[Better version of self]

When last were you to that place where everyone is shut out, where advice comes from unknown yet reliable sources, where light is deep, calming and assuring, a place where only you have access? Don’t look at me, ‘cause I’ve never been there myself of late but definitely been there afore plenty times.

Haa,,I see your eyes rolling. Worry not, don’t dwell much into it though. The point I’m rallying across is simply listening to one’s inner voice once in a while. Had I done so myself from time to time I’d be far ahead in life but no regrets whatsoever either, and but just saying it’s important for everyone to do so.

If our people can try listening to their inner voices, our countries would’ve gotten farther in better leaps of growth. Coming to think of it; how often does one search deeper within self before uttering what’s in their head or acting on what’s therein? I bet not often enough.

Where I’m leading with this is just that the world is a promising entity that needs good leaders to ensure its healthy growth for all the economies in it. But then, with the type of leaders we have at our disposal, where will we pick and choose those successors when what we see every day is a total mess up of the blank moral fibre canvas that the new generation should be painting wonders on.

Look around your neighbourhood and tell me how many drug addicts you have in your midst, criminals roaming the streets, school bunkers leading their ways to drop out stats count, promiscuity displays by our young wanton girls, and the list goes on. Out there our youth are getting wasted on a daily basis. What pains me the most is the fact that not much is done to minimise the damage.

The challenges we are faced with wouldn’t have been this bad had we as communities, starting from our homes, had a parent or sibling taught us about listening first to that inner voice within ourselves before doing whatever we do with our precious lives.

Many good lives are ruined in the very space we call our place of comfort, which is at home. How many families do still eat together at the same time and sat on the same table; not many I tell you, and this a major disaster that should be stopped in practice as we miss out on each member’s development as a being.

We get wrong messages from mass media especially from social media. Youth of today ask advice from strangers they call friends just merely by having had them befriended by a click of acceptance of a friendship request. Growing up with that, what kind of relationship will the young one of today be a good leader of tomorrow who manages direct relations with people of all ages and backgrounds if they failed to have that from their own upbringing? Your guess is as good as mine.  

What I’d like to encourage is for each of us to have some bit of time spared for reflection on their day’s deeds and decisions, where to amend and what to do in future should such an occurrence episode repeat itself again. That’s not about being traditional, religious or otherwise, but just a connection with your inner being.

In conclusion: emotional intelligence, social intelligence, spiritual intelligence and adaptability quotience are the new found features in today’s master learning of self that but are treasures that’ve been there since creation of humankind. What we just need is the freedom of honing them with unreserved wisdom. Five minutes in that corner every day an investment on your best kept asset, and that is yourself. Cease never on building a better version of self for you being the first in self the best thing to happen to the next...dp

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