[Not everything is app'able]

Don't be like the dumb money, be wise to realization that not every idea is a viable and bankable business concept. It relates to the notion that everything today is app'able. I struggle with that mentality in most of the people one meets these days. There can't just be an app for everything.

Before new world tech came old world tech, and it should be known that the eras may differ but the thinking strikingly similar, just that advancements over time, brought by research and investment put in development, made it jump in leaps. I find it strange that there's just too many connected life easing things that ends up leaving consumers confused and some overwhelmed by their market flooding, yet still in high volumes consume them regardless. The rate of new tech and its aiding usables is amazing. To think that today just about anything is commercialized is mind boggling, and to have consumers of today reverse from the now they're used to is just inviting a verbal onslaught on self. The level of their dependency on tech aids is scary.

Open your mobile device and you're sure to be greeted by an app. As applications (apps) they were good when they were then introduced into the market. The good we were sold to was their efficiency and cost factoring, and most of all was the time it then took on task completion versus via an app. It then necessitated the sense around downloading one because of functionality and practicality thereof, but fastforward to now everything is now in app. The app revolution destroyed a lot of good that was before. The process of things changed overnight, the importance of some things no more, as many other things app'd changed life a we knew it.

With app'fication of modern day anything, came the culture of corrupted innovation. What that implies is simply that the life liver of today is so spoilt to the core that they even became lazy to think and do. People use without questioning the intent of the app and its dangers if relied upon. Apps bred a culture of dependency on mobile devices it's impossible to avoid. Any next big thing gets introduced via mobile platforms and the hook that enslaved them is worrying.

It used to be commercially viable to have an app but today it ain't because of their oversupply and multitude of different same, it now also isn't fancy and smart to have one developed for your brand, but the big question of late is: "how visible is it?" as it now goes to algorithm manipulation in the form of search engine optimisation. It now is affordable and easier to develop an app, but expensive to monetize from it unless you have other ways alternate to how others go about it.

In conclusion: what's next after app? Will it do things better? Truth is, an app has lost its excitement steam, and but with sad reality to loss for others, it became clear that not everyone needs an app and also not everything is app'able. Brands registered write offs brought by app fever and its hype. Many are already waiting on the next big thing after the app with not baited breaths as minds now filled with fear of non-revolutionary benefit, and to go in cautiously after results of others. App'fication generated revenue that saw many with boosted margins while others left in the red because commercialization doesn't translate to monetization.

There's a shift from 'to app or not to app?', and moved to 'why to app?' and 'what after to app?' because having an app is now questionable in that the return on app'fication is long to realize whilst to some not ever realized. If only brand owners could see the cost of app'fication beyond monetary value but in terms of repute, bucking trends won't be as is. You need to open your mind when analyzing a new trend so you go in for value impact not for showing. Also, be mindful of the fact that you can't ride every wave and rather align the wave with your company not hype. App what's app'able and leave that which doesn't to those who are thought followers...dp

[Adopt taste than acquire it]

As much as we have acquired tastes and lifestyles and their activities, some in the minority from the other side of the yard prefer an adopted taste. The life one leads once money lifts their statuses feeds the question list with a lot of words to construct sentences of ask. Money changes hands and at that also changes fortunes, and that dependent on how many times it gets circulated in your own people before spent outside.

The circles we create needs to be interrogated for what they're for. It serves no good to have a circle that circulates never its individuals' incomes within itself first prior to letting it flow outside. When money goes out of your circle it should be known why, how it creates value, who gets it, and with whom is the circle sure to make its living.

A circle is smaller than a clan, and but can be composed of a variety of races, nationalities, interests, etc, which once you made your money with, should be heading back to your clan with enough in hand to empower your own. The mistake we make in some instances is that of taking money made and be spent outside your clan and your circle without it circulated amongst your circle and your clan. Ask yourself whom your made money benefits.

The culture of adopting should be under a watch. What we ought to adopt must be empowerment ways so as to strengthen our position in the global economy as a nation. Acquired taste is an enemy of progress in communities in that those who gets hooked ends up failing to sustain the addiction. What we should remember is that affording to purchase an item isn't affording its maintenance. It but doesn't say one need not follow up on their dreams. We just need to learn how to afford our dreams sustainably.

In conclusion: serve your family purpose, that's then you'll know which taste to adopt so you could afford to acquire that taste and lifestyle. It helps not you and your family alone but the entire race if you support your very own without any conditions like buying only if you get a discount, or buying a product in exchange for sexual favours, the list goes on you know. Adopt a taste for being accessible, charitable, etc, as an acquired taste bears greed, competition, hatred, etc, behaviour that is toxic to your surrounding and the entire human raise. Grow for growth of your people...dp

© ddwebbtel publishing. 2K22.

[Your own liability]

It never seem to bother others, but a big deal to some to find out what fails them in their road to success. The challenge with failure is in the results. How your results make you feel, will most likely be reflected in your response or reaction to the sentiment. Again, what you do with the results entirely up to you.

