1) The cost of opportunity loss is the calculated revenue lost in pursuit of a business opportunity.
2) The cost of opportunity surrendered is the worth of a business opportunity that was never pursued in avoidance of projected loss should the venture not bear favourable yields if any.
Now to you, which of the two will make you lose your sleep and why?
CTS tryout 4 u:
1. What would make a 50/50% of chance in luck if you have 3 doors to choose from?
2. In biznes do you need luck, love or trust to make success of your self effort and how?
3. Is loneliness the price you pay for improvement in success or a reward for being differently achieved?
4. What betrays your daily small steps to success?
5. When faced with only one option to your becoming, what would you rather it be to ascertain your stay in it forever?
This 2 u:
1. What are you gearing yourself for now?
2. When can you say you are defined?
3. Where are you shifting self from here?
4. How many times can you become of self?
5. What kind of life do you want to live for your self?
6. How do you reverse regret?
7. What fulfils you in the midst of failure?
Out 2 u:
1. To serve in lead or to control in lead?
2. To connect the dots or to match the dots?
3. To stay forever young or to act your young forever?
4. To silence the critic or hype a mole?
5. To shoot first or be shot at first?
To you:
1. How do you spot a scalable startup entity?
2. What is your 3 top picks to guard against when you step into any entity?
3. What should you avoid being to an opportunity seeker as an opportunity bringer?
4. What is the most resolute shame that you feel you need to conquer for your success?
5.Is it important to be you for your success in business and why if yes?
Again 2 u:
1. How many times should I be the man?
2. Whom should I live to impress?
3. Is it manly to blame if done wrong?
4. Does lonesomeness mean loneliness or expression of freedom?
5. In essence, what does peer pressure mean to me at my age?
1. How do I feel about the direction of my career?
2. Am I in control of my destiny, or fate has me in reins?
3. At the end. Where do I want to be come my old age?
4. Is my career life about building a legacy or a dynasty?
5. When should I start a review of my life with relation to my career?
1. How does lying to your partner feel?
2. Whom do you tell the truth if you do even constantly lie about self to yourself?
3. Are you to ever be trusted about leading others other than you?
4. How do I shift from unnecessarily lying to necessarily lying?
5. How bad has my lies affected my relationships with others?
1. It's safe to say ............... to a business partner or colleague when they chose their way other than yours.
2. Whenever there's a/an ..................., it should be by you otherwise it won't be a success.
3. The ............... board runs daily operations of the business.
4. According to me, entitled opinion is .................... and qualified opinion is ....................
5. It's easy to find ........... in a business partner or colleague than it is ............... in a spouse.
1. Who's responsible for the look and image of the business partner?
2. Does uniform change your behavior towards other people?
3. Is it important to keep your family out of your career life?
4. Does substance use really improve your creativity or boost your work performance?
5. Is associating with business partners or colleagues and not socialize with them a wrong thing to do?
1. How many times have you challenged your thoughts about your lifestyle choices?
2. Is it wise to let everyone see through you?
3. What if you were to discover that the person you are in partnership with isn't actually the person they claim to be?
4. How does it feel like when someone challenges your authority?
5. Of all the people close to you in business relations, whom is the one you'll be comfortable with knowing your deepest secrets?
