[Serve per your mandate]

Not a single person who's a leader won't know about this, and also isn't affected by it. To lead is to follow, that's as simple and practical as that. Any leader has a set end goal that they're pursuing, and that on its own render them as followers of sort. What's ought to be clearly put on the lead table is the fact that a leader serves first before they be followed, and won't be any different with you, and if it is with you, to ask yourself why.

Leaders are chosen, and others are there by virtue of their status as incorporators and directors of entities they lead, whilst for many a case of being put in charge of the entities they're a part of. Being an incorporator doesn't automatically make you a shareholder, it ought to be stated expressively from the onset. There must be a first meeting whereof there'll be a draw up of a founding resolution stating in recordal the entity founders and base reasons therefor an entity establishment, its name definition, its corporate colours, its business model, capital sources, where to base it, etc. and in the follow up meeting draft a founding document in the form of articles of incorporation or memorandum of incorporation, to affirm establishment of the entity and its set mandate to its active bearers of note, who'll be tasked with carrying out that particular mandate through guide of that founding document and a policy handbook thenafter developed to house the entity's bylaws. But then again, it's stuff that some went never under during their entity start and streamlining, hence they've got not any policy to follow for guidelines per their mandates.

Then now, what's a mandate? A mandate is an itemized tabular authority given to a representative to act under a collective consent on behalf of either a natural or legal person; a command to timely report back on periodically on its outcomes. In this case, the mandating party are the founders, incorporators or shareholders on behalf of the founded entity, under a guild comprising a board of directors. A leader serves timorously of the binding ramifications attached thereto their set tenure, therefore the primary purpose of a mandate is to instruct the respective representative as a leader to run the entity diligently according to set codes of ethical practice and conduct, and make money that they'll individually split as dividend whilst ringfencing for entity growth campaigns.

A leader with no mandate set for them is there just for self-serving purposes. They need to have a plan and strategy for all of the departments and units of the entity, and where possible, delegate designated personnel for those tasks with the right and authority they have to mandate their subordinates. The mandate is to a leader a legate ticket, and their repute engraved forever long after they vacated the office, so, should ensure they deliver per what's right for their future.

In conclusion: it doesn't matter what you did before your eligibility for carrying out a particular mandate, as long as a leader you know afore what's expected of you to do and be. A mandate has a set of rules pegged to the goals set for your tenure in that position, all tucked into the executive vision of the entity. Be what's rooted in it and do as it's inscribed of you to, as a leader sans any excuse for reasons to do as promised, else, as not the material of worth shouldn't assume responsibility as such, for befitting ones to. Hard as it may sound, it's but in how the take up is in that failed attempt consequential, and that's the just nature of a mandate...dp

© ddwebbtel publishing. 2K23.

[Day to day running]

With so much pressure of drama in  boardroom theatrics, you can't blame one for wanting nothing to do with biznes. How people smile and act friendly out of corporate confines but tear at each other once they enter that decision den, truly an eddy kinetic energy. To those who make up the part of its thrill, just another page assignment to scene and out to the slow world once stepped away from the corporate chambers. But then, which side of the biznes will one find comfort in? For me, the answer will always be the day to day running thereof.

Running the daily operations of a biznes is tough but better than the thickly dense on and off relations of the boardroom. It's a treat for anyone who sits from the fard outsets to be in the boardroom but to be real a stressful boulevard to traverse than dealing with ordinary consumers and their obvious antics. Boardroom is a test mastery operation with unpredictability in the gist of its every square inch x-rayed. The daily runnings also have its special breed to make success of the biznes out of, an opinion riddled with undercoat split arguments. A known secret though is, not everyone is either a material of the two, but certain that with an intensive training an eagerly devoted candidate can turn to be a successful material in one of both.

The good thing about day to day runnings of a biznes is that with time you develop a system of your value chain unlike with the corporate side. The skills set required for each, a swim upstream. The day to day runner a leader who's demanding of experience, specialty, accountability, loyalty and efficiency from their charges for their team success on their side, whilst in the other side it's about egoism, fiscal politics and decisions, strategics of  cabalism and select beneficiation, power game plays, loyalty switches, executive governance, and value extraction via RoI, RoE, RoD, etc. a knowledge that's strange to ear as pleasure tones the tympanics in serene. Days are long and tedious when responsible for daily operations, and but not testing if not as a leader. In the case of a small biznes it's worse in that if you lead you get to wear many caps before you could narrow your specialty in the later time of the biznes.

