[Conditional trust]

Muted honesty, rival pretence and selective support, these are some of the critical aspects of conditional trust. It is painful, and those who are experiencing it or have had will tell you. Having someone trusting you conditionally is a big deal if you get to be doing things for or with, in that chances are they don't like you fully or at all, and using you to get ahead. This ain't preternatural but rather a behaviour that's common in many a relationship we find selves locked in.

I say "locked in" because some of us are bound by honour to our word and those electing to be conditionally trusting of us knowing they're protected by that. Being truthful to such a person is burdensome to say the least, and what they don't know is that we see right through them but just choosing to keep up with their ill wicked bible ways. The danger of that is its enabling nature to breed dislikes that leads to splits that are strengthened by failure to weed out the root cause.

The most discouraging factor in human relations is the outsider elements, they have influence on things afar from them yet be afforded audience on conclusions about things that they don't know the real causative narrative of. Such elements are good at pinning perceptions and, the distrustful ones by nature gets their ears wired to the grove of the spiralled diasporan hypocentre. Trouble is, 'once trust is mislaid, it riles amok like a yellow eyed mauve bull in endless bouts to out a rectahedral rink kraal' [1].

It's hurtful to discover that the person whom you trust doesn't trust you same. It at times result from what we did to trigger that distrust and but sometimes be purely out of one's precaution from own observation or be because of others. Many families, relationships, entities are broken on the back of that because after discovering the one you bet with doesn't bet with you, as they trust you less. Truth is, trust me conditionally and I cease mine on you, and being near you a choice left only to a serial tolerant few.

In conclusion: treat your mind in shake to this; 'epibole a sweet chorus to a sole that loves the sound of a broken record' [2], and if such type happens to be an epibiota to your system, a worse case dependency arrangement of kind. And but, what remains to dot in whole punch is undermark finer jots and tittles of their deeds, that's if you're interested in the makings of their peril sort to your being...dp

[1 & 2] by KgeleLeso

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