[Serving the purpose]

What I’m to say here is simply about giving an alternate between career and monas. As the selves we are, each has a sole purpose that may though in sync with others, is but unique in its launch.

Each has a certain way of doing things that distinguishes them from the rest. The secret to that unique approach and sense of execution does not come from us, but from some source that we all ought to know and honour. That very source is the reflection of the unique you that makes me also a unique sole. To the source’ [1] (being God), we all are his metal ploughs that no matter their different sizes are but of same importance to Him as each has a row to make (a purpose to serve).

Theocratic purpose

God gave us two gifts when we were born; the first is ability to learn, apply knowledge and sustain ourselves, and the second gift is that of giving back. If one does not serve his intended purpose, it literally means that they are neglecting their existence worth in God’s ecosystem - hence theocratic purpose.

Each of us has their own designed career in God’s kingdom. It is through that that we ought to channel our gratitude. Its mode of spread is oral, visual or acting. It’s only the soul in connection with the source that’ll dictate to the sole which element to elect.

In God’s way, there is no performance measure put in place, but rather an extension of the innate drive to do; that to Him matters the most. Again, to Him, how long it takes one to respond to the calling is of no importance. What we should be concerned about is being an active participant in theocracy conduit.  

Conquering by the radius

When you give back, you start by doing so in your own vicinity. Touching the lives of the very ones next to you is empowering bilaterally in that what you plough will see you gain favour with God and those imparted your gift experiencing the effect.

As beings, we do in numbers as we are in numbers whilst God does wholly. People are physical beings and God a spiritual being and, that translating to the fact that He rules with absence and we do in presence. He is limitless and we are limited in the sense that we give back with presence in current spaces we are planted in at a given time, one person at a time replicating results in graceful leaps whilst He is with each everywhere at any given situation strengthening us to serve more.

Unify formal self with spiritual self

To many, career is only about the formal side of themselves. What they tend to forget is that career ‘professional advancement’ is not bound to that only facet, but also ‘a progress through life’.

Therefore, anyone with a professional advancement can, if not should, marry that front with their progress through life. Some are fortunate to have had that in them. In any situation of formal self, one needs to reward God by aligning that with their God given purpose. For instance; "if you are an educator, don’t just teach to help learners pass, but rather capacitate them for life[2]. Lead the active purpose role not the passive one. Be the reason the next soul met good in their life (who you are should better the other with what you are). 'Be the first in self and the next self to the self next' [3].

This does not end there. Some formal selves do  "dark jobs that are to society deemed dirty and taboo" [4]. "From that, carve a cleansing niche to aid your taint to remain purposefully afloat[5]. Serving the purpose should come naturally, not be forced, and thus the abandonment of self-praise in doing so. Be modest in serve and God will sprinkle his mercy upon you, not by fluke but by certainty.

Purpose is not a test. Purpose is an expansion of successive evolution. How you serve today should form base for near future relevance. What you serve now must be the platform for tomorrow’s conformable ensemble.

Purpose as a ministry

To me, purpose is a ministry and, each monad destined to serve its own in its own way. All are titled in collectives but entitled to serve in own’s twist. With that said, question is: “Am I the material for the purpose for which I’m to serve?” and also that, “how honest am I to my purpose?      

Purpose is not some phenomenon that one goes out in scrounge of, no, it actually lie dormant therein, waiting for one to ignite it. Just like passion, purpose never wane off. Purpose manifests in active souls. It should be noted though that as a power tool, it be handled with utmost care as it can easily corrupt careless self-justifying souls – thus being the material or not for the purpose. Again, “do my actions and ways qualify me for the purpose, or am I a misfit?

Truth is, purpose starts as a mantra ensconced deeply within each soul that through stages spew bits of a sole’s ministry. None is above their purpose. We are only below par or on par and also no competition as none has the biggest purpose as we all are here to serve in interfuse with other soles’ purposes. It is a complex union that is bigger than our combined alter egos.

In conclusion: purpose is about personal touch; it’s about syncretising differing ministries via one’s divine gift and spread through presence not semblance, it’s a movement, thence “serving your purpose by the radius”.

This should not be a flummoxed matter. Purpose on its own weighs respect, humbleness, inner peace, common love and calmed nature, with which all its elements ennui iblis. Wherefore, listen to that voice within, and you'll have no reason to nix your purpose...

'Don’t wear the thought. Dress the idea instead' [6].

[1] Dr Wayne Dyer.  Ambition to Meaning: The Shift ,DVD. //(p.04 aug 2009)

[2] Chawane Lawrence. Conversation about the state of South African education system. //(02 jan 2014)

[4]  Mahlatse Sojourner Modise. The Ministry Speaks: Light conversation about purpose. //(11 dec 2013)

[5] Morrel. The Ministry Speaks: Light conversation about purpose. //(11 dec 2013)

[3] & [6] by KgeleLeso

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