[Take sides for gain]

We all are caught up in one for a moment after the other in our lives, a challenge of having to take sides between allies is one aspect of coexistence that we just can't live without. Then, still on that note, comes enmity and rivalry, two of the main ingredients in business and political relations. If you don't know as yet, chances are it's still on its way, or you aren't active, or be it purely lucky.

Allies disagree and clash everywhere over this if not that, and if you're in business and politics you know it's a norm and order of the day whenever the parties are more than one. So now, what do you do to resolve that? Naturally, it all the time head to where you are faced with the challenge of siding with one in them. In partnerships such dilemmas play out more. But, one thing I sort of like about choosing sides, is the play out of one's wit and social intelligence.

When you have to take sides, look not at the emotional impact of your decision but rather the practicality thereof. Taking one's side is a sacrifice on its own and if not do it right will suffer the consequence of just that. There should be a gain for you first before the party you side with. Respect your future in your choice by securing the interests of your head, and do so with awareness that it won't be the last time you're ever to do that as they'll expect same of your choice in future.

In conclusion: it's no secret that business and politics are riddled with personal draws of your both personality and character, and such being said, meaning you can't hide whom you are as a business person or a politician. With being yourself you're bound to churn out your true colors, a grey denominator that others will be assigned to its subjection of either tolerating you or tossing you out.

Taking sides is tricky though in that it isn't permanent in both fraternities however you look at it. One may side with you in a specific issue but not in others, or be for the sake of someone or something in the picture, or be because of whatever reason, but sure thing is that long-term siding is a rare find as a position to hold in the worlds of business and politics. With personal and group gains in sights, taking sides has a bad way of coming back for a bite and it never miss the sweet spot unfortunately, hence it's important to be calculating in your allegiances, whether in the short or long-term. Know the value of your gains, your worth depends on that...dp 

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