[Break away aftermath]

In politics, sports, marriage, friendship, partnership, and religion, there's always a break away from the one you rooted for and at times claimed as the best and are prepared to die for. But then, in a moon's shadow hear that that self-proclaimed supporter has defected from or defeased their affiliation or allegiance. This's just the nature of anything done in joint, it has probability of a split.

When we form any entity, there're different ways to it. The formation may be a union or organization or movement, but what is sure to happen is that there's a way of doing it and that alone a build up to a bind. It doesn't matter if it's a formal or informal thing, but the bind by nature brings with a bond that breeds a culture and secrecy that accompanies it.

What one should ask during the formation of the bind is what to do after the failure of their relationship, suppose it reach a dead end. This isn't negativity or doomsaying but rather a factual forethought that deserves a place in the formation phase, else you'd be lying to selves if avoid the subject. Truth is, the most of people who break away from a particular faction or group to the other do harm in order to be accepted into the other, and what they say or do a betrayal of trust had in them. So, what to do with such in such an instance?

In conclusion: a break away a cultbust on its own that deserves a measure of nipping it at instance if not at source point. Any sole that turns its back on its promise not worth of existence and extolment. A traitor of trust if not made to learn their wrong is unacceptable will not cease. A big "if but" is when the promise wasn't followed by "what if you surrender?" question.

The break away is natural phenomenon of any bind it's a known fact that just needs a structured channel or procedure to it's mutuality. How you build should be in sync with its demolition same as take off having a landing. What is clear is the justification of dealing with deviation from the set mutuality agreed to as a collective during formation. And but, the deep water horizon to penalties and other ways to the element of that break away remains a skysill left to the collective to navigate its turbulence with clean break.

A break away aftermath should be a continuum not a damage to where you were. It should be a move that doesn't leave a bitter taste in others mouths, so, be that example of showing the correct way to it by following internal protocols...dp


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