'Where the head is at, the heart is overrated' [1]. When all that's to be done is not in the plan, then all shouldn't be done at all. The ability of the head to house the brain and the body needing the heart to stay alive is still one of the most powerful miracles to date if think about it. Just the potential found in the brain a phenomenon that's beyond comprehension and for the genius behind the heart's purported guise of its analogy, a marvel.
Idea conception, development, planning and strategizing, anything that requires you to think differently needs you to bring your mind to the table. Thinking differs to the reason behind, and with that follows the pattern, timing, situation, and target, to give the shape of that thinking. In all the thinking, its pressures and pleasures, what makes for a good outcome is the genre of your process. Do you think with emotions or with fact? Thus the saying; "don't think with your heart but your head". It goes with the thinking headgear you're wearing, it can't definitely be the cap all the time given the ordinare each unique of us as.
In tough times leaders and commanders need to use their heads more than they do with their hearts. Heart wired decision making is influenced by fragility, inclusivity, sentimentality, a softer approach to the subject of reception, and while with head wired decision making you find raw fact, agility, direct response, a harder approach to the subject of reception. Head wired decision makers aren't popular because of their angle of approach in that they don't read much into the first instance of the issue at hand as they rely on fundamentals at most than the popular other as they nurse emotions.
But, with time and fact, unpopulist approach though frowned upon is by far the most effective in leadership roles. The good thing about it is that it's in some way ambivalent in that a leader of that type does factor human element after applying their thought thus meaning they too are humancentric, just that being after their first instance thinking. Such, as leaders, are bold and progressive because they're guided by precedence over posed dynamics. Who the subject is to them is only after the truth and thus they aren't popular but necessary to any entity's growth and stability, unlike the popular latter who brings in empathy and sustainability.
In conclusion: 'A promise maker who forgets to promise, breaks no promise' [2]. This is what you get in some leaders. It's tough in that they may both deliver, but the results won't be same and as such may be binding on the other whilst not on another. Whether the promiser uses their head or heart, they both appeal to a specific group and that's their target. Fact becomes fiction where there lacks backup, same as truth with doubt. But in all honesty, you as the recipient ought to put your head in it when faced with both schools of thought...
[1&2] by KgeleLeso
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