[Too real to be true]

Ever been in a space where you are told that you are not the person you claim to be? Ask me, I know that and its feeling, and frankly it happens to some achievers not so like me. As for me, it’s a case of having to show proof first and but still be doubted.

I want to say something that I know a lot will never beg to differ with me but rather argue the view I have on the subject matter. What I would like to point out though might seem to be out of topic which is the fact that I being a Gemini has a lot to do with my thinking differed from an average somebody. Those born under this zodiac sign possess high levels of creative thinking, writing and speaking. The Geminis’ are natural communicators.

Back to the topic at hand; it’s baffling to be told that you are not who you are. The issue is many a times people fail to separate the who you are from the what you are. For argument sake, one may be an inventor of something phenomenal as a qualified developer or technician, that’s the what part of their being that is done via their academic capabilities, and then next be that ordinary chap you meet on the queue at the supermarket. When somebody asks them whether they know the inventor of that product and be telling them they do know the person and that they have in fact met that person it be a case that they don't believe it. Worse will be when they blurt it out that they're the person behind the name. The trouble starts when you are mated to the what you are as the person may at most be surprised at that in that you don’t fit the good that you do as what you are versus as who you are.

A lot of people tend to build personas of us in their minds only to be disturbed by the truth that comes as a shock to them once introduced to the real person. Thing is, the persona always is a bigger and better thought of being and not the simple person presented to them.

It’s laughable the things we see in people’s reactions to knowing us at times. How they behave a killer all the time. One’s body frame, ethnicity, upbringing story, together with other man’s defining features do not conclude a thing about a person, and best we just remain open minded about people as they are sans building personas in our heads. Once that gets out of the way people will learn to respect and appreciate one another beyond any negativity attached, and start to judge people and their things on merit.

In conclusion: any person whether on high, mid or low profile ought to be seen as a person like you. What may differentiate us may be our levels of achievements but that doesn’t say we are deities. See my humanness raw as I am same as you and you’ll be able to engage with me, them and others who achieved better than you. Give me the very eye you did before put in the know of my profile asame after that. Chances are that I might be better an achiever to you but be of lesser to another, and to me there're those whom I do give my respect and appreciation for what they have achieved sans comparing myself to them. Do same, compare never yourself with others but benchmark through them, and if it happens to be me you're benchmarking with, don't treat me as if I'm too real to be me should we ever get to engage. Treat me like the human I am and I'll too act same in return treating you as human, for it's a career that happens to be putting me in the spotlight and nothing more to it...dp

[The approval burden]

Time flies when you're having fun, and so it does when you seek approval. Nothing is as painful as seeking approval from someone who doesn't give a damn about you and your efforts. This happens a lot when you're in business. Businesspeople seek approval from anyone they deem a target audience, or a prospective partner, or potential stakeholder, and that a stressful situation to find selves in.

Being a beggar is hard and many in business do that all day everyday without realizing it. When you seek approval, you literally are begging from whomever that it is you're casting your net upon. It's hard in that position we all know. It's but better when you're targeting someone who has been there before and appreciative of your efforts as it makes it easier a bit.

There's something discouraging about approval at times and that is meeting the requirements at their maximum, yet be not given favourable acceptance. Approval ain't automatic, it depends on the approver all the time and that's what's unfair about it. After that, then comes the danger of going after everyone's concurrence. Doing that has never lit any candle to its finish though, a classic example is that of the lesson of an old man and his donkey. A blanket approach in approval not achievable, hence you need your own bin size to put your lid on with ease. Even if it's 17 out of 100 in a group it's still fine, the golden gate leads to the highway bridge and however you cruise to it, what matters is the gain point which is the end goal.

Approval needs discipline, know where to start and where to stop. Weigh your prospects first before committal. True thing about seeking approval is that if it be on the same thing over a long time it becomes a bore to point out its justification as it makes one look weak. I stand corrected on the fact that when you seek approval, do so still in check of your dignity, otherwise you'll be disrespected.

In conclusion: whether you're rich or poor, seeking approval touches you. Be it in family and friends or business or society, how they respond to your sought desire a result of their own that you need to respect and live with in that it won't be of favour to you always. Approval is a house divider, be careful to accept that. And do remember that as much as it's hard for you to impress the party of interest, same is the burden on the party of interest to give approval for you...dp

[The spice to any common relationship]

What are your relationships based on? Are they based on family and general life matters, or money making plans, or auld lang syne, on marital problems or on what? I hear a lot of guys I meet of late are basing their relationships on money and connection opportunities only, but is it what life is only about, money?

Growing up means more responsibilities we all know but not all responsibilities are financially demanding. We miss the good things life offers because of being rewired to worship of money. Even if we can talk about money, there're still some pointers to touch on that aren't money related like health, family relations, best malted quaff, and other acquired tastes, to keep the relationship interesting and sustainable.

