It never seem to bother others, but a big deal to some to find out what fails them in their road to success. The challenge with failure is in the results. How your results make you feel, will most likely be reflected in your response or reaction to the sentiment. Again, what you do with the results entirely up to you.
Without doubt, there's a reason you failed and therefore should have a way in which you will do it better when attempting that again. It should be known that even your retake may still result in a fail. The cause of your mistake if not well addressed will definitely deliver you to the very same next result. Truth unfortunately lies in the course taken in your retake. That's not a needle in a haystack commission in that it's a usual occurrence sadly.
The danger of getting lost in navigating a way back to the right track is one that's so costly. It should be also noted that in business you have bigger costs to count in such an instance. Also, be mindful of the smaller mistakes that when combined ends up with big trails of fails that have a potential of crumbling the whole structure. A business doesn't take one big flop to fail, but rather a big mess resulting from a build-up of small ignored takes that their undoing proving costly at the time of discovery.
To get your business going right, do things right. And, admitting that your involvement in some takes is the cause of your failure, a big favour for your entity's growth. Keep reviewing your plans, strategies and decisions taken at the time, else you'd be denying self the chance to succeed. So, where wrong takes were committed, own up to your fault and commission a retake.
In conclusion: don't be your own enemy, fight rather the thought of you being right to be wrong. Simply acknowledge receipt of your wrong take and do a better retake with the hope that you'll get it right. Deny your help needing and you'll see worse. It takes a team to make it work, so, give those with you the strength to continue with you by embracing your need of their partaking, and you won't be your own liability...dp
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