[Access your acceptance]

'Your haircut is just a hairdo until someone spots a flaw in your hairline'[1]. A hairstyle is like a house design, it depends on the stand it's built on. With a hairstyle, we can have the same but the head size and your hairline won't be the same, and so the way it looks on us will be different.

'At times beauty attracts not the beholder but the hater thereof' [2] for it depends on the eye that sat longer on the subject and also the target it appeals to. What you are to those seeing you should be a true  affirmation of what you are or trying to be. Wanting to be all things they call out on you is like chiseling a moving shadow that has no shape to start with, so know what you are in want of that which you seek for self. At the end it depends on what you trust, the people's sayings or the mirror, to get to your truth for you.

Being in control tramples the thought of being in charge, and but in the finishing line still to need the one in charge. What's big to come out to be still determined by the one in charge. 'Life unfairly fair in its static form of truth' [3]. Those in control are kinetic soles who keep runs to and from other related kinetic soles who receive their regulation from static soles, thus they in charge. It fascinates how chains of command are and used, and taking a comprehending sighter to spot the flaws of the hairline not as mistakes by the hair stylist, and pathologically accepting the patent defect unequivocally.

When you are led you need to come to terms with that, when you fall you must acknowledge the fact, when you aren't good enough you should admit it's not for you, and that's acceptance. Blame is good if constructive and, in return building ground for a better retake not in defense of the state but in support of your chance on stage once more.

In conclusion: to whom do you owe the first truth? What do you do to erase a foul relation memory? 'The history of motion pictures lies in not their length but in cast and their numbers sold, the trail mark that's their parvenuism' [4]. It's the reality for anyone involved and same is in everything in life, taking fact as is to heart and learning to accept the status of the moment sans challenging it. How you arrive to acceptance of fact as truth a process so delicate to one in that it gets molded by your truthfulness to self. Ability to access your acceptance a stem from your attitude towards life, reality and willingness to base from there. For some to accept is a tough pill to swallow than it is to deny and blame.

Access to acceptance a sign of readiness, situational awareness and embracement, and growth, and those are what makes you eligible for a chance at making it quicker and with lesser effort in that help is afforded easily. Be open to your understanding of the need for your availed room for acceptance. Your need of others and their things in your life have to come from your honest mind to reality facing YOU, and being true to that reality a bold position for your advancement to favour, with the thought though that favour goes bi-ways. Be vivid on what you accept so it be clear of your stance...db

[1 - 4] by KgeleLeso

[Being a leader is natural]

So, you care. You do that with each and every employee? How many are they? How long do you invest your time with each? When measure that, does it make any impact on the bottom line? Being in lead a deep touch on most issues in relation to the nexts, almost all the time because leading is about people and our interconnection before any other thing. It but causes corporate frictions the minute it hits the board level. This making me ask myself why something so good be seen and treated as bad? What do they fear that the good can't seem to see?

Being a leader needs balance on a whole lot of issues before they turn to their performance and other related issues of management. The leadership manuals do teach and guide you on what to be and do, how to be that and do that, but it never deal with the who you be and whom for. A leader comes as a package. We can't talk about a leader sans mention of their ownness, thus their individuality.

As a person first, a leader comes from a family and goes to a family after work same as everyone, a leader meets challenges that makes them lie to protect self or others, a leader reacts in some situations, we can't fail to remember such when they're caught up in smoky corners. It's a tough job being in that position, envy them you will but blame not when occasionally step out of character in run with personality, for in their shoes kick offs feel different than it does in yours.

I, for one, cheer for a leader who cares more about the employees than they do for the employer. But, good as you and me would like, they still have their set fiduciary performance requirements to meet. So, the danger to their meeting of targets is in them getting too close to employees in that it creates the risk of low productivity brought by the familiarity borne out of closeness with them. Again, a leader should create sustainable expectations, and time spent with employees may be distorted along the way due to busy work demands that may cause a negative sentiment. Employees may feel neglected as a result of that.

Employees are demanding, management is demanding, leadership pressurises via inbound and outbound competitiveness, governance adherence and, private and public responsibilities. If you want to lead, best you know that. The golden rule for anyone in that position is to get a good advisor, a kick-ass right-hand man and a two hearted life partner, and your job will be fun to do. For you to meet each side's needs you just have to align self with that rule, and just maybe you'll be yourself in your job.

In conclusion: being a leader isn't hard but tough and difficult as it challenges your mannerisms, skills set and knowledge base. It's a test of character to your personality, a builder of the being to better if not corrupted by the power that comes with the position. Leadership is a way of life for the humble and a way into life for the opportunist. Only you will know where you fall, but, being a leader is natural...db

[Grow your glory]

A lot of times 'a wrong decision in the eye of a critic is best to the thinking of a comrogue' [1]. What I tried to understand for a long time is the meaning behind this saying that "no comment is still a comment" and to date still not getting any substantiveness in it. But then, plainly, one does comment anyway 'cause it's a statement, albeit with no meaning. My point here that I'm putting forth is what one wants to achieve when making a decision to say or act out.

