them its by choice. It's dizzying me hearing the lease of audacity YOU're enjoying. Please, man,,get out of this balloon YOU're housed in and be back to where I and a host of others find YOU, and swallow those lies YOU're feeding her. Beautiful girl child, love yourself enough to see through the lies of a failed shell of the promise keeping figure a man lover should be to YOU. To YOU man,,high value starts with self-respect, self-love and self-honour before directed out to the next. Start today caring for self so as to attain value, power and freedom to tell the next about your undying love for them as a man of own. Why not sell her your dream and its promise to a future with her in it? Do better, man. Work on yourself as her destination for hope, growth, happiness, dignity and prosperity, buy her need for security and love, that's what a high valued power man is to his life partner. Play her a song of forever YOU and her, live a tale of YOU and her, and, pitch her a proposition of her for YOU always. Doing that YOU'd come to realize why 80% of songs are a music to the ear, because they're about love, something that is every woman and man needs. Be honorable, go do YOU and YOU'll be worthy"...dp

<wrong turn of choice>

"Hah, I don't know what to say or do to make YOU see your results of your own happiness chapter chosen. Do YOU honestly hope for me to even consider consoling YOU? Aren't YOU the one who said to us that YOU need none as a collaborator to make it by the time we tried selling YOU the idea? Now that the balloon popped up with your name not inked on it YOU expect collective pity? No, YOU deserve invisibility for your behavior. Who'll next time take their time and waste it for YOU? Look where your counterpart is compared to YOU. We told YOU countless times that YOU're never gonna make it in this industry purely solo but no, we were jealous of YOU. I categorically came to alert YOU of the traction I saw made by your counterpart but YOU didn't want anything to do with it. I won't say I told YOU, but foresaw YOU remain behind since then. It became apparent that YOU'll track outside the rails of fortunes just by your choice. If I were YOU, I'd be jealous not, but rather inspired that I had a day with the best and that I too will do my best to get there and shine as YOU now know what it takes for YOU break out of the shell. There's no one-man-show in this game of face for fame and frame for success. Ask those in, and their answers will be same. Establish a network of opportunity seekers and collaborate, YOU never know where the next household name will come from. The secret is simple. Avail yourself to anyone who is interested in doing something with anyone or YOU. I'm not happy, even the slightest of it that YOU did not clinch the spot, but interested in how YOU'll choose on your next chance. Be careful next time though in that opportunity affords none wrong turn more than twice. Choose right and live your dream. Good luck, and stay blessed"...dp

<black girl, morph differently>

"Tell me if YOU still believe in what YOU did last time? The reality that's facing YOU black female graduate is one that needs your honest take of self. Are YOU success? Are YOU the market need? Many of YOU are born underprivileged just by gender alone before we skip on to your race and your skin tone. Black female child, wake up to the vision blurs of your horizon, ask yourself who will be the savior of your situation. What they don't want of YOU is learn to rewire how society is wired in thinking. Be brutal in attacking your designed failures. What they won't wisen YOU up on is the fact that YOU are viewed and treated as an alternative to the male counterpart, before your skills and abilities, and at times worse be that they do that after failed by even the mediocre they tried. There's what is called fingering by some, which places YOU at the last finger just by virtue of your gender and race. They may whisper to YOU that I'm filling your head with racist nonsense, but honestly that's how it works and they know. Think not that the black male is better, no, those are put in front of YOU after their physique, skin tone, dress code, last residential address and skillset as latter. Same applies with YOU but just that YOU are naturally the fairer that's why. To find yourself even darker is worse because the lighter one is, the higher the chances of grabbing some fresher leftovers. Lessen your hoard of unfounded romance with motivation and face the hidden truths that trends in the world of others like YOU. None'll tell it to YOU straight as it's better for them seeing YOU deep in your dry dream than be working on your harsh reality. Being a black school leaver or life starter is twice or thrice harder if YOU don't have a backing from your parents. Wise up to the rigid phenomenon aimed at putting YOU where a certain quota of society wants YOU. Fear your passion not failure, implement the possibility they brand impossible, morph differently. It's no sin being YOU, but rather a designed disadvantage meant to discourage your willing spirit. Be strong with a packed arsenal. Life is a fight, wake up to that. Now go"...dp

<bring your table first>

"Come again! What is she bringing to the table YOU say? A good question. My now question to YOU is, 'who's table is it anyway?' Many a man are dropping lines that don't carry any substance at all, if YOU get what I mean. For me, what to make a habit of should be practicing what we are before we preach it. So, YOU demand another woman's child to worship YOU simply because you're a man? Not that I find YOU in any way wrong in your statement. How but can YOU be demanding for someone to come with something to the table whilst YOU too aren't coming with anything more to put on the said table that YOU don't even own, other than those makeshift sponge squeeze of bodega comestibles and bedroom bullying only? As a man YOU should provide a host of skills and traits, ranges of wisdom, love, security and dignity, with an intelligible vision of where YOU are headed with her. No one's child must have to endure the pain of putting up with your dry and thin demands. Be the man that YOU're supposed to be, and stop acting out what YOU can't even amount to at your attitude level. Yes, do listen and learn from other men, but do draw your pattern aside of the lines of code they are compared to YOU. I get it that a woman needs to bring a certain set of qualitatives for your tick, but find whom they befit as the best suitor. Cut expecting what's beyond your capacity, it's all I'm asking of YOU. Start by first bringing your tablet and take it from there. Be that man, don't embarrass us"...dp

<vet self out>

"Looking for a job young blood! But how ready are YOU for it? The way YOU are on about your coolness by association I bet YOU YOU'll remain in the bracket as the unemployable sole. Cut these friends of yours and start charting a different way going forward. Also, with this basic education YOU got fed, YOU can't afford to lose more time chasing cool content online. Your level of ignorance a good way to vetting self out of any employee profiling for a lot of jobs. YOU seem lost, okay, I get it. Vetting is a personality and character profile selection process infested with metrics of qualifying criteria for recruitment purposes. It's about your fitness to hold a position YOU applied for and shortlisted for. So, one of the major factors that gives people a negative score is their social media etiquette. Those cool tatooes in obvious parts of the body, also some of the selection criteria that YOU already have against your chances. There's no prospective employer who wants an employee that's going to cause them repute damage, and sadly that's how it works. It's sad how a young person writes selves out of opportunities by not learning such. This is one of the things I try to show others but none getting it. The education YOU need on social media platforms is such, otherwise YOU'll remain poor and destitute, plagued by complaints of connection to the ruling party whilst self sabotaging. Remember that, it takes behavioral type and mannerism classification to make the best, good, bad or worst in a person's conduct, so, recruiters do a screening to mitigate troubles. Any employer employs a set of those in a person before they be on the talent YOU are to be acquired for their organization. YOU won't be learned about this in school as that forms not part of your curriculum, but not saying YOU can't learn them on your own. And now that YOU know, I hope YOU'll be constantly vetting yourself out for better chances at being employable. Do share that in your corners with your peers when together instead of the cool content that adds no quality to your living as a person. Follow uncool content for that's where true value is at"...dp

<lead even from discomfort>

"YOU want to lead YOU say? Are YOU ready for the responsibility of the sacrifices attached? Let me tell YOU something aspirant leader; to lead is a risk that's aligned with luck. To lead with success, YOU need a solid character to rely on. Know that to lead and be followed is a favour and a vote of belief in YOU by others. The path of leadership is one that's not full of support for YOU, yet be demanding that of YOU by those in follow. Be willing to let go of any used to comfort in that there ain't any when starting out, also be ready to even be bold in the face of tough situations in that, YOU must be able to lead even outside of comfort. Be not clung on the thought of the end goal only, as the reality might prove to be not so great for your chartered pattern to your route. Leadership ain't for the elite exclusively or a select few, but meant for the courageous, patient, visionary, creative, and interesting. Why have to be interesting? A figure in lead ought to be instantly different, rare in quality, deeply knowledgeable, believable to be protectable, and be voluntarily respectable; as a person of interest. YOU can't survive sans that image of desirability, so work hard in packaging yourself so that YOU be a subject of objectivity. Fun is very minimal in leading, but important. Unfortunately unpopular decisions and deeds makes it hard to be a leader, and but someone must be the one, no matter how challenging it is and it's YOU. And, be in the know that if YOU can't withstand the pressure in the lead kitchen, YOU're out and I'll take over"...dp

<love to live in yours>

"Is there any sleep for YOU in another man's art of comfort? Test of character comes from many corners of others and personalities in different ways and styles, all shaped by your own ways of thinking and doing. But I tell YOU, no natal man gets full comfort in another's art as it's by virtue meant for someone fairer, and your any macho tendencies to be frowned upon as challenging the accommodating character. A man can only be a man's man for a moment coz naturally, before long there'll be power games that goes straight to your character test. A man creates their haven not with another man in thought, bear that in mind all the time coz if YOU are thinking otherwise about it, truly and honestly saying otherwise about YOU. Be your own man, your own determiner of keep, a man that encourages another to be a pillar of his strength if constantly showing your willingness to be your own. Nothing draws another man to another than their character, and nothing draws a woman to a man than through reflection of their personality, so, work on which you feel is that primary to your own art of comfort for another, and whichever YOU prioritize, thus informative of your type to the world. If YOU find yourself in fight for a find of a good night's sleep in another man's comfort, then retire not in loving living in theirs, and if not, strive then on creating of self so YOU get to love living in yours. Be your own man so YOU be another's comfort giver, and not a receiver. Normalize being a creature of pride and self-sufficiency, becoz YOU are a man, an afforder of comfort for the next through provision, protection and support. I know it's your life, and however YOU choose to live it, love to live in it"...dp

