[Powerhouse game]

When everything goes right we may forget to point at you, but should anything go wrong we're quick to point at you, and that's the nature of it, and it's called leadership. Collecting points is lesser than losing them because people are easy to spot wrongs instead of good things to praise you by, and so is in how faster it is spreading bad news compared to good news. People are better judges as recipients of bad news as than with good ones.

When you lead, you need to be ready for such opponents and blind ghosts of doom on your daily shift. Doing good isn't a clap-hands-for-him/her kinda vibe that you should be counting on whenever you do your job, whether it's publicized or not. What people don't know is that it's damn spirit breaking being in any position of lead. Not to be confused with fronting, to lead is a whole different story on its level of own that looks attractive to an outsider who's aspiring to be in your thought to be glam position.

I too used to aspire being at the helm and when time came I was hit by a reality blow that none really prepped me enough for other than being told to grow a thick skin and nothing else to support me. You just need to be in position to nurse self your feelings from all stakeholders from all angles. People will respect you yes but at the same time not be on the same page as you all of the material times you counted on them to. The same could be said about partners, not all want to see you succeed and don't act surprised cos whether you like it or not, where you are someone else is wishing it were them and doing better than you.

If only we could find predecessors who're truthful and sensible enough in the journey, would we fare better. Leading at the end of the day pushes you to become rude and anti-social, elements that we've come to accept in associating them with leadership, and it ain't right to. Leading is supposed to be a joy than a burden, a job that fulfills than daunts, a position of inspiration not discouragement, a leader needs to live not die in spirit. Being a leader is important and interesting if you got well prepped for it.

In conclusion: pray hard for self's mental health, fight hard for strength to contain your madness, counsel self hard for great wisdom to deal with energies of doom, and work hard at solidifying your position with the entity's executive vision for your tenure legacy, reason being that sometimes we aren't rightfully advised of the reality that at the helm there's shelf life and at times we just reach its sell by date sans even knowing it and be forced out ruthlessly via corporate brutality mannerisms that leaves one in quagmire dumps. Being in a leadership position you need to be fully connected with your surroundings before your surrounders as you never know what the next corner may have in stock for your unknowing self.

The saying that there aren't many real friends amongst those true friends is well alive, and leaders live in that shadow of category. As a leader, everything you are relies on the soundness of your mind, from all your decisions to executions. We judge you on nothing more than those you get respected by. A leader is 80% wrong before they're 20% right, know that and you're well dressed for the verse.

One last thing; during my days of leadership prepping I was learnt about observations, something those who underwent executive leadership program knows. The first one is: "The order of the day unfairly privileges the lighter skinned, the moneyed and the user-friendly" [1]. This's self explanatory and as simply concised as put. The pale skinned people are the ones who gets the first look of favour in all opportunities that results in status upgrade, while those that are low in status left for third graders as they are low in status, hence you see dark hued people bleach and apply skin lighteners to up their chances thereof. The moneyed gets recommended first in opportunities and are given an ear in most cases than those not. Money buys freedom, gives liberty, guarantees contentment, and a better view by the ones below in aspiration. User-friendly is being that one who is flexible for almost any opportunity that may be presented to them, and is ready to oblige to the entry requirements and easy to work with. As a leader you find yourself not in line with those are out of the circles but as a runner in the outskirts of the powerhouse game, and guess what; you ain't got favour of protection...dp

[1] by Tha Uilt Mont. (2001). "Syncrita_the polity society." Observations, observation (0) 
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[Who are you in leadership?]

The crisis of leadership the world over is a subject no longer a small problem that can be swept under the carpet. How leading is defined an interesting topic of late. Do we really know what is needed to lead in today's set up? When is one ready to lead? There's a lot to look into in the area of leadership.

Many do know that everyone is a leader by default, that evidenced by how you manage self first before extending it to anything and anyone. But, in the midst of the thought of that, what's to be of one who fails to manage themselves? Do you go on and entrust the person with leading anything or anyone? It's a tough punch to throw that's dependent on honesty.

