[Being you matters]

Strong relations are built on solid foundations. It matters not in which you are, but it has to be based on trust, truth, honesty, commonity, care, understanding, and transparency, among others. Then now, what to make of one who does not practice any of the above? And worse, be that you are doing business together. But then again, do you invest in one's values or in shared vision? Patch yourself to the connected dots.

We are in some situations, finding selfs forced to do things with people whom we have no common interests with other than a shared vision, and that a double edged blade of right and wrong as far as civility is concerned. The question now becomes; what is the most best way to dealing with such a situation? Your background informs your being, and that is what is important in life, before we talk about business or any relation to your nexts. Being you matters.

When you are out there you are by virtue a representative of the group you are from. Be it your clan, cult, church, movement, or any other that you belong to, we but, are in them found. What wrong will it be if nothing is found in you except for your being? What to be in order for you to represent yourself should be what is on your mind, it is the surest guarantee of how you will be different. In the market of today's future we all strive for different ways in being different and, it is the new currency to what we are to earn through.

In conclusion: "the best start is knowing self to be self, that's ever what one ought to rely on; knowledge of true self" [1]. The secret to living a dream life is that. Should every leader believe in that, the world will be a better place to live and work in. But, until then, the best definition of a person in lead will be their background and all other aspects of their exposure that forms the experiences to their maketh. "Deal self to lead nuptial with own's soul, and being a better you will come naturally to your approach in fronting other soles" [2]. Reward self by being a truer representative of you first before anything else. Being you matters...dp

[1&2] by KgeleLeso

©ddwebbtel publishing. 2023 

[Not every race yours to run]

We spend so much of our time at times with attention to things that aren't going to make us be any significant a portion of the population. We play in normative lanes of please for people who don't actually matter to our lives. What of good are you of impact to the life of another is what we should be all striving for. Your time in your days is important, know for sure in which race you're to run, because there're much too many to easily blind you.

It is worth noting that we get intertwined in the mornings, noons and evenings of those whom we meet in burn of our dailies. Those people come into our lives with many agendas that expects to be clothed accordingly, many a times aren't there to build anything with us, except for self gains in the end. We occupy our minds with waste that's without wastebaskets.

Mind you, they find us with those we know from then and want to force things unusual for our encounter and approval, only to leave us in different shape and conversation not of our used to thereafter. Be weary of any trend that's forcing its way into your path for its lane dominance. In this life, you carry your own 'cause you made it in alone, and as such should run in your own race. Never allow anyone to assign you to theirs. If you're to do it, hire out your legs instead.

In conclusion: there'll be many tracks in your midst for beguile, there'll be many opportunities for easy win promises, and there'll be pleas for your assistance in of others to run, but, will they be for you? Don't just run, know to concentrate your focus on your race, not every race. Mind you, all their efforts will be to betray your course to your life's master vision. Don't fall for them, don't make it any easier to entice you. Your race should be your sole priority. You can't run every race, run yours, it's the sole assignment from birth that you were tasked with...dp

©ddwebbtel publishing. 2023

[After the fall]

"Expect not to see the sun asame, expect never to be experienced asame amore, for after the fall,,,things no longer going to be the same anymore" [1]. The sunset to a being's life, a day to render reminiscence of heys. The affair is always the same given one's closeness or nearness to the departed. "All plans had, all bads did, all secrets kept, turning to ashes in fire of tears. Death an end to life and a meaning to continuity" [2]. Core to the state, being readiness by the chosen one to carry the vision forward.

The issue of succession isn't one of interest to many corners of some soles in lead. It takes a visionary to make that a big deal in their daily call of success planning. Living a life in lead yet vacuumed in succession a futilous peregrine in dynasty. Any founder wish for their success to be kept alive, and what better way to that than through good and informed planning around succession? You establish an entity with that in mind.

From the onset with your founding resolution, a clear guide ought to be sought on succession by the respective founder or founders, so it be one of the cornerstone priorities of the entity. The issue of leadership continuity should not form part of the founder's burial arrangements. If all things done properly during the leader's tenure, the successor will already be prepped for their role forward.

In conclusion: a will can always be disputed, so, do what is transparent, start with the founding resolution to highlight the impact and significance of a successful succession right from the start, and cement your choice and its alternate via verbs and nouns reduced to paper in the form of a company policy document. This posthumous assertion clause should be updated with each leader's tenure to provide a specific description of the candidate by name, together with their respective alternate.

Leaders who want smooth transition post their sunset do this, and those who have not, should take note of that. Hate not in fear of death for it's a bride to every family, and should prepare for its eventuality early on in our career morning. So, after the fall, things should not change, but be better with every successor...dp

[1&2] by KgeleLeso

©ddwebbtel publishing. 2023

[Don't take up every offer]

"Tell me a story not of your challenges but of a people's challenge and how to solve it through my gain, and I'll find a way to make it workable for both of us" [1]a serial investor will say. Naturally, an investor looks out for themselves first before they can set you up. And but then, question is: "does everyone need to be taught on how to respond to a presented opportunity?" [2] a subjective ask by any spirited level headed opportunity seeker. The two statements can per context mean anything, but in this context about offer.

Looking at life as a beggar differs wholly from looking at it as a chooser, and going both ways also with opportunity and offer. What the beggar wants out of either is plainly a chance at luck, while the chooser diligently scrutinize all angles of either or both based on criterion before they can commit thereto. It also pull the sentiment out the wisdom bag that sometimes it's just for show to take up every offer that gets availed to you for your gracing or featuring in it. You need to know which is an opportunity for you and which offer is for you, and which are not.

Many financial backers who took up any and everything that they got offered, at most ended up with no joy in some of their undertakings. An offer should be taken with a thought on what it brings as a difference to your value. It's dangerous to avail oneself for any and every first offer that comes. Take your time in bide, see if any other offer may be received. There's a lot to conclude on a person by merely in how they behave towards an opportunity to an offer. You may risk being seen as one who's desperate, or be seen as inexperienced, or greedy. Seeing that those were for the haves, what does it say about the not haves.

Just like with you on your relationship with money, the same can be said about an offer. Your reasoning with your truth is important to how you'll respond to an opportunity for an offer. Mind you, there's always a grey denominator, and here is your behaviour to the availed opportunity, it gives off your attitude in a whole lot of ways. It doesn't say pretend as that tires, and at the end true colours comes to the fore.

In conclusion: "be the element of certainty in an opportune encounter with an opportunity bringer" [3]Everyone in a deal needs that. Good luck...dp

[1, 2 & 3] by KgeleLeso