To know what type the tree is, we dig for its roots, that's then we'll tell its type is tap root or adventitious. Today I was in another session with my TEAM and was almost brought to half hearing my partner say he now knew my kind. I was perplexed and worried in the same breath: none has ever said that to me aloud in a group before. Was I stressed? No. Why? Because I've known his kind already anyway. So!! There's no harm.
Any person has their kind, and how you get into knowing them a journey of discovery you'll be in for, for a person is an exploration on their own. To each one's action or utter there's a reason as we think, and but what if at times there ain't any by chance? Who's supposed to know that?
A person is something else, and I often wonder how I get to tap into many people's kind sans them realizing it. How long you take inside always depends on their kind. Other people are shallow while others are deep. In some you'll be set on an adrift flow while in others adventively and, in a few pulled in instantly. Not many people are non-complex, but with this partner you find that, and that's the kind he is, though not ready yet to roll out the scroll on him any decade soon.
The challenge with me is I am his type, not his kind and that's why we gel the way we do. One thing that is tough for me to do is let my guard down that easily around people, and that's why a lot fail to be spot on because I control the facade. One thing he has to notice is that he's rooted and I'm grounded, hence he ended up unearthing that element sans flaw. For me being around him doesn't allow me freedom; with him it gives me freedom of being. He's one of only six people whom I'm vulnerable around, and that's how much he means to me.
Many a time I commit a series of errors in his presence and somehow feel no wrong and pain as the aura materially a form of conformity he exudes, I swear he's the candidate perfect for one's eulogy, hahaha.
In conclusion: in a TEAM we have many voices. Be it a voice of reason, or of authority, of dare, of hope, of unity, of innocence, of nullity, or of scorn, etc, a myriad to dig (wonder where mine fits in). Being the type of voice you are gives a synoptic window of that kind you are, and we sell ourselves through that powerful possession after the precious gift God gave to us (life), and that is the voice (after mind). What we utter is very important in that others only have the first voice (innate) whilst me and you are blessed with the second voice. Through this instrument we declare our kind before we act it out. But then, do I know to declare my kind? Only you can tell, if only you know to...dp