What the basic ingredients are of good leadership another spike in the dosage of reality. There're many focal points to talk at length about only in that challenge that faces leadership today. It can't be fair yet true when one laments today's leadership crisis honestly. Just look at what's done in every sphere of life where leadership is involved and tell me what good there is to boast about except lies, greed, abuse, hate, lawlessness, and many other bad examples you may think of coming from the breed of leadership quality we're now subjected to.

Leadership a calling or a skill? Seeing how hope for the coming generation is dashed by current crop of leaders, what's more to draw out for any future leaders if they're to be inspired by the mindset carriers of this day's influence? The day's youth are in for a treat if they want change as the gates are open given the flooding of tools of enabling. Trouble is, the audience is no more into quality but rather populist path in whom to follow, and sadly the choice is who's more entertaining than appealing. The situation of late is a sham that's making life a scary hell of a scam to live.

In conclusion: who you are as a leader a big challenge. Whom you shape your self as a quite interesting part as well, as a follower or supporter of self? The crisis of leadership a pendant that's out for show. Who are you and what do you stand for matters more than anything else now as a leader, and so, should work hard to define that about you. Good leadership is about responsible response to the threat that a bad faithed leader would react as and contribute to the crisis leadership is in...dp

© ddwebbtel publishing. 2K23.

[Unconditional relations]

How many times have you been in and out of a working relationship? What was your dominant challenge in all the cases of you that led to breakdown thereof? Are you working on mending those relations or yourself or readying self for better next time? Will it be possible to get it right in your next attempt, and why? Please ask yourself that before thinking of trying again for it's important for your career growth.

For me, after tapping into the pool of a myriad of business relationship experts, came with a drawn conclusion that male counterparts lack a nurture of honest and unconditional engagement with one another, hence the rate of broken working relationships. Men as colleagues and business partners aren't being deeply out about their feelings in relation to what they truly want out of their commercial relationships. This leads to a high deal of dissatisfaction and cause one to quietly choose exiting the opportunity as it ends up turning into what they weren't hoping for in the initial stages.

It's a know fact that men deal with their feelings differently compared to women and same occurs in leadership roles. Men tend to act out unlike women talk out, and if a man meets up with another who is by default outspoken, quite often electing to deploy a quiet diplomacy in dealing with him. It's tough as heart to heart gets unfortunately clouted by the much swamping mind to mind which results in ego clashes almost all the time. Masculinity is a buffed morph to a personality of many a man, and tackling it cautiously drawn out as soft and weak, and not worthy of your position.

But then, how many of us have sat selves down and retrospect our engagement timelines with others to diagnose the main elements of our failed attempts at making our collective dreams come true? Sad thing is, we're at most going to find us as the real hurdles to our successes. It doesn't mean men solely fail primarily of their nature as the chief proponent as it'll be counterintuitive as the very men succeed in making big strides.

In conclusion: men are far complex than women as with them you just never know the end of their diversity, but a secret fought tooth and nail for to contain I guess. Men face endless security battles daily against the fairer gender and other men for scarce resources, impression for opportunities, negative perceptions, and needing to share those frustrations and pains. With that said, it doesn't say men needs to be weak, but to normalize talking more openly and transparently about themselves to others. Many of us failed to grab availed opportunities simply because of being men and acting tough as to not be seen as desperate and vulnerable, and for those who went straight in labelled as weaklings and queer when they progress. What should be sought is education for a man on him and his self-regulation, and him relating with another, and hopefully a better generation will be bred. We need to have unconditional relations as a species without shame for the betterment of selves for those we choose to form meaningful relations with...dp 

© ddwebbtel publishing. 2K23.

[A product of your choices]

Life is an option. An option that is festered with choices and decisions, both tied to time and right. How you take it as you see it, only history of your actions will revert to you with its results. But, one thing you should recall is the type of your person as a factor of good or bad to those outcomes. The character and personality adorned by you are the first indicators of what's to be, in that who and what you are shaping the embassy your shell entity gives off as a unitized reflection of your fascicled embodiment.

