[You matter first]

Trading paces a radius related affair when taking into account the footprint a brand desires to cover in a specified term as per the entity's executive vision. Competing for footprint different from competing for a specific target in any given market, and so is the pressure to fruition of that.

The challenge of being the first, or being the biggest, is one of the most fought for these days, but then, is it worth it? To be in competition is one thing, and being under pressure another, so, as fierce and brutal as it is, competition need not be pressure bearing to you. The secret to that is through doing what is important to your health. You must always remember that your mental and physical health are top tier in your success, and as such have to take care of them before anything else.

Anything done under pressure has an effect on your health. Whether it be a positive or a negative one, it is not good at most. What we however praise is the pressure that yielded positive feedback, thus we sweep the strain under carpet. A win plays a reality sidestep role but not saying it mends damage caused by the pressure endured in the process.

The impact of pressure has its own share of economy on you, dependent on how it finds your health status and financial status to deal with it. The amount of time and money spent on your health goes at most unaccounted for, but dig deeper into it and you'll realise how much it takes from you both financially and physically. Pressure results in deterioration of your body and maintenance of your body which all costs you.

In conclusion: in the race for your success, you ought to factor your health, as is the most important power charge to your being. The prime investment to the asset you are is your health first before any other thing. Don't be hard on self and be thinking that good results are your healing, no, do enough to restore your health. In any returns you receive, put aside a bit of it for your health. Truth is, we talk about the end result without mention of the hard work put in the process of the end result, thus we fail to comprehend how a person gets affected by the pressures involved. The pace of the game has changed and so should be the level of care in self. But then, it's not about what people will think or not about you, but rather the health care for your self. Think of you, you matter first...dp

[Establish a relationship with your vision]

It's something crazy about it, if you think of it in a way we interact with the idea of selves beyond the end goal. Funny how it emerges in the early stages of building up. One thing I've learnt over the years is to be crazy to your vision prior to being crazy about it. Doing that will enable you to have a relationship with it from its inception and all the way to its realization.

The relationship between you and your idea plan is one that's hard for the next to comprehend, yet easy to sail within once gotten the background of it, in relation to where it then is. The feeling you have for any of your creative outputs outweighs the feeling of its thought. When you have the whole norm intro-versed, you are left with a positive response to the virtual pod.

Vision is a concept revelation of an idea. It thus require the originator to establish a bond with it so as to work on bringing it to materialization. How you entertain the idea you have is a powerful message that is overtly sacred and mutually secular. If you find that your vision is indefinitely abate innate, then be sure it may be unworthy of your temple to house it, and as such to discreetly fade away to gaitly resurface into the next lit temple to morph it and give rise to its greatness it's destined for.

In conclusion: anything that comes out of you is unashamedly yours and how you relate to it entirely upto you. Establishing a relationship with that connection to your thoughts a special affair that none externally could experience but witness through projected emotional display. It's pleasurable a feeling to have and share, especially as a celebration of a future in currency to in time seen as success to be accomplished solely or with another if not others.

Being a friend to your thoughts projected is a mystery that's fascinating to the led visionary, if always allow them to guide you to your success landings. Crazy as it sounds, truth is all thoughts bear visions, just that they depend on your purpose fit. Try it, it starts there within your chambers in a solo mode. Be crazy to your inner self, it's always the best of place to edge out that most perfect pitch to you...dp

[Middle a balance to the binary]

Sometimes it takes one to give balance in-between the two, and that makes them the decider in many a case. Again, they say; there's two sides to a story and the first is from the one telling the story and the side of the one listening to the story. We grew up accustomed to accost by either our parents, teachers, or family and public members that it never occurred to us that there's three sides to a statement.

The blinds to our view was the binary factoring. We were made to look at things in two ways not many times. How many of you recall how we were taught to look at everything twice? Double check your work all the time to avoid mistakes! We even had nursery rhymes like the one we sang "look once, look twice, left and right before you cross" and to date still in one's head. Things were by default paired and known as that, Ben and Let, black or white, on and on/on and off, AC/DC, etc.

But now, grown up today, the new teaching becomes the addition to the numberline as one knew it with - and + counting, and so is the case with the equilibrium. The new word as a grown up is found in the middle, and it's called balance. This new way to the binary as we no longer know it has the ability to throw one off-balance still through concepts like sitting on the fence, vote abstaining, in with one leg out, and others of relation to those. The one common fact to sense is that they're en clair not choosing sides and opting to remain in the middle, of which to some a safe zone whilst to others a bad move.

