[Patience a vital currency]

I saw on Twitter a clip of Jack Ma in 1999 with 17 people in his apartment, selling them his dream for Alibaba. It's quite fascinating how clear he was on his vision and how ready he sounded for the rough journey ahead. This reminded me of a briefing I just attended not so long ago for a new exciting journey in a startup I got invited to join in, of which I did.

"My people, today we are here filling seats around the table, but one honest truth is that on the day we truly start, after many false starts, we won't be as all. There'll be empty seats, and that's the nature of it for I've been through this before with others in other entities" said the opportunity bringer upon our first sitting. I am today reporting to you now that in just 5 new weeks we are 1 soldier down. He was right. This is a known tale for many of you who have started something with others. It's rare to start and reach the end goal together.

I once said this too to others: "starting a business is like a voyage. We all prepare with excitement and but when day comes to board the cruise ship, be that some can't afford the cost of staying in, though having afforded the ticket". It's not a story that the first 3 - 5 years are the toughest, and it ain't a joke. Patience whilst pushing is the currency you'll need to have to stay in. To another, 5 years can give them a degree and a year's work experience, so, why not pursue their career instead of chasing after a cheap dream sold as vision that might not even materialize after all, sold by someone with a glittering academic credentials? People want to be safe and don't want to be wasted their precious time.

Nothing is as tough as exhilarating an opportunity experience as selling your vision to the next with an empty stomach that's at will choosing to grumble. It tests not only you, but rather also the mettle of those you're pitching it to. The toughest part is walking the process together and sharing the same bottle of water and eating papadams and paninis in your way to success.

In conclusion: it helps, as a leader, to now and again be checking with those who're holding on to your loop. Be displaying your gratitude to them and their strength will be rejuvenated. Truth is, every leader needs a right-hand-man and a firm believer who'll keep assuring others to march on, that's important for him to have focus on their vision.

We all start with a dream, and remain forever with a vision to sell, nurture and grow into, but bear in mind it all get protection if you are able to afford that vital currency; patience. Stock pile on it if you're to make it...dp

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