When everything goes right we may forget to point at you, but should anything go wrong we're quick to point at you, and that's the nature of it, and it's called leadership. Collecting points is lesser than losing them because people are easy to spot wrongs instead of good things to praise you by, and so is in how faster it is spreading bad news compared to good news. People are better judges as recipients of bad news as than with good ones.
When you lead, you need to be ready for such opponents and blind ghosts of doom on your daily shift. Doing good isn't a clap-hands-for-him/her kinda vibe that you should be counting on whenever you do your job, whether it's publicized or not. What people don't know is that it's damn spirit breaking being in any position of lead. Not to be confused with fronting, to lead is a whole different story on its level of own that looks attractive to an outsider who's aspiring to be in your thought to be glam position.
I too used to aspire being at the helm and when time came I was hit by a reality blow that none really prepped me enough for other than being told to grow a thick skin and nothing else to support me. You just need to be in position to nurse self your feelings from all stakeholders from all angles. People will respect you yes but at the same time not be on the same page as you all of the material times you counted on them to. The same could be said about partners, not all want to see you succeed and don't act surprised cos whether you like it or not, where you are someone else is wishing it were them and doing better than you.
If only we could find predecessors who're truthful and sensible enough in the journey, would we fare better. Leading at the end of the day pushes you to become rude and anti-social, elements that we've come to accept in associating them with leadership, and it ain't right to. Leading is supposed to be a joy than a burden, a job that fulfills than daunts, a position of inspiration not discouragement, a leader needs to live not die in spirit. Being a leader is important and interesting if you got well prepped for it.
In conclusion: pray hard for self's mental health, fight hard for strength to contain your madness, counsel self hard for great wisdom to deal with energies of doom, and work hard at solidifying your position with the entity's executive vision for your tenure legacy, reason being that sometimes we aren't rightfully advised of the reality that at the helm there's shelf life and at times we just reach its sell by date sans even knowing it and be forced out ruthlessly via corporate brutality mannerisms that leaves one in quagmire dumps. Being in a leadership position you need to be fully connected with your surroundings before your surrounders as you never know what the next corner may have in stock for your unknowing self.
The saying that there aren't many real friends amongst those true friends is well alive, and leaders live in that shadow of category. As a leader, everything you are relies on the soundness of your mind, from all your decisions to executions. We judge you on nothing more than those you get respected by. A leader is 80% wrong before they're 20% right, know that and you're well dressed for the verse.
One last thing; during my days of leadership prepping I was learnt about observations, something those who underwent executive leadership program knows. The first one is: "The order of the day unfairly privileges the lighter skinned, the moneyed and the user-friendly" [1]. This's self explanatory and as simply concised as put. The pale skinned people are the ones who gets the first look of favour in all opportunities that results in status upgrade, while those that are low in status left for third graders as they are low in status, hence you see dark hued people bleach and apply skin lighteners to up their chances thereof. The moneyed gets recommended first in opportunities and are given an ear in most cases than those not. Money buys freedom, gives liberty, guarantees contentment, and a better view by the ones below in aspiration. User-friendly is being that one who is flexible for almost any opportunity that may be presented to them, and is ready to oblige to the entry requirements and easy to work with. As a leader you find yourself not in line with those are out of the circles but as a runner in the outskirts of the powerhouse game, and guess what; you ain't got favour of protection...dp
[1] by Tha Uilt Mont. (2001). "Syncrita_the polity society." Observations, observation (0)
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