1. Stultify
2. Abrade
3. Priming
4. Manacles
5. Solvency
1. Does same gender flirtation mean you're queer?
2. Is sacrificing a relationship over a business opportunity making me a bad person?
3. Since when was college drop out the sure card to business success?
4. What's the principal KPI for monitoring employee productivity?
5. Why is it important for one to observe protocol?
1. The difference between me and my enemy?
2. The better side to a side hustle?
3. Who's to blame for my failure in knowing how to love?
4. When's the right moment to walk out of a binding commercial decision?
5. What's deep down your heart when you witness divisions amongst your employees?
1. To you, what motivates staff?
A. Money
B. Promotion
C. Material benefits
2. What's your best chance to win staff over?
A. Surprise incentives
B. Being there for them
C. Investing in their holistic well-being
3. Who's speech is more special to staff?
A. The Chief Executive
B. The business coach
C. The business owner
4. When is it the rightful time to give up on your staff?
A. When they don't improve on productivity
B. When you realized high cost on customer acquisition and retention
C. When they demand higher than productivity ratio increments
5. To whom do you seek advise on staff treatment?
A. Industry consultants
B. Industry hobnobs
C. Labour relations practitioners
6. For best insight advise on staff you talk to whom?
A. Line managers
B. Staff and their akins
C. Labour regulatory personnel
7. When reducing staff whom do you start first with to offload?
A. Acting incumbents and all assistants
B. Staff with high warnings
C. Apply LiFo principle
8. Which solution is better when it comes to staff?
A. Constant communication
B. Periodical team building activities
C. Timely upskillng courses
9. Which budget do you prioritize in a startup?
A. Wages
B. Marketing
C. Income protector
10. When do you implement refocus strategy?
A. When sales and staff morale are low
B. When staff and management are off vision alignment
C. When product/service offerings are off the target market
1. What have you learned from nature of late that you have applied in life?
2. What's your business without you in it?
3. To you, what is maturity, and can it be inconsistent?
4. How do you counsel oneself after an honest commission of own wrong counsel adherence?
5. For you to heal emotionally, does time help or response to the course help?
1. Love of material things over another person.
2. The upper and lower sides of a paper.
3. The process of mixing freshly slaughtered beast blood with milk and drank still warm.
4. A game in which two teams pull at each other and the one that falls into the side of the other losses.
5. 52 weeks all combined.
6. An electronically controlled shock device used to resuscitate a person.
7. A dedicated space in a saloon where fine aromas fill the air in dim lights.
8. Money set aside for a specific project.
9. The science of reducing a big machine into a smaller unit that is more powerful.
10. The art of turning a baked truth into a believable reality that the public buys into.
1. If you receive a call from your arch enemy for a dinner invite?
2. If you're the last person to enter into the boardroom not yours?
3. If the person you manage does your responsibilities behind your back?
4. If you discover that your academic qualification is from a bogus institution?
5. When someone you're loyal to tells it to your face they're not loyal to anyone but themselves?
6. If there be none in your corner after you've backed everyone in their lows?
7. If someone declares that they can't lie for a living?
8. If your family hides from you that your spouse has an extramarital affair with your close colleague?
9. If you get chosen for a career move that's not your first choice but paying better, that's in fact the dream job for a colleague?
10. Should you find a dead bloodied criminal with a gun in hand and a bag full of treasure in another, with none in sight?
11. If you get approached by a partner's spouse for a pay to report sick tomorrow for them to deal with your partner for good over their domestic violence issue?
12. If you realize a camera caught you with a hand in a stranger's bag sans their consent?
13. If a street mate accused you of an offense you never committed?
14. If your child told a neighbor about a big long-time hidden family's secret and blamed intoxication?
15. If you go to collect a decree of divorce and meet your ex driving a new sleek sports car on your way in?
1. Saying bad about people who helped you to strangers.
2. A witness who contradicts the accused, other witnesses and themselves.
3. Something tiring that you eat the whole day but never get satiable.
4. A leader with no vision, targets and voice.
5. Going out with friends for a day at the racecourse.
6. The spot in a cinema where you get the best view of the screen in full.
7. A musical composition for 6 instruments or voices.
8. An imposing structure standing tall in the middle of a forest in Sri Lanka.
9. All people are common because of it.
10. It only has colour when it is dirty.
1. What are the most important words for a business person in any foreign language?
1. Apart from respect, skills set, honesty, information, availability, what do I lack to make it in life?
2. If I am favored for an opportunity over someone else and I misuse it, what is wrong with me?
3. What does age say to me in stage? Is it comforting to me?
4. What does it say to me if a partner is too busy for my plan about them?
5. How am I to buy back my lost time?
6. What can I monopolize in me?
7. What can't I monetize on me?
8. What am I ready to give off of myself without letting go of it?
9. What's the hardest part about learning myself? What's tough about leading myself?
10. Am I winning in being myself? How?
1. Do you believe that success is a set process?
2. What kind of success do you believe in?
3. What's the profile of your opportunity bringer?
4. What's the profile of your vision carrier?
5. How do you call yourself back to line?
6. Who's honestly better to you at the moment?
7. Is it important to hide your failures prior to success and announced after? Why's that?
9. How long should you be given a chance after messing up?
2. In an interview test you are given a question paper with 10 answers but no questions on it, with an instruction below your name on how to answer. You are given only 3 minutes to answer it. What do you do?
3. If people keep quiet whenever you speak, what does it say about you?
4. If you are in a group of people and you get asked how difficult was it for each of you to find the location. What do you think they want to establish?
5. You are queuing in a supermarket and the manager comes to you with an offer to assist you in jumping the queue. What do you say to them?
