I recall one old woman saying to her lazy daughter that: "you know my girl, day will come when cleaning will be a highly sought after job, and you will never get that opportunity to be one. Treasure this broom and you'll thank me later. So, start today with your father's house to ready yourself while I'm still alive". But then, it was like she was talking to herself.
If a person is lazy like that, what kind of a parent or leader would they make? A bad leader's character is of such makings. In future there's definitely going to be a new breed of leaders whom are busy readying themselves for today's inexistent industries or not getting the attention they will receive then. It's true what the old woman was saying because it's that time now. A cleaner's job is a dignified position of late in some economies.
Had the old woman's daughter looked at cleaning the house not as a boring chore but as an opportunity to learn a skill, maybe she'd have been owning a cleaning company by now and be bidding for contracts for entities that may be in need of such services. Her failure to see what her mother saw had cost her. Lack of foresight doesn't reward positively.
The challenge the world's economies are facing today is lack of foresight by not only the upcoming generation but also leaders we entrusted with governing us. The level of their vision lack is truly a worrisome affair. Having someone lead in today's world but with yesterday goals and objectives is the reason we're going nowhere fast. The changes of today are supposed to have been foreseen from yesterday, and there wouldn't be untried and baseless reactionary answers to challenges like it's the case of late. None had seen the broom the way the old woman looked at it.
In conclusion: how many predictions had visionaries painted to us but hitting walls of ignorance? Innovative solutions were borne out of such ideas by those who heeded. The world is a mess because we were lazy to think. Entertainment industry is booming today because stress levels are high and, singing, dancing, viewing and betting are quick relievers. People are escaping from reality through alcohol and narcotics, some to makeshift churches, with the hope that someone will think about something and rescue their situations, but why not they be the very minds coming up with those solutions? We are busy breeding a nation of lazies and nothing is done to move them away from that danger...dp
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