Without doubt, there's a reason you failed and therefore should have a way in which you will do it better when attempting that again. It should be known that even your retake may still result in a fail. The cause of your mistake if not well addressed will definitely deliver you to the very same next result. Truth unfortunately lies in the course taken in your retake. That's not a needle in a haystack commission in that it's a usual occurrence sadly.

The danger of getting lost in navigating a way back to the right track is one that's so costly. It should be also noted that in business you have bigger costs to count in such an instance. Also, be mindful of the smaller mistakes that when combined ends up with big trails of fails that have a potential of crumbling the whole structure. A business doesn't take one big flop to fail, but rather a big mess resulting from a build-up of small ignored takes that their undoing proving costly at the time of discovery.

To get your business going right, do things right. And, admitting that your involvement in some takes is the cause of your failure, a big favour for your entity's growth. Keep reviewing your plans, strategies and decisions taken at the time, else you'd be denying self the chance to succeed. So, where wrong takes were committed, own up to your fault and commission a retake.

In conclusion: don't be your own enemy, fight rather the thought of you being right to be wrong. Simply acknowledge receipt of your wrong take and do a better retake with the hope that you'll get it right. Deny your help needing and you'll see worse. It takes a team to make it work, so, give those with you the strength to continue with you by embracing your need of their partaking, and you won't be your own liability...dp

[Disagree with respect for your dignity]

The prime elements of a disagreement in my vocab are respect and dignity, with now an added one being family profiling. This is informed by what keeps happening to the ones less privileged to fund their prolonged disagreements that ends up converted to battles that results in liability brackets. Reason why the less privileged gets treated like that is in that it ain't beneficial supporting a slim chance prospect. But then again, the pugnacity of today isn't same as that of then, see it in a different light with a deeper sense to the feel of its impact.

There's an affordability means line that is drawn to separate us and it's entrenched in a lot of themes tied to our daily lives. Such are education standards, job prospects, financial instruments, and cultural differences; that through politics, religion, recreation and commerce, are corruptly used to win over the mind of anyone below poverty line. Fact of the matter is that your poverty, be it absolute, relative, situational, generational or urban based, is one of the main instruments used against you for standing up contra some individuals and groups.

It's no lie when they say that you should be careful in countering your vitriol enemy. And but, if you choose to go in, should prepare for whatever that may come rolling your way. Think of anything beyond your end course before proceeding with each and every step. What's your desired result post your disagreement? What to do if not realized then? How organised can your argument be? Do think about how your family may be affected by this. Fight a fight you'll be proud of.

In conclusion: know justifiably what it is exactly you're arguing for. The depth of a disagreement can be in many forms, and remember that there's no empowerment to draw out except the shaping of your bitterness should you not win it. The smart thing to do when you're in a counter position is to respect the parties in witness to edge your opponent. The verbal content should also be non-violent, vulgar free, fact packed, and beyond reproach, 'cause you have to walk away dignified.

Affording the opponent courtesy is a sign of power, maturity, and self-respect, which when combined riling the opponent to an extent of jumping out of their character. Once that done, thank them in a colloquial tone and exit their space leaving them with something to work them up more. Drop a hint and revisit it never until it's necessitated. Disagree with respect for your dignity...dp

[Truth that gives you growth]

'Life copies you, so, live your truth, nobody will lie in it' [1]. 'The only core of you is the truth' [2], and none can portray it better like you. Generally, anybody will tell you how truth is righteous but less will tell you about the honesty that's good for you, sadly. Know the secrecy behind truth and be right to its brutal rawness. Coming from there you'll see clearer in "we for me" weave and other psychological tacts played on you.

'Truth is a secret, and how confidential about it you are, the more sacred it becomes' [3]. The reason courts are ever full is because of the quest for truth, and not everyone will walk out knowing the real version to point true. The degrees of truth differ, and it's something everyone needs to accept and rely on something else in a person. Truth is a lie, it's only until proven not to be a lie, that it be a true thing.

We live in the truths of everydays and it bothers not some if there's the other open end to these everydays. To be frank, religion over sanity and spirituality over sensitivity, what completes a human with its truth? Truth is how you feel it at the end of the tunnel. Your edge of the funnel will be judged on your frankness to get to the true you. 'How you're related to your truth a sobering election between your emotions and feelings. Package your honesty, reserve the hurt to your pain' [4]. Bear in mind that with truth you can either sell yourself good or bad, as such be frugal on your truth and build around it on compound if it allows. Again, know what your truth expose of you, others or things.