<be truthful to your value>

"Would YOU ever respect a person who's betraying their own master plan? Can YOU trust such a sole with your own value? Hey!! this is their lives, pls catch a wake up call about yours as well. That's what everyone around YOU thinks about YOU. They're choosing to be there in your life to gain for themselves value becoz YOU can't protect yours. Your value isn't working for YOU, it but for others, and YOU still carry on as if it's okay to keep losing value mass. How many times have your value attracted willing injection of value into it but be dejected by the rate at which YOU shed yours freely? YOU're making it hard for others to assist YOU by your 'me and my' tendencies. Will those "my's" do the same with their help for their values for yours? Why do this then unto yourself, whilst fully knowing none of them likes YOU? YOU're aware they're tolerant of YOU, and only there with YOU coz at the moment there's nothing better coming their way, and would instantly drop YOU once true value for themselves show up. YOU're nothing but a convenience to their stuck lives, so, why burden yourself with soles that won't shed even a slightest bit of their own value for boosting of yours? Sacrifice your value on return value and cut for good that excessive non-returnable value, sow your value where it's deserved. Just know that none will respect your efforts if they're 10 - 20% for YOU and 80 - 90% for others as that a clear sign of stupidity and naivety, self-disrespect, self-sabotage, self-degradation, and sadly, all in the name of putting others who cares less about YOU first. Only YOU know what your mind wants to achieve, what it wants of others to see in YOU, how it plans to get YOU there, but why betray it by taking away the resource it builds YOU as for others to play with? YOU've got potential it's obvious, why not ask self why no traction still for your position in life? Do YOU still remember your master plan and what it needs to materialize? Huh! YOU know the answer, YOU can't be trusted with carrying another's value coz YOU fail yours. Be around soles that'll show YOU how valued YOU are, and not gossip about the countless losses YOU encountered becoz of them, yet none not ready to own up coz YOU choose to keep shielding their unaccountable wrongs against your value. Reclaim your value, it's in how your worth will cuddle YOU once again, afford self peace to know its quality to surround YOU, allow your vision the taste of reward it so wish for. Be so kind to be truthful to your value, it's like skin to your vision, treat it with care and diligence, for it to be radiant in your life"...dp

<discard overdependence on others>

"Is that what YOU call good relations? Ha, empty that pride bag of yours and fill it with confidence of your own. There's nothing as annoying as a person being too dependent on another or others even on tasks that they can selves perform. YOU need to train your thought for opportunity analysis, expectation out of opportunity, and your own luck creation for fortune activation to favour none than YOU. Get it in your head that in any sphere of life you're going to work with other people but that doesn't translate to your discarding involvement of self in the process. It must be remembered that it's your responsibility to do some things on your own that are regarded as basic. YOU can't expect for someone to take over your responsibilities like being at work on time, being a parent to your own children, not showing up and still be expecting to get rewarded for work done by your partners in your absence, you're a burden and YOU must be told. Stop being lazy. Learn to do some things on your own so YOU be self-dependent. Be on the front of the queue to enjoy the process of your struggle to independence, turn your back on relying wholly on someone else for each small thing that's to be done. Wake up before that very company YOU brag to us about being signed off under your nostrils. Your biznes and its stakeholders can't keep up with your types, they in the end gets tossed out through the system, don't be part of those stats. Do what's right, YOU know what I mean"...dp

<don't be me, do YOU>

"Life is how YOU take it, nobody cares how YOU make it. Why waste your precious time trying to model yourself on someone? Do model yourself around the person YOU want to be rather. Who'll ever want to be YOU if YOU can't be YOU? Try not being YOU but just do YOU whole day everyday unapologetically so, that's what I do and YOU too should. Work tirelessly on your shift for that shine. Start with the obvious things like how YOU talk, how YOU smile, how YOU walk, sit, pose for stills, and dress. Those YOU aspire to be did those very things to make YOU feel like YOU do about them, and must do same about yourself. Grace the spaces as YOU, not as a wannabe version of someone else. Truth is, nothing on earth is as easy as being YOU, why complicate that for yourself? Be fair unto YOU. Being YOU and doing YOU is an achievement that's uncelebrated by many, but know that it's a big deal to know and lose no form of who YOU are. Never lose yourself for it's a treasure. Nothing is and will ever be as big and more important as being YOU. And, mind YOU, and this YOU should register in your mental print that; solely by virtue of birth, a lot got vested upon YOU, and should therefore respect that about your creation and its purpose, so serve it unreservedly and wholly unashamedly. Inspire others as YOU aspire for a better YOU. Remember, YOU are YOU, and nobody will ever be, so, why want to erase that of YOU that none other than YOU possess? Be honestly proud of who YOU are and see how attractive YOU'll be. Do YOU not for the sake of it but for the justness of it. Be in YOU for an ever stay"...dp

<a new system>

"It's sad to say but an honestly uttered truth I don't have a problem going to jail for, but now arguably undeniable that women are a system on their own today. If you're a man YOU know deep down it's real and true, especially if YOU own less than nothing. It all started as a joke but see how it broke out loose to be. A man with an array of abundant means makes another man feel his power, a man in position makes a woman see a man with no means as less than a man and as a useless fool worthless for their affection and relation. Women heard us men rebuke and scorn other men about how much they must have to gain access to other women's hearts, and now women are on a rampage and reading out loud a gender based riot act to men and nothing is said to reprimand that reprise. Women know they're expensive and no man should have them without sweating first. Women no longer know the handsome of manly features but of pocket depth and material power, nothing a less deep pocketed man can do about because he has no say. Family failed a man by default, society followed suit, business doing worse damage, being a man is tainted, no wonder suicide stats keep rising because men support never the other in need. Women oppress men and it's not a scene out of the title sequence that introduces men abuse. To abuse a man is fashioned and viewed as a new norm. Women are a new order and system that we just have to live with for the rest of our lives. Look at how a man's cognomen gets treated this days by women in marriage, and you'll understand how sad the situation is. Women are the in-danger species and men are in general the perpetrators, a skewed narrative that's a made belief. Men, you're on your own, a new system is here, whether YOU take it or not, an order for the longest of eras to stay"...dp

<workplace bully>

"Look around YOU and tell me if YOU see anyone flexing their muscles inside a ring? So, what's up with that behaviour of yours? A place of work isn't where you're to come with imaginary gloves to settle any bout scores, no. If you're tired of being in employ just say so and we won't run out of best ways for your exit. Start treating others same as they do YOU and stop being a nuisance to performance of duties for others. Here we thrive through productivity, and YOU disturbing it a direct middle finger to my face and I won't come back smiling. Stop being a fuss and make yourself useful. If you're feeling short run at home YOU can't come here as the terminator to scare others be assured your August won't settle any day soonest. Do me a favour, punch that pile of backlog, swallow that bullish urge tempting YOU and be a good fellow we'll all be happy and proud to have and work well with. Hope YOU heard me, do the right thing"...dp
<invest after learning to save>

"Tough times are a curse to the poor mind and a lucrative opportunity for the rich mind. Which of the two does yours fall in? I'm kind of worried by your value of decisions made and taken of late. Are YOU sure of what you're to be, given how YOU do your things? When it comes to your self-growth and betterment, YOU can't do a model far finer than you'll ever yourself. Business needs comes first and as such should be prioritized, that's if it's your livelihood. Point is, you can't start by wanting to invest outside of YOU prior to putting in some work on YOU. Also, focus on learning how to save and master it's repertoire as it'll help YOU get used to that rhythm of capital build up before YOU can invest. True investment in real essence require some availability of a pool to scoop out of, and if YOU aren't familiar with time to time pattern of saving, will struggle with keeping up with repayments if had funds invested in YOU or returning your capital invested self. Build yourself to be an informed resource with a strong sense of own markup knowledge. As much as we know that YOU start off by saving before YOU invest, it's worth acknowledging that it ain't easy doing so, and but with serious self-management achievable. Be ever consistent with that, so, invest in yourself, it's what attracts"...dp

<downplay your domination>

"I know YOU already have your way into a corporate mind via your glamorized  content of interest to its inhabitants, that'll leave them agog with your decorated corporate psychology word play. But, the longer YOU play it, YOU risk the potential flirt with jealousy from those who're not confident as YOU of themselves. Your dominant position a threat that'll only invite the call to exterminate the room's glow, and that meaning the permanent presence deletion thereof. At times YOU need to hold back from the spotlight and let other players catch their moment of cornea spark or oratory vibra. Remember that YOU aren't the best there ever is for the era. For YOU to be sharper, YOU need to relearn from others, no matter the topic of concern. Yes, it is good to feel good for your felt presence, but let it be about boosting others leading outside of your influence as well. It can't be any great if it be that all the time we listen to the same selem to occasion. We need change from time to time. Charisma if fed too much to the course admirer ends up common and vague experienced. Be fun to be around"...dp 

