Synecology, psychology, sociology and philosophy in the world of commerce are a treaty treasure if the ecological prism is well overstood. With anthropology as the fundamental origin of the above, I'd like to believe, anyone who has a vast expanse of knowledge of the four and in business is a rare find. Not everyone in business takes their time out to learn about such stuff, yet key to their success.
[Personalized brand in today's market]
[Ownership of publishing industry]
Everyday people complain about the right to being heard but not fight for it. The one big word that keeps being uttered is media and the fight for its freedom, but then, what about the real buzz element of note? We may talk about control of the media but what do we know about media to start with? What gives media the nerve it has? The rightful word to talk of instead should be publishing.
[Not everything is app'able]
Don't be like the dumb money, be wise to realization that not every idea is a viable and bankable business concept. It relates to the notion that everything today is app'able. I struggle with that mentality in most of the people one meets these days. There can't just be an app for everything.
[Adopt taste than acquire it]
As much as we have acquired tastes and lifestyles and their activities, some in the minority from the other side of the yard prefer an adopted taste. The life one leads once money lifts their statuses feeds the question list with a lot of words to construct sentences of ask. Money changes hands and at that also changes fortunes, and that dependent on how many times it gets circulated in your own people before spent outside.
[Your own liability]
It never seem to bother others, but a big deal to some to find out what fails them in their road to success. The challenge with failure is in the results. How your results make you feel, will most likely be reflected in your response or reaction to the sentiment. Again, what you do with the results entirely up to you.
[Disagree with respect for your dignity]
The prime elements of a disagreement in my vocab are respect and dignity, with now an added one being family profiling. This is informed by what keeps happening to the ones less privileged to fund their prolonged disagreements that ends up converted to battles that results in liability brackets. Reason why the less privileged gets treated like that is in that it ain't beneficial supporting a slim chance prospect. But then again, the pugnacity of today isn't same as that of then, see it in a different light with a deeper sense to the feel of its impact.
[Truth that gives you growth]
'Life copies you, so, live your truth, nobody will lie in it' [1]. 'The only core of you is the truth' [2], and none can portray it better like you. Generally, anybody will tell you how truth is righteous but less will tell you about the honesty that's good for you, sadly. Know the secrecy behind truth and be right to its brutal rawness. Coming from there you'll see clearer in "we for me" weave and other psychological tacts played on you.