[End year parties]
[Does power pay?]
'Power corrupts, but pays if you're sane in it' [1]. But my question is; "does power really pay or hard work does?" I keep struggling in terms of this. I believe it may well depend on the type of power it is and how you obtained it if we're to be fair.
[Giving is mandatory]
'Diamond shade a better shape than its own form' [1], the message I got from some young pastor on my way to a family gathering. I asked him what it meant and he looked at me and said: "how often do you give than give back?" and left me with a thousand words to piece together for a question to ask back.
[Project sequencing]
In conclusion: project sequencing isn't as popular chord as the sung chorus of who runs the project, but forgotten if not known it shoulders the showy manager. It cannot be appreciated by all but anyone who is experienced enough will tell you about the importance of mastery of that in perfecting the project's outcomes with met date lines, on budget, and zero snags to count. Project sequencing is that intrinsic part of expertise the new day employer and project commissioner focuses on from any profile of the main contractor or service provider, so, grade your skills set according to not trending keywords but rather key crucial skills. Be scarcely rare as a sought-after party than an afterthought partly...dp
© ddwebbtel publishing. 2K22.
[Patience a vital currency]
I saw on Twitter a clip of Jack Ma in 1999 with 17 people in his apartment, selling them his dream for Alibaba. It's quite fascinating how clear he was on his vision and how ready he sounded for the rough journey ahead. This reminded me of a briefing I just attended not so long ago for a new exciting journey in a startup I got invited to join in, of which I did.
Remember the story of Samson's defeat by Delilah? Look around you and you're to recognize there're many of them in both your career life and social life. The Samsons of today aren't of strength in their hair, but are blessed with special kind of powers that they don't protect the way they should. Be Solomons of the new world and be the smart thinkers with the power you're reckless with.
[Tuff love]
Some hates others because of it, but true bonds are strengthened by that. I know it makes it hard to practice as some fear the level of despise that comes with being labeled negative, rude, bitter, and all other words for tuff love. People are comfortable with leniency, fragility, etc. in dealing with them. Tuff love is necessary but not appreciated in many quarters, and the reason being it's manner of application.
[Take sides for gain]
Taking sides is tricky though in that it isn't permanent in both fraternities however you look at it. One may side with you in a specific issue but not in others, or be for the sake of someone or something in the picture, or be because of whatever reason, but sure thing is that long-term siding is a rare find as a position to hold in the worlds of business and politics. With personal and group gains in sights, taking sides has a bad way of coming back for a bite and it never miss the sweet spot unfortunately, hence it's important to be calculating in your allegiances, whether in the short or long-term. Know the value of your gains, your worth depends on that...dp
© ddwebbtel publishing. 2K22.
[Reshuffling your cabinet]
How big is yours? And how small can it be? How you decide on it entirely up to you as the controller of your destiny. It's a wise decision to have a consultry and a cabinet, or a fusion of both in one if you are a leader. The formation of this group of your surrounders should be informed by the size of your operations or of your entity. Truth is, having them a cost that's but a worthy bud to your growth stem.
[The first time]
Nothing excites and terrifies the soul's core like doing it for the first time. Be it a soft or hard activity, it shakes you innate. We all go through that and one thing we can't lie about is the countless times we experience it on almost daily basis. The challenge is that not all of the experiences gets registered because we at times go through our first time without any fanfare to the occurrence. There're those though who're too observant and do get to be aware of many of their firsts that most not really care of.
[The jail of life]
[People love working for bosses]
The last resort is to build a solid invisible wall to shield you, and this is by your behaviour. Make sure they don't have that room for allowance to be in your face always. Give them room but limits to your corner. For that you have to develop a thick skin but works. People love working for bosses unfortunately, nice leadering is weak leadership, so, build that persona in you just for that specific purpose. Let them feel your crown, it's important for you to lead with success...dp
© ddwebbtel publishing. 2K22.
[What if dore is the correct spelling?]
With so many formulae to life, success and control, wonder how right are we of things we loudly declare wrong and right. What if death was to be danced for? And what if music was meant to be listened to in silent still mode? Think of the wrongness to wrongteousness and the rightness to righteousness, to cut it short.
[The new PDNE]
"Kindness kills commerce, hence every successful one is unkind to the not have" [1], so she said to us when closing. Those were the words of a partner's friend during a chat over a relaxed conversation at his home. It was quite an eye opener for the fact that no woman in my life has ever uttered such to me, the reason why they stuck.
She actually made a couple of good valid points but that one remained locked in to me. Truth is, I've heard people say such in many ways a man may put them, just that somehow a woman has a subtle way into a man in word, and with where I am now with my life, managed to shake me into a true wake.
[1] by copyright control
[2] by KgeleLeso
[Guide your history]
[1&2] by KgeleLeso
© ddwebbtel publishing. 2K22.