<the middle picture>

"I many a times hear YOU say this and that about the bigger picture, and I asked myself where do YOU place your bigger picture. There's nothing wrong about it but somehow yes if YOU carefully look at it differently. The big question of where it is placed is very important because it's not definitive. The picture is there to be seen for its purpose but not knowing where to find it is very much worrying. As such, I came to a conclusion that we ought to look in the middle for us to see the real bigger side to the picture. Cut the left and right side thinking and focus on the middle for that's where your answer lies. In order for everyone to find their true direction in life, the front is the key, and it never come from the side but straight and so, why not look in the middle? Let's start looking at the middle for answers and both our vision and future are there gleaming in the distant horizon. The beauty of the bigger picture is its promise, something to live for, it's what will keep most of us alive as hope is the capital driver of our will to keep waking up and going out for success we dream about. Stop telling me about what is not tangible, give me the reason to be out there just like YOU, have something worth fighting for as an achievement. Be truthful to my trust and I'll be sincere in rewarding YOU for your efforts. Guide me to my middle picture"...dp

<bold and daring>

"I used to hear about being bold and daring, but YOU today stepped up to the spotlight and gave me a new if not a proper definition of the word. It used to be me being told how brave I am, but today YOU winched the crown off my big head. I love YOU mate, I no longer fancy any other fighting those wars beside me than YOU. YOU pushed against your principles for my image to stay intact, YOU compromised your course for a repurposed value front, YOU defied all just for my guard to rest settled around YOU and I won't forget that, and for you; I'll address any danger to the wrong party to spare you, I'll be honest with my all to preserve what I have with you, I'll be what you want out of a partner, and I'll be there for you like you just showed me you'd always be, I am troubled on how best to be going on in my life with someone this special to me. You gave a twist to the turn of fate with your flamed courage you showed, it influenced my perception of you. Know that I'm always being truthful whenever YOU hear me say I see a bit of me in YOU. My fondness fails my picture of feelings about me with YOU, words can't put it best, but my ego is in the right place ever. Remember when we met you were at your lowest and fast forward to this day you're the one who annihilated that past for this new sole I'm inspired by and admiring its character. Thank you mate, hope you'll remain a tool you are. Cheers"...dp

<treat me better>

"I guess life was never designed for us to be equal, yet tell us we're same. Today I know the color of my skin because of YOU and your types. I almost hated myself for your ways as I thought were better than mine due to my assault on my being which YOU urged me to follow in abandon of my roots. The jar YOU opened for me a world of all my imaginings, a dream land I been trying for so long for. Thought I'd be respected and trusted but no, not by my truest comrades. I was treated like all those I turned my back on. Just know that money may buy YOU class and close ties, but not afford YOU same privilege the non hues are qualified for from birth, take it from me. I was told how different I was to YOU and them, how I shouldn't see my life from your point, how I was way better without YOU and them, how far I'd be in life if I acted per their ways, l them, oh,,how lost my soul was and traded for less. My worth a green bar with them and a grey boat outside of them. Been through different psychologies to this point and but look where it dropped me; here with YOU all ears to my narrowly shaped mindset. I thought being with them immunizes me from traumas aimed at my thens and my debts to receive trims but no. Don't try be them, be not your ones, be YOU within them. Treat me better for the human I am less my name and possessions, see me beyond my skin color, hear me out not because YOU're forced but because it's right, be my leader because I chose to be your follower, be with me not for material gain but for fulfillment of companionship. Treat me better because YOU feel it, treat me better for the love of who I am, treat me better because we are one"...dp

<think you have money>

"Yaah yaah yaah, we hear YOU, Mr I have money. Your record is on repeat but your truth a vanished track record. How much do YOU have coz we know of ones who're loaded yet saying nadda about those pregnant bank accounts, whilst YOU come here preaching the 3 mill hot air. What YOU should know is that what your bank balance says is simple, "necessity" and that's all to it. Having money is a day's life necessity of now and to some levels excessive. For YOU, maybe it's excessive hence you're making so much noise about it. I give it to YOU, YOU have money, and plenty of it at that but there's having money and being moneyed, some people out there are moneyed and hearing no hootings and cheerings from them, so please, keep it low and stay down for you've been up for way too long for what it's worth. I can safely say, your bank balance is still at the beginning but high up and to go up still should there be a way to growing that. It's not that we don't commend YOU for where you're, just that unfortunately it ain't what's worth blocking streets in your pass over, nope. Learn from big money makers and you'll pick up all gone wrongs in your approach over your loud worth. And remember, worth isn't wealth, but a figure that's temporarily attached to your value, hope you're worth the time put on this explanation. Without taking more of your vocational time, let me short. Respond in respect to money and it shall comply to your being, else it will revolt and leave YOU commercially stripped off. So, keep grinding and let us be the songbirds singing your tune from your screaming progress. Hope it wasn't that cheap, my talk. See YOU around"...dp

<a role model>

"Listen no more to voices of no reason in your path. As a person YOU need a role model and it's not a must but a necessity for your own shaping and building of your emotional and spiritual being. Your vision adherence is crucial, your goal attainment is important, and your aspiration conformity is necessary for YOU to make a dent. The beginning is of course a vital part of your mark in your race to fulfillment. YOU need a different kind of capacitation to be what the other has been before for YOU in prep of what's to be of another out of YOU, a role model to the next admirer. Identify and align with not just any sole, but rather with the one YOU feel connected to in soul with no expectations of perfect but instead of a tap into imperfect for your own model perfecting to avoid judgment and unfounded disappointments. Ordinarily a person they are like YOU and happening to be doing something in a particular way that strokes YOU innately, the role of a model person in your life is of utmost importance for your growth and being. What YOU absorb from your role model adds to your already existent qualities and make you a better man or woman who'll contribute to the world positively. Start today if YOU don't have any, and you'll thank yourself thereafter when results sprout. Never forget that whatever YOU do reflects who YOU are and where you're going, with hint of where you're from as a person, and as a product of a model it becomes easy for the next to role themselves into YOU as a role model for them. Being a role model is natural and not an awaresome affair in that you never know what YOU are to the other YOU pass, as such YOU need to just do your best to be the best to every soul YOU encounter. Play your role all the time to the best YOU can as self and not as someone as it's important in shaping the world of another in their journey after YOU"...dp

<go out for it>

"I hear that YOU reached that point of tire, but please take a breath and dive back in, and tell me what YOU see farthest forth. If what it shows YOU isn't that which YOU wish for then I won't urge YOU to keep on,  but then if it's it, I'd never allow for your spirit to wane. Dig deeper into your path to find what therein is to hook your spirit to keep continuing. The path to success isn't an opportunity first but rather an option first, something you shouldn't skip in your glory quest. The field of your glory isn't near yet not too far, just that it depends on your character and drive to go out and get it. What's in your heart isn't what's to be found in mine but what's common is the wish for a successful end goal. So, tug in, pull those socks up and tie your shoelaces tighter and upright YOU rise and face up to your challenges a better dream to your success, that YOU owe to self. Remember that YOU attract big when YOU go out for it, so, out after it, good luck"...dp

<joy the process>

"It's hard staying in the process, yet worth it in the end of it. A lot of your mates made per chance dates and ditched the joy of the building blocks to their base of knowledge. I always knew YOU won't last as it's in the nature of many like YOU. Life of almost everyone YOU celebrate today in the soft lane started out rough for them too, just that they choose to reserve the details of their process for those showing interest and willingness to learn, for their encouragement. Glory timers are many in your alley, but thought nothing of your person as such, but then again, it's life and YOU had your pressuring reasons of course. Sad is that when our turn to shine from our side of the fence comes, what will YOU do and say of us other than say bad? I guess we'll be the bad guys who kicked YOU out of a lucrative project after using YOU to open doors for us, huh? Worry not, it happens all the time in the life of the successful ones, readying ourselves as well. At this point I'm at the seams and but still going strong cause we aren't that far off from glory, and please don't get close when the siren of accomplishment goes off. Creaks of your door I hope to still hear when our doors open for your shut. Wishing YOU luck in your future endeavors estranged partner. Hope fortunes favour YOU. So long, good luck"...dp

<happiness is in you>

"I don't get it really, YOU think getting out of your space will see YOU happy? Or having someone will make YOU happy? If it's happiness that you're looking for, then look no further than YOU already did, and come back to self. Don't leave your world unattended as it creates emptiness that ends up causing YOU to go out in search of what YOU are negligent of in your midst, which is YOU. YOU need to rely on your own company to make YOU happy instead of another person. Reality is that you're in YOU all the time and alone with self most of the times, so, dependency on another person will never feed your need as it'll only be a distraction for a little while then back to your world. Be the truth YOU are to your life, and you'll be the happiness YOU need to your first friend, YOU. We all do with a best friend but then a best friend must find YOU all armed with your first friend, else there won't be a friend for them to mate. Learn how to make yourself happy, it's crucial for your survival before we talk about add-ons, please invest in finding access to it 'cause YOU ain't running ever low on it, but a case of unlocking it. Should YOU succeed at that, it's a sure thing that you'll be ready for anything to deal with because all else lie on the back of your happiness to make YOU whole, something that you have at any given time in YOU, and all YOU have to do is nurture it so as to harness it. Good luck"...dp

