There's nothing easy as fame. Fame can be found in anything and any space you choose to find it, and but value out of anything and any space not a possibility. I learned not so long ago that 'fame is a lie in your value and a truth to your worth' [1]. To this day, I don't know what to make of this proclamation though the speaker sounded dead sure about it.
What one ought to harbor is worth, for it's got value. True self sustenance results from value; how you carry yourself, say of others and treat others, how you sell what you are, etc, are what gives you worth. But then, if you value popularity before anything else the results will give back same. It doesn't say that fame contains no worth; no. What matters will be what you do with your popularity and how it came about. Let's but agree that some cases and forms of popularity are useless in that their effects deal with you the subject of popularity after it then became notoriety.
Value is an innate feature that we're born with that over time we need to activate as we grow. It being in us not translating to it easily showing. Value gets built over time and used in time to put us where we hope to be with worth. The best way to start is with self; respect, love, honesty, passion, help, teach, learn, and impartiality, then once those reach maturity in us will we be able to share our value that'll be subjected to scrutiny by others whom we encounter and engage with in our journey of life.
Fame is dangerous as it's a modern form of enslavement to choice. It can be readily given to you if you sign up for it, and get them gaining from the value of their investment in you that you the pinned subject can't gain from, yet be told your worth that at times be published and only to leave you keeping up with the status put on you albeit with nothing lined to your pocket. Fame is an empty shell, and what you give out the value that we weigh you with and but sadly be that you don't earn from that, a case with many famous people. This though happening to those who choose fame over their worth. The greatest wisdom in modern business is knowing your worth, that's how you'll be good in selling your value. You need to strike a balance of input to output, your fame must equate to your worth.
In conclusion: this article was the first one I found difficult to write and but, felt obliged to continue with it and publish it regardless. It was because I were driven by what I too don't understand and wishing you help me get it right. The words "fame is a lie in your value and a truth to your worth" got to me in a way not a lot saw when uttered. I asked two crony writers separately and their definitions still not strikingly spot on to rock my soul. If you happen to get it, do feel free to unearth its hidden meaning for us to uncover its ambiguity...dp
[1] by Kgele Leso
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