[The re-come up]

The fear of starting over a trap that is a possibility crippling agent. It takes over your thoughts and make the peel of your dream the center of attraction. Any person who focus on that process ends up seeing only the hardships and not the fruits of their labour afterwards. What you need to look at is the attention your dream needs in order for it to be realized in your process of re-come up.

The secret of success is in knowing what goes into the idea and how it works before thinking of any other thing. Just the understanding of that, will make you be appreciative of the time it takes to conceptualize a dream in its pack formation. You'll see how important your attitude is to your end result. Should you walk that road inside of your dream, will you then be attentive to what your needs are as opposed to your wants for that fear kick out for your dream to succeed.

The negativity that surrounds you during the period of re-establishing oneself a momentum halt. There'll be those days of serious grinding and you should know in advance and prep self for. What you have on your side as an advantage is the fact that you are doing it again and having insights into the process unlike one who never had been there before. See it for a plus it is for you and you'll never allow the weak fear touch your path.

In conclusion: be lied never to about talks of how easy it is if you love it; they are not being truthful and shouldn't listen to such. The reality is, it all the time seem easy in thought but hard in practice. Any idea when turned into business reacts and should know that henceforth so it not frighten and discourage you. Do yourself a favour and at most deal with your mental and emotional strength before anything else. A lot of stuff you'll be dealing with will be poking at those, so are those damaging talks of how easy it is "if you love it first before it be a business" as such are some of the elements of the architecture for you to set yourself up for failure like it did others.

When you start over, you are lucky as you won't be all over the place, you go direct to what you want and do a retake on it. The benefit of it is that. You so much know what you tripped over and won't step on it asame. If you have tried and failed, I say go back home on it and haul it out and, believe you me the result won't be how they designed it to be for you, for this time it's you that you listen to more than you do others outside. Good luck, it's yours to work in for us to work it out, for it's your dream. The re-come up...dp

[Wounds of poverty]

'Poverty a stitch to the mind of a poor sole' [1]. The curse 'pon the have nots a charred sacrificial lamb that only those who walked that tight rope can give them that analgesic effect to their daily pain, 'cause who knows it feels it. Being below the soles of the hotsteppers a constant suffering. But then, it's in how limited they are to sighting endless opportunities below those soles that makes some remain there for the rest of their lives.

Hearing them say being broke is a choice, I second that, but being poor not a matter of choice all the time. And, judge not the one blaming their background as a shell they wish away when hit by life's An Nefuds. At times hear one hating their fate for having brought them into the lives of the people they now call family, failing them to see that circumstances can always be turned around.

The first danger to the poor is the risk that resides in their decision chamber. It processes thoughts that are too quick for qualitative outcome and justified by errors shifted to many scapegoats there are to visit the mind in that moment of justification. Judge them not, those are results of poor education that shaped such poor school of thought.

'Being broke is a setback, and being poor a status' [2]. The sooner one understands that the better they'll deal with their dual ring-fencings. Both a challenge and a problem are difficulty situations that requires an answer as a solution, through that is how you'll see why we're separated by our statuses; our schools of thought. The position we find selves in a result of just that, the quality of one's thoughts and choice of decision making, primed by the timing of it all.

In conclusion: business community must stop treating the poor the way they do as that invites retaliation in return, they too deserve the courtesy afforded the other classes for them to be aspirant. Treat them with kindness and dignity, and the protection they'll give you worth your value multiple times. The key here is to respond to the status of the individual after treating them first as a person...dp

[1, 2] by KgeleLeso

[The masterplan]

When building, it's easy to do mistakes, and how you choose to rectify those mistakes a key that writes out in caps who builds. That, is what will say everything to the eyes watching and to the ears hearing from the eyes what's been said and how, about you. So, it's important what you choose for the world to perceive you by.

The picture of the full structure is a map of architecture that only the master planner can correct on or allow you to add on. The danger of building can be that there's no voice of mistake callout, and if that occurs must say it's either that the building TEAM is understanding the architecture, or be it that the master planner is not choosing to say anything out, or that you're expected to point out your own wrongs to correct. If it be the case, why do that? And what kind of master planner is that? What would you do if you discovered that about them? How would you think afterwards, moving on?

The problem with the architectural map is that there's always a result adjustment that you might not be aware of should you not be understanding of the options of the master planner. To be building with the other needs you to be a builder yourself of something else too in either the currency or prior, and or in process of building for self within. If you're not there as yet, chances are you too will make a mistake of not being in the mind and heart of the master planner.

