[Ownership of publishing industry]

Everyday people complain about the right to being heard but not fight for it. The one big word that keeps being uttered is media and the fight for its freedom, but then, what about the real buzz element of note? We may talk about control of the media but what do we know about media to start with? What gives media the nerve it has? The rightful word to talk of instead should be publishing.

To the basics; publishing starts with you conveying a message to the next, either in sound, writing, drawing or action. The most basic forms of publishing in technological terms can be an SMS or text message in a chat or a social media post, or a voicemail and voice note, or a short video, that gets sent from you to the next person or persons. The next step is the mass and demographics. Your message could be out there for the public for either mass reach or for different specific demographics (publics) reach. Within that space we find general public and specific groups that form your publics. With publics and the general public being a mix of target market then comes regulation of information reach, and that is where publishing now plays a role.

Publishing as an industry regulates the dissemination of information to target groups and create monetization streams of revenue. In marketing there's a vestige saying that "a product that is aimed at everyone is a product for no one" and that's the makings of shaped publishing mentality turned obsolete by current crop of products and industries. Publishing is a fluid commercial powerhouse in that it encompasses sales, law, public relations, sociology, psychology, marketing, and education. Look deeper and think harder about these 7 spheres of human science and commerce, and you'll understand the power that's housed in the beast that publishing is, in order to appreciate the significance of its impact in society for sway and control. Now, think of the few with that privilege in their possession.

Having outright ownership of publishing industry a powerful tool for ensuring that uniform dissemination of information is either an accessible source or a scarce commodity. Information is distorted all the time to push a certain narrative. No matter how fresh and current news are, in mainstream media they are filtered and  served as second-hand. With knowledge management clutched by a minority of the minority you're sure to be secured though not fully immune from propaganda if only you're one of them, in that the free mode media still feeds from the mainstream publishers.

What's coded for share goes out with targets to ensure no common love and peace run in the same space. Publishing is controlled and, business and politics play a big deal in how information is passed out. Our lives are spent with time taken on social media space, a platform where we influence others and also get influenced in return by others with some of the information subconsciously hitting the shift button for a thought position of where you were prior to after encounter with you left somewhere. Publishing is a spreader of information via multiple sources of media. What gets spread has the potential to unite, separate, confuse and frighten by no other means except via channels of conveyance. This is under the hold of a minority in the wider minority whom aren't ready to let others in as yet. What's laughable though is that we all are partakers in publishing but not monetizing from our publics because we just aren't empowered enough.

In conclusion: publishing industry is a weapon that depends on its wielder. This weapon is reserved for a carefully select few entrusted with the right to peddle the agenda of the elites. It's always about sway of opinion into the wider audience. It hits your every element, hence the respect they get to show you their power. And so, next time talk of the right target, the owners of mainstream publishing and those who controls the owners thereof...dp

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