[Capital Game]

'Play your game left and let never your right left unattended for too long' [1]. The best of life is timed by the primer applied to the surface of your apothegm in delivering the message of a tainted ivy poison pill. Vacuous pledges cementing the nullity of any chance for hope to succeed at grabbing debris of value.

Trapping a capitalist seem a task too simple that's worth not being done by even a namby-pamby neophyte broker. Sailing south the sweet point move arresting the interest of your average yield avid wagerer. How caps are moved not the business of his mission, for only capital gains advantage the volume he stretches his earlobes for. So amazing how careless the very careful risk calculators are the second they peep a glance at their future plated with the cumulation of pips.

Read many an advertorial guised as a story or contributory piece tailored at wooing quick-in divers about the low hanging fruits awash the net if surf well. How they manage to keep hooking their prey with stale content still a mystery puzzle to my undynamic gullible self. Easy to sometimes distinguish between the executive and the non, given away by the lack of flaunt qualities in some. None wants to rest their risk on someone not making them experience knowledge depth, thus making it a bulge soothe to their pockets as they sift through years of layers only veteran gamer can tell of. True that only doubt and fact the saviors of grey denomination seekers in this game.

Out of the online pan straight into the offline fire, hostile takeovers a tapestry of suited other people's entities destroyers. From building nothing to etiolating promising and thriving enterprises a moth-eaten affair with them. The so-called experts tend to be nothing but just a bunch of concept experimentalists digging in and in on neologic propositions with avoidance of accountability and transparency. What's shameful is how they keep collecting from the vulnerable regardless of beknownst consequences to them.

In conclusion: failure in judgment a sui generis suo err. In the capital game, you can't afford to be apocryphal as committal thereof to reversal effect a gain for the misologists and misoneists. It's about wordplay plus arithmetic progression and regression. Selling acidic water tasting with astronomical figures that irons a septuagenarian's jowl will be aggressively playing back the game to them. Them feeling the heat of your chorus will bring you tranquility and restoration of your dignity as a contributor in the economy as they won't look at you or want to touch you ever again. Fight for what's yours and force them to think about starting theirs too. The joyful part of the capital game is that it allows innovation, ploy, and boom boom ciao, and how you defend or sell yourself, a song of balance only your soul will conduct...
[1] by Kgele Leso

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