Then now, if you are ever expecting of the callout for a mistake, what makes you out to be? If you are not understanding of the silence from the master planner, what does it say to you? Thing is, it may be the result of the master planner's believe in you, or be their appreciation of what you do with them, or be that you are not easy to understand the mistake. If it be so, being that the mistakes done are only for their ability to rectify, or for their eyes only to see, or maybe there aren't any at all. But then, what to make of the master planner who is fearing to call out or correct on the mistakes done? Thing is, the pain a master planner feels whenever the collective union of energies fail to churn out the desired result, cutting thicker into the deeps of their belief in the individuals they rely on their paired synergies. 

In conclusion: it's always been about the master planner, but then, what about you for a change? What if the architecture of the master plan is based around you? Why not put yourself in the plan and see the benefit of the master planner's win in having you in the TEAM? Is it because you don't have your value in mind, or not sizing your worth in the dream of the master planner, or not having the reason for you being there, or simply that you feel you're easily replaceable? If you're expected to be doing less now, don't you think you'll be expected to be doing more next time?

The secret to being part of anyone's anything lies within you. The lock of thy potential innate in nobody's hands but yours, so it's in how you choose to sell self to yourself first that makes the key difference of you with self to stay locked or be unlocked. How you see the risk of another's master plan reflecting very much not what they self don't see in it but rather what they read in you to it. And but, what if the very risk you see isn't it by them but instead in you being there for it either as part of the building TEAM or a role player in the dream? If you're to get anything out of any plan, the best you can do is just ask, and you'll find those every reasons to every move there is in the build up. The master plan...dp

[Find a crack to slot in]

Picking a person to be close to you a very tough time to field your thoughts in. The challenge is mostly not with you but with a host of your options available. One may not see that until they get to decide themselves in future to appreciate the care and diligence needed to budget for this exercise.

The other thing is to be clear in mind what you want out of the person who'll be in that position. It doesn't matter what role it is, they just have to meet certain standards for them to be there.

Once you gain real access into them, and they get to know what you want of them, to prep them for what's to come. It'll either be that you share a bit of self by bits or in the case of one who's been near you to dip right in and let them in on your inner workings of your person as a whole. The benefit of going for that near to you person being that you had self been with them and learning in parts who they are, and going in fully a lesser risk than with a total stranger. A familiar stranger a safe bet always.

It's important for the chosen to understand why them and where you position them so it becomes the regulator of your relationship. It must also be set out whatever that'll work against the arrangement of your relationship from the onset.

What kills the vibe of many an arrangement is space apart. At most the vacuum created communicates a certain point of where you are with the person, however the reasons. The many patterns in that setup gets used to and adapted to, and should there develop new ones, hard to be sure to view as trend or pattern. The challenge is what to do if there's a knock by someone availing self as a lead replacement. Before their quality the issue to tackle will be the intent, followed by their timing. Establish the crack they want to slot their self in, and you'll be in a better position to decide better what to do about the vacuum.

Ever been in a year gap with someone only to reunite and fill the void as if was yesterday? A bond can do that. Space apart a test by either of you testing your importance, or circumstances testing your impact on the other, or a plan by someone to open a crack for themselves. But whatever it is, a move too risky if you lapped your to come over.

In conclusion: given the regulation of your relationship, gender becomes a factor. How you relate to the same as you gender isn't as with the opposite, so then, what to do of your closeness? The principle is to say in honesty the state you find yourself in with them in the arrangement. Truth is, finding that crack to slot in doesn't apply to them alone but with you as well. The trick here is finding a mode to enable detachment after reaction or a build up of attachment if responded to.

Pity misfortune may be either party's failure to recognize importance of constructive criticism of the other's crept into the grey zone, thus resulting in a stay away. But if stick to your slot in the crack, the message will be loud and clear for that's how you show your intent in the arrangement. Find a crack to slot in...dp

[A proven bleached carbon copy]

With Illuminati a proven bleached carbon copy, it's now about tracking the authentic blueprint. The elite are mysteriously running on their code, but the question is what it is and who has it, and whom are they sharing it with?

Many wrote theories we read and endless conspiracies we've been fed, and but still nothing is as tangible as truth about your own background. It's true that: "those with knowledge are the ones who lie the most" [1]. The oratory around the Illuminati is nothing but just a detour to the true code. But then, there's a lot of information hidden behind the fronting of those many baseless allegations and accusations on affiliates making rounds from time to time with countless decoys.

What I can say is that, same as with the street code or prison code or charismatic church code, each industry has its own code and the only way to getting it being through the insiders, just that it's a fatal move should you break it. Illuminati is the rehearsal of the real thing I heard. There are things that are happening in the business world that only a key few figures are in control of. The very key few individuals are making it hard for any other so wanting to be in, in that they have to get in via them and their controlled entry. It's hard as you have to undergo a series of protocols in order to find self in.