When you comment on an issue you are expected to convey a message of info on something to update or announce to the media or any party that's your audience. Putting out a message is a serious matter in that it's in a way a selling point for you to grow your glory through. Any platform of message conveyance should be treated with care as what you put out may come back to bite back at you in the future, so be responsible when giving out a statement as you're your own ambassador.

Of late, social media handles play a major role in vetting, whether you're a businessperson or employment seeker it's same, as such one needs to tread carefully as you never know what tomorrow brings. Also, how you decide is important, no matter what the issue or topic is. How you grow your glory goes with how you decide on your angle of tackling issues. People judge you on that and share with others what they conclude on you.

In conclusion: we live in a different time and we need to respect how we respond to that. The ways of connectedness gives off a lot too quick without us controlling any over what we do when in social spaces. It doesn't matter what you are and where you are, spectacles of gloom and glory are always watching, while ears are ever glued to the grounds for murmuring echoes of good and bad, ready to share before verification. The game of today is "who broke the news first?" and that also ravaged the quality of media. What still dominate the brain line is how one grow their glory. What for and how do you like to be known? It's up to you to draw your attention line...db

[1] by KgeleLeso

[Leave in power]

There's a difference between leaving and resting, you need to get your point across when you're intending to go. When you issue a statement it should highlight that, "your intent". Fact is, leaving in simpler terms means pulling out for good while resting meaning a pause to your course.

Saying goodbye not a simple thing to say and worse to recipient is how you say it in do before turning your back for good, leaving behind all and everything you got used to. But saying your last bye a sign of emotion, considered decision, growth and pressure from demanding better for your standard. At times you just feel it's your cue to withdraw from the scene that's suffocating you, as there's a lot to consider like one's freedom, time, feelings and opportunity.

It's usual for one to outgrow their environment and people around them. It sometimes be because of unresolved recurrent tendencies, fear of stagnation, and other related factors. When one takes a stance to leave you, it's hard, painful and disappointing, but it should be viewed as an opportunity for you on your side for a retake in your given back space usage, your reposition, your regain, and a chance to experience your feeling in that period. You learn from everything and that too a lesson for such an eventuality in future.

But then again, find that the person saying is leaving isn't actually meaning to, but just trying to send a message across. Doubt throwing technicality I suppose, though a move too risky to pull in some instances. And also, leaving should be clearly and explicitly communicated to avoid misinterpretation of it to taking a break from the movement. Be loyal to your intent and convey it in the best way it won't be a surprise to you for the reaction you get afterwards. Say and do what your mind tells you to, not test what others may do in return.

It's a sad situation to throw your toys into the play tray and have none ready to play with you. In so saying, never try what you won't be ready for. Say goodbye with assurance that you're certain of where you're going 'cause when you say it we respect it and do as expected; grant you a one direction passage to exit.

In conclusion: at the crossroads you either take a left or right, but one thing to note is that you take a left if you are in charge, and the right given to the one not in charge to choose between following you with a redress or go for good. And if choose to exercise your right to follow the one in charge for a redressal, meaning you'll have to be knowing whether you're to move forward together or be that you'll go back to the crossroads and do a retake, of which the final decision to rest with the one in charge unfortunately. So, take a left and leave in power only if you're in charge to avoid quixotic vexing of fortunes...

[Bide your time]

With time mistakes are made, with time solutions are found, with time created opportunities lost or used, and with time we wait for what next is to come. The one thing that is common in all those times is you, the user of time. Now, with so much value put in time, what would you do to extract worth out of that value?

Time carries regret, hope, healing, and moments flooded with sharing, caring, willingness, and protection of others. It's a good thing trying to be there for the next, but trouble is being there for them is at a cost in that you're bound to help where assistance is sought, and what if you can't afford to? We at times risk with other people's resources and but for how long will it last? What one ought to do is offer their support in the form of advice, being there with, and not promise to give what they can't.

I know, for people who can't hold back it's tough to sit back and fold arms but the truth is at other times a necessity to avoid future cost on you emotionally, physically, financially and worse, reputationally so. You personally sure know of someone who lost because of their kind deeds. This shouldn't say that one should refrain from helping and rather see it as a reminder and a warning. It neither say you should start being selfish, even though a must in some instances.

Sometimes one falls into the deeper ends for others and end up suffering in the name of trying to help. Again, be mindful that some people are there for you and or including your family and not for your extended members, and you asking for their assistance on behalf of the other a damage on your relationship with them because maybe it's only you they afford to help, and not the other way round. Hustling your own help for the next isn't on as it translates to you passing your supposed cost for glory to someone totally unrelated to the situation.