In conclusion: getting it right not from a list out of every leader's page of wish, as many shoes worn when going in left idle and unattended after a few steps from start, leaving miles of steps still ranged for a mile's complete to walk. I may have made it out to be a better walk in the park of commercial world, but still, day to day running of an entity are demanding. With some not filling the form of dailies, a best cut for the corporate side. It really goes with one's archetype. What makes you tick may turn out not me, and same is with this.

Dwell into the day to day and master it, a sure case you won't see flames when you step into the corporate den given your edge over those many impractical academics who knows not the tot of the real economics taste. But, it should be noted that both econometrics and corporatonomy and any other discipline of the truncates, does scream out a high level of knowledge from those qualified in them, and as such, should respect that of them irrespective of their missed days in the practical route of their theorized knowledge transaction. Day to day biznes running a skill that takes years to hone in order to be good in, and appreciation of those keeping the industry ships afloat should be shown to them unreservedly...dp

[The untold truths]

To every success lies a story of difficulties behind, a social distaste that's to remain untold coz none wants to hear it" [1]. Success is beautiful and desirable, but the truth to it not sweet to dreams. Sad is that with the stories of many successful people, left untold. Some who're brave enough to tell theirs facing ridicule that they're trying so hard to discourage others. So, what's to happen?

The story of your struggle should be told, yes, but in a way that'll make it command attention. Your struggle needs to be part of your brand story. Take that negative the public despise and repackage it in a way that'll be commercial and beautiful. It doesn't matter the hardships you've had in your journey, tell it in a creative manner that'll compel a following and obligation to the recipient sans them reasoning against it.

You know that your success story is a big representative of truths, but do work its narrative as a transitive thrust of hardships you've encountered. I wrote this article post our brand story exercise that we were working on with my team at our new unit, ddwebbVoice, our UCCaaS. The concept had put us through enough to an extent that we almost lost all hope in the realization of the concept due to plurality of negativity that we encountered in its story in the pitch to an array of prospects for its financing, until we bounced into its solution to finance via a link to one of our existing partners, who fell instantly in love with the story and helped us to together formulate a nice compelling proposition to our targets.

In conclusion: do come with your brand story, but, let it not be a fable, and if be, not entirely. With ours, I'm glad we were lucky to be able to creatively transform a non-attraction into one authentic offence that's infested with honest integration of reality. The same can be a case possible with yours if be patient and persistent in your untold truths to be tellable as a selling point to an investor. I believe in your story and if worked on can be turned into a unique selling angle. It's your truth, it won't be hard to tell in sell, so, just go ahead and give us that, your untold truth...dp

[1] by KgeleLeso

[The first portfolio to build]

The road to riches is full of heavy hurdles to pass for your success. But then, once in that state of breakthrough, there's still a challenge, and that's maintaining your position. A win for success brings with a big responsibility that's even bigger than the road to riches. Think of entitlement from family and friends, hats in hands by those you know or those whom got told by your family and friends that you have the means to help, taxman after your hard earned money they helped you not with, thugs targeting you and your family for random.

In the midst of all this there's a lot still to learn in order to keep the growth paddled and being safe. Successful people have a lot on their plates and none care to know about their struggles progression hating or jealousy. Success comes with many stories about you, with which mostly are designed to dent your family and public image, of which costly at times to undo or clear your name from. Success comes with many motivated enemies who choose to be silent, so as to retain cover in their mission to pull you down.

With so many agents of doom working double shifts against you, you can't be in that illusion that prayer alone'll help you in fighting the flock, you need a shield to block the tides with. It's sad hearing from some who made it misleading others and setting them up for failure. With God yes we all know it's possible, and but in real life impossible with him alone and those gullible enough will keep raising their hands to receive unfortunately whilst their counterparts are putting measures to succeed in place. Learn to know what's vital for you from the morning of your struggle and you're well to come back with a different verse to quote for your fellow countrymen.

In conclusion: surprise, surprise! Success is reached with an array of arsenals in the process. You truly need a portfolio built for your success from the word go. Let your portfolio be strengthened by your clear convergence of convictions. Your first portfolio should be of plans on your strategies for breaking the mold of entry barriers. And yes, prayer may form part of the range, but not as your stronghold coz you'll be left behind if not let belief in self carry you through together with a vast array of weaponry like consultations affordability means prior to commencing, affording research methodologies, being compliance ready, learning the etiquette and ways of the target industry, navigated opportunity attacks, and any other related component.