6. If a plate number is WPF 073 L, will it make any difference had it been FPW 703 L? If yes, how. If no, why?
7. Fuel in your car tank. What is it to you?
8. You are with 6 people in a room with 6 chairs occupied and there is a knock. Whom should open the door. Once the person comes in, who must give up their chair for the visitor and why?
9. En route home, you find your enemy involved in a car accident and tossed out of the car. Bleeding and facing up, what do you do?
10. When a creche level child swears at others, what comes first to your mind?
1. Are you responsible for your worth?
2. How much are you worth now?
3. Who gave you that estimate?
4. How long did it take you to there?
5. What can your worth do for you?
1. Which part of your body makes more money for you?
2. Who in your life can you not afford growing your career with?
3. How long should a person stay in one level before they step up in their career?
4. What to do after a partner comes back after an unexplained disappearance?
5. How do you break down your sexuality to your unexpecting prospective investor partner?
6. At what point are you sure a partnership doesn't work?
7. What picks your spirit up after small achievements?
8. Why is it important to dream big?
9. What is greater than 'mega'?
10. How do you rectify your senior in the presence of their peers?
Self-assessment p5:
41. Start-up capital vs expansion capital, which falls into ring-fenced funds? Where can I draw working capital between them?
42. If a person adopts a crypsis strategy, for me they are not adaptive and flexible but rather fake and opportunistic. Yes or no?
43. What’s the biggest threat to my happiness? How can I overcome that?
44. To me, what is the fundamental core of success? Am I qualified for my success?
45. Is it fair for me to be judged on my experience before the idea of my business?
46. Whom am I benchmarking myself with? What do I measure against?
47. Family life or business life? Which comes first to me? What does that say about me to the next? Am I content with it?
48. Safe bet or safe risk? What am I?
49. Out of 10, how much do I gauge myself as a businessperson? Why that much?
50. If I were an investor, would I invest on me and why? How much would I put into my idea?
1. A partner that values personal stuff protection more than combined stuff protection.
-what does colour mean of you?
-What does adding value in a life mean?
-What do you expect of me if the family elder deviates from the family's customary practices?
What will you do?
-If finds out your life partner cheats on you with your colleague or business partner?
_how trusting are you of self?
1. How would you tell if a year is for you in its beginning?
Str8 out:
1. What’s common about people when they’re together?
2. Who’s the first person supposedly to close their eyes when we pray?
3. How open should you be to your business partners?
4. Does being a business owner make you a default leader in your family matters by virtue of your status?
5. With whom does honesty start in any relationship?
6. When cutting someone out of your life, you erase them or pull their page out of your chapter with them?
7. Hating what you do is the best motivation for doing what you love. What do you think?
8. Is it normal for you to hide your pain inside when your partner is progressing more than you do?
9. What’s your feeling on unjustified entitlement?
10. Is it true that prayer and faith based praises are used as a shield in business success?
1. How does it feel respecting another person in front of your spouse?
2. What's your worst skill yet loving to finesse?
3. Is it worthwhile to use sex as a way into success?
4. At what stage in life did people's opinions not matter to you anymore?
5. What's the biggest mistake of your life that you covered up for none's knowledge?
6. Is sabotage a good move?
7. Is your tone of command a talent or skill?
8. Who's the person you'd love to be come reincarnation?
9. Which part of your body works for your success?
10. Does sexuality determine your future?
1. My best month of the year.
2. My lucky number.
3. My favourite colour.
4. My locked secret desire.
5. My wish for the upcoming season.
1. Who should know me better between my spouse and my confidant?
2. Whom should I appear more in public with?
3. How does it feel when a business partner keeps answering calls away from you?
4. Pain of losing money on a deceased person vs pain of paying for a deceased person's lie cover up. Which is worse and how?
5. Is it safe having your spouse know all about the monies you make and owed, and why?
a) What do you do if you don't know a certain word used in a conversation?
b) Your spouse gives you an ultimatum to cut your best friend off, what happens?
c) Out of anger you yell and swear at your family elders, who's to redress that?
d) Where do you go to cool off after any disagreement with your live-in lover?
e) Would you forgive someone in private after their public stunt to embarrass you?
f) After a partner failed dismally to replace you, do you still avail yourself?
g) Is business to you personal or plainly business?
h) To you, wanting more and working hard for it is greed or aspiration?
i) Suppose you find me watching adult material during working hours with a connected work device, what would you do?
j) If you're to replace someone in your circle, what would it be for?
