[Empty-handed opportunity bringer]

Before polishing diamonds and golds, hone the skill of how to sell them than connection of whom to sell to; connections are limited unlike information of the know-how on market creation[1]. Many a times people mistake the dimension opportunity is. Truth is, it takes factors of market gap or availability, product or good, and an enabler resource. There may be other factors that I may be not knowing or aware of due to my limited knowledge, but that’s far I went in my path. And, the three when combined creates an opportunity before we dissect it.

To size the chase to nil, opportunity is thought to be from one side and that’s a wrong view to it. I often hear that an opportunity bringer is labelled in limitation to those with an enabler resource, but what should be known is that even one with a market access is an opportunity bringer and same is for someone with a viable idea mated to a feasible plan. Equal as sweat equity, there’s an empty-handed opportunity that gets presented to opportunity seekers who’re risk takers with financial means and those with access for market to make it a success. That notion of money buys opportunity can no longer roam alone in that nowadays it’s also about what to do after money bought opportunity and that of opportunity chooses money.

How opportunity is of late, a matter no longer of where you come from. The beauty of it is that on the one hand we now have those with enabler resources fighting for an idea to breathe life into and on the other be that the opportunity bearer sifts between potential prospects to see whom will be a suitable fit to their plan, it’s no longer the position of enablers choosing over idea bringers to invest in. Times have changed and we need to embrace the shake of the resistant status quo.

Help comes in many ways and so does opportunity. What now is left to be tackled is how to work out the equity structuring as it’ll be that the idea bearer might be having a good idea plan but be it that they lack the necessary experience to make success of it. But again, such could be cushioned by formulation of a growth plan from the minute resources are availed. Also, the sweat equity will become part of the balancing act to offset the founding capital. It shows that if you’re having a good relation map, this will work just fine sans any petty hindrances that sometimes arise in some of such transactions. To get this right from inception is an indication of what’s to be achieved in future, and that possible if there be mutual respect and understanding of factual circumstances from each party’s side, and all will fall away and a success story be penned.

In conclusion: a person coming into the space of business with no consideration passel to put down and but with a bankable idea is deserving of the same respect and treatment afforded to the one with financial means, as with that idea risked on, what they have can be back in compounded multitudes. It’s now a new day in wealth creation, the train of revenue generation has embarked on a rail that’s extended to accommodate different stream sizes unlike it’s been before, as such have to be on time for catch up to avoid overrunning the income platform. Money alone is no longer important, as now also is the idea and its quality of choice in partnering. Both the opportunity bringer and the opportunity seeker should be clear of the deal they want from the onset prior to engaging the other in order to negotiate in a spirited good faith, and build on a solid foundation. The best thing to do from inception is knowing the quantum worth of your opportunity and your sole value in it if you’re an empty-handed opportunity bringer, that’s the start to the end of everything today...dp

[1] by KgeleLeso


[A nation of lazies]

I recall one old woman saying to her lazy daughter that: "you know my girl, day will come when cleaning will be a highly sought after job, and you will never get that opportunity to be one. Treasure this broom and you'll thank me later. So, start today with your father's house to ready yourself while I'm still alive". But then, it was like she was talking to herself.

If a person is lazy like that, what kind of a parent or leader would they make? A bad leader's character is of such makings. In future there's definitely going to be a new breed of leaders whom are busy readying themselves for today's inexistent  industries or not getting the attention they will receive then. It's true what the old woman was saying because it's that time now. A cleaner's job is a dignified position of late in some economies.

Had the old woman's daughter looked at cleaning the house not as a boring chore but as an opportunity to learn a skill, maybe she'd have been owning a cleaning company by now and be bidding for contracts for entities that may be in need of such services. Her failure to see what her mother saw had cost her. Lack of foresight doesn't reward positively.

The challenge the world's economies are facing today is lack of foresight by not only the upcoming generation but also leaders we entrusted with governing us. The level of their vision lack is truly a worrisome affair. Having someone lead in today's world but with yesterday goals and objectives is the reason we're going nowhere fast. The changes of today are supposed to have been foreseen from yesterday, and there wouldn't be untried and baseless reactionary answers to challenges like it's the case of late. None had seen the broom the way the old woman looked at it.