The sad and painful self-defeating part of the whole concept though, is putting hopes in the hands of a select few to swing decisions on our behalf and find that they mostly go with what favours them, not the majority that they were chosen by to represent. We allow non-carers dice with our hopes, dreams, aspirations, and worse our lives. Out of the middle business then comes the emergence of the not so long trending buzz keyword dubbed the missing middle. This entrant keyword originated from the off-set in-betweeners to the have nots and the haves. What hurts the most about it is how it's being used against those categorised into that basket. Imagine being placed in the middle of nowhere with no aid availed for your access yet told it's out there if you search properly.

None except the select few will dispute that a lot is going wrong and 'the power we are told is in our hands, a swarm of locusts hemorrhaging the promise we're busy trying to cover in protect' [1]. 'Lost to us today is the soul of the true compass of leadership' [2], people in front taking all the valuables for themselves on our quantitative watch. Now, what they deal us is the shift button from accountability stance to the missing-in-middle plug and controlling the dark and light sides and, committing to none while us taking turns in finger pointing as we miss in action.

In conclusion: as things evolve with time, over and over and again and again, we find ourselves tossed out by new developments that are disguised as for us but not actually as stated. What one keeps taking away from all their lessons of late, is the fact that 'in reality, truth a politicized transparent waterless liquid sold in folded paper bags so none could see through it' [3]. Made to believe that middle was the practical solution, but in form terms never been and never will. Time now is we admit that middle not a balance to the binary...dp

[1-3] by KgeleLeso

[Personalized brand in today's market]

Synecology, psychology, sociology and philosophy in the world of commerce are a treaty treasure if the ecological prism is well overstood. With anthropology as the fundamental origin of the above, I'd like to believe, anyone who has a vast expanse of knowledge of the four and in business is a rare find. Not everyone in business takes their time out to learn about such stuff, yet key to their success.

Everything has its beginning, and that is opportunity to the beginner. A start point offers a process of building an immense pool of knowledge to in future tap into in your practice. If it's in business you start, do invest in human sciences subjects for not only your success, but also support and SWOT analyses as prior to success you need to go through their passage and still to retain position and keep unlocking growth potential via them. Let's look at how the four can be used in development and growth of your enterprise.

Sociology_with every brand investing heavily on the development, growth and retention of loyalty to it, focus is on ways to keep the gates of loyalists ever open to accommodate more. To do that it's to secure future growth, and that means you invest in young blood. To achieve hook of young ones you need to know from their early childhood development how to do that. By segmentation of your outreach programs and having a dedicated one that cares specifically for kids you're sure to instill their love of the brand by gifting them with toys that are part of motor development like hoola-hoops, board games for emotional and psychological development, etc. that ensures doing activities with another or others to develop interpersonal skills, thus in turn aid in them influencing their peers to love your brand. The next step is designing products in attractive colours and styles that appeals to them. Develop products in stages of life. Build their aspiration from that tender age. It's a long process, but worth pursuing as they'll look at your brand with an eye of favour over others forever because of the connection established. Think of that emotional blackmail of a child to a parent, and with the subject of blackmail as your brand, a power in your pocket unmatched. Capturing young soles with the love for your brand the most tangible investment that will prove a fit in the long run as they'll grow up curled around the fringe of your brand. In a nutshell, when designing any product, do sure to think of what a child can do with it, same is with the brand, things like logo design and brand name; let your logo be that easy to draw by even a 3 year-old, be playful and brand name be catchy to the ear and eye. Your brand and its products should connect with as much publics as possible. Sell it in line with that thought of making it be what's central in making people get to talk to each other and get them together.
Psychology_your product message should echo the sentiment of your brand promise, and that's achievable via how you make the publics behave and think of your brand. The aim of economic psychology is conversion of publics into not just consumers, but profitable loyalists. A brand's product may be not in the face of the consumer all the time but because of its delivered expectations remain stuck with them because of the experienced difference felt. Invest in what appeals to them geographically and be visible in those circles of relevance to make them trust your brand irrespective of their demographics. It's a brand's job to shape the thoughts of the public through its creative strategic psychology. Make them be part of your brand and see the return on your efforts.

Synecology_make your brand an ecological niche. It's important to differentiate your brand from the rest in the communities you service by being part of their economic ecology. By local sourcing of goods and services a good start, i.e. by procuring a local consulting service provider for a CSI program can be very beneficial to your growth and repute. When talking about difference I'm casting the net wider to the level of those marginalized like the disabled. They too need to be part of the economy process by inclusion in economic activity. Ever heard of a product developed for mental health patients and in the process of its development having had their input sought? There's no difference more than that, think about such and others like that. A product for them by them will mean a lot to them and can bring pride that may evoke the sense of their being and shift their dependency on others should they be empowered to be and do for their own sustainably. The investment might be not worthy to someone in economic sense, but important for its impact on the affected and their families. Play a role in human decency re-profiling through your brand. Do bear in mind that it's not always about quick returns or any all the time, but rather about also the hope you bring to the marginalized.  