1. What is a break-even-point?
2. How are my fights with other peer competitors going to affect my business?
3. Why do customers complain during staff training?
4. The difference between client and customer.
5. What constitutes public interest in the life of a businessperson?
6. Is it a must for survival or purely an investment decision for a business to hold stakes in other entities?
7. Is business model an operational guide or an operational strategy?
8. Between the memorandum of understanding and the memorandum of incorporation, which do you refer to as the company's working document?
9. In the music industry an advancement comes back tenfold. As a starter should I sign up for a loan or build my career via features?
10. Business ownership or salary safety net?
a) How many times did you think about coitus today?
b) How many colleagues or business partners have you undressed in your mind?
c) Who's the sexist celebrity you take to the bedroom with every time there's a notice for open fields?
d) What's your worst place you've ever had a self relief at?
e) Who's that person you secretly wish to see in their birthday suit?
a) You value human relations than human rights.
b) You're good hearted but not kindhearted.
c) You respect an honest person as opposed to a loyal person.
d) You spend more time analyzing a product's longevity than its feel and price.
e) You'd rather be perceived as reliable and reputable than unique and standing out.
1. Same sex relationship.
2. Underage labouring.
3. Partnership of convenience.
4. Interracial marriage.
5. Youth unemployment rate.
6. News reporting standards.
7. Racial quotas.
8. Wealth tax.
9. Vaccine card access rule.
10. Free access to porn.
1. You lost a once in a lifetime opportunity because of a senseless violent protest in your neighborhood?
2. A trusted ally of yours has for some time been the reliable source the media has been quoting for selling you out?
3. You were the one most hated by the poor for being the wealthiest person in your country?
4. You got to know that the business you bought for a huge sum isn't worth the future income prospect as forecasted due to its market obsolesce?
5. You learnt that the person you've helped for long with your all is in fact better off than you are?
6. A lie you fabricated to spite your boss caused the employer its business and end up closing down?
7. The company policy you worked tirelessly on is today used against you to force you out?
8. Your only child chose to die in place of a friend who's the third born in their family?
9. A proposal you rejected got financed by a rival and hit the big time with it?
10. You were to discover that the favorite child you groomed for a decade to take over from you in a year's time is actually not yours but your close friend's?
1. You know that you're too sensitive when _ _ _
2. When people say what you don't see of self you _ _ _
3. Rome wasn't built in one day mentality for you is for people who _ _ _
4. You feel that the third gender topic is for people who _ _ _
5. Listening to others on my career is a waste of their _ _ _
1. Am I a bad person for cutting negative influencers from my life?
2. What does it say of me if I throw away old furniture without giving it to someone you think is still in need of?
3. Is it bad behaviour when I tell you I don't greet my neighbors friendly because I don't want to be bothered?
4. Why is it wrong for me to request for my money back after a spouse loaned it from me in the first place?
5. Who said it's a sign of weakness if I claim spousal maintenance from my estranged wife after divorce?
6. Why do sponsors want to control the minds of the sponsored?
7. When will I witness my people express their pride for their skin through nakedness?
8. Why hate me for saying your education makes you poor?
9. Whom should I be if not be me?
10. Should I like you for telling people that you like me?
1. Sometimes I fail because I'm lazy to do it.
2. I feel better when someone ignores my wrongs and give reasons on my behalf.
3. Hating my progress not helping as it hurts back at me but I still do it to get out of comfort zone.
4. Advising others for reward on what I can't myself a soft deception on my part.
5. I can't always be right and people mustn't question that of me as I'm human too.
1. Worst song of all times?
2. Best movie ever watched with family?
3. Wrong move to impress the right person?
4. Best attire ever worn to a date?
5. First moment you felt you were in love?
6. Ultimate road to ride or drive before you die?
7. Most confusing disease ever for you?
8. Best year of your life?
9. Worst lie caught out in?
10. Worst enemy you wish they disappeared?
2. How do you know and tell if someone is right for you?
3. Is it good for people in a partnership to be relaxed around one another?
4. When seeking assistance from someone, what benefit are you giving in return for their effort?
5. If failed, do you blame others and self or plead ignorance?
-What makes your soul alive?
-What dims off your day's light whenever it comes to mind?
-Is there any thing to draw from your past family relations in comparison to now?
-What must you have to disown from self to make you a better proposition?
-Between your name, surname, nickname or hometown, which pushes you to become better?
-To you, should everyone be their first friend before their best friend?
-Are you prepared to walk away from friends who add no value to your personal brand?
