[Unconditional relations]

How many times have you been in and out of a working relationship? What was your dominant challenge in all the cases of you that led to breakdown thereof? Are you working on mending those relations or yourself or readying self for better next time? Will it be possible to get it right in your next attempt, and why? Please ask yourself that before thinking of trying again for it's important for your career growth.

For me, after tapping into the pool of a myriad of business relationship experts, came with a drawn conclusion that male counterparts lack a nurture of honest and unconditional engagement with one another, hence the rate of broken working relationships. Men as colleagues and business partners aren't being deeply out about their feelings in relation to what they truly want out of their commercial relationships. This leads to a high deal of dissatisfaction and cause one to quietly choose exiting the opportunity as it ends up turning into what they weren't hoping for in the initial stages.

It's a know fact that men deal with their feelings differently compared to women and same occurs in leadership roles. Men tend to act out unlike women talk out, and if a man meets up with another who is by default outspoken, quite often electing to deploy a quiet diplomacy in dealing with him. It's tough as heart to heart gets unfortunately clouted by the much swamping mind to mind which results in ego clashes almost all the time. Masculinity is a buffed morph to a personality of many a man, and tackling it cautiously drawn out as soft and weak, and not worthy of your position.

But then, how many of us have sat selves down and retrospect our engagement timelines with others to diagnose the main elements of our failed attempts at making our collective dreams come true? Sad thing is, we're at most going to find us as the real hurdles to our successes. It doesn't mean men solely fail primarily of their nature as the chief proponent as it'll be counterintuitive as the very men succeed in making big strides.

In conclusion: men are far complex than women as with them you just never know the end of their diversity, but a secret fought tooth and nail for to contain I guess. Men face endless security battles daily against the fairer gender and other men for scarce resources, impression for opportunities, negative perceptions, and needing to share those frustrations and pains. With that said, it doesn't say men needs to be weak, but to normalize talking more openly and transparently about themselves to others. Many of us failed to grab availed opportunities simply because of being men and acting tough as to not be seen as desperate and vulnerable, and for those who went straight in labelled as weaklings and queer when they progress. What should be sought is education for a man on him and his self-regulation, and him relating with another, and hopefully a better generation will be bred. We need to have unconditional relations as a species without shame for the betterment of selves for those we choose to form meaningful relations with...dp 

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