Philosophy_with not the aim of judging, but rather the governing of conduct in individuals and groups. Doing what's right all the time in business remains an almost as it's hard to achieve though ethically bounding, and that unearthed in company culture. With global economy impact issues such as greenhouse gas emissions, GBV, crime escalation, fueled racism, elastic wealth gaps, etc. it's clear that greed economy is influencing more power plays, and what now is questionable is your stance personally before that of the management in positioning your entity. How you run your business activities a collective effort that is driven by the dynamics of differing schools of thought. But then, how do you deal with the flouting of morality in all these crises as an individual in business before those in it with you? The role of philosophy is tantamount in corporate governance and essential to guide management in restoration of the moral fibre in publics we serve. Development of sound policies and by-laws in your entity remains a settlement of non-compromise if you're to achieve the goal of an ecological niche brand. Ethical conduct in governance and commerce in an entity remain pivotal to strengthening a reputable brand to be proud of.

In conclusion: the architecture of business structure has evolved socially and professionally, it's now taken a route to oblique morph, and that making its balance more demanding to strike. The new framework moves in favour of less sporadic outcomes. This results in the now day business starter or operator setting sights on innovation and new markets creation or trend settings. However, no matter our attitude towards the new take, there's piling evidence that you can't ride the bus of achievement by ignoring the groundwork that needs to be done. Build a brand that can achieve the feat of being a personalized companion to many publics...dp

[Ownership of publishing industry]

Everyday people complain about the right to being heard but not fight for it. The one big word that keeps being uttered is media and the fight for its freedom, but then, what about the real buzz element of note? We may talk about control of the media but what do we know about media to start with? What gives media the nerve it has? The rightful word to talk of instead should be publishing.

To the basics; publishing starts with you conveying a message to the next, either in sound, writing, drawing or action. The most basic forms of publishing in technological terms can be an SMS or text message in a chat or a social media post, or a voicemail and voice note, or a short video, that gets sent from you to the next person or persons. The next step is the mass and demographics. Your message could be out there for the public for either mass reach or for different specific demographics (publics) reach. Within that space we find general public and specific groups that form your publics. With publics and the general public being a mix of target market then comes regulation of information reach, and that is where publishing now plays a role.

Publishing as an industry regulates the dissemination of information to target groups and create monetization streams of revenue. In marketing there's a vestige saying that "a product that is aimed at everyone is a product for no one" and that's the makings of shaped publishing mentality turned obsolete by current crop of products and industries. Publishing is a fluid commercial powerhouse in that it encompasses sales, law, public relations, sociology, psychology, marketing, and education. Look deeper and think harder about these 7 spheres of human science and commerce, and you'll understand the power that's housed in the beast that publishing is, in order to appreciate the significance of its impact in society for sway and control. Now, think of the few with that privilege in their possession.

Having outright ownership of publishing industry a powerful tool for ensuring that uniform dissemination of information is either an accessible source or a scarce commodity. Information is distorted all the time to push a certain narrative. No matter how fresh and current news are, in mainstream media they are filtered and  served as second-hand. With knowledge management clutched by a minority of the minority you're sure to be secured though not fully immune from propaganda if only you're one of them, in that the free mode media still feeds from the mainstream publishers.

What's coded for share goes out with targets to ensure no common love and peace run in the same space. Publishing is controlled and, business and politics play a big deal in how information is passed out. Our lives are spent with time taken on social media space, a platform where we influence others and also get influenced in return by others with some of the information subconsciously hitting the shift button for a thought position of where you were prior to after encounter with you left somewhere. Publishing is a spreader of information via multiple sources of media. What gets spread has the potential to unite, separate, confuse and frighten by no other means except via channels of conveyance. This is under the hold of a minority in the wider minority whom aren't ready to let others in as yet. What's laughable though is that we all are partakers in publishing but not monetizing from our publics because we just aren't empowered enough.

In conclusion: publishing industry is a weapon that depends on its wielder. This weapon is reserved for a carefully select few entrusted with the right to peddle the agenda of the elites. It's always about sway of opinion into the wider audience. It hits your every element, hence the respect they get to show you their power. And so, next time talk of the right target, the owners of mainstream publishing and those who controls the owners thereof...dp

[Not everything is app'able]

Don't be like the dumb money, be wise to realization that not every idea is a viable and bankable business concept. It relates to the notion that everything today is app'able. I struggle with that mentality in most of the people one meets these days. There can't just be an app for everything.