Trust you me, those successful didn't go in blindly into it, doing so is entrapment on its own, so, refrain from such practice of no note. Building the first portfolio for your success the best thing you'll thank self for in future. Stop listening to the truth hinders that snooker your moves by glittery that flatter your soul without watering it. Water your soul self, it's your primary responsibility...dp

[The spirit of commercialization]

The spirit of commercialization in anyone is one that's divided into many streams a person is made as. We all know that to all that's been done and still to be, the prime tick is a thought that is followed by word. The two in sum up, are what makes an idea. How it gets communicated out being through voice or reduced to page for either common knowledge or gain. A different kind of leader will opt for gain, and that is where the spirit of commercialization shines.

We have several types of leaders across all sectors of the economy, be it in formal or informal market, there's always that one with a different spark. A leader with a commercial spirit does everything for the greater benefit, though monetarily. In any case, what progress wants is financial injection for viability, and that's then the necessitated spirit of commercialization kicking in. As such, nothing can really get to survive sans commercial thinking and input around it, hence the need for a commercialized thinker for a leader.

A commercial leader is at core a living entity of interest, hope, trust, wisdom and many more attributable expectations placed on them for com-logic, growth, stability and sustainability. Their commerce logic is of a higher degree. What we need to gather in thought though is that not all leaders aspire for position, but are all different, and of all those types of a leader, nothing beats the commercial type a businessperson can be. When dealing with a leader, know that you first are dealing with a spirit, and once that's acknowledged, then move on to the figure in person you're engaged with. Leadership is primarily about responsible serving afore it being anything else, and so is commercial leading. A commercial business leader sells the moment in full to its last drop of conversion, which to an extent is monetization. Wherever a commercial leader is, I bet there'll be a seed of exuberance that they've planted.

A commercial business leader is a personage billboard for their both personal and corporate brands, and carrying the brush to paint every spot they come to contact with. There's a trait that's common to their nature, though admittedly dependent on their archetype, and that's owning selves in every space they roam at the moment. A true commercial leader is experienced as such. If you ever encounter a businessperson who's a leader in their entity and you're left with no impression of any sort after their space exiting, then know it maybe wasn't their radiant moment or that they simply aren't good at what they do because a commercial business leader has a differed way with people.

In conclusion: by right, you just have to be a different person if you are in a commercial lead role. Average, a weak welcome in the ecology of commercial leadership sphere. The spirit of commercialization in a business leader is one that's unique to the sole yet experienced same across all of life's geographies. It's not to say you buy the quality time you spend with them, but that you get to draw growth with every encounter with them. They always have something to lay atop your knowledge or being, that's of benefit. Their way of doing, saying and being, is undeniably a stuff of wonder.

A friend once said: "if there can't be a god found in a business leader, then God failed the led follower; for there ain't going to be a will to shift to progress from their rooted mode of inertness" [1] and I felt same about commercial leadership. Truth is, good leadership is important, especially when purged from commercialization persecution. Leading results in good if it's from good leadership, and results in bad if it's from fronting, as such, monetize in good faith. Capitalizing on what you are isn't a bad thing, and gains as a commercial leader are as that...dp

[1] by KgeleLeso
© ddwebbtel publishing. 2K23.

[Powerhouse game]

When everything goes right we may forget to point at you, but should anything go wrong we're quick to point at you, and that's the nature of it, and it's called leadership. Collecting points is lesser than losing them because people are easy to spot wrongs instead of good things to praise you by, and so is in how faster it is spreading bad news compared to good news. People are better judges as recipients of bad news as than with good ones.

When you lead, you need to be ready for such opponents and blind ghosts of doom on your daily shift. Doing good isn't a clap-hands-for-him/her kinda vibe that you should be counting on whenever you do your job, whether it's publicized or not. What people don't know is that it's damn spirit breaking being in any position of lead. Not to be confused with fronting, to lead is a whole different story on its level of own that looks attractive to an outsider who's aspiring to be in your thought to be glam position.

