I saw on Twitter a clip of Jack Ma in 1999 with 17 people in his apartment, selling them his dream for Alibaba. It's quite fascinating how clear he was on his vision and how ready he sounded for the rough journey ahead. This reminded me of a briefing I just attended not so long ago for a new exciting journey in a startup I got invited to join in, of which I did.
[Patience a vital currency]
Remember the story of Samson's defeat by Delilah? Look around you and you're to recognize there're many of them in both your career life and social life. The Samsons of today aren't of strength in their hair, but are blessed with special kind of powers that they don't protect the way they should. Be Solomons of the new world and be the smart thinkers with the power you're reckless with.
[Tuff love]
Some hates others because of it, but true bonds are strengthened by that. I know it makes it hard to practice as some fear the level of despise that comes with being labeled negative, rude, bitter, and all other words for tuff love. People are comfortable with leniency, fragility, etc. in dealing with them. Tuff love is necessary but not appreciated in many quarters, and the reason being it's manner of application.
[Take sides for gain]
Taking sides is tricky though in that it isn't permanent in both fraternities however you look at it. One may side with you in a specific issue but not in others, or be for the sake of someone or something in the picture, or be because of whatever reason, but sure thing is that long-term siding is a rare find as a position to hold in the worlds of business and politics. With personal and group gains in sights, taking sides has a bad way of coming back for a bite and it never miss the sweet spot unfortunately, hence it's important to be calculating in your allegiances, whether in the short or long-term. Know the value of your gains, your worth depends on that...dp
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[Reshuffling your cabinet]
How big is yours? And how small can it be? How you decide on it entirely up to you as the controller of your destiny. It's a wise decision to have a consultry and a cabinet, or a fusion of both in one if you are a leader. The formation of this group of your surrounders should be informed by the size of your operations or of your entity. Truth is, having them a cost that's but a worthy bud to your growth stem.
[The first time]
Nothing excites and terrifies the soul's core like doing it for the first time. Be it a soft or hard activity, it shakes you innate. We all go through that and one thing we can't lie about is the countless times we experience it on almost daily basis. The challenge is that not all of the experiences gets registered because we at times go through our first time without any fanfare to the occurrence. There're those though who're too observant and do get to be aware of many of their firsts that most not really care of.