In conclusion: how many predictions had visionaries painted to us but hitting walls of ignorance? Innovative solutions were borne out of such ideas by those who heeded. The world is a mess because we were lazy to think. Entertainment industry is booming today because stress levels are high and, singing, dancing, viewing and betting are quick relievers. People are escaping from reality through alcohol and narcotics, some to makeshift churches, with the hope that someone will think about something and rescue their situations, but why not they be the very minds coming up with those solutions? We are busy breeding a nation of lazies and nothing is done to move them away from that danger...dp

[Worthy to value your year]

If emotions were to kick feelings out, will there still be a point to acknowledge pain or happiness? I don't know what to make of that question, but I just treated it as a statement. For me, it all whisper a brittle sentiment in soft whistles. But then, the year has reached its fold and in ushers the new one.

Anew, it gives 365 days or a day extra if a leap year, and what everyone ought to ask self is what have they done with all those days passed in the current year prior to stepping into the new one. We all have resolutions, we swear to do this or that, we ask for things in our lives, we make promises, and all these are tied to the 12 months we have, pity it almost every year repeat itself that we fail to keep to them. For me, after having had many failures to my resolutions, swears, promises, and requests, told myself to from that year work on intra-month plan than I used to over a year.

I don't work on what I have to achieve, no, I work with what is ready to advance my course. Since I did so, my life has less self-blames from disappointments of not achieving targets. I simply look at what I want to do and formulate its strategy and follow its response to my attempts at success on it. I've learnt to cease being hard on myself. Practicing self-protection for avoidance of being harsh at self has helped grow my perspective on viewing a year, opportunity, surrender, worth and value, and saw loss as a lesson and a fail as a chance for a better start after a false one. I'm now gentle to myself.

Naturally, we measure our timeline of life in years, but what if we look at it on what you succeeded in rather? Instead of saying I turned 30 this be that in 2021I managed to be successful in achieving this and that. Day by day, putting year to our age is busy getting eroded. And, that if be done, will give you your worth in a particular year and your value will keep growing per your success. Let's redefine the way we count our years.

In conclusion: it's hard to stick to yearly resolutions, promises, requests, swears, and the likes, but easier to stick to your dream. What you need is just fuel that with build-up successes to your end goal. Then, what if you achieve all your goals before tear end? We never anticipate that because we already see it as undoable.  What's important is your review of self-worth to the end goal and the value you put in self to advanced opportunities, for it's sad to be extending resolutions year after year. Work on the progression you want with the material you are, hence it's vital to keep working at self-growth. Your time in a year matters, and even more is what you mean to your each day given in it, make it worth the value you are in it... dp

[The leader in command]

Some people are good at running a business but not managing people. The thought of having a certain type of an individual being a leader leaves one with bile strolling through their veins as they just don't have what it takes. Leadership is about charisma, people-centricality, presence, vision, and system before other aspects.

Leadership is a chance that you get to turn and make it what the desired result can mate for the outcome expected from your position. You have to influence good over evil, spread the spirit of unconditional care and uncontroversial support. It's about relying on facts more than opinions. Truths like "those who make early promises, barely keep them" and "position yourself before possessions" else "leadership can lead to crisis if lead with chaos"; should roam in your head all the time as it's a territory marked by mantras and mottos. And bear in mind that 'it never take a group, but you alone to lead the group' [1]. 'You don't need affirmation, you give it decisively, because you're a leader, but if you look back, it's your miss' [2]. Take your place for it's not about second in lead, but rather second in command.

A position of leadership presents to you either by fortuity or per plan, a causal for a chapter in your life that fulfill a mandate to the main goal or one of your set  targets. What you achieve should be not for your individual claim by shame, be rather bold about every victory no matter its irrelevance to the other who matters less, for it's a game of impressions to ones who matters. Leadership is about the team singing your praises as an individual. Your leadership style is your first stamp of individuality, it's key to instilling culture in the team.

