[Who's in charge of your thoughts?]

At times one asks themselves whenever witnessing some of the things that do happen around us. It may be by a crowd, a group or an individual. How people behave is very much questionable to say the least. But, one thing I wish they do always before they act, is think. People of late do things without first thinking their prior actions through, and that a certainty of bad to be come the end result.

The power of politicians, brandfluencers, celebrities and media sensationalism agents, make a large mixed bag of elements to blame for the shameless social ills we're faced up with daily. The level of justification for wrongful deeds a serious stuff of concern for me. It may be argued that the behaviour is stemming from a figure of authority or influence wielder, but people need to think and analyse to see the implications of each of the calls they answer to.

I recall one African parliamentarian recommending compulsory programme for political deployees to help kerb the rate of wreckless statements uttered by politicians in their country, and now for me a must for any person of public interest. The reason for what that man was meaning was that, the abuse of one's influence. The platform is afforded to fools who use it to advance hate, racial tensions, economic sabotages, anything that's against the growth and development of economies. Those counter-sentiments needs to be scrutinized for their origin.

Be careful of what you run with, there're elements in society that're ever on campaign push of sort and if not awoke could leave you battered with your dignity and social stance in tatters.

In conclusion: truth is, thoughts are either from the utterer as the source or from the utterer as a conveyor from the source, and once that's established can we then be certain what to do in tackling the statement of utter. Each said statement is like that, originally yours or taken from somewhere. And, whenever encountering any negative or positive vibes from an utterer should question the target, the purpose, the impact, and everything will be well dealt with accordingly.

But then, where there's action accompanying those sentiments, what to do? It ain't easy but with origination in the light can that be neutralized. If the element is the source then it's direct, and engagement is quicker whereas with the conveyor a time consuming process that but at last to engage with the source. The challenge is, when one does something, they ought to ask selves what they want to achieve with the action effected. Also, they should ask who's benefit will it be thereafter, 'cause at the end of the day it's the source in charge of your thoughts that we engage not the conveyor thereof.

Avoid the harshness that hits your emotion and physique by interrogating your thoughts before put to action. Do as you think, not as the other does, that'll guarantee you charge of your thoughts. If are to move with someone else's thought, should be well aware of the intent for that and the consequence. Cease being used, be in touch with control of your thoughts and actions for they complete the you we engage with, we judge, and conclude on. So, be in charge of yourself...dp

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