The role you play in society a clear take away of how conscious you are to your being. There's a lot to life that you burden self and others with that in actual fact had you had a different way to leading your life would've turned out better, but it doesn't say you do wrong almost all the time. Your opinion of self a magic trick to whom you build innate for a projected self that we'll either enjoy or dispose memory of being with. Remember, in life, it's told that you start with what you are to doing what you want to become, and but do remember that what you become is for not only you but by you for others, so, opt wisely. 

To everything there's more than one way to it, and leaving you with the task to choose which to go with. How you choose determines your future with that decision made. Life guarantees grants on rehearsals only for shows and not to actuality occurrences, and what rests 'pon your shoulders, is exercise your applied role in your existence mortalized and choose to either soldier on regardless your wrong take or do a retake by applying the latter option. Any person that you meet goes through that very dilemma in their role each day same as you, and whom and what they are, a direct result registered of their diverse choices they made to options they were faced with. You go amiss or apt, it's all in how you are.

In conclusion: what's your rhetoric of existence? Does your epitome alignment resonate with the pattern your frame of being is fashioned? With the material you  consistently continue to be, are the high rise damp challenge to the course of quality or quantity you become to the outcomes of your life. Thus, the laps in  your lane should conform to the way of your own life not another's, hence it's of crucial importance that you know vitals to your root in souled verbatim. Carve a sleeker logorrhea about you, a bitter ensample to negative. Be a good product of your choices...dp

© ddwebbtel publishing. 2K23.

[End year parties]

Year end parties are a good note to wrap up the season. Good as they may, there's something wrong all the time to draw out of them whenever they're held. Most of the time it's from the employees side. It's behavioural things like racist slurs, sexual harassment, thrown punches at times, etc. that comes to the fore and ends up ruining the fun and one common element is alcohol.

How we choose to consume free alcohol is a slap to my thought. A party can be a controlled function if we can start seeing alcohol as just beverages to spice up our fun and maybe we won't abuse it. The rate of its intake is a worry. But then, that shouldn't be the only singled out element in that how we dress for the occasion another instalment to the disaster premium.

A lot of unfinished business gets revisited during the year end party, and it spells danger in caps. In some companies employees are allowed to bring their partner whilst in others not, and where it's allowed a common course to step on differently on the day as people tend to behave in a different manner when in the presence of their spouses or better halves and loved ones, and you failing to step on egg shells on the day may have bitter consequences.

The other issue is that, secretly employee career prospects and advancements gets laid on the review table and scrutiny bang on them. It ain't a fair practice but for the employer a good way to sifting spoilt ore from pure grade extracts. Employer invests in employees with expectations of good returns there from. If employees can wake up to the true purpose of office parties for the grey denominators they are, then a lot for them wouldn't be that hard come resumption of the next round of production cycle.

I'm conclusion: your place of work is first your space of energy plied for conversion in principle to measured productivity outcome, and as such employees should factor that thought whenever they step in. Any other activity outside of that common objective shouldn't count as part of the primaries. So, as a system to the main back feed of the employer, mind your actions whenever you're zoned in that space outside of your job description for your longer days in the shelter of their mercy. Yes, I say mercy because a job is now an obvious case of being under the mercy of another who took a risk that includes placing you in a responsibility bind position with expectation of performance and sustainable development of their plans. As such, be mindful of whom you choose to be when they want entertainment out of you as it might be your last twerk of your life under their mercy not of the year. Be safe on the trap board with the knowledge that it's always secure seated at the edge...dp

© ddwebbtel publishing. 2K22.

[Does power pay?]

'Power corrupts, but pays if you're sane in it' [1]. But my question is; "does power really pay or hard work does?" I keep struggling in terms of this. I believe it may well depend on the type of power it is and how you obtained it if we're to be fair.

It's true the topic of power fascinates a few much as it terrifies a lot. We can't shy away from the most obvious fact that power destroyed many characters that we used to admire and looked up to and reduced them to personalities of shame to associate with. The challenge is not to be put on power solely but largely on us the society on how we relate to position of power.

