I recall one old woman saying to her lazy daughter that: "you know my girl, day will come when cleaning will be a highly sought after job, and you will never get that opportunity to be one. Treasure this broom and you'll thank me later. So, start today with your father's house to ready yourself while I'm still alive". But then, it was like she was talking to herself.
[A nation of lazies]
[Worthy to value your year]
If emotions were to kick feelings out, will there still be a point to acknowledge pain or happiness? I don't know what to make of that question, but I just treated it as a statement. For me, it all whisper a brittle sentiment in soft whistles. But then, the year has reached its fold and in ushers the new one.
[The leader in command]
Some people are good at running a business but not managing people. The thought of having a certain type of an individual being a leader leaves one with bile strolling through their veins as they just don't have what it takes. Leadership is about charisma, people-centricality, presence, vision, and system before other aspects.
[1, 2, 3 & 4] by KgeleLeso
[Liberate your thinking]
To think in boxes spoils the thought tank, and how much it takes to restore the waste of used reserves a river to back-fill. How people view liberation an ignorance begging for a full course in liberty management. Free reign attracts to you the same crowd as the blank cheque spenders, the type that just don't know how to make of trust in them to do right and know what's enough for their value.
[Approach on opportunity attraction]
It takes years of hard work for others to be wishing and dreaming of you as an ally, associate or partner. For people to be like that around you, takes a serious achievement. What every person gets attracted to is who you are, whom you associate with, what you are, where you make your living, your mobility mode, and other statement making things of status. But what they all forget is that those things they’re attracted to are yours and in no way will they be theirs unless through joint arrangement like marriage, partnership or co-ownership, and such aren’t easy and not applicable for just about anyone.
Being cool by association can be equated to entitlement and faking it till you make it. Being close to someone who’s made it doesn’t tend to benefit you in most cases as the one may be keeping you near them for something you do for them that’s profitable to them, or for recreational purpose, or for security purpose, but whatever it may be, it is against what you’re after. It’s sad to be telling someone about a business idea you have and have them tell you to stop joking, it says explicitly that they don’t take you serious and have none other than yourself to blame. How you approach a person of interest or of value to you, should be direct and not be any other way. You find someone go to an opportunity bringer while they reek of narcotics or alcohol and expect to be taken serious and listened to, or be that you have too long around such a person and after they read your weaknesses be then thinking about talking business with them, no, that won’t work at all.
What opportunity seekers should learn is that the best time to talk business is when nothing about you is known and have the opportunity bringer be after your profile, not any other way. Be interesting, not too much. Don’t take an opportunity bringer to your floozies and be star struck and expect to be saying anything worth listening to after. Be organized, presentable and if be in what you’re working with the better as it shows you mean business. Why should you go meet an opportunity bringer with ties because you’re ashamed of the overalls you don when you’re on the tractor with or working that gearbox with? Proposing business is about more what you are before whom you are, so let it come forth first.
Sad seeing some spending more than they could afford so as to be seen as all that for impression, or spending so they could court their target, and but that not working all the time in that what you’ll be saying shouldn’t present a mismatch from your act. Appearing cool needs to be sustained and that’s costly. When you are in seek of assistance, just be frank and unapologetically go after it. Being cool by association won’t help as you may mention some names and piss your opportunity bringer with people who won’t even do anything for you. State your case and be judged upon that.
In conclusion: if go in first time as a funny man you’ll be making an impression that you’re that stress reliever and forget about any money to you about anything serious beyond that, and that’s the nature of business. Be careful of how your presentation is to people all the time. It looks good being in the company of achievers but your behaviour is key in how they see you because they’ll only want to do something with you only if you prove to be worth their risk. Also, lying with unsustainable truths not worth the impression put on. Being with them doesn’t automatically say they’ll assist you, and you telling them to do for you and throwing tantrums after their failure an own goal too. Stick with your first presentation and die with it else you’ll be viewed in a bad light and that’s worse than keeping quiet with your aspirations...dp
[Ordinary citizenry]
Words like “ordinary man on the street” and “ordinary citizens” bore me to perishable state. I don’t know about you, but as for me, anyone using them and still be calling themselves a leader is a worry to note. Thing is, ordinary refers to deficient quality, inferior, average, and all other uninteresting meanings that actually demean and belittle those they address.
What this translates to, is that the one calling others ordinary is extraordinary and important, hence they be driven in escorted blue lights and guarded in almost all spaces they occupy to show us they aren’t like others. In case you’re wondering, on this one I’m addressing politicians. Something they should underline in bold is that those in business aren’t ordinary, and that they’re even more important than them who sustain their lifestyles through worn out rhetoric and empty promises. Newsflash is: “below ordinary is where you’re slotted.”
The sad reality is that the very citizens you belittle are finding themselves in positions they are because of your below average thinking and reasoning capacities. It breaks my heart witnessing how you fail yet haemorrhage taxpayers’ money with poor decisions taken. Thing is, with politics there’s no calculated moves because accountability is a foreign misconstrued conception by the ordinaries ruled over. It’s a very sad and sorry episode to be in and having no power because some of the ordinary elements fight from dawn to dusk for their allegiance to them.
isn’t a usual in the world of business because the cost of a miscalculation is
accounted for and punishable unlike with the below average bleeders of
governance in lead. Anyone who accepts they’re ordinary should take another
look at themselves and think again. Saying you’re ordinary is a mockery to your
bearer and creator. Think of your fingerprint, everyone’s is unique to show you
that you’re not ordinary. If we were ordinary, then we would’ve seen by
intellect, your thoughts should be poorer to the myriad of hoarded political
leaders shelved in many parliaments of this world.
In conclusion: don’t conform to preconceived standards that you’re shoved with via media, you’re an exceptional being that is manipulated to see and think of self as below great that you are, never allow that. Judge yourself by your ideas and skills, and you’ll realize how unmatched by them you are. Put your head up for you’re better in an extraordinary way, as an exceptional being doing extraordinary things ordinarily...dp
[To be teachable is a blessing]
Being self-conscious of your knowledge limit is one of the brightest measures to gauge oneself with honesty by, to avoid embarrassment and self-hurt. It’s not to say that you need to lower your esteem or develop inferiority complex attitude towards self, no, but simply being reasonable with self for your level of knowledge. To not know and declare it is much wiser than to not know but hide it in that there’s danger alone in doing so.
What people should realize is that if one doesn’t know it doesn’t say they are foolish or stupid, or worthless. What non-knowledge of something should be seen as is an opportunity to learn and as nothing below that. Anything that’s new to you presents a chance for something new to know. If only we looked at things like that in a different light then we would’ve been far off as a nation, and also wouldn’t be looking at someone who’s non-knowing differently.
Our attitudes are clouted by unnecessary thoughts to life and its things. What others say about life and its things also influence the thinking machinery in us. If we take life as it is and be still in it then we wouldn’t treat one another same way we do like it is always. We need to remember that our understanding of things and people won’t be same and so is our education levels, and should respect that. Some of us lack that very basic education of understanding the outer workings of education in its uniqueness that makes us interesting beings we are and you a unique subject of interest.
In conclusion: to be available for a learning process is a big favour unto self and an extended benefit for the nation as a whole. What you learn is a positive thing for not only you and your akins, but for the industry you’re in too. The gains of education are huge if your soul and spirit are wholly invested in it, should you allow for self to be teachable. Know that to be teachable is a blessing in that you attract good things to self that in the end gives you growth that morphs your importance as a person you are. Be teachable, and you’ll see what a blessing it is...dp