'Wear a crown, they call you a king. Throw away the crown, and they see a fool.' Sometimes people forget that a king is a king by his subjects not the crown, meaning that whether wearing a crown or not, will remain a king. But then, what do you do with those who won't see you asame?
The trap we fail to fall out of is that of wanting titles and large entourages, things that are not of meaning to your inner peace and deeper fulfillment. We ought to remember that we attract others through shine, but what happens when it gets covered in dust? Better we thrive toward glitter for it still gives a shine even when covered by dust. Success sticks to quality not quantity.
Because of everyone's love for the glitter's attraction, one needs to be vigilant of who gets near and whom gets close to them. As we grow older, though non the wiser at times, we allow a lot of excess hanging around us that at other times leaves us gasping for fresh air. The moment you feel like that just know it's high time you start weighing your excess.
Excess in this case refers to people who are into your space and throttling not only your independence and privacy, but also burdensome to your success in that those wanting access to you getting blocked by the wall surrounding you. Opportunities are not for the untouchables and the unreachable. Opportunity bringers can't sit you down as you're ever on the move most of your time, and when you're not, no space to be had with you alone.
Unfortunately, there's danger in those numbers. Too much people around you allow easy penetration by unwanted elements into your circle. Best thing to do is trim the excess by reducing those who are not adding any value to your circle. If you keep doing that, you'll end up with the number you need for your success.
In conclusion: the secret to success is keeping a small number close to you as your TEAM, and a large number as your connection. Reality is, any successful venture got its muscles developed by the network created by scores of followers, therefore, one needs to design a model that'll create a cult following and grow your success drawn from it. When trimming your excess, be sure to make it be less offensive and obvious, but keeping your distance. Be a king that doesn't wear a crown, be a king that puts it on the throne...
[1] by KgeleLeso
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