[New way to a dream]

It takes an idea to plot for itself a place in the mind of a dreamer. When you're young the definition of a dream a far off reality from the true concept the dream is to a grown up mind. It but all come from the similar source. How you dream today isn't how you dream about the very idea from then, for a dream evolves with time as you grow.

The dream can be in many ways but find the life plan for you not moving parallel with it, and that is the sad part about it. Dream starts with what you like and develop into a want that gets stimulated by the sight of another who has achieved it or by sighting an object of your desire. What we aspire for may be same and how we want to achieve it may also be same, but how we achieve it be not same.

But then, dreaming gets shaped by one's exposure and environment. I always hear people talk about dreaming the same dreams or dreaming together, yes I do get that, but I don't believe we'll dream the same dream all the time. The outcome always vindicates the real want that the exposure and environment had shaped for one. The true taileron to the core principle that holds the aileron of life and success is the line between goal and dream, as dreams we may have same but achievement of goal not be due to influences of our dissimilar backgrounds.

In conclusion: if you find yourself stuck with the same dream for over a decade, know there might be something missing in your mark of achievement. Life long dreams and childhood dreams gets bettered from time to time so they can be relevant and achievable. New realities influence the thinking and so should the desired outcome of idea of your aspiration. It doesn't say you should abandon your dream, no, that'll be selling out your wish. New way to a dream draws from maturity, growth and logic, and so should you...dp

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