Blow the candle if you can, but the truth shall remain still illuminated in the smog of dim. The issue of quota a lushy hemp to smoke in court. The quota system has been at the centre of countless activities in many an organisation, with sports leading the fray, business in follow, and various institutions making up the chunky remainder.
A pop-in into any sector, stats are used and quotas make part thereof. The subject of quota has for long been a taboo to many territories and to date remains under carpet. We can't shy away from the fact that we are different as a people, and that from that difference lies a number, and in the makeup, quota has a place. Quota is a discriminatory rule method as a system in that it is used to cut others out, but sadly as a must for the purpose of control and beneficiation, a measure that has to be deployed in the process unfortunately.
Discrimination could be cited above reasonable purpose to justify a cry for racism, sexism, xenophobia, tribalism, and many other categorisations like age, education, financial status, religion, etc, as usable negatives to win arguments. Quota is a fixed number or amount in percentage that constitute an assigned minority versus majority in opportunity limitation, and it's plainly straight as that. But then again, in all total honesty, in order to rule in harmony one leaves a trail behind of casualties and same occurs with quota. To level the playing fields you always have those collecting the wounds to showcase.
Though not neutral and perfect, quotaism is a good system that but some use to destroy dreams, passions and aspirations of others through to demonize it. Hate it not, rather look at it with you in its majority makeup and with no power to fight except its enforcement in your favour. Yes, if find yourself in the minority it's tough but look at it again as a necessary means of regulation needed to be observed and put in place for a reason instead of disparaging it.
In conclusion: think of typically the number of foreigners in a company, with 70% of them being the majority whereas the locals making up 30%. How will it feel if you don't get afforded a chance at employment because of a foreigner being favoured? And worse, be that the employer emphasize that they undercut the minimum wage tabled by the ministry of labour, thus making sense for any owner of a business. Then, when quota is applied, it switches the norm and turn the tide around by requiring locals make up the majority of labour force and the foreigners be in the minority. It's fair yet discriminatory, exclusionary and to some extent, yes, racist, but a just move with reasonable grounds when enforced in good faith. Therefore, however we may argue its harshness it but necessitates the fairness that's needed in any society, entity and otherwise as a balancing act...dp
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