Finish your schooling then go do what you want, our parents said. The same was said by our educators. What I got out of being out of class was simple; there are two types of schooling, the formal education and the informal education. None in the classroom told us about that revelation, only the regulations they fed us with so we be in line with the set program, and that's learn to pass so you may be qualified to earn as an employee. They never prepared us for any other thing out there as an option to their school of thought.
I remember after high school, two days after matriculation results were out, friends busy with their luggage heading to various tertiary institutions for space. A week later I was left alone, what I qualified for and loved to study, my parent couldn't afford. That moment was my most painful experience ever, 'cause that's when I got the harshest reality of all by then that high school shielded me from realizing how poor we were. None of those friends kept on being my friends, I was now below them. I wished I were born into their families not into mine where they can't afford my dream like my friends' families did. But soon someone special said to me: "be open to the opportunities that the class failed you on. Find a way to one day have those with higher education come use it on you. It's your choice to craft your vision or crush your dream." I heard him and I shadowed him in hone of my growth.
The lessons I learned out of the physical classroom are far dwarfed by what I now know. The classroom taught me how to read, write and talk and at home was my name and surname, gave me character, and sense of being. Now out, I learned about the power of thought, decision and choice, art of timing and shift, respect out of politeness, communicating me in plugging of what I do before what I am, significance of character development, the difference between authority, influence and power, and most vital was the value of opportunity in information. Since then, I never loved the sole I was prior.
Information is key, no matter what you do in any sphere of life. Just by knowing you have the means to make those who know to make you know sans them knowing you don't know. With information you play the game of gauge, something only the daring do for its challenging and dangerous. I know value now more than a lot I seat down with, and how to get what I want because informal schooling has given that to me. I now give easily in allow of the recipient the chance to outplay their true selves.
The transformation of me was in prepping of me to be a future executive. I was told of my path in detail what with the information I was equipped with I am going to be, not should be as that remained in my region to exercise my choice in it. I am weak physically but strong in information, something that took time to get right with me. I was told in teachings how special it is to be an executive. Today I cherish my respectfulness, what it has done for me, and the character and sense of being my family instilled in me. I'm not yet where I command respect but am content with my readiness for many answers with the level of depth I now have in me, and that's only because of the opportunity I saw and found in information.
In conclusion: those with information aspire. Their boldness in knowing their swelled value in being grounded a rare talent only the skillful are eyeing with envy. Knowing what to do with your information a dream for the connected yet clueless.
Knowledge attracts opportunities unafforded to others. The challenge with information is management of its spread in that some of the content you're informed about is classified, wherefore to remain as such. One hobnob once said too much information corrupts, especially if it doesn't escape through the air bricks but via the chimney. It is privileged and so should know how you share it. Information is an opportunity that's dependent on the recipient...dp
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