I too used to aspire being at the helm and when time came I was hit by a reality blow that none really prepped me enough for other than being told to grow a thick skin and nothing else to support me. You just need to be in position to nurse self your feelings from all stakeholders from all angles. People will respect you yes but at the same time not be on the same page as you all of the material times you counted on them to. The same could be said about partners, not all want to see you succeed and don't act surprised cos whether you like it or not, where you are someone else is wishing it were them and doing better than you.

If only we could find predecessors who're truthful and sensible enough in the journey, would we fare better. Leading at the end of the day pushes you to become rude and anti-social, elements that we've come to accept in associating them with leadership, and it ain't right to. Leading is supposed to be a joy than a burden, a job that fulfills than daunts, a position of inspiration not discouragement, a leader needs to live not die in spirit. Being a leader is important and interesting if you got well prepped for it.

In conclusion: pray hard for self's mental health, fight hard for strength to contain your madness, counsel self hard for great wisdom to deal with energies of doom, and work hard at solidifying your position with the entity's executive vision for your tenure legacy, reason being that sometimes we aren't rightfully advised of the reality that at the helm there's shelf life and at times we just reach its sell by date sans even knowing it and be forced out ruthlessly via corporate brutality mannerisms that leaves one in quagmire dumps. Being in a leadership position you need to be fully connected with your surroundings before your surrounders as you never know what the next corner may have in stock for your unknowing self.

The saying that there aren't many real friends amongst those true friends is well alive, and leaders live in that shadow of category. As a leader, everything you are relies on the soundness of your mind, from all your decisions to executions. We judge you on nothing more than those you get respected by. A leader is 80% wrong before they're 20% right, know that and you're well dressed for the verse.

One last thing; during my days of leadership prepping I was learnt about observations, something those who underwent executive leadership program knows. The first one is: "The order of the day unfairly privileges the lighter skinned, the moneyed and the user-friendly" [1]. This's self explanatory and as simply concised as put. The pale skinned people are the ones who gets the first look of favour in all opportunities that results in status upgrade, while those that are low in status left for third graders as they are low in status, hence you see dark hued people bleach and apply skin lighteners to up their chances thereof. The moneyed gets recommended first in opportunities and are given an ear in most cases than those not. Money buys freedom, gives liberty, guarantees contentment, and a better view by the ones below in aspiration. User-friendly is being that one who is flexible for almost any opportunity that may be presented to them, and is ready to oblige to the entry requirements and easy to work with. As a leader you find yourself not in line with those are out of the circles but as a runner in the outskirts of the powerhouse game, and guess what; you ain't got favour of protection...dp

[1] by Tha Uilt Mont. (2001). "Syncrita_the polity society." Observations, observation (0) 
© ddwebbtel publishing. 2K23.

[Who are you in leadership?]

The crisis of leadership the world over is a subject no longer a small problem that can be swept under the carpet. How leading is defined an interesting topic of late. Do we really know what is needed to lead in today's set up? When is one ready to lead? There's a lot to look into in the area of leadership.

Many do know that everyone is a leader by default, that evidenced by how you manage self first before extending it to anything and anyone. But, in the midst of the thought of that, what's to be of one who fails to manage themselves? Do you go on and entrust the person with leading anything or anyone? It's a tough punch to throw that's dependent on honesty.

What the basic ingredients are of good leadership another spike in the dosage of reality. There're many focal points to talk at length about only in that challenge that faces leadership today. It can't be fair yet true when one laments today's leadership crisis honestly. Just look at what's done in every sphere of life where leadership is involved and tell me what good there is to boast about except lies, greed, abuse, hate, lawlessness, and many other bad examples you may think of coming from the breed of leadership quality we're now subjected to.

Leadership a calling or a skill? Seeing how hope for the coming generation is dashed by current crop of leaders, what's more to draw out for any future leaders if they're to be inspired by the mindset carriers of this day's influence? The day's youth are in for a treat if they want change as the gates are open given the flooding of tools of enabling. Trouble is, the audience is no more into quality but rather populist path in whom to follow, and sadly the choice is who's more entertaining than appealing. The situation of late is a sham that's making life a scary hell of a scam to live.

In conclusion: who you are as a leader a big challenge. Whom you shape your self as a quite interesting part as well, as a follower or supporter of self? The crisis of leadership a pendant that's out for show. Who are you and what do you stand for matters more than anything else now as a leader, and so, should work hard to define that about you. Good leadership is about responsible response to the threat that a bad faithed leader would react as and contribute to the crisis leadership is in...dp

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