In conclusion: sorry to renew your card subscription of knowledge, it's the only means I have to update your reality. Truth can also be a lie if you've no way to prove in reason your otherwise fact. In spite of all that is in the midst, give out or say the truth that gives you growth. 'There's no point absolutely of living the truth that has no bearing of benefit to your growth in who you are and what you are' [5]...dp

[1-5] by KgeleLeso

[Corporate leadership a new entertainment repertoire]

'Pray a prayer that luck by chance can hop into, not a prayer that hog doable out of its untroubled corner'[1]. Every relationship meets its growth and growth hates meeting maturity because it kills fun and freedom, that's why whenever we get serious then things start falling apart. That's exactly the reason why business leaders invests in fun team activities.

The wellness of any team spells out the relationship status with its leaders. A leader of today needs popularity tactics in order to run a well oiled machine. Gone are the praises of a rigid leader and in is the appraisal to an entertainer in the space to keep the team motivated and dedicated to the course. As a leader of this day you ought to be flexible and be enabling.

The corporate world setup isn't what it used to be, and to be reliant on business school teachings of yesteryears not going to earn you any growth. What the corporate leadership has shifted to is into performance, people-centricality charisma, and anything else that makes you visible, reachable, human enough, for both your team and your external ones. If you choose to be otherwise then your entity will choke. The day's game is about populist approach, people warm up to those.

In conclusion: the C-suit level is slowly getting reserved for attention stars, and to make the cut have to possess the new set of the day's order skills. It's no secret that for you to succeed in that space got to leave your old self in order to be the new self so as to fit. Leaders are now stars of self first before anyone in their team could be their stars.

Corporate leaders are now celebrated in social media space and if aren't in line with the wave won't catch the flow. Social media skills are more important than ever today as they are critical for your leadership success. Funny enough, this used to be applicable to certain industries and but now an influence factor. The message in the bottle is simple to get: "get with the program or risk losing position to an entertainer; nothing more and nothing less" and no in-betweener there...dp

[1] by KgeleLeso

[The odd presenter out]

'It takes a million people to build a good reputation; but it takes one stupid fool to destroy everything they’ve done….’ How disappointing! Lost? Then try figure this one out:

_This is a sad and bitter narrative about me and you

Many of our locals leave the so-called ‘small and sleepy towns’ for city life in seek of better prospects. What I ask myself though, is that, where they originate from as home, don’t they have opportunities presenting themselves or presented to those left behind? Or is it a case of small towns failing to create opportunities for their residents and for those leaving?

So, not long ago or should I say a few years back, there was a presentation for businesspersons at Lebowakgomo Civic Centre hall about opportunities that are out there for business ideas to come to life, through loans and mentorship that is. What they offered was good but not a permanent and peaceful solution for start-ups out there unfortunately. This does not mean I promote laziness or something along those lines, just that there should be other added support products other than that. What aspiring entrepreneurs lack at most is emotional intelligence, financial literacy, sound compliance guidance and self prepping programmes atop of passion and business idea before finance and mentorship.

Mentoring someone with money already in hand is a recipe for failure as the person should have been capacitated beforehand. A business depends first on the persona of its runner before all else brought to the fore. Mentorship is only effective as a side-kick support not as a core tool.

_Odd presenter out

As the presentation went on, one of the presenters uttered some somewhat disturbing words. What he said was that: “they do not give loans to immoral businesses such as brothels and taverns”. For me, that was wrong of him to say, given the platform and the setting. Please people don’t get me wrong, but in business any income generating concern is viewed as a business in spite of its model. There's absolutely no need to judge other income generating concerns, especially as a speaker from an institution that is claiming to be in the business of growing other businesses. It sent a mixed message to be real. Given the environment, the negativity was just not a welcome and he did that sans anyone on the panel correcting that of him.  

As a representative of an institution his message should be about the products they offer, their terms and conditions and criterion in a softer manner of approach, and not judge. If I am into the business of adult entertainment, should I be classified as immoral? If yes, then, what about my clientele? The same goes to the tavern owner. If you feel negative about something, as a leader you ought to have a sensitive way of sending your discomfort to those offenders sans hurting other people's feelings.

Being there in front of entrepreneurs they should be encouraging them, building their esteems and instilling the spirit of possibility, not crushing their hopes and dreams like the way that man botched them. Opportunity bringers do criticize but does so with informed pointers that leave opportunity seekers with an angle to work around.

It was not all bad as other presenters gave good presentations albeit with dodgy answers to some important posed questions. What some felt was that they did not prepare enough for the presentation but thankful yet for having taken the initiative to come and inform them of their presence in the province and what they had to offer.

In conclusion: it takes a million lives to gather respect you deserve_when people see your kind, some of them would run a mile…’ the late Reggae icon Lucky Dube said in his song “Teach the world”. This is directed to the odd presenter out who got too comfortable after being lended some ears and ended up almost ruining his organization’s good name and intentions. I'm thinking of him because of the situation governments the world over are finding themselves in, joblessness stats keep rising whilst solutions aren't coming in fast enough to counter the scourge. Please treat those employment creators with the level of respect and courtesy they deserve. Funders, teach your representatives right, to make them spread the message of alive with posibilities further...dp