As the head of the house, be prepared to be firm, listened to, followed, and feared by some at times, and that's on the positive side, then on the negative side be harsh because of being challenged, disrespected, ignored, and talked bad about. It all but depends on the level of your position in lead. If you're an incumbent you're mostly going to struggle in that you'll be reporting to the nexts whom may be the ones causing you the drama.

It might sound as if being an incumbent leader is tough, but it's not, thing is it's easy for them to detach themselves sans any consequences unlike in the case of an attached leader. Leading what you own is hard. Truth is, pressure of failure by you is more than thrice in that a fail means you're losing a part of your worth and lifelong livelihood. Try creating spaces of comfort and breath there. The stress that goes with leadership as an owner is unmatched with anything, it's so hard as expectations are higher than with an incumbent leader. It still though not say you shouldn't try it. The thrill that goes with leadership as an owner outdo many adrenaline rushes, and rewards.

In conclusion: 'if they want a leader, be the class of a leader they deserve; if they demand a commander, be that kind of a commander it befits. But if wants both, be a leader in command' [3]. Be never ashamed of doing that with patience, dedication, parity and passion. In business you have to be good at running an entity and managing people, and but possible that you may not be successful at doing both, so, be not good but excellent in either the one you choose because 'leadership is a struggle of equitable balance, and wherever you are planted, the leader in you will show' [4],,,so, let's see yours...dp

[1, 2, 3 & 4] by KgeleLeso

[Liberate your thinking]

To think in boxes spoils the thought tank, and how much it takes to restore the waste of used reserves a river to back-fill. How people view liberation an ignorance begging for a full course in liberty management. Free reign attracts to you the same crowd as the blank cheque spenders, the type that just don't know how to make of trust in them to do right and know what's enough for their value.

Give someone a blank cheque for them to use and you'll see, or tell them they've got free reign to do as they see fit and the results will knock you out for a week. With choice you need to be of sober mind as you need experienced emotions to feel the spirit of the giver. Think with all angles checked, and you'll never mess with any heart.

Learn to be more with logic and reason with your conscience, then you'll feel free being in your character. The person you are is judged by the thoughts they put to action. The beautiful thing about opening up your mind is coming up with big ideas that frees up your mental block. Nothing is as good as using your head freely. Ideas are borne out of being in a space that's allowing you to be your best of self.

In conclusion: liberty is responsive to any taker, and it goes against nothing. Be it that the taker is a user or an abuser, it obliges without saying, and that's what worries about it. True sense of liberation is responsibility, accountability, transparency, and honesty. Liberty is power, and what you think and do with that power is absolutely up to you. If you think freely of any bounds, favour or fear, you gain respect for your individuality and independence.

Liberation in thought processing is a bit of a challenge to those who finds it hard to be themselves enough. Compare your thoughts never but benchmark your acts to gauge how far your thinking is. Just be, unlock your power to think, that's then you'll fully unleash the potential laid within your greatness. With a good clean mind, thinking can be fun. Unclutter your head and the mind will think better. Just empower yourself for none'll do so for you if aren't free enough to recognise your liberty to be and do you for you as you. The new struggle is for free thinking...dp

[Approach on opportunity attraction]

It takes years of hard work for others to be wishing and dreaming of you as an ally, associate or partner. For people to be like that around you, takes a serious achievement. What every person gets attracted to is who you are, whom you associate with, what you are, where you make your living, your mobility mode, and other statement making things of status. But what they all forget is that those things they’re attracted to are yours and in no way will they be theirs unless through joint arrangement like marriage, partnership or co-ownership, and such aren’t easy and not applicable for just about anyone.

