When everything goes right we may forget to point at you, but should anything go wrong we're quick to point at you, and that's the nature of it, and it's called leadership. Collecting points is lesser than losing them because people are easy to spot wrongs instead of good things to praise you by, and so is in how faster it is spreading bad news compared to good news. People are better judges as recipients of bad news as than with good ones.
[Powerhouse game]
[Who are you in leadership?]
The crisis of leadership the world over is a subject no longer a small problem that can be swept under the carpet. How leading is defined an interesting topic of late. Do we really know what is needed to lead in today's set up? When is one ready to lead? There's a lot to look into in the area of leadership.
[Unconditional relations]
In conclusion: men are far complex than women as with them you just never know the end of their diversity, but a secret fought tooth and nail for to contain I guess. Men face endless security battles daily against the fairer gender and other men for scarce resources, impression for opportunities, negative perceptions, and needing to share those frustrations and pains. With that said, it doesn't say men needs to be weak, but to normalize talking more openly and transparently about themselves to others. Many of us failed to grab availed opportunities simply because of being men and acting tough as to not be seen as desperate and vulnerable, and for those who went straight in labelled as weaklings and queer when they progress. What should be sought is education for a man on him and his self-regulation, and him relating with another, and hopefully a better generation will be bred. We need to have unconditional relations as a species without shame for the betterment of selves for those we choose to form meaningful relations with...dp
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[A product of your choices]
Life is an option. An option that is festered with choices and decisions, both tied to time and right. How you take it as you see it, only history of your actions will revert to you with its results. But, one thing you should recall is the type of your person as a factor of good or bad to those outcomes. The character and personality adorned by you are the first indicators of what's to be, in that who and what you are shaping the embassy your shell entity gives off as a unitized reflection of your fascicled embodiment.
[End year parties]
[Does power pay?]
'Power corrupts, but pays if you're sane in it' [1]. But my question is; "does power really pay or hard work does?" I keep struggling in terms of this. I believe it may well depend on the type of power it is and how you obtained it if we're to be fair.
[Giving is mandatory]
'Diamond shade a better shape than its own form' [1], the message I got from some young pastor on my way to a family gathering. I asked him what it meant and he looked at me and said: "how often do you give than give back?" and left me with a thousand words to piece together for a question to ask back.