To put it mildly but in literal terms, is to plainly say that it's really difficult to lay your hands on the authentic blueprint of the code, because should you be lucky by getting close to them a positive outcome as you'll have a rewarding chance with your career or life path. The blueprint of that code is safely guarded by those who control the innings and outings of those chosen few.

What's worrying though, is what the criterion is of selecting those who meets the minimum requirements and how they find and introduce them to the code. Truth is, should you break through into that circle, are sure to be on the way out of your small time life into mega side of things. Pity those in possession and well versed in that code aren't ready to air what the scroll says and are also prepared to raise the shield in protection of the code.

In conclusion: it's said that the very code is from way back and in favour of the oddo and the flim. The question is, what does it take to be an oddo and or a flim? All I learned is that anyone who knows the keywords, numerology and phrases like; "chorus of life", "2.5  14.15.20  20.15  2.5  1.14 1.20  20.8.5¶  15.21.18", and "syncrita", surely is with them or in possession of the code scroll...dp

[1] by KgeleLeso

[Moving on]

If the feeling is still lingering, you're captured; know that you're not ready to move on. If dreams are faded, you've lost your vision; then know you're ready to move on. When you are in any relationship of bind, it's important to keep tabs on your feelings all the time as your compass of where you're placed or heading. And however it feels, there ought to be a clear plan and strategy of both your exit and stay in.

Though it happens in any relationship, the sad part of it is that when it ends you get to decide on whether to fight for it or simply accept and move on. Moving on is a step away from what you shared yet left in share of memories created. It doesn't matter how you choose to deal with it, but naturally an option that tears you apart as a result.

The phase of moving on requires one to be emotionally ready, mentally stable, intellectually prepared, and financially sound for that draining challenge. You need to be sufficient enough to support  oneself before asking for anyone's assistance. It pains should it be that the other party behave in a way that is in retaliation. Moving on is easier when you have a level-headed ex-partner who is drama averse, to avoid hurting others in the process as history has shown with many a separation proceeding, especially where the gender mix is a factor.

Though a lot fail to be civil in its midst, it but won't be the case if had a laid out exit plan for such an eventuality from the beginning. Letting your union be governed by paper should be mandatory. It helps to have a reduced to paper agreement signed to guide the process of separation, succession, or growth. In the end, a commercial relationship is bound by paper and dissolved asame by paper, hence moving on not a decision you take lightly; and if opt for moving on, a course one sails solo.

In conclusion: be sure of your reasons and know of your opportunity for options on your menu, before you apply your thought on whether to stay or go. Know what to make of parting shots your way by those you leave behind should you opt to move on, or what to make of appeals your way for furtherance of that which you started. Underline every punchline of their thoughts about your decision to gauge the rightness or wrongness thereof. Let them be the casters of the stones first and you the picker of the safe bet for you...dp

[Creative logic]

Ever thought why you aren't successful? Is success that important to you? Everyone deserves a shine under the sun at some point in their lives, including you. Shine comes after a good grinding and some form of support.

The challenge of today is the pandemic, a killer of opportunity, success and plans, yet on the other side the presenter of same. Difference here is the industry you're in or wanting to venture into. The thinking is now of being creating a balancing act between loss of opportunity and gain of opportunity. How you suffice for the losses realized a gear change left only for your creative thinking in that the game of business today rested in that side. Thinkers are the survivors and winners of this crucial times.

I once read a piece about the importance of creatives in the economic landscape, something a lot of you don't see. The piece also touched on the issue of failure by both the business community and the public sector to recognize that missed opportunity of creativity to grow our economy. This going to show now how we so need that creativity in how some still think, act and attend to the needs of the situation of today. He said this during a profile after exiting Nigerian market due to failure. He listened to only legal and financial heads, leaving behind creatives only to realize very late how he needed them before even entering the market.

The old businessman also uttered something significant, the issue of ZAR in failing to be sellable. Said the undermining of creative industries practitioners is one of the reasons South Africa will keep stepping back while others are stepping forth like Nigeria. It's a common practice for creatives to use psychology before anything when dealing with problems and opportunities, and that's exactly what our economy lacks, creative thinkers for creative solutions that'll peddle us to the right direction.

In conclusion: truth be shared and known that in order for any country's citizens to achieve success, its fiscal policy should be enabling them to be. It's not foreign to us, we need a logical thinking government. Another thing is the role of each sector in that economy to be viewed and treated as equally important as the rest. Picking and choosing other sectors over others a first step towards failure.

So, even if you can push with your dream and aspirations, failure by your government to level the playing fields will leave you with no success. Success of any economy lies in its own successes first. It's time our leaders stop being garrulous and do what's right for our economy to thrive...dp