Being cool by association can be equated to entitlement and faking it till you make it. Being close to someone who’s made it doesn’t tend to benefit you in most cases as the one may be keeping you near them for something you do for them that’s profitable to them, or for recreational purpose, or for security purpose, but whatever it may be, it is against what you’re after. It’s sad to be telling someone about a business idea you have and have them tell you to stop joking, it says explicitly that they don’t take you serious and have none other than yourself to blame. How you approach a person of interest or of value to you, should be direct and not be any other way. You find someone go to an opportunity bringer while they reek of narcotics or alcohol and expect to be taken serious and listened to, or be that you have too long around such a person and after they read your weaknesses be then thinking about talking business with them, no, that won’t work at all.

What opportunity seekers should learn is that the best time to talk business is when nothing about you is known and have the opportunity bringer be after your profile, not any other way. Be interesting, not too much. Don’t take an opportunity bringer to your floozies and be star struck and expect to be saying anything worth listening to after. Be organized, presentable and if be in what you’re working with the better as it shows you mean business. Why should you go meet an opportunity bringer with ties because you’re ashamed of the overalls you don when you’re on the tractor with or working that gearbox with? Proposing business is about more what you are before whom you are, so let it come forth first.

Sad seeing some spending more than they could afford so as to be seen as all that for impression, or spending so they could court their target, and but that not working all the time in that what you’ll be saying shouldn’t present a mismatch from your act. Appearing cool needs to be sustained and that’s costly. When you are in seek of assistance, just be frank and unapologetically go after it. Being cool by association won’t help as you may mention some names and piss your opportunity bringer with people who won’t even do anything for you. State your case and be judged upon that.

In conclusion: if go in first time as a funny man you’ll be making an impression that you’re that stress reliever and forget about any money to you about anything serious beyond that, and that’s the nature of business. Be careful of how your presentation is to people all the time. It looks good being in the company of achievers but your behaviour is key in how they see you because they’ll only want to do something with you only if you prove to be worth their risk. Also, lying with unsustainable truths not worth the impression put on. Being with them doesn’t automatically say they’ll assist you, and you telling them to do for you and throwing tantrums after their failure an own goal too. Stick with your first presentation and die with it else you’ll be viewed in a bad light and that’s worse than keeping quiet with your aspirations...dp  

[Ordinary citizenry]

Words like “ordinary man on the street” and “ordinary citizens” bore me to perishable state. I don’t know about you, but as for me, anyone using them and still be calling themselves a leader is a worry to note. Thing is, ordinary refers to deficient quality, inferior, average, and all other uninteresting meanings that actually demean and belittle those they address.

What this translates to, is that the one calling others ordinary is extraordinary and important, hence they be driven in escorted blue lights and guarded in almost all spaces they occupy to show us they aren’t like others. In case you’re wondering, on this one I’m addressing politicians. Something they should underline in bold is that those in business aren’t ordinary, and that they’re even more important than them who sustain their lifestyles through worn out rhetoric and empty promises. Newsflash is: “below ordinary is where you’re slotted.”

The sad reality is that the very citizens you belittle are finding themselves in positions they are because of your below average thinking and reasoning capacities. It breaks my heart witnessing how you fail yet haemorrhage taxpayers’ money with poor decisions taken. Thing is, with politics there’s no calculated moves because accountability is a foreign misconstrued conception by the ordinaries ruled over. It’s a very sad and sorry episode to be in and having no power because some of the ordinary elements fight from dawn to dusk for their allegiance to them. 

Ordinary isn’t a usual in the world of business because the cost of a miscalculation is accounted for and punishable unlike with the below average bleeders of governance in lead. Anyone who accepts they’re ordinary should take another look at themselves and think again. Saying you’re ordinary is a mockery to your bearer and creator. Think of your fingerprint, everyone’s is unique to show you that you’re not ordinary. If we were ordinary, then we would’ve seen by intellect, your thoughts should be poorer to the myriad of hoarded political leaders shelved in many parliaments of this world.

In conclusion: don’t conform to preconceived standards that you’re shoved with via media, you’re an exceptional being that is manipulated to see and think of self as below great that you are, never allow that. Judge yourself by your ideas and skills, and you’ll realize how unmatched by them you are. Put your head up for you’re better in an extraordinary way, as an exceptional being doing extraordinary things ordinarily...dp