Befriending someone has to be on the back of something but it just can't be on one aspect of life, unless you're business partners who meet occasionally or a relationship of that sort. Question is, what's your small talk or ice breakers about, it's just impossible. Let's advice one another on what's sounding and good for growth not on statements that in future we'll be arguing about context to content as doing so counterintuitive. Say what's practical and doable to build me not destroy me.

In conclusion: tell me rather that let's have our relationship based on progress in all fronts of life, for that says to me that we'll share skills, life lessons and money making plans. The spice for any relationship is variety and spontaneity, so is with common relationships because you just can't sustain a single subjected relationship as it becomes stale in the long run. If you don't want us to go down that lane, best you cut me and I'll be still fine with it 'cause Malachi's day will soon reach your vicinity...dp

[Modern global village]

The internet is a global village. A few good years back it was a challenge to be in touch with people overseas and those far from us. Meeting new people was a face to face exercise that cost an arm and a leg for some to achieve in that you had to arrange for a meet up that would be lengthy as the letters preceding that were never fully expressive enough. You had to make a boon out of every meeting, thus tiring.

Forward to today, we connect with almost anyone and everyone who is connected on the grid. We can't rule out the telephone as it used to do and still do to date, but it was to at most with people already made contact with off the grid. Now with the internet we make friends and enemies online, create relations online that few of make it to the offline and learn massively about ourselves, others and things. The internet is a global medium that depends on what you want out of.

Though there are dangers to it, equally or mostly so are the benefits. With the internet we meet bizpartners, friends, family, assistants, celebrities and colleagues, whilst again we meet bullies, fraudsters, enemies and other negative soles roaming the space. It but not mean we need to be against the activities in its zones. The internet is a phenomenal platform that goes to how we see gaps to explore and exploit, success to grab, and future prospection in what one does. It's not a secret we go to the internet for various reasons and we come back either satisfied or disappointed for what we wanted out.

In conclusion: it came with opportunities for career, education, entertainment, engagement, and addiction, things that all are either of distraction to mind and corruption of soul, or reward to curiosity and growth of sole, hence it's aim to be all things to everyone. The internet has improved the quality of life in many ways and but also eroded the quality of morality, depending on where you are positioned.

Nations are together because of it as they again are scattered because of it via the consumed content we feed on sans ever questioning it. Periodicals and teleliesed vision made damage but with the internet the rabbit has gone too fatter for its hole. What we need to do is treat it with care it deserves as we don't respect it as a medium, the reason we're in this situation. But I say, the same way damage got inflicted through it, reversal thereof a retro motion of that. In other words, I mean we can control how we consume content by learning to be cautious of it. Let's share responsibly and as a global society can co-exist in this phenomenal global village that keeps modernised with intrinsic complexity...dp

[Don't plan in locks]

Behind every winner, there’s a good team at the back. Also, after every bad storm comes good verdure. Success a good result that but is hard to harbour all the time, so I heard. This meaning that it should be always celebrated.

I used to have a friend who has sadly decided to end his days with us shortly after having had rapid success in his small business. With disdain you may shook your head but he truly saw it best to exit in that fashion unfortunately. The reason he did so is somewhat still puzzling to be honest with you I must note.

While it’s what we all wish for in our different endeavours, but successive wins becomes rather a bore to some so I reckon since his fast forwarded passing. My good friend felt that he achieved every goal he wished to attain too early and as such had no more desire to starting a new project and push for more success with. Hard to believe I know ‘cause I too say it but still in disbelief I tell you.

It’s true that no two people are same even if can have same dreams. What the guy had was he made the perfect mistake of assembling one of the best ever teams one can wish for in their establishments, and that’s the cause of his demise.

His team took his start-up to levels he never thought he’d get to in such short a space of time. It’s like having drafted your growth plan and spread out in period of bi-decade only to achieve the growth in just a year and a quarter of it. Given such a situation, what will you too do? Well, unfortunately for him he chose suicide.

My bone of contention here is just that we need to plan out of locks. What this means is that never close your plan. In so saying, pointing to the fact that you don’t have to limit your vision and but give it allowance for a surpass of your expectations. If you do so you will have room to plan further your growth path should such an eventuality occur.

What my deceased friend failed to do was to go back to his team and discuss an extension of his executive vision and saw it fit to leave it at that as it was his shine and not of his team. This is a common mistake many business owners make, by wanting to own the business and all its successes.

Had he realized earlier that his business, not withstanding it being his baby, that it was no more about him and his ego alone, had he gone from strength to strength. Again to make matters worse for him was that his success challenged him to beat his current model and had no nerve in him to innovate. Businesspersons, please be passionate about innovation equally as being deadbeat about strategizing for healthy bottom lines.