<a success monger>

"I hear YOU say that YOU are still young for regret in lost opportunities, hahaha,,,but you're mistaken. Pull down that skirt or trouser and tell me what YOU see under. If it's plain down there then I'll shut up and mind my own business, and but if not, then listen to this. That very haired area of your body can produce an offspring at any time if YOU test it, and a result will be a young sole that needs to be fended for by none other than YOU. It will be looking at YOU for protection, food, shelter, clothing, education; things that YOU without opportunity grabbed won't be able to provide for him/her. So, stop with that stupid thought of yours of equating age to opportunities availed to YOU. Why pleased with justifying what YOU too know is just a way of covering for your laziness, cowardice and satisfying of your less caring for YOU friends who're in their own spaces now pushing for better along with like-minded individuals who are unlike YOU? YOU to them are sadly just that, a useful time pusher whom there's no dull moment with around, that's it. Wake up young people, there's no better time than now. Opportunity doesn't say you're to get it today, but you're to start today for its tomorrow when you're ready for it. You're old enough, and as for maturity, depth will find YOU in your path of pursuit for your success and growth. The minute you're 18, know your train is leaving the comfort stage, but with the message "age defines not your destiny" on its sides. With that said, not saying YOU should be relaxed either. Your crucial moment isn't passed yet, best YOU start not today but now to put your first step into your future with a new capital in YOU, and that is your future in your hands. Life is fair from that unfair point you're to see, and taking only YOU to rule your destiny with the currency YOU are to come up with in your emergence. But remember, YOU aren't small, just young, and opportunity seek your type. Get up, dress your thought cap and go out with a new outlook on life. Forget what your friends say, forego the nice times with them that leaves YOU depressed when alone we all know, occupy your cleared mind with new capital, which is information, something you're to need for your success. Be patient with self and in time look back before ahead, and you're to respect the precious success monger you're busy morphing up into. Brace yourself for there'll be talks along the way of build up. Lucky YOU, for your choice from here. Good luck"...dp

<working in your business>

"Being in business doesn't say that you're moneyed, tell them. You too are fending for your family and self, and doing well or bad given the economic conditions. With you working in your business there's no guarantee of monthly income same as those in employment set. The challenge for businesspeople is their families. Tell them you are working and not picking money from the tree as many view you as. Life of a business owner is so tough and difficult in that it exposes one to all kinds of danger, and if you're not, then you're probably inviting trouble your way. You earn an income same as a working class person, see yourself as such if you're to see growth in your life. It took years of struggle alone and today in your raking season everyone be friendly to you, with the hope of scoring something from your generosity. Reward only those who cheered you in your tough journey to success"...dp

<bill your sorry>

"Sad that you wish for liberty but what you do is book yourself into freedom settlement. I've realized that I should stop expecting a lot from you, time is now I put that into action. Also, it's not about me but rather you, none but you needs to be proud of yourself first 'cause it's you you do self for. You live for you. So, after you comes your family, me matters not, for I count not. It's your life and its options that through own decisions will shape self of your choices made. Don't ask for forgiveness only for showing for it's only futile an exercise in true essence. Today start by introducing yourself to forgiveness of self and learn to trust self first with handling your life and yourself, and maybe you'll delve into cost of being wrong for yourself not me or another. The minute you're sorry about being careless says that next time you'd be careful in repeating it, and who knows the cost of that better next try. None has the capacity to deal with any of your too many wrong takes and I'm too stupid to accept that fact. I can't handle you 'cause you don't manage yourself. Start there. Manage the storm in you, it's obvious you don't cope with your real you soberly, and a useless sole like me won't be of good rehabilitation for the rigid being you are. Sad for me is that you're not happy with failing me yet comfortable with failure to self. Look at yourself as a statement of reflection and talk to self about it neutrally, and you are to take more from yourself. Spend more time in yourself. Love where you are with life and you'll appreciate where you are in life. Bill your sorry and see how much you'll afford of it"...dp

<your career choice >

"I'm worried about your career choice. Who guided you? At your age you should be knowing that there're different types of courses to go for, and the best are the agent based courses. These courses are good for you because they allow you to practice or go for outside of going the 8 to 5 route. How many times have you been told to look into doing courses that aren't suitable for a single sector, choose a course that can be in both private and public sectors instead of only one. Doing that gives you growth and better chances of employability. Done are the courses that are a sure bet for employment, think of what you can do with your qualification post your graduation should employment chances be slim or non-existent. Career opportunities of today are a mixed bag of this and that, and so should your career choice for your success. Do also think of what you can be out of the non-agent based career. A simple career as being a plumber, unlike a builder which its building and civil construction course is mostly group based, are some of the basic choices to looking into when mapping your career in that a plumber can do their job alone whilst a builder needs others to do their job. Just look at your life through your thought out career then tell me again how you feel. Talk soon, good luck"...dp

<focus on what you see>

"Beware of that which you hear but not see, for it has the potential effect of upset via its impact on the mind. Never let yourself be played with. Your mind is a powerful asset that needs attention. Do not deprive self off your imagination spark but underthink a lot more on what you only hear without seeing. Sounds and effects can be deceiving, so, dwell never that much in them. There're situations in which sounds and effects get used to put your mind off the rails. A sound of gunfire plus a scream then silence can say many things when you're behind the wall than it is when in the space and seeing what's going on. The same can be said about an emotion read in a person with a message but not sure, so, confirm through multiple sources to verify because investing your acumen into it. Your mind is powerful and deserving your jealousy about it for its protection. Cast away hearsay tactics, sounds triggering uncertainty and doubt, fight never what's not and focus on what you see and know of. Let not any disruptive sole distract you in your quest"...dp

<be positive in all fronts>

"What is a positive person? Ever had a day in the life of a positive person? The person you call positive comes from a space same as yours, where they too face challenges that goes against their  positivity push. Positivity is a choice, is a resolution you take for your being, is a powerful tool for the message you want for an impact in others's lives, a personal movement of bringing a felt difference, a lifestyle of influence, that you too can opt for in your life. It isn't about only writing about it on social media space or public space and saying it, but more about doing it. To attain the heights of positive living you need to have possessed peace and contentment in your life, your spirit be of calm and certainty of where you are and wanting to go, and be honest about the company you keep. In order for you to be spiritually balanced, you can't be on incognito about your feelings of who you are and intentions of where you want to take others, and also why it's important to you before it is to us. Positivity is an energy of force that seeks better outcomes for it to be alive, thus making it hard to sustain if aren't emotionally strong. To be positive takes a lot of knocks emotionally that requires you to be prepared character-wise. Be level-headed, emotionally calm, strong willed, and readily avail your forgiveness. Positive people are living outside of themselves more and unfortunately finds it difficult dealing with their own stuff as opposed to being good in solving others's issues. As such, if can be strong in acceptance of your thoughts, your issues will be easier to deal with. This is useful in that it'll be used against you to break your positivity. Mind you, some people are against any spirit of positivity and you automatically become the targeted energy to destroy. Be positive in self and about self first before practicing it on the other"...dp

<what's success to you?>

"It points to just about anyone, but today I want to pose it to you; "what is success to you?" My worry with you is that you are not interested in what success is not first before jumping into the main question. It should be known what failure is, how it is, and what not to be so it never be experienced. You're awesome to start with, and you need to tell that to yourself first before you do to another. Failure is a shining candidate of self-disbelief, target misses, stubbornness to learn, blame shifting, disorganized team, financial mismanagement, consumer bullying, and all negatives that leaves you with wasted emotions. Failure is a sworn enemy of good synergy, sharp financial acumen, polished interpersonal skills, accountable behaviour, constant learning, leading by example, team unification, positional growth, and any positive development of progression. Give failure a vertigo with your success, but, and a BIG but at it, is if you only start first by getting your definition of success according to your perspective. Being you is a great thing, and being here now far outweighs any attitude towards you thrown, 'cause you're bigger than that already. Stand Up, pump up your spirit of going out for it, and success definition will soon take form of your thought about it. The space is blank, go sign up for your success in the register of winners. Good luck"...dp

<be moral about your truth>

"How does it feel to you being in denial of your truth? What are you doing really? Do you think it's right because none knows? How will it be come the day they get to discover that of you? Practice morality in your truth, it's simple as that. Why teach in condemnation what you live? You watch porn but call it as immoral and also subjected as taboo in reference to nakedness, obscene programs, revealing clothes, and anything sensually themed to your anyone who cares to listen? Why not teach them to watch porn in balance to their books to avoid its addiction that you so passionately advocate against? Why preach racial inclusion, love and peace yet fund war and racial tensions? If you're honest and truthful then you won't want anything to do with whatever it may be that you publicly stand for. The level of double standard living is so rife that it now undermines the realness of authentic reasonableness. Your truth is nowadays given in reservation of its reality. There's totally no point in lending you an ear. Your teachings are real and truthful, but your deeds are not honest. You push a dangerous narrative and not to be trusted because you're a serial deceiver of note. In short, you aren't good for anyone. Learn to be moral about your truth"...dp

<you had a short run>

"I feel you do exactly what they want of you to, don't. Take them and put them in your shoes and see how they'll fare. So, don't be hard on yourself for you didn't fall, but had rather a short run, or a lesser than short run by others' standards, just remember that. Running a business with a holed sack isn't a child's play. Thing is, you missed the fact that you started with nothing to supplement your help and the money your rental and salaries put a huge strain on your sustainability. Go ask everyone who made it and you'll come back knowing how much respect they'll be having for you. You're not alone in this lane, some came in before you, some got in same time as you, whilst others still to come in in future and only to be met with the very same challenges you had. Protect your heart from negative viruses before they corrupt your spirit. You have our respect, build your courage afresh from that and move on. It ain't easy to be successful without financial backing, so, chin up and be on your retake. I know it hurts what they say about you, but rest assured that they behave like that as they become their bad spirits that you need to avoid. Deep down inside they know you're better than them and this behaviour a weird confession to your acknowledgement. Worry less, day soon they'll be reporting to you for they've already chosen to walk beneath your soles, and when that hour comes, rise to the occasion and shelter their lowliness with your wholesomeness to show them they built you a fine and strong character with their helpful words. Wear that strong character wherever you are and thank them always for their hard work"...dp

