[Don't plan in locks]

Behind every winner, there’s a good team at the back. Also, after every bad storm comes good verdure. Success a good result that but is hard to harbour all the time, so I heard. This meaning that it should be always celebrated.

I used to have a friend who has sadly decided to end his days with us shortly after having had rapid success in his small business. With disdain you may shook your head but he truly saw it best to exit in that fashion unfortunately. The reason he did so is somewhat still puzzling to be honest with you I must note.

While it’s what we all wish for in our different endeavours, but successive wins becomes rather a bore to some so I reckon since his fast forwarded passing. My good friend felt that he achieved every goal he wished to attain too early and as such had no more desire to starting a new project and push for more success with. Hard to believe I know ‘cause I too say it but still in disbelief I tell you.

It’s true that no two people are same even if can have same dreams. What the guy had was he made the perfect mistake of assembling one of the best ever teams one can wish for in their establishments, and that’s the cause of his demise.

His team took his start-up to levels he never thought he’d get to in such short a space of time. It’s like having drafted your growth plan and spread out in period of bi-decade only to achieve the growth in just a year and a quarter of it. Given such a situation, what will you too do? Well, unfortunately for him he chose suicide.

My bone of contention here is just that we need to plan out of locks. What this means is that never close your plan. In so saying, pointing to the fact that you don’t have to limit your vision and but give it allowance for a surpass of your expectations. If you do so you will have room to plan further your growth path should such an eventuality occur.

What my deceased friend failed to do was to go back to his team and discuss an extension of his executive vision and saw it fit to leave it at that as it was his shine and not of his team. This is a common mistake many business owners make, by wanting to own the business and all its successes.

Had he realized earlier that his business, not withstanding it being his baby, that it was no more about him and his ego alone, had he gone from strength to strength. Again to make matters worse for him was that his success challenged him to beat his current model and had no nerve in him to innovate. Businesspersons, please be passionate about innovation equally as being deadbeat about strategizing for healthy bottom lines.

Being it a bit of a crisis of its sort, rapid growth success a bad storm that needs calm heads to control and but sadly needing you to figure that one out. Bear in mind that if it’s overwhelming to you, can always step aside and let your capable team take over; something my friend should’ve done.  A team never plan with closed brackets, a team churn out open, dimensional and better detailed plans. 

In conclusion: they say: 'turnover is vanity, and profit is sanity' [1]; and I say: “one head a winner, and team a success”, and so should your attitude. Share your vision and achievements with your team. Truth is that the winning formula for many winners lie with their teams, hence their mention in speeches about thanking those collective soles. Come on, do same as they...dp 

[1] by KgeleLeso


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