[Teach your talent to carry you through]
If it gets tiring it ain't for you they say. The tricky part about success is its thought palettes around it. Almost every person you can talk to about success, will have this or that to teach you, but trouble is finding those sayings useful is just another story. But then, along your journey of growth into your pursuit you come across some thought provoking teachings that will leave you empowered if not thirsty for more.
[Enterprise development made easy]
When was it your last time hearing, watching or reading about enterprise finance made easy? Chances are it has not been long. But, then, how useful is it to those in need of it?
Many start-up businesses are in dire need of capital and but are told they either do not qualify for it or need to have collateral and security before they could be listened to. Then if not that, you hear of sayings that aspirant businesspersons are too choosing when it comes to sectors they want in, something that comes naturally with politicians and cadres deployed in business financing and funding institutions.
This, springs to mind what I heard on the radio that our fund-seeking youths are not willing to get their hands dirty; they choose same sectors that are not industrialized. What these utterances mean is that it’s okay by the government for big financing businesses to class us as same and to apply a one-size-fits-all approach when answering to almost zero funding of black businesses. Thus, leaving us out of the funding line, and having to settle on looking on as immigrants go on taking all the funds deemed “industrialized”. Enough about heads of states' refusal of their failure to create jobs and economic development they promised.
Back to the business of this article: If one chooses a specific field to offer their services to, then to some it’s a problem. I then ask myself – what happened to freedom of choice we so much hear of?
We have many finance vehicles of which some one doesn’t even know what their acronyms stands for ‘cause it still won’t be any effective which are in our vicinity but to date I can’t point a finger in lay of claim that the fingered individual or group of persons have been assisted by them. It goes to show how bad things are. A lot could have been achieved if only they had given a chance to ideas that they encounter from time to time instead of pushing political agendas.
The other thorny issue is that of rental space for businesses. They claim to be housing businesses with dignity at reasonable rates but just go to their offices to enquire about office space you’ll come out reeling with shock. To me, I believe had they thought of developing smaller players from the word go, then there would have been provisions for start-up rental to encourage longer stay in the rented spaces and proper growth of businesses locally, of which a different case applies.
Many a small business fail due to rental being the core of their fall. If space could be affordable, we won’t witness the rate in which shops opens and closes.
Enterprise development corporations or institutions should employ people who have first-hand experience in administration, management and other related skills sets needed to run a business as their analysts, advisors and consultants. Thing is, it takes a brave man to go against the comfort of conformity and security to go into business. Don’t get me wrong here – it’s just that it’s not that easy to start a business and some fail in their attempt in it because of their quick buck making thoughts. If you want quick money, you’ll lose out dismally.
So, it is very paining and discouraging the way in which this brave job creators are handled at the so-called “business financiers” at the hands of inexperienced personnel. We have high unemployment rates and yet those offering a way out are shunned out as “clever ones” as some of our presidents labels them, and as such receive a cold shoulder by the less clever ones for their creative and innovative solutions.
In conclusion: as citizens, we ought to give pressure to the government to relax the red tape that’s hampering job creation attempts and to also stop fooling us with tax coffers eroding schemes of playing around with new institution names with but same faces and bad ways of poor service delivery.
Perhaps one day those in the hot seats of financing institutions will wake up and have a change of heart as regard the power of small businesses in their ability to turn the tide of unemployment. But, for now, it remains a case of maybe one day there will seat someone who will make it easier for businesses to obtain finance without being sent from one useless face to another clueless one...dp
[Brokenness in hope]
Nothing is as intense as hope, yet as sad as reality. When you mix the two, you come back with a lesson. The reason we have a lot of alcoholism and substance abuse is the result of the inescapable facts of life lessons we encounter at times. Though not the reason for all who are doing so, but they end up as an answer for a whole lot of them because of being made statistics of failure.
[Sing in praise your glory]
[Discipline isn't self-suppression]
It never cease to bother me how some of you remain justified about your standpoint of seeing discipline as a form of suppression to self. How is one feeling like that about something as positive as that simply beats me. I believe it's a must for any person to be self-disciplined sans any foreign force or thought.
[Back to your foundation]
When you build a nation, build one that is founded on questioning the yeses, the no's, the why's, the who's, the hows, the whens, and the wheres. A nation that is founded only on truth, trust, respect and love, is not the best to deal with some of its future challenges in that it missed an opportunity to build a solid foundation.
[Importance of love in respect]
Respect, the heartline of leadership. Who knows of a leader who isn't feared? But then again, it shouldn't be that fear of their capabilities but rather abilities. If you're a leader it comes naturally to be a figure worth respecting with but an element of fear. Many enjoy it and but are those whom just don't at all, like me. Fear isn't a good start unlike plainly respect with set boundaries.
[Political apathy rewards]
Penury a harsh political apathy reward to the perfidy. Life is a course that depends on your cause of lead in living it. When it comes to how you make out what you are from the form shaped in your image and name, none can be of better charge than you.