<keep your fone open always>

"The path to greatness starts with the foot you step forth first, and if it be the wrong one, to leave you trying to set your steps right forever. Greatness depends on the compound moves of good to best most of the time, and as such is with you in your attitude towards life. Why hear you talk of greatness in your future whilst in the same breath gently inhaling toxicity with every intake? You think how you're carrying on will lead you anywhere fast? Think again! Let's just quickly start here, your fone. How many times should we be calling you only to be met by your silly prank of a voicemail? How many times are you free to open your fone for your help, support and engagement with others? Or maybe we are the ones who just don't get it I suppose. Your importance for your growth and success is blocked by your very own winning ways to failure. What do you think will be the case when an opportunity bringer calls and find your fone off, and worse with the type of voicemail you have? Let us know if your fone is just an accessory so we be at peace with the fact. Open your fone! It should come to an end that you are only reachable when you want and but us ever there whenever you want to be in touch with. Why is it so hard to have your fone remain open? Know that we're up to our brims with your negative behaviour. Do what's right for you, keep your fone on all the time"...dp

<cut excuses for reasons>

"It's actually good being you neh! You can afford to cloy out of any situation 'cause you're slippery smart I guess. But, here's the now in your life reality: using every excuse in your trickery box has its end, remember that. Very soon you'll discover how much time you keep burning with every minute you cook up a trick to show how witty you are. Your agelings are busy coming up with good ideas for solutions that are a thorn in the lives of others and building enterprises around those. Their minutes are burnt better. Be wise, know where to use your cleverness to alleviate your poverty. Stop being poor in thought and in life, it is heartbreaking seeing you playing all those tricks to avoid responsibility for your actions in your life. Time keeps moving, there's no rehearsal. You're a grown man, you need to be an example of those coming after you. We're good with your cool, but are you? How long will you be entertaining your moneyed agelings that outgrown the level below you're stuck in? Truth is, it's no longer cool hanging out with you 'cause it's a time waste, and you being relevant only when it's time to unwind after stressful hustles and deal makings for their daily grinds as that's what your excuses and tricks fit in. Go out and spend a day with each, see who's willing to accommodate you on that exercise and draw a new card from there. Know the people you can lean on and build from there, open up and own up to your shortfalls. It's not too late to hit the stop and refresh button for a retake. Cut poor leading tendencies. Act now with reason for everything you do, so you become"...dp

<do time in your brand>

"When it comes to a brand, just know that nobody believes in a brand that its vision bearer pushes time in. People believe in you if you do your time in your brand. The process of building a brand is intrinsic and so self involving that if you the brand owner isn't around for it will only render it flat fallen. Stop thinking that working on your brand is doing it a favour, it actually is the other way. A brand feeds on your energy and draw from your system. Who do you think you'd have in your place to drive its direction if not you? Grow up and level up for your absenteeism in its development will show up and alert everyone that may be too attached to the brand. Your value put into the brand will have significant returns to your future extraction. Let none belittle what you have in your hands because you never know what you have until someone takes it and run with it. Be unashamedly crazy with your brand, talk it better, pray tell about it bigger, that's how others will take interest in it. Do time in your brand, you'll feel it heavy in the beginning and with time will become a natural extension to your person, and then, rewards will attest to your efforts"...dp

<be a good memory>

"For you to enjoy the fruits of being you, choose not to be special to others. Most of the time your specialness leaves a bad taste in others' tastebuds because special people tend to suffer from verbal diarrhoea, and that not a positive memory at all in another's thought chambers. Be a good memory to everyone whom you interact with. Again, do remember that you may be a queen or a king from where you originate, but are just a person ordinary to the next once out of your kingdom. Even if there be any need for a treatment to your deserving of that specialness it may require of others to, be as modest as possible for people remember anything and everyone who sees and makes them feel better as your equals or same. Who are you to be special? Why is it special? I believe your good self will see and think of self in a better ripple applause should you start asking that of self"...dp
<encourage those not giving you up>

"The luck of having someone who cares about you shouldn't be taken for granted at all. There're people who wish for that but don't find it 'cause it's rare. Unconditional love, care and support aren't easy to come by. If find someone who does care to prioritise you, hold on to them and work hard to keep them. Be genuine and no matter your flaws, let them know so they establish what they're dealing with in you. If a person wants to do for you they will, irrespective of what or how you are, what matters is that you let them know you and have them opt to carrying on or not by themselves. But, once you're in their books, encourage them to never give up on you. Be usable, that's the biggest problem such people encounter. They want to work through you at times, so allow for yourself to work with them to live through you. Some of you are adopted,,,don't be hard for them to make you achieve what you told them you want to, else they may give you up in try for another one compatible. It doesn't say be entitled, but rather boldly own your position in their priority list. Favour yourself first so they add to that. Make them want to do more with you"...dp

<be your own aspiration>

"It's plain and simple, look at the future with YOU in it, and live by that projection lingering in your mind. How do YOU think other achievers did it? Instead of building a faulty model of someone out of YOU, be your future and chase after that today, it's the best way to achieve your desired goals. Cease being your own goalkeeper. Be the cult of your future self; protect in belief of it and defend being what YOU are to become, it'll grow in thy system of YOU. Envision that wished for house with that wished for car parked in that clear wall elevator garage. Roam free in your vacuum, dress that nakedness with glory of your days to come, and stay awake in your dreams for discard of many to clout your prime dream. Be the laughing stock, but with a self-based aspiration alive in you, your alignment to its reality a celestial sphere of a pleasant mate to your destination of embodied new you"...dp

 <help can't be forced>

"Why the long face? Aren't you the one who rejected help? The challenge with you is your attitude towards assistance givers, you become the problem atop the challenge they're trying to help you solve. Help can't be forced, it gets given on merit. If you be difficult, then will your situation as it'll be hard to deal with because of you. The minute you're being helped, it screams out that you don't have the necessary ability to do for self or you don't have the means, thus meaning you don't even have an "or" to your name, but why make it impossible to let others with "ands" and "ors" to their names to help you? There're behavioural issues at times that prevents you from being helped and, until you work around them, none will continue hurting selves trying to help you as it's a piercing thorn receiving bad attitude from someone who needs their help. Just know that none'll come running to you if you don't go to them for help, also none'll beg to assist you if you're not showing to be in need of it, and again, none'll help you if you aren't ready for it, so, be willing to be rescued. Thing is, you must appeal to the helper that you're worth their aid. Help goes where it's appreciated for its effort, and mind you; 'allowing vulnerability at times without pride written on your back leaves no damage to your repute but gain of favour to your person'. People go through troubles in some cases for your help, and your ways aren't encouraging at all. Think of the many names that are involved to see you win or make it, and you throw that back at them by how you behave. Know that help doesn't require much from you except for your simple open-hearted acknowledgement and appreciation. It doesn't kill to say "thank you". But, the bottom line is, help can't be forced...dp

<Pay yourself last>

"It's valid for you to ask yourself at times why you have to be the only one to start the entity but be the last to get paid. It's safe to pay others first so they can help grow you the future income out of your business. Who told you it's going to be a smooth sailing, running a business pays the external workers first then you the internal workers after. It sounds unfair if you're of the employee background, but those long in knows your pay comes very late in the life of your business, and it is worth your wait. Expect no early payment and your mind will know peace, for you aren't a priority in earnings but the income a priority to the business text. A business starts first by realizing commission that gets reinvested back into the business to grow to the phase of realizing profit. It's a game of patience. Do what you're best at and stop whining 'cause when time comes for your income you won't be coming back to celebrate with us. In the build up to your comfort, it never give anyone peace but joy for the hope of tomorrow. In the moment, know your end goal and focus on its promise to deliver your future comfort, but all of these depends on your tenacity and hard work to make it possible. But then, in the meantime, pay yourself last, it'll pay off in the end and, the right way to growth"...dp

<be best of you>

"Same as with priority, learn to make best of YOU so people see best in YOU. If you prioritize yourself, people prioritize YOU. It doesn't matter what level you're on but if YOU own up to your worsts, YOU ultimately turn the page to your bests. In principle it ain't easy but in practical terms the only thing that works out there. How YOU see yourself not always how YOU get seen until YOU say it, and but if do what YOU see in YOU then people start seeing YOU as such. This goes with promotion of self in many ways. Cut rating self low and rank yourself high. In whatever YOU do, YOU ought to ensure that the time taken makes it meticulously finished for the result to be a reflection of what YOU want to be seen and perceived as, which is best. Believe in the best YOU can give and the receiver will get it same. Be always the best of YOU through and through"...dp

<benevolence not a cleanser>

“I see you with your shoulders broader than anyone else’s amongst all congregants, hahaha,,,it says nothing even if your voice be above the clouds. Your dirty money into the hands of a pastor doesn’t get anyone’s wrongdoing washed away, including yours, no. The public may know you as that generous giver, but how you make that money only you knows and not saying it turns you into a better bad guy unfortunately. It takes nothing but rather your rightfully deserved punishment for your wickedness that in law will render you free and still but before the public to forever remain a bad element that will be expected to never walk down that path again. Benevolent act a cleanse mechanism that the evil hearted use to buy favour with. For some it works we know but inside you know it eats at you thinking how expensive it is to hide your tracks. Hate me or not, it doesn’t change the price of gas anyway, you’re corrupt and are nothing but just a lowlife criminal and will stick the day you’re caught out and be called out as that. Lie not to self, benevolence not a cleanser”...dp 

