'A great leader is led, and a good leader leads' [1]. I sometimes wonder if it takes a leader or a follower to make a success of a dream. This again can be questioned about labourers and shareholders, on who is more important when it comes to the company valuation. There's balance in value, but nothing is surely equal.
What we fail to recognize at times is that the vision bearers and executives are leaders who are drivers of market trends that are but in answering to your calls of challenge. They'd be creative with solutions to that identified challenge as a gap of opportunity. A company may be the best seller of a specific product, but that comes after conducting both feasibility and viability study; a research based on a possible solution for your problem or challenge. Only a qualitative leader will know and direct the stakeholders on the company's move as per the results, timing and placement of the product. What's big and difficult about leadership is decision making and taking.
Leaders are bold and daring, and that are the requirements above all. The hardest thing to do in leadership is doing the right thing even in the absence of everyone. Being a leader is a builder and a breaker of character in that if you go in before your time can break you if aren't the type that adapts and pace to the rhythm of any industry's pulse, but a builder if aren't that breakable type. One myth that terrified a lot about leading is that you have to be fast but that's not true. You need to be quick in sight, thought and judgement, but not in action all the time. The aim is less retakes for a solid repute.
A leader knows what to say and when to say it to whomever they say it to, as you may win or lose favour by how you say it. I remember one investor telling someone that: "if only I could switch you for someone else for your idea and business, but unfortunately I can't, as such I won't invest on your self-doubt". A leader should learn the art of conversing, not marketing as is heard mostly. Knowing how to say who and what you are, what you do and whom you do it for, that's it. Not everyone can sell, but anyone can tell people about themselves and what they do. With leadership, it's about knowing your strengths and playing to them in make up for your weaknesses. It's not simple as ABC but doable in 123 steps and once mastered, the feeling inexplicable.
In conclusion: being a leader is easy if you are the material. Success is attached to the type that attracts it. The baddest challenge with leadership is power, it seduces the gentle soul and reminds it how achieved it is, and that's the trip tat for many successful leaders. Should you be strong enough to suppress that, then you're well on top of your enemy heads and walking allover them. Leadership is a fight, success is a struggle, you just need to be who you are for what you are...
[1] by KgeleLeso