Don't be like the dumb money, be wise to realization that not every idea is a viable and bankable business concept. It relates to the notion that everything today is app'able. I struggle with that mentality in most of the people one meets these days. There can't just be an app for everything.
Before new world tech came old world tech, and it should be known that the eras may differ but the thinking strikingly similar, just that advancements over time, brought by research and investment put in development, made it jump in leaps. I find it strange that there's just too many connected life easing things that ends up leaving consumers confused and some overwhelmed by their market flooding, yet still in high volumes consume them regardless. The rate of new tech and its aiding usables is amazing. To think that today just about anything is commercialized is mind boggling, and to have consumers of today reverse from the now they're used to is just inviting a verbal onslaught on self. The level of their dependency on tech aids is scary.
Open your mobile device and you're sure to be greeted by an app. As applications (apps) they were good when they were then introduced into the market. The good we were sold to was their efficiency and cost factoring, and most of all was the time it then took on task completion versus via an app. It then necessitated the sense around downloading one because of functionality and practicality thereof, but fastforward to now everything is now in app. The app revolution destroyed a lot of good that was before. The process of things changed overnight, the importance of some things no more, as many other things app'd changed life a we knew it.
With app'fication of modern day anything, came the culture of corrupted innovation. What that implies is simply that the life liver of today is so spoilt to the core that they even became lazy to think and do. People use without questioning the intent of the app and its dangers if relied upon. Apps bred a culture of dependency on mobile devices it's impossible to avoid. Any next big thing gets introduced via mobile platforms and the hook that enslaved them is worrying.
It used to be commercially viable to have an app but today it ain't because of their oversupply and multitude of different same, it now also isn't fancy and smart to have one developed for your brand, but the big question of late is: "how visible is it?" as it now goes to algorithm manipulation in the form of search engine optimisation. It now is affordable and easier to develop an app, but expensive to monetize from it unless you have other ways alternate to how others go about it.
In conclusion: what's next after app? Will it do things better? Truth is, an app has lost its excitement steam, and but with sad reality to loss for others, it became clear that not everyone needs an app and also not everything is app'able. Brands registered write offs brought by app fever and its hype. Many are already waiting on the next big thing after the app with not baited breaths as minds now filled with fear of non-revolutionary benefit, and to go in cautiously after results of others. App'fication generated revenue that saw many with boosted margins while others left in the red because commercialization doesn't translate to monetization.
There's a shift from 'to app or not to app?', and moved to 'why to app?' and 'what after to app?' because having an app is now questionable in that the return on app'fication is long to realize whilst to some not ever realized. If only brand owners could see the cost of app'fication beyond monetary value but in terms of repute, bucking trends won't be as is. You need to open your mind when analyzing a new trend so you go in for value impact not for showing. Also, be mindful of the fact that you can't ride every wave and rather align the wave with your company not hype. App what's app'able and leave that which doesn't to those who are thought followers...dp
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