-Do people need a certain level of energy to deal with you?
-When told about how God blessed you after working hard alone, what happens innate?
-Does fortunes choose you or your success chooses fortunes?
i. Hatred is therapeutic for you.
ii. Where there's money, pretense is rooted.
iii. As privilege, skin color ranks above all else in any sector.
iv. Once making it, you like everyone secretly wants things to be tougher for others coming after you.
v. A bank balance doesn't warrant your happiness but rather a reflection of your success.
vi. Opportunity is like a tyre, you just need to see which direction it points you rotation.
vii. Every business operator craves attention in the name of their enterprise.
viii. The biggest threat to you is not death by a stray bullet but being suffocated by jealousy from a close friend.
ix. Sharing not a strong point for you.
x. For you reality is a perspective view of one's own life in connection with where they are with their goals for success.
Honest 2 self:
1. Do you ever envy yourself?
2. Do you obsess about being yourself at times?
3. Do you ever wish you were someone else when things aren't going as planned?
4. Your unhappiness comes from self or from people around you?
5. What do you think of whenever you're feeling the urge to give up?
6. Do you think people are being truthful when they console you?
7. Are you wholeheartedly wishing your friends well when sharing their dreams with you?
8. How does success of others close to you make you feel?
9. What makes sense to you when you're being blamed?
10. If you were to be introduced to a new way that illegally makes serious money but safe, will you do it?
11. What comes unconditional when you work with others?
12. What comes to mind first when you hear about explosive synergy?
13. To you, is it worth it fighting over a lover or over an asset?
14. If someone's towel were to fall, where does your eyes go first?
15. Is it realistic that you should count on your self-belief before anything else?
1. What does that person want in me for partnership or working relationship?
2. Do I like them and their entity?
3. What do I know about their industry?
4. Am I going to add value or extract it?
5. Is the opportunity scalable?
6. Is there a growth plan or must I develop it?
7. Is there any conflict of interest for me?
8. How committed will I be to this?
9. At which stage is the opportunity?
10. What's my exit strategy and point?
_What is power?
_Is power visible?
_Who holds power?
_How does power feel?
_Why should power be controlled?
_When should one conceal their power?
_When is power dangerous?
_How does one lose power?
_Does power equal respect?
- Can a spender stay in partnership with a saver?
- At what point in a partnership should you reveal secrets about you to your partner or partners?
- What can you do to make a partnership outlive you?
- How do you survive betrayal in a partnership?
- When will it be your enough made for your partnership?
- Who should apply the 80/20 rule in your partnership?
- Why in a long time partners start losing spark in focus of bad over good?
Set 2
What is a boxing stand and what can I learn from
it as a businessperson?
How important are mind games in case scenarios
to me?
I hear that going into the C-suite I must have
my G-suit on unless I’m parachuted in. What does this mean to me?
What should l do when inquietude creeps in
during a convergent setting with someone or others?
If a business appraiser walked into our
workspace, what will force him to rate us favourably is spite of some downsides?
Rate of attrition vs rate of depreciation, which
is more relevant to my rate of growth?
What’s the complexity in me or my business that
makes it hard to succeed?
In competing with big players for skilled labour force, what must I do?
How best can I turn a vacuous mindset around
that too much aberrance in the market renders an entity apocryphal?
As a governance instrument, why shouldn’t I
cease reviewing my company policy?
What is a blind trust and how can I use it?
If I had sold 2095 shares at 0.88c per share,
how much should I be banking if I opt to sell 1335 more shares? Out of 5000
shares, how many will I be left with? In % conversion how much is my stake out
of 100%?
What’ll happen to me if I build my business on
an arable land?
In swap legs which comes after the other between
near leg and far leg?
What do I understand of the term retracement and
where will I find it?
As a leader, how much value do I possess and
Which is a bad choice for me between insuring
the business or insuring the business income and why?
Whom should I assign to conduct a due diligence
on my behalf before I enter into long term commitment dealings?
B2B or B2C? Why I prefer that?
What’s the best thing to do if I’m caught up in an unethical conduct?
Why is it important to have an investment wing
for my business? How will my portfolio look like?
To my understanding, when should I file my
annual returns and where?
Why do I need an assiduous person as my proxy
and the company’s public officer?
In spite of where I am now, where do I aspire to
be in 3 years' time?
25) If I were to be interviewed today about business in general, which question would I wish the interviewer to ask me first and how will I answer that?
Just 2 myself
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