Time and again, most of us only hear about bespoke, we
actually don’t know the feeling of it. In truest application, bespoke is rarely
enjoyed as it’s for the select few who have endowed pockets, to put it bluntly;
whereas luxury is a tailored feeling, an experience personalized, looking
special, and made to civilly know who you are individually in nestled flippancy
of expansive opulence. Bespoke is you, by them, for you; bespoke is cut out of
what you’ve carved of self in the epitome shape of success.
The world is divided in two living standards, the have nots
and the haves, and there’s nothing we can do about it in that it’s either you
have or have not, and that not referring to sole confines of corporeal material
things but also to intellect and your whole being, in that you have to think in
gross and exude net opportune levity. As a person, you have to exist in one
category and unfortunately if you fall into the majority are living a languid
default type of life cast. Anything minority is exclusive, aspirational and
treated as elite, and so should you be.
Having money is known by everyone but not enjoyed by just
anyone. When you have money, you go through life laps in different lanes
unfamiliar as others. The refined unfairness of life to the have nots is the
discomforting fact that the moneyed pay less for leverage because they pay more
for benefit, thus they’re made to experience their uphill status. Convenience,
dignity, privilege, all fall from the basket filled with choice for the
moneyed, reason simply being that they aren’t many and are easier to manage.
What they get accustomed to is specificity that’s answered with
attention-to-detail volume of diaphanous courtesy by custodians of luxury. In
an expensive nutshell, luxury is an investment in premium objects of desire
that’re purely targeted at a specific number and type of individuals with high
return margins assurance. Luxury is a soft discrimination that offers ethereal
safety to the haves because it knows class and market, and to those who knows
it, luxury is an open highway statement of affluence. Trust me, to know it in
feel of, you just have to attain it.
If are ever to be that lucky to be important for any brand,
know you’ve made a mark. It’s not common for a brand to know you by name and do
a product with you specifically in their minds. It takes purchasing power to
make such happen to your life, and that’s bespoke. There’s no need to chain
yourself around certain people as it’ll only deprive you the chance to enjoy
your own degree of luxury. Bespoke is about you bringing out yourself and
expressed through an object of desire to make it extraordinarily a
representation of you. Luxury is about value, and bespoke is about price, so,
uncloak your blinded self to rarity.
In conclusion: luxury is when your health matters to the
feeling provider and the stakeholder of experience, for them losing you an
expensive grind to article. Bespoke is about priced quality that makes you be
taken serious, being respected enough to be listened to, being given
preferential access, being a priority to others, and being followed out of
their own interest for the comfort of your impression to their gain. Luxury is
time in your sheer power, luxury is surreal taste acquired, luxury is ability
to possess high-ends, luxury is what you leave behind, and luxury is everything
you are that’s not everyone, because luxury is celebrated, and so is anything
that we’re not yet wish for. Be the reflection of hope and desire, luxury
doesn’t go beyond that in most at times; hence bespoke is luxury
re-experienced, just that the bottom-line is, not all of us can afford it...dp