In conclusion: await your time to afford helping others on your own accord. It's a grim picture seeing how kindhearted ones are being used by emotional blackmailers, don't fall for that, especially if you're to go out with a hand stretched out for that. It's good and fulfilling to help, but do it because you can before you want because of the position you find yourself in. Be cogitant for your own sake, for help goes with responsibility for undertaking to avail it, and roping others in that a sign of irresponsibility on your part.

Saying NO to a help seeker not a bad idea to justify, as it's for saving self and helping them too in that saying no to them the best possible thing you could ever do for their help. And piece of a friendly advice; take time to work hard at building self for yourself, to can then afford lending help to the nexts 'cause riding on others' backs for your help of other not so on. How long it takes to build self isn't an issue, what's important is to have timelines to add value into you. Whether you use it or spend it, is entirely up to you the life liver, so, bide your time...dp

[Dissect your relations pulse]

Like possessions dear to one. Some relationships with some people are so valuable to you more than those people care to know at most sometimes. The time and care put on them a sure giveaway that sells you for what you see in them, have in them, and want to grow in them.

As you grow, with every year dusking an older number to the dawning of a new number in aging, you review the past year's plan for its execution or failure and its results if ever having had moved on it, and that's called retrospection. This alone will give you a clear picture of your path alone and your life with others.

What you are to self in comparison to others should highlight your direction with those you spent time around, and if it doesn't look the part to your plan, should know what next you are to do in stepping into the new phase. To be what you are to whom that isn't that to you is a waste of your capital resources, and have to enter into every new year in add to your number not only of age as just a natural course but rather an opportunity to start anew, to invite growth in your life, to practice what you are sans fear, and be that pride your purpose yearn in you for its shine. Lead the revolution of your evolution, you owe it not only to your self but also to those depending on your what you are.

The relationships between you and others are generally an ideal place to reflect on your presence in build up to your future, and that solely a start to your strategic revamp. Be careful of what your success says to you. What it means an extent of that which is of you from what is communicated by you in deeds mostly than it is orally, for it's a colourful real time statement we read you by always.

In conclusion: your enhancement of value is reduced or accelerated by you as its own curator. None will nurture your spirit, its hopes and dreams, and direction sans your active role in it. What others are to you should at all material times say back what you are and mean to them, and how you either respond or react totally in your power. The people who'll say out your worth in no words are those whom you help, trust and surround yourself with. Be sure to benchmark their draw backs with feedback from strangers to establish your true stance on them. The question left for you would then be; "am I the one in need of their circle or them in need of me in their circle?" Dissect the pulse of your relations with every being you chose to be near to, before your closeness to them, to elude leaping into another hole of self-deception...dp

© ddwebbtel publishing. 2K21.

[Conditional trust]

Muted honesty, rival pretence and selective support, these are some of the critical aspects of conditional trust. It is painful, and those who are experiencing it or have had will tell you. Having someone trusting you conditionally is a big deal if you get to be doing things for or with, in that chances are they don't like you fully or at all, and using you to get ahead. This ain't preternatural but rather a behaviour that's common in many a relationship we find selves locked in.

I say "locked in" because some of us are bound by honour to our word and those electing to be conditionally trusting of us knowing they're protected by that. Being truthful to such a person is burdensome to say the least, and what they don't know is that we see right through them but just choosing to keep up with their ill wicked bible ways. The danger of that is its enabling nature to breed dislikes that leads to splits that are strengthened by failure to weed out the root cause.

The most discouraging factor in human relations is the outsider elements, they have influence on things afar from them yet be afforded audience on conclusions about things that they don't know the real causative narrative of. Such elements are good at pinning perceptions and, the distrustful ones by nature gets their ears wired to the grove of the spiralled diasporan hypocentre. Trouble is, 'once trust is mislaid, it riles amok like a yellow eyed mauve bull in endless bouts to out a rectahedral rink kraal' [1].

It's hurtful to discover that the person whom you trust doesn't trust you same. It at times result from what we did to trigger that distrust and but sometimes be purely out of one's precaution from own observation or be because of others. Many families, relationships, entities are broken on the back of that because after discovering the one you bet with doesn't bet with you, as they trust you less. Truth is, trust me conditionally and I cease mine on you, and being near you a choice left only to a serial tolerant few.

In conclusion: treat your mind in shake to this; 'epibole a sweet chorus to a sole that loves the sound of a broken record' [2], and if such type happens to be an epibiota to your system, a worse case dependency arrangement of kind. And but, what remains to dot in whole punch is undermark finer jots and tittles of their deeds, that's if you're interested in the makings of their peril sort to your being...dp

[1 & 2] by KgeleLeso