Before new world tech came old world tech, and it should be known that the eras may differ but the thinking strikingly similar, just that advancements over time, brought by research and investment put in development, made it jump in leaps. I find it strange that there's just too many connected life easing things that ends up leaving consumers confused and some overwhelmed by their market flooding, yet still in high volumes consume them regardless. The rate of new tech and its aiding usables is amazing. To think that today just about anything is commercialized is mind boggling, and to have consumers of today reverse from the now they're used to is just inviting a verbal onslaught on self. The level of their dependency on tech aids is scary.

Open your mobile device and you're sure to be greeted by an app. As applications (apps) they were good when they were then introduced into the market. The good we were sold to was their efficiency and cost factoring, and most of all was the time it then took on task completion versus via an app. It then necessitated the sense around downloading one because of functionality and practicality thereof, but fastforward to now everything is now in app. The app revolution destroyed a lot of good that was before. The process of things changed overnight, the importance of some things no more, as many other things app'd changed life a we knew it.

With app'fication of modern day anything, came the culture of corrupted innovation. What that implies is simply that the life liver of today is so spoilt to the core that they even became lazy to think and do. People use without questioning the intent of the app and its dangers if relied upon. Apps bred a culture of dependency on mobile devices it's impossible to avoid. Any next big thing gets introduced via mobile platforms and the hook that enslaved them is worrying.

It used to be commercially viable to have an app but today it ain't because of their oversupply and multitude of different same, it now also isn't fancy and smart to have one developed for your brand, but the big question of late is: "how visible is it?" as it now goes to algorithm manipulation in the form of search engine optimisation. It now is affordable and easier to develop an app, but expensive to monetize from it unless you have other ways alternate to how others go about it.

In conclusion: what's next after app? Will it do things better? Truth is, an app has lost its excitement steam, and but with sad reality to loss for others, it became clear that not everyone needs an app and also not everything is app'able. Brands registered write offs brought by app fever and its hype. Many are already waiting on the next big thing after the app with not baited breaths as minds now filled with fear of non-revolutionary benefit, and to go in cautiously after results of others. App'fication generated revenue that saw many with boosted margins while others left in the red because commercialization doesn't translate to monetization.

There's a shift from 'to app or not to app?', and moved to 'why to app?' and 'what after to app?' because having an app is now questionable in that the return on app'fication is long to realize whilst to some not ever realized. If only brand owners could see the cost of app'fication beyond monetary value but in terms of repute, bucking trends won't be as is. You need to open your mind when analyzing a new trend so you go in for value impact not for showing. Also, be mindful of the fact that you can't ride every wave and rather align the wave with your company not hype. App what's app'able and leave that which doesn't to those who are thought followers...dp

[Adopt taste than acquire it]

As much as we have acquired tastes and lifestyles and their activities, some in the minority from the other side of the yard prefer an adopted taste. The life one leads once money lifts their statuses feeds the question list with a lot of words to construct sentences of ask. Money changes hands and at that also changes fortunes, and that dependent on how many times it gets circulated in your own people before spent outside.

The circles we create needs to be interrogated for what they're for. It serves no good to have a circle that circulates never its individuals' incomes within itself first prior to letting it flow outside. When money goes out of your circle it should be known why, how it creates value, who gets it, and with whom is the circle sure to make its living.

A circle is smaller than a clan, and but can be composed of a variety of races, nationalities, interests, etc, which once you made your money with, should be heading back to your clan with enough in hand to empower your own. The mistake we make in some instances is that of taking money made and be spent outside your clan and your circle without it circulated amongst your circle and your clan. Ask yourself whom your made money benefits.

The culture of adopting should be under a watch. What we ought to adopt must be empowerment ways so as to strengthen our position in the global economy as a nation. Acquired taste is an enemy of progress in communities in that those who gets hooked ends up failing to sustain the addiction. What we should remember is that affording to purchase an item isn't affording its maintenance. It but doesn't say one need not follow up on their dreams. We just need to learn how to afford our dreams sustainably.

In conclusion: serve your family purpose, that's then you'll know which taste to adopt so you could afford to acquire that taste and lifestyle. It helps not you and your family alone but the entire race if you support your very own without any conditions like buying only if you get a discount, or buying a product in exchange for sexual favours, the list goes on you know. Adopt a taste for being accessible, charitable, etc, as an acquired taste bears greed, competition, hatred, etc, behaviour that is toxic to your surrounding and the entire human raise. Grow for growth of your people...dp

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