<never in front of staff>

“No matter what you’re going through in life, mistake you should never make; showing your tear of weakness to your subordinates. You’re the leader, bear that in mind all the time. Cry never in front of your staff and but do cry with them. A tear is good if is of laughter for it doesn’t draw out your vulnerability to anyone. Please listen to this; you can sob amongst them without wailing, it’s okay, it shows you’re human too. One thing good is that as a leader it brings your team together if once in a black moon that you show your human side to them, especially if it’s not with a direct to you pain. To the staffer it’ll mean a lot seeing you sharing their pain. Allow yourself to go into that zone only if it’s with people that are dearly close to them. Your tears aren’t cheap, and as such saying that they can’t be a common sight in that it’ll render you weak. I know it doesn’t come out right but you’re in the lead and can’t risk experimenting with your tears. You know what people do with such people, the softies, so, don’t open that door for your staff. Sharing pain includes also a hug and a pat, and to do that in a safe space excluding others to make it a meaningful affair. Your staff believe in a bold leader, so never do anything that’ll create their shift from that position. Use emotion with them only to strengthen your relations, not the other way round. Now, go out there and lead”...dp

 <let staff be play makers>

“What’s your re-imagined Monday? What’s your best Friday? The way you want and wish them for self should be the same way that your staff should experience them through your leadership. Fact is, Monday and Friday are important for your business internally before it be externally. Your week is productive if your Monday was great and how you end your week also important. Let them feel that. The impact brought by happy staff is very good for business as their service is ever on par or exceeding expectations of consumers. Again, let your staff be your play makers by letting them play out their trade tricks in their line of work and learn from them. Be ever willing to praise them for each trick they teach you. Remember that they’re a team and making them players will strengthen the team for its success should every player get their spotlight to showcase their talent and be rewarded evenly. Any good leader that I know of rose to the top because of respecting and managing their staff talent, so be not a far different crop. Giving credit where it’s due is a display of sincerity and assurance of planning around your staff. Do that, you’ll be a winner as none’ll think of abandoning your ship. Good luck to your shine”...dp

 <through thoughts>

“Your face doesn’t sell your mind, never lie to yourself even once. Same goes for how you dress. Impression to others it may be, but you should sell what’s inside of your mind to capture the attention of the wise and connected. Nobody wants to invest their time, energy and money on your looks alone. Keep doing something to upskill yourself. You’re nothing useful without your fruitful thoughts, let none learn you otherwise, else you’ll be left empty at that very point and watching as they pass you by. Go not only after what is sought most now but rather go for that which will be an extension of what’s in demand currently and introduce it to opportunity bringers. The unwritten rule of opportunity is positioning self as new alternative to the popular in trend space and be desirable to those with appetite. Remember, me and you are worth a dime based on what we say, not in how best we look. Be wise, looks won’t stop being divisive in opinion and preference, so, invest on what’s sustainable and that’s you with knowledge. Be not only quality they can procure, but an informed sole with depth. Be you through thoughts. Good luck”...dp 

 <allow help sometimes>

“If you quite remember well, the last time you checked, there was this thing called blood running through your veins; which meant you’re human. So, you not being a humanoid do need assistance of others in some things at other times. People need you same as you too need them, and same is with you receiving help from others. Allow for people to help you, it drives you to your thrive from your strives. Help is an enabler that revives you to relive your aspirations in your strides. As much as you’re used to giving others, know that they’ve been receiving from God through you, and when it’s your turn for God to give to you, you should accept through that very conduit. The beauty of ubuntu stay cocooned for long in our minds and from those memories you should reflect on the bounce of relief their help had on you. What you love giving to others should love to receive it back with love from the love your way. Receiving and thanking wholeheartedly is the biggest glory to ever wear on you. Be proud of those who can for you what and when you can’t for self. Pride has no place in the value chain of gratitude, do away with its burdensome emptiness. Others got there through your help and you too need others to get to somewhere. You can’t be big for that big you aren’t. Let others be there for you by allowing their help sometimes”...dp

<selective giveaways>

“Your body is a trade asset with trade scenes that should remain a secret to others. In business, it’s no lie that you’re going to rely on your natural assets for your success to be realized in some cases. As a result, know when to strut otherwise you’ll be giving away your bargaining power for nothing. Sex sells from some corporate corridors before it does publicly but should know how to use it. Don’t give it off to just about anyone, do first your homework, it’s the most important favour you’re ever to do for self. Go in never with a tone of desperation as it sells you cheap, be exthurgent at all costs. Be not like those who think the key to taking power of a higher ranking person is by sex with them but no it’s always not, it’s actually the other way round. Sex is used to gain accesss and position, and if try it for stripping off of a higher ranking insider may end up spinning out of your palms. Never rattle powers that be, it took them long building their cabal, and won’t take much to destroy you. Know always how to use your energy for stay in. Best you align with them and do as they direct if you want to be part of the movement and if not bow out silently to avoid risking your future being bleak because blacklisting is real, don’t be lied to. Aspirant one, read the signs quick and respond swiftly per doctrine, then decide on closed windows for your shop should be a world of selective giveaways and you’re in control of their charge”...dp

<respond than react>

"As a person, you co-exist with other soles that some are like you whilst others not, and but you learn to live in harmony with. As such you get to receive information about you and others and things, and that's coming in different forms. How you act back or act out what you feel and think will show what kind of a sole you are. Either way you act, you respond or react. In life, you choose self how you go in into any situation that you find yourself in, and none but you self are to be held accountable for the action taken therein. Being proactive the best action out but that dependent on the person you are. Reaction is aggressive and response is swift and agile, think how you too will want you be treated in a situation"...dp
<unfulfilled promises>

"Press hard to squeeze the truth out and risk losing that familiarity you're used to. Promise a prospective deed that remains an intangible subject until materialized by its fulfillment. Promise makers differ, it's either they break promises or deliver on what they're bound to deliver. As you are reasonable, you know which is good of the two though remains with you what you are in be. As a promise breaker you're a big danger to the hopeful, you play emotions of others and at times dims belief in certain some, which is wrong. Their anger from disappointment not healthy either on their brokenness. Be responsible with your promises for they have the ability to change a person who wouldn't otherwise have, be brutally honest with the result in time and not sustain what you know won't happen. The thoughts brought by the spirit of hope shattered a bitter devil pregnant with self feasting monsters in its womb that the survivor once out, destroys anything else that's unlike it. Be careful with false promises for what they can breed in return. How the broken hopefuls may retaliate a risk manifestation only you the promise maker can avert by honesty. Be sensible about handling your unfulfilled promises"...dp

<offcuts to accountability>

"For the hand that steals, lay blame on the mind that gave the heart its uncontrollable urge of desire. If you're to put accountability on the heads that are corrupt, you need to look atyour own footprints first before concluding on the other's. Be honest with self and your shadows will copy good. Accountability is a belief system first before it be any law or rule, so own up to your wrongs and not only rights. Be proud of your good side equally as your bad with boldness in defense. Don't think it being done in the dark won't get mentioned come daylight. Whatever is suo you, remains your responsibility and as such should account for it. Do what you'll love being associated to, do good, for there're no offcuts to accountability"...dp

<be you>

"When you are afraid, just be, it's not a bad thing. Walking the dark thorny road of business isn't for everyone, so be open to being tempted to quit at times. Anything that's tough to overcome isn't always the thing to achieve. Go with what is hard to do and but finding solace in its future thought of what it could make you be come breakthrough. If you're finding comfort in that future thought, then push at it with your all all day everyday. Remember still, that, being a quitter a sign of victory over what's unachievable. It's a decision of wisdom to give up that which isn't making your life be as planned. To fail is human and retreating is for the mentally quick to conserve their energy for something else achievable. Don't be shy, unreel yourself from the clutches of regret over time. Love your happiness and do away with sad feel projects. Be you, do achievable, do happy future"...

<destiny below dynasty>

"I hear you're talking about building an empire for your legacy, but then how far are you with planning your succession? I don't get it. Don't be like others who built destinies in their legacies instead of focus on dynasty in their build up. What you're doing is wyrd planning, that's all I am seeing. Why plan for your future sans involvement of your dynasts? Building a legacy alone means you deny your own bred successor an opportunity to learn from you. The only way to ensure true unfiltered continuum and growth of your legacy is through conduit lineage, and to achieve that being through your akins, otherwise without them it's pure a pernicious move to your legacy. A mixed bag of board of directors won't cover your legacy, it'll only supersede you post your passing and at most alienate your rightful torch bearers in your relay. Look into your own family, legacy building is a selfish affair that you just can't hide from. Do it right, it'll rest you peacefully"...

