[Takes best to make best]

In business, it takes only two sides to it for you to get it right. It's always about the corporate and the operations. The start in 75% of startups is with the operational side then go for corporate perfunctorily, starting with compliance first in part with registration, tax clearance, BBBEE affidavit (in SA) and a business account, then be it. That leaves still a lot out like streamlining, modelling, discussion documents and proforma templates.

A lot of activity is in the operations, and the danger part of it is that many business operators don't want to master that either. I've witnessed that many a times people going into business be focused solely on what they want to do or know sans looking into the other side. Going in we mostly are seduced by the glamour side and forget about the unglamorous side to it, and its importance.

A friend of mine recently asked me about where to start in wanting to be rounded in business, and I had no straight answer for him because it starts innate. What do you love first? Start there,,,I ended up saying to him. Told him about my case, as I too started with what I loved and later realized how we struggle with paperwork. It wasn't easy finding a partner for that, so, I learned the boring side of our business and since then never looked back as it's rewarding.

Going into business you need to be best in order to attract the best, be it in investment or partners or staff and consumers. If you don't work at being the best yourself, how will you find the best? The quality you are is the quality you be seen out as. You just need to be very good at what you do and you'll be known as good. The open secret in business is that it starts with talk reduced to paper and ends with talk reduced to paper, unless there having had not any paper trail to it.

In conclusion: the corporate side is the less glamour side to the glamorous operations. Almost three quarters of people I met in business are in operations and a few in compliance, and but the balance of that is needed in each business, just that we ignore that or be honestly unknowing. Every business needs to function with both in place.

I know, saying that may get me in trouble with many business consultants and advisors, but truth be shared and be left for one to choose. But trust me, you need a compliance somebody on daily basis in your operations to avoid many risks and unnecessary losses tied to running daily. Get yourself the best corporate partner and unlock potential for your growth...dp

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