In as much as we love calling out horrible names in shaming the power corrupted, deep innate we wish it were us being them enjoying those fruits of bravery and boldness sans ever meeting with hard work on our thought avenue. Deny it we may but we individually know we all crave the soft life and privileges power brings in truck loads. So, then, what's one to do in order for them to not turn out to be exactly as those corrupted by power, you may ask. Trust me on this one, I yet am to find an answer to that as it's plain hard to fight corruption because it's situationally and circumstantially opportunistic in its nature.

Power gives you leverage, status, fame, network and attention, all the elements of one's heart's desire, hence it's hard to show it your door out. Power has strength and again has weakness, it snug where there's plenitude of warm vacuum, and mostly it creep crawls into depths of want to cultivate the breed of greed, soul anarchy, dominance, all the wrong pop reasons for it to be allowed in, but who am I to say? To paint it as bad, a left side thinking, and to leave it uncondemned a mislead. In honest fact, power demands responsibility and if none furnished, then to try discipline as default.

How much is enough for one head still a debate that cracked skulls for decades and maybe with the new great reset may cap it. But then again, talking of which, those in position of imposing the terms should also have a limiter to their powers and, as such can't win it either way except accept in general that power we need and can't be and do without, and but seeking will by those in possession of its trueness to handle it with utmost care.

In conclusion: it matters not who you are and where you are placed as what, power feels no blood nor ethnicity. One person once asked what's the use of too much power as it's used to oppress, bully, frighten, and kill the already weak for more control, more dominance and more power. Really the good in power got long tampered with and its benefits blanketing a select few that makes the rest feel the wrath of their rule. But, as for me, from now going forth I'll start searching for the beauty in power, and just maybe I'll know how to look at it with that eye for what it is and work hard to acquire my own piece of it. And but then, back to the topical question, yes power does pay...dp

[1] by KgeleLeso
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[Giving is mandatory]

'Diamond shade a better shape than its own form' [1], the message I got from some young pastor on my way to a family gathering. I asked him what it meant and he looked at me and said: "how often do you give than give back?" and left me with a thousand words to piece together for a question to ask back.

Once arrived, I went on to ask one family member what they made of that saying, and she said: "how totalitarian are you in approaching your giving? Is it heartfelt or obligatory?" then I knew it was an earnest message worth sharing, hence I now do. I believe in learning but what I've realized is that one needs to be attentive of what they take away from lessons. Getting home I took my dictionary out and dissected the meaning of the message I got, and came to a conclusion that giving is mandatory.

When you give, it shouldn't be out of force, we were told. But, why are we then taught to give out of guilt? If you have more that you've earned through having worked hard you're forced to think about the needy and the less fortunate. Why not force those needy and less fortunate to give back for receiving from the haves? Why is it so bad for one who has to be labelled for not giving? Isn't it a choice? And if so, 'cause it's so, why coerce the haves to pay wealth taxes and other forms of value extraction taxes out of their hard work? Why mandate them to give honestly? Why so much anger and at times hatred on the hard workers who give so much in opportunity to dignity through jobs, joy to the disadvantaged through donations, and so forth?

We hear of the 1%ers everyday as if they do bad whilst actually doing good for the economy. Again, we all make the 1% of something at some point, it's only that we don't put much thought at all those less glam hogging issues like 1% of non in cheating, 1% of the incorruptible in the corruption infested workforce, 1% of rainbow lace priders out of closeted after 9s and DLs, etc. Why allow to be taught to give free lip service to hate for no reason, support the racist peddlers, feed free loyalty to brands that cares less about you, and do sans questioning? Just know that you too are mandated to give, and worse, freely. Look at where you are and what you have, and ask yourself if you weren't taught to just receive sans giving back, just how truly things would've turned out for you.

In conclusion: giving is heartfelt to only 1% of the 100% of the 1%ers, sadly they don't get the worthy mention because it's obligatory not to by those select few who're supposed to, but it's fine. Churches wants tithe, another classic example of mandatory giving, exorbitant dowries too, but thing common is how it feels for one after giving...dp

[1] by KgeleLeso
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