<a somebody who's nothing>

"It's clear it feels good to be celebrated still in your sprig years. You are invincible at the moment, on top of your dream it can't accommodate you any longer. All eyes of envy wishing you not well, where you are where their offspring should be, and you warming up to their storge and phyllia shown, only agape can protect your eye of innocence. The danger of a nobody who's something far worse than the floated poison leaf into your tea. It renders them a nobody with something and their mission on you a well funded cold war. A victor who let go off their guard a victim of naivety. Remember that the 7 deadly sins a sect suture weapon seamed to the cloak against the backdrop of your tattered background. The cassock upon your shoulders an ordinal mark of favour from you being a target tatterdemalion. Know how to protect yourself from your aimers. Know that to your hater there's no way up for you and to them your walls to cave in or out to ultimately fall. Be careful of the palms that touch your chakra and beware of the shaped shadow that pinch your aura. Be aware to the fact that you'll never amount to the position you occupy, pierce all smiles obscuring your view and Cimmerians surrounding you will be easy to spot. Be out of self-deception, learn to read genuinity and genuine intents shall reveal themselves to you. Be kind to your achievements, for less them, you're no one other than a somebody who's nothing. Be nowhere, but found somewhere. Sleep awoke and serve alert"...dp

<clematis vitalba effect>

"Just by waking up a better person you've earned that true first win of your day. Each "thank you" a growth step to your progress. We all know how tough it is to make your dream count among those in receive of glory from favour of thy target audience or opportunity bringer. Success is a foregrasp journey chartered by the bold and the daring. It's a struggle that is winnable through the clematis vitalba effect. The uphill battle will be torturous but with every hurdle on your way up lies an alternative to the next stage. In these trials, only persistent soles make it out in one piece. I don't see a quitter in you. In you I see courage, I hear determination, I feel positivity, and with all those in one, I sense the spirit of a winner, and that happens to be YOU,,,so, rise to your start"...

<loyalty of relevancy>

"Your loyalty is a stand point, and with it lies the risk of opportunity loss, hatred and relationship costs. If you choose to be on the side of someone over another, do be mindful of the repercussions of the repertoire you're casting self in. Be not in it with blindfolds, be loyal to reason and collective progression, be loyal with your mind open to what's been brought to the table for you also to gain in the end. To be loyal doesn't say you are muted from relevancy of what's important and of core benefit to the base of support. Don't be driven by greed and selfish desires, be for the greater good. Cut being involved in allegiances that bear you fruitless yields. Be against unsustainable truths and pro-poverty rhetorics, be for true unified solutions, inclusive commonality, broad based gains, and common love above all else. Don't be blinded from the good truth of quality leadership, be staunch to what's relevant to the issues of the day, to what the future dictates, the timing to redressal, and to the real needs of the marginalized. Be loyal out of sheer respect for others and their course, don't be bought for a yes man an own seller of his freedom and being. Know your value, pledge loyalty of relevancy"...dp
<attract your opportunity>

"Go on and sniff that powder, smoke that chest wrecker, drink that expensive quaff, it's your life to live. But do remember that what any opportunity bringer wants above anything else in you is your vitality analytics. Who'll be foolish and crazy enough to risk on a liability you've turned self into. Argue that the whole day over but what remains the fact is that your guilty pleasure tendencies lessen your likelihood of being chosen over others irrespective of how good you may be in whatever you do. Talent and skill comes rated after good behaviour and sounding health status. A shrewd opportunity bringer wants to invest in someone whom they're sure will outlive their loan repayment term or yield term on reward for their risk, so, how'd you be with that type of unbuyable into lifestyle? A heavy drinker or smoker is prone to infections, diseases and other dangerous health hazards, and none expects to be visiting you at the hospital or footing your exorbitant medical bills while you should be making money with them. To an older opportunity seeker it's tough luck and a second chance to the ones still young. If you're to attract your opportunity you should best invest in your health, it's your ticket to your good life imagined. Be wise and live right. It's for your own benefit"...

<go start your own>

"I hear you're whining and complaining!! At times you ought to halt your horses and respect the risk your opportunity bringer took before behaving childish. You're at the receiving end, deal with that. Employment creators go through many countless experiences that you never would for your today's comfort zone. You chose to live safe and life is rewarding you equally so, so if you're not happy with how things are, best you either toe the line or sail out. Where most of us are now is the result of how we chose back then when dilemmas and trilemmas presented themselves. Some chose tough and went for hard while others like you chose softer versions of their choices instead. So, here you are today wanting a whole quarter of their worth, NO, if you aren't satisfied, go out and start your own and cut the negative energy you're surrounding us with or hold your peace. It is their time to receive their sweats' worth rewards and you want to be like them? From now on, know how to dream better in your confines. For your career growth growing with them or for your growth outside of them? Your new dilemma"...

<make it and become>

"Post ululations and hugs, lurks the deaf ears of opportunity; all is quiet now and in sinks the moment of truth. You went in with a promise to yourself that you're going to make it and become, and now time is here in your accomplishment evidenced by the title, to continue. Be it anything you are, an unthought out plan a goal ruined. Going to school for three to four years based on a gap available today a threat possible to your fulfillment. The world of work evolves everyday and the challenge facing your goal is success at getting ready for any shift there'll be come the day you step out with that qualification. Chances are you may step out late for that gap and be struggling to find employment as it ain't a win all the time. Think hard post your qualification phase prior to stepping into its world of learning. What opportunities lies apart from job placement, do I need the class or can I learn via trial and error and use that tuition fee for securing my place in today's gap? Let it roam in your head first before you tout at risk prospects around it. But, whatever your decision, be content with it, and good luck"...dp
<never too late for what?>

"Stop lying to yourself, age is a definer of note that points out to you the true North of your life. Learn to accept when time for some things in your life had passed. It's no use revisiting your past life catalog in think of pursuing everything. We dream, we achieve and leave some failed wishes behind. We outgrow some stages for a reason, and that applies to you too. Yes, I won't take away the fact that you're different and so are your circumstances, but reality is; you can't relieve all your  teenage years' dreams at your retirement age. As much as it's impossible, it's still very much doable, but at what cost? You may do under the banner of it's never too late, but for what? You're old, don't embarrass your family, if do opt to do the doable embarrassment, do in seek of their approval first for their support than have them shunning you after the fact. But do remember that we tend to fool ourselves about self-satisfaction first, that's just plain stupidity over selfishness. It's not a bad thing to let go at some point in life. You're allowed to reminisce but it should end there. Never too late for who? Take a look in the mirror"...dp

<be your own pride>

"It's a tough one I know you'll agree because it makes you feel better, but in truer sense,,,not. Pride shouldn't come after growth, it should grow with you as it has been there since day one in you. If you develop a pride nerve in your later stage in life it sure is because of an augmented morph to your new reality into that phase either by material or someone. Why not have it before them? Truth is, pride isn't arrogant, no, and pride isn't about another or something, and but yes to it being about your character before personality, about your family and its background, about your success in learning out of your failed attempts of own, about achieving that pittance for through the material you are will grow it into something over time, as long as you have respect for your availability to that hard work, nothing will erode your intention of your pride. Pride is a build up and a finish, pride is a process, pride is the value you are, pride is whom you believe what you'll be is that you are. Never mind their naysaying of your false pride. False pride is a negative element from outside coming in the form of that any very shape, so, don't give it that shine. Pride is what you have, and what you have starts with you and your immediacy; for how you see it, feel it, use it, is to the best only you choose to bedear it. Take pride in self's position thus far, call pride from its hidden corner when attacked by possessions you aspire for, say your pride with confidence for that's the nail to the heart of a nemesis, be the epicenter for that pride in you, give it an unwavering stance for its reason to stand tall for you. Be your own pride, they'll follow suit"...

<harass fear>

"Fear is there to put you off. But if it finds you having control over your thoughts and feelings, it stands no better chance, so be in control. Everything starts with whom you associate with. Again, bear in mind that never surround yourself with anyone but rather be the one they surround themselves with as it shows your strength and importance unlike the weak one flanked. Fear is like smegma to your uncut p or v, it stays in longer and cause harm in the long run if let be roaming freely. To beat fear you should fear losing your boldness. Fear is bold and cocky and so should you in challenge of it. I'll be happy the day I see you scare fear. Fear is nothing major but minor an element that is designed to instil scare in you and leave you stilted and dependent on others for your next move. It steals your freedom and dignity through its spirit of surrender, and you shouldn't let it have that with you. Be difficult to your negative thoughts for they won't shape the making of a better you except broken and self-doubting. Be bigger than it, chant your mantra as you stump allover it. Don't approach it with respect, it'll overpower your positivity and witness you succumb to it. Go in a winner and emerge a dominant factor, that's what I see in you. Harass fear, it'll know to fear you avoidably"...

<too much motivation kills>

"I know you're already frowning,,,receivers of motivation. One bad thing good about motivation is that it puts you down and assure you it's good to be where you are and where it prompts you to get up and get it then be telling you that it's okay if you fail and not admit because you didn't do enough, and next be telling you it's all in timing and that with patience your time will come. Sad thing is how long will it take to come if you don't keep working on it. Scrap the mentality of emotional torture and distress, and let your mind be directed to aspiration. What disappoints with motivation and its churners is that they want your ascription to their particular point in their lives and gain from it. If I worked hard for six years without any shine and my breakthrough be on my seventh year, why don't I talk about that instead of telling you about my now, the seventh year alone? Every now has a then, and that then is a process, something that matters more than the now. If you want me to be like you, you'll teach me more about the mistakes you made than the successes of the now and then, as those should be after I know how to step rightfully so I know the end result of that. Don't come and tell me how somehow you got lucky, tell me the ingredients of that luck. Were you lucky because of education, or because of good behaviour, or because of family and friends connections, there's more to some statements. Cut punchline rhetorics and get to the bone of my bad norms and tendencies so I correct myself rather. Don't make me worry less about my laziness whilst you know it's what's putting me at this very still point. If you do that to me you're creating a market out of me in that I'll keep following you to have you reel me in my indirect comfort zone, not to give me anything tangible for my real growth. Tell me what I must do to succeed than have me not read for my exam yet pray for a pass. If you love me you'll lie to me honestly and have me conclude on you soberly. Don't let selves be treated like frows for you are superior and qualify for better qualified content. But best thing to do is; set your goal, attach an object of desire to it and push towards attaining that the best way you can in your pace. That's how to aspire. Don't let anyone objectify you. Too much motivation kills if you don't know how to use it"...