Being it a bit of a crisis of its sort, rapid growth success a bad storm that needs calm heads to control and but sadly needing you to figure that one out. Bear in mind that if it’s overwhelming to you, can always step aside and let your capable team take over; something my friend should’ve done.  A team never plan with closed brackets, a team churn out open, dimensional and better detailed plans. 

In conclusion: they say: 'turnover is vanity, and profit is sanity' [1]; and I say: “one head a winner, and team a success”, and so should your attitude. Share your vision and achievements with your team. Truth is that the winning formula for many winners lie with their teams, hence their mention in speeches about thanking those collective soles. Come on, do same as they...dp 

[1] by KgeleLeso


[We all are cultists]

A cult is a narrow movement based on religion, activity, philosophy or belief above individual rights, they say. To me, that's the negative connotation to it. For half of it I agree and to a fuller degree disagree. To a cult there're elements that co-exist to complete it as a movement and they're nomenclature, central subject, leadership, recruitment, norms and control.

In marketing and branding, cult following is a staple topic which makes me safely say we all are cult followers at some point in our lives. For some it's in their art collection, others be artilleries, some in apparels, food, music, films and many more categories. Some people relate to you on basis of culture, religion, status, sports, etc, and that too is cultish.

It's laughable how people see and treat the thought of the word as taboo, citing rituals and sacrifices. Pointing fingers feels good yet they pray and fast for worldly possessions and positions, and that is the core ritual (praying) and sacrificing (fasting). You find someone blaming brand idolatry but they themselves doing same with possessions, or worse be that they too are being celebrated for doing what they do in their lives. Every product in the market is there for its shine and fighting for a piece of action in the cult sect.

Sometimes we need to look into what we do before we say in judge of others and their ways. The bad they do in our eyes may turn out to be better in factor of what we too do. Saying bad about something already says bad about you. Have a code you live by for your chorus of life, and let others live theirs and you'll see how easy your path will be. Truth is, cult following is real and fake is you failing to acknowledge your own allegiance to the one you're ascribed to.

In conclusion: we all have something that we can't do without and sadly saying it all the time. There're topics that we partake in and be defending someone else's something, that we follow and or like for whatever reason. When you think of how it feels when others talk it down or in dismiss of, don't you think it's too part of the movement those in marketing had planned all along? Through the blinding effect of brand loyalty, we all are cultists no matter how you look at it, what we differ in is for what we are in too deep...dp

[Finding solutions collectively]

Throw that stone at that police van, burn tyres and barricade the streets, loot the shops, vandalize all else that belongs to the state; that’s how they will listen to us people on the ground!! Is that really the solution? Don’t know about you, but it ain’t it.

Every day we witness protests on different issues at various levels. What we do not ask ourselves is whether what we do is the right way of making the leadership listen to us or not, and if not, how to do it. I guess, given the status quo, we ought to see things in a different light.

But then, who is to blame? I point a finger at both sides of the fence. Thing is, our local councillors are not doing enough in terms of touching base with the communities they are serving on a regular basis if not at all. Most of us see them before elections and after winning elections see them during celebrations driving shiny heavy artilleries and us left out in the cold thereafter. Thus, the root cause of mass disgruntled behaviour.

On the other hand, those who are at the forefront of the protesters are too to blame in that they at most are not organized. Throwing our eyes here in our own backyard, we experienced  same just recently. The leaders of the concerned communities or concerned groups need to be more informed of the aspects of collective solution finding.

If only our concerned community leaders can learn to form structures that are for the sole purpose of addressing burning issues of the community can we then get it right. Instead of botching our rights exercising, we will be able to follow procedure sans violence.

What we need is to have active Community Advisory Committees for each community to engage local leadership through. I believe each community back then used to have one here in South Africa. In case one may be wandering as to how it will work, here is where we invite those individuals with knowledge in any sphere that affect the community and have them seat on the representative panel as their mouthpiece in addressing their greviances and coming with solutions collectively with the local council. The committee can have a business person, a church leader, a public relations expert, a police officer, etc, who are from the community. None of them should be a politician in order to avoid bias attitude by some due to political allegiance.

A structure of this nature will be helpful as it will have a group of influential people who will advice the community leaders and also assist in facilitating speedy solutions to thorny issues relating to community servicing.

With a Community Advisory Committee or should I say (CAC) to shorten it, the community will benefit immensely. Remember, “mpshiri o tee, ga o lle”, (one bangel doesn’t sound) [1] and that better summing it up. Guess what!! This saying is quoted from the former Lebowa government code of arms, even though then they used it vice versa to divide us.

In conclusion: people, let us think and act in a new way that our offsprings will respect us eternally. Let’s set a good example for other countries as well. Let’s resolve our issues in a manner that is dignified, informed and commendable. In numbers, let’s act with direction to undo the regrettable aftermath of the violent protest mentality. Truth is, 'if short cuts don’t deliver good results, concentrate on finding smart cuts' [2]...dp

[1] by Unknown

[2] by KgeleLeso