[Hope is capital]

'Life is a concept, give it your idea of self and navigate through its many assigned courtesy routings in your path' [1]. This takes me to the paramount element of life, which is hope, shortened as "have open plan everyone" by this old man I once had sat next to in a minibus on a short trip one day. I never forgot that, it at times come back when times are a bit tough for me.

We at times mislead ourselves in the choices we decide upon in our paths, and end up frustrating our hopes. Of all things that keeps people glued together, no matter what their relation is between them, is hope and love. It may be out of common interest or any other reason, but, it is hope that gets us by as long as there's an end goal in the course. Hope is capital, hope gives shape to deportment in living beings, yet steals no straps of shine. We hope before many other wishes, we hope everyday.

'Hope gives life a promissory stand' [2]. Powerful as may the statement in ring to thought, but cold a truth to the gold pain is to the plated treasure reality in evidence is. If you don't have experience of hope, then chances are you are depriving self the rudimental benefit of knowing bitter sweet hurt, reserved room for disappointment, commonal wish convergence, that sole corner of your condition to your amen. To have hope is a mixed feelings affair that though one can't survive the thrive train without. You just have to be there to be in the thick of its active non-positive passive sentiment.

In conclusion: 'it encompasses internecine aleatoric mutuality, but not above all else, yet commonly first to break of thought in almost all; and that's hope' [3]. Day by day we live by it, and we fall by it,  because it affords the mind that feeling of pro-certainty. One important aspect of it is that it limits no heart to its hold. Nothing is as democratic as hope, hence it is capital...dp

[1, 2, 3] by KgeleLeso

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