<you and your circle first>

"It's not a bad thing trying to help someone who needs some plugging. But remember,,,when you help you use your connections and should the very needy of yours switch your plug off, then are you out too of lights. The risk of helping is a loss potential you should let them know. In life of business and opportunity there's no second take, one strike and score or fail and swing outside. Help, but be choosy. Never turn your key to start in a zero kilometres ignition. Such are the ones who tend to disappoint and leave you worse off than where they found you at. Run fast as you can away from one who starts with a sob story 'cos trouble comes reeling out of that type. At times those who're ruthless now once got hurt trying for undeserving ones who never even cared about their losses after their switch off. Point to me where kindheartedness has been treated with kind in return; they're all crying foul for ill rewards instead. So, be my guest and try save everyone with the little you have and hear what's to be said tomorrow when it's gone to waste on ungrateful ones. Plug yourself and your circle before extending the hand out. Know that you're not the first to go down this lane. Do you and yours, you're no father Christmas. Never shy from pulling the plug if they don't catch your scent spread for on cloud 7 rests no level 3,4,5s"...

<run yourself first>

"The first set of rules for others are the same for yourself. Stop looking for adherence in others before leading them into it, step first and they will follow in the footsteps of your correctness before they be led to righteousness. If you admit that you aren't losing the battle but rather just failing, you will be able to look at your steps and apply corrective action with others showing you how to. Never lie to self that you can wake up and manage the next person before you start by running yourself first. And also, once you are good at running yourself, to not attempt running anyone else but work at managing yourself for you to direct your life as its leader. Any leader who starts by managing others without themselves leading selves first not to do any good by any shot, long or short. It is best we tell ourselves that not everyone will lead others and that anyone can run others, 'cause a lot of us are runners not managers hence we don't succeed at leading in anything. If you are parenting, as a leader in your family you observe both your spouse and offsprings how they relate and add your envisioned culture to shape that relation to what you like it to be, less forcing it but forging it. In the end you'll be having a family that reflects you, represents you, and satisfies you. The same is with position of power. Do not set rules, start by guidelines and advance to rules after learning what you encounter as challenging from them to your guidelines. Do the good leadership requires and be that, and where you fail, ask for help instead of going on bossing and misleading others. And lest you forget, if you allow for them to call you as boss, know that they are addressing that frustrated cockiness in you"...

<who's a flop?>

"Failure is a process of better attempt next time, and whoever say it otherwise to you, not your place to argue. Learn to shut the door on reducing your chances at success by flops that have the audacity to flower their pompous stupidity on your passion. They may call it a flop, or call you as such, but actually who's the flop? A flop is someone who does nothing more than wait for chance takers and fire starters like yourself to miss their desired result and be cheering, and a flop, that's not what you are. A flop is a useless and hopeless bitter swimmer in misery who pick at future achievers to try pull them down with self smothering rhetorics. Don't let such get into you else you'll soon find yourself in the same corner pointing at other future winners. A project can be a flop but that doesn't say it's the end of you with it, no, it means it's your chance of doing it in another way.  Allow for things to flop, not you,,,YOU only suffer setbacks and glitches, set that as your default mode on failed attempts. Go on, go again at it, a new way of people doing something rests in that solution of yours, just hoot it inside and outside it'll be one day, who knows until you try it? Wear that courage and you'll be invincible. Don't be a flop!!!"...dp

<love prioritizing self>

"There's nothing beautiful as loving the feeling of self-priority. Your achievements came as a result of your attentive dedication to your wishes and goals. The energy you put in self shouldn't wane, it should instead be invoked by your love of self for what you are and do. Let your spirit come first before the next because it won't leave when you're down and courage depleted, when you're blamed for wrongs you're right for, when it's tough for you to step out, when none hearken in heed but listen in show, when emptiness fills your opaque vacuum, while the next has the choice to that. Do you ever think another person will love and prioritize what you are if you self doesn't? Wake up, think straight and take pride in who you are, and you'll appreciate the priority worth of material that deserves a first place in both your heart and mind, for your own growth in life. Love yours and yourself, it's the best you'll ever be grateful for. No other was born in your place, so, dignify that gift you are to thy blessed womb, and bring to fruition that secret you stayed in form prior to your layette. Be the subject of first unto self, your creator will reward you for the effort"...

<blame for a reason>

"Not everything in your life will be wrong because of others, and not a bad thing to point out the wrongdoer. Blame for a reason, not because you have the privilege to. Blame is not a right but a corrective measure that deserves responsibility from the one accountable for. Where directed at, shouldn't be out of hatred and guilt switch, but must be from disappointment not anger. Blame should carry with it a solution for remedial action and fault redressal. Never scold, be kind and empathetic to the subject of fault and the retake will last a shine better than the mistake. Mind you, leaders do tend to be blame shifting, don't be that, own up and your role won't be a weight on shoulders of unlucky some. Blame for a reason"...

<commit to your priority>

"Whether you commit or prioritize, you can't be on the fence about it. Choose to be that person people will want to have in their corner because they know what they want, and that being YOU. Learn to commit to your success with others in it, and prioritize your commitments to people and things. Be sure to know what you commit to, why that, your collective benefit, and common depth of your involvement in it. People self-prioritize theirs and themselves, don't be likewise, be selfish of you and them as a unit. Being selfish isn't bad if it's not being self-centered, but not committing to anything and anyone is not helping either in that we all are through others. When you prioritize others and committing to self you stand a better chance at honing your weight, and that being your value and worth. But do get cautious of one who's prioritizing self without committing to you or your cause if you're committed to prioritizing them. A lot will ask you who'll prioritize you if self don't, but the big thing here is prioritizing those who prioritize you. It's those that you must collaborate with. Never stop believing in people and TEAMs, do self in a collective of individuals, that's what making a difference in self and others is about. Affiliate to none other than YOU though.  Commit to your priority, always and YOU will always be wanted for the weight put in. So, go out, the world awaits"...dp

<title mongering>

"Being a big shot in any industry is a cool thing to be but if you're not you're not, stop running with titles that are far beyond your league. It's good for impression, but what after? Don't be silly, breath in your own bottle and retire from loaning fresh airs from others' vases. Impression is expensive and stressful. Look at where you are, compare your claim with your current state and be honest to self. I know, 'loyalty is a bitch that can't even be true to itself' but be loyal to yourself and truth will apply emotion layers to your stationary ambitions. Remember, it's okay to only wish it if dream it. Cut hurting self, 'cause you've got only you to last you a lifetime; also, the onus is on you to be loyally kind to YOU. Titles are there for a reason and if life's challenges don't reason with your status, never force or quit the labeling, just simply play to your mind and whispers of hard work shall whistle to your levels. Reality is, title mongering not your PR nightmare but in fact your repute erosion. Good luck correcting that!!!"...dp

<restore point>

"We all have our worse days and best ones, and but not saying there'll be those bad ones forever. Clouds gather and scatter, and so is same with life's challenges. Start reconfiguring your wiring today. Build your own restore point in your system. That'll help you when bad weather ushers in negative equity and you just dip into that restore point to rejuvenate your soul for a refresher mode. Nothing should put your spirit down forever, hit restore and be back to self gradually if not instantly. Don't wait on anyone to be that for you, you owe it to yourself to be your stronger you before any sole be reliant to you for that. So, get up, go to that sanctuary and start working on that. Acquire positive equity and it'll reflect in your energy levels. Invest in your emotions, for calm an added advantage asset"...dp

<frontline your battles>

"The business is yours and none will come to it's rescue on your behalf, it'll only mess up with your dream. Delegating your power just but a relegation of self to your success. Get up, punch if you can, the fight is yours, they are there to choose sides only when it's done. Life of business is that, stop lying to self for only you must come to your aid and stop thinking when seeing them with gloves on is for you 'cause that's for their own fights too. Now, go out with your head high and proclaim the good your dream is and build it around yourself, that's the worst best favour any starter can ever do for themselves. And as you're out there, know it's painful only in the beginning and better half way on the good it actually is. Good luck, it's in your name already, reach out to it"...dp

<help, not spoil>

"It's good to assist where help is sought. But it should be known you help only where there's talent to retain. Let the help seeker prove to you theirs, but should be within your abilities to satisfy its expectation. Talent isn't an issue if it isn't made to be expensive to nurture. Talent needs to be schooled in how to be sellable, likeable, tolerable, and befriendable. If you're to help, never give it on a silver platter, let there be an exchange of excellence on something. Trust me, there's no free in help for there's always a repayment plan lurking in the shadows of good promised. When chosen for help, talent should know why and how to be in sync with the opportunity brought. Help a needy not a wanting person for such are tactical in their pleas, they state the investment of their plea's intended purpose with guarantee of gain to your future with them, it should appeal to your strategy. Be wary of the one who asks constantly, remember you aren't replacing anyone's parent or guardian, be responsible for their needs of your gain not for spoiling them by financing the talent's lifestyle. Help for growth not waste, good luck"...dp

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