[What makes you?]

Are you made, or are you self-made? This is a question I pose to everyone who is big today. Are you honest about your beginnings? Where you're now, people want to know about how you got there. Are you having power or influence or authority? What you're worth will say that aloud of you.

You at times go to play the observer, expert, supporter, or the doer. But then, when you leave, what do you leave behind and what do you take away with? Funny thing is that your mental model will dictate the make of you. If you wish to be something, someone else will help make that be realized. People sometimes fail to see it that way. You want employment, someone gives it to you, and you come back and say you're self-made tomorrow? No, you were made because somebody through their effort gave you the means to be where you are now as what you are. Being self-made is tough in that you start off with nothing and build yourself and your concern sans the aid of anyone. I know only a few who can lay claim to that.

A fine example is of Anamukelo, who dropped out of school aged 16 at Grade 10 to start her hustle because education to her then couldn't put bread on their table. She started by patiently standing in queues for the elderly for a minimum 50c. She became known for that and soon collected medication at local hospital and clinic for the elderly on their behalf sans them leaving home after building rapport through queuing for them.

Because of her built relationship with the hospital and clinic, she received preference as she made their jobs simple and cutting queues. Some years later she got a contract with some elderly caretaker NGO to provide the same services in her home province. At 29, Anamukelo today employs educated personnel who taught her a lot in gratitude for the opportunity she afforded to them. Asked about her worth, if she's already a millionaire and she said; "I don't know, I just see a long number on my withdrawal slips. One day I heard someone call me by that, but I didn't think someone like me could be that 'cause I had never met one in my life to know if I'm one. I just know I can afford to buy a lot of things for my crippled mother and my supportive siblings." Her mother, the pillar of her strength, is a survivor of gender based violence. 

She's self-made and in the process making others. Now, the question is, "What makes you?" Is it connections from your friends, money from your family, your academic achievements, your own sweat and determination, or what? Someone may argue that she got a contract and that made her, but I say she was doing it before the contract and was going to get there in time.

In conclusion: it's not about what you do, but rather how you started off that gives off what you're made of. It's not a contest but a gauge to your type. It's about acceptance of the fact that not anyone can be self-made and make others, and knowing the material we are before going in because the wisest thing to do is know your limits of capacity and means, and improve on them.

Not everyone is as bold and daring to take on an unpathed veld and crisscross it. 'Be brave for your dream, it's always where your real happiness for your make is found' [1]. Good luck...   

[1] by KgeleLeso.


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