'Even with all the the technological machinery a farmer may have, he cannot work his land alone sans the help from others' [1]. The same good you want for yourself should be for the other. For some its not possible to wish good for another no matter their relations, they believe all the praise should be directed to them only. It should take the same amount of energy you put in your own prayers to put behind others as well, so they too meet their luck. Doing so freely a sign you're ready to grow sans being threatened by growth of others.
It really doesn't do any harm to your success or being to grow another person. If you see the next needing a stepping stone and you advance to them yours, you indirectly advance yourself too. It isn't worth hoarding all the world's goods for self sans sharing. What greater good does it serve to have one carpenter carving stools for 300 lay persons alone, while they could teach 2 lay persons the skill of carving their own stools so they tomorrow can do for others and make a living from that.
When you help others to do good, it gives you a feeling I can't literally describe, but living you lively. Better is when they succeed through that effort of yours and thanking you. Nothing truly beats that. But then, be this daunting feeling of seeing potential in someone and but not allowing you to take them to where they want. It leaves you with a bad feeling. At times this results from age difference, philosophical approaches, market dynamics, and archetype misfits. But one thing for sure is that it's painful wishing good for another who's believing and seeing things differently.
In conclusion: it doesn't help forcing your knowledge on someone's vision if they're not open to inputs, especially from you at times. However they want their dream to be, let them be. Bear in mind that as a people we're wired differently, and as such should embrace the fact that even in commerce we won't lead or partner or follow asame, and that's the beauty about life.
How'd you feel if someone came and took over your dream? Think about that on the one rejecting your help. Sometimes it's not about hate for you but rather one wanting to learn their own way for success their own way, and you being a part going to rob them that. Truth is, not everyone wants a quick success, and not everyone wants shared praise, so let them peacefully be and only attend to them on what they specifically asked of you sans going overboard to avoid jinxing it. Learn to give help with only hints of what it can be before how it should be done. But then, the bottom line is it's painful wishing good for someone who